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Story books Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Story books

Doctor Who The Underwater War

In The Underwater War, the Eleventh Doctor and his companions are on board the Cosmic Rover, a spaceship orbiting the water planet Hydron. Joining the crew

0 19 Apr 2016

Lethbridge-Stewart Moon Blink

Back on Earth, Anne Travers has learned she is about to be visited by an old friend from America, Doctor Patricia Richards. Lance Corporal Bill Bishop is aware…

1 16 Feb 2016

Doctor Who Battlefield Target Book Reissue

A UNIT nuclear convoy, stranded on the shores of Lake Vortigern, becomes the focus of an incursion by knights from a parallel reality. In this other world…

5 13 Feb 2016

Doctor Who The Water Thief

In The Water Thief, an ancient artefact awakes, trapping one of the Eleventh Doctor’s companions on an archaeological dig in Egypt. The only way to save . . .

5 18 Jan 2016

Doctor Who Horror of the Space Snakes

In Horror of the Space Snakes, people are mysteriously disappearing on Moonbase Laika. They return with strange bite marks and no idea where they have been….

2 18 Jan 2016

Doctor Who The Good, the Bad and the Alien

The Doctor treats Rory to a trip to the Wild West, where they find a ghost town full of sleeping people and the Black Hand Gang; outlaws intent on robbing the local

4 18 Jan 2016

