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Reference books Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Reference books

About Time 1 (Seasons 1 to 3)

About Time vol. 1 covers Seasons 1 to 3 of “Doctor Who,” focusing on the William Hartnell era of “Doctor Who” in mind-bending detail…

1 8 May 2009

Doctor Who – AHistory

Covers the whole of the “Doctor Who” TV series up through the 2007 season starring David Tennant…

0 8 May 2009

Companions And Allies

The Doctor has been traveling through space and time for centuries, showing his friends the wonders of the universe…

6 12 Nov 2008

The Time Traveller’s Almanac

From the Fall of Troy to the Apollo Moon Landing, Shakespeare and Agatha Christie to the Gelth and the Reapers…

0 12 Nov 2008

Doctor Who Files

Who is the Tenth Doctor? Find out all about the Doctor, his friends and enemies, technology and travels…

6 11 Jun 2007

I, Who 3

You’ve seen the “Doctor Who” TV series–now experience the original “Doctor Who” novels and audios!…

0 16 May 2000

I, Who 2

Earth, the 20th century. A Time Lord known as the Doctor, lacking an identity, past or agenda — but still the most dangerous man in the universe…

1 16 May 2000

I, Who

The Doctor, Time’s Champion. The Eighth Man Bound. The Ka Faraq Gatri. No matter where he goes, no matter how hard he tries, he cannot help but effect change…

1 16 May 2000

Time Unincorporated Volume Two

In Time, Unincorporated, the best essays and commentary from a range of Doctor Who fanzines are collected and here made available to a wider audience…

1 16 May 2000

Time Unincorporated Volume One

In Time, Unincorporated, the best essays and commentary from a range of Doctor Who fanzines are collected and here made available to a wider audience…

1 10 May 2000

