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B&M 2020 The War Doctor & Dalek Scientist Figure Set
To find your nearest store visit www.bmstores.co.uk. Please ring (option 3) to check availability before travelling.
Please contact www.bmstores.co.uk if you require more information.
The Product codes for the new 2020 items are as follows…
- The 3rd Doctor and Tardis set Product code 357656 £19.99.
- 2020 Big Finish Doctor and Dalek Sets product code 357657 £19.99
You can search for these and previous sets on www.ebay.co.uk. We strongly recommend however you try your nearest store first in the coming days or wait for prices to stabilise as happened last time.
Character Options is proud to announce the next batch of products to be released as part of its Doctor Who master toy line up, with four new sets going on sale in B&M on March 4th, 2020.
These four new lines are the first of many new releases to be announced this year.
Revived from limited edition lines, these incredibly popular classic collection sets have been refreshed from their original releases with new and exciting features for fans to enjoy.
The War Doctor & Dalek Scientist Figure Set is based on the Big Finish Doctor Who audiobook – A Thing of Guile. Complete with all new War Doctor figure with black weathered jacket, red waistcoat, darker hair colour and recoloured spats. The set also includes the Dalek Scientist which features new paint decoration including a Pewter blue dome and hemispheres.
Please keep store sightings to the Stocks Arrive Post if possible.
March 6th, 2020 - 7:25pmWhile I have nothing but praise for B&M and how they’ve kept the 5.5″ Doctor Who line alive and the fantastic sets they’ve released (particularly last August’s gorgeous eight set wave) I wish there was an easier way to get them than this!! Waiting and hoping for them to arrive in stores any feeling of excitement is totally matched by a equal feeling of stress lol !
Independently cross
March 7th, 2020 - 7:05amCompletely agree with every point there. Brief joy, immediate panic and stress for up to several weeks, followed by sometimes relief, sometimes severe disappointment. It’s genuinely a horrible process and can be so difficult for customers without time/transport. But, as you say, I love the range, too, and so grateful we have a store in the UK supporting it like this. I’d happily pay to a nominal fee to ‘reserve in store’ and ‘click and collect’, though.
March 7th, 2020 - 6:24pmI totally agree, and well expressed. I wish there was some kind of ‘reserve in store’ system, limited to one or two of each set per customer. Would be so much better for people’s nerves.
I don’t do too badly in getting to my B&M store as I am within a 15 minute walk from work, and can make time. But the Dalek and TARDIS sets sell out so quickly that you’ve got to be there within half a day of them being on shelves really. I’m not too confident in asking in store, and definitely not on the phone, but that’s what you need to learn to do really.
Independently cross
March 9th, 2020 - 9:58amThanks, Steve. I agree with you, too- not at all confident either, especially by phone, but the lowest chance for success is just turning up and hoping. ‘Click and collect’ would solve so much of this for customers who just want personal use items, and doesn’t impact sales at all if it’s a purchase made at the point of reservation- if anything, it helps monitor stock control needs more accurately. Fingers crossed B&M could give it some thought.
March 20th, 2020 - 4:25amSadly I no longer bother with B&M in trying to find stores that stock them & all the hassle it entails. I have purchased all off of ebay during the last 3 years & it’s all completely stress free now – Lovely!
March 6th, 2020 - 5:07pmI’ve just bought this from the Brunel Retail Park store in Reading. They have all 3 Dalek two packs at the moment.
prototype dalek
March 5th, 2020 - 9:30amSeems more accurate to the actual audio design which is good with that added blue
March 4th, 2020 - 3:47pmAnything in Tolworth?
Independently cross
March 6th, 2020 - 1:37pmPossibly heading there later- I’ll let you know if there’s any sign.
Independently cross
March 6th, 2020 - 7:31pmPosted on the ‘stocks arrive’ page- basically no and they don’t think small stores like that one are getting this range (but it’s such a large order I find that unlikely).
March 4th, 2020 - 3:34pmB&M have gone through the whole rainbow for the Dalek hemispheres now they’re moving on to 50 shades of blue beginning with pewter blue. Recession? What recession they all say as they roll in my money.
Li H’sen Chang
March 4th, 2020 - 12:57amLoving the colours on Hurt here! Passed on this set the first around, but almost certain to grab one this time around!
Independently cross
March 5th, 2020 - 5:41pmIt looks so great here.
Dalek Rabe
March 3rd, 2020 - 11:19pmDid they alter the colour on the Dalek or is that just the way its photographed?
Li H’sen Chang
March 4th, 2020 - 12:58amAlmost a certainty that colours have been altered. Looks as if the grey has been augmented with some much welcome blue.
Ian Cotterill
March 3rd, 2020 - 10:19pmI picked up the original version of this set fairly recently. I wouldn’t mind getting this variation as well with the semi-TV Movie Doctor wearing his hat.
Ian Cotterill
March 3rd, 2020 - 10:23pmSorry, I meant for this comment to be given to the seventh Doctor set.