Dalekmaster17’s Collection
Dalekmaster17’s Collection
11 7 Jul 2011Dalekmaster17’s Collection
11 7 Jul 2011After a Blue Peter competition in 2010 in which viewers were challenged to design a TARDIS Console, Susannah Leah from Todmorden in Yorkshire, then aged 13…
11 7 Jul 2011This 70th edition of The DVD Files contains the Fourth Doctor adventure Image of the Fendahl
3 6 Jul 2011With Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space, the power is in your hands! You can go anywhere or anywhen in the universe. It’s not going to be easy…
12 6 Jul 2011The Doctor, Amy and Rory join an undersea exploration ship on the planet Hos in The Underwater War. When a virus infects the crew, they discover the ship…
12 6 Jul 2011On the planet Xirrinda, terrible tiny creatures swarm down from the sky in Rain of Terror. Can the Doctor, Amy and Rory help the colonists escape from the alien…
6 6 Jul 2011Shane’s Collection
13 6 Jul 2011A previously unannounced Character Building “Super Rare” 11 Doctors set is currently sale, it contains 5 variants, (1st, 4th, 7th, 9th and 10th Doctors) and is limited to just 100 Units…
221 6 Jul 2011Can you sit still For just a second? I need to do a quick scan of you – to make sure we got rid of all the Daleks that invaded the magazine last time!…
63 6 Jul 2011One day, nobody dies. All across the world. With all the extra people, resources are finite. It’s said that in four month’s time, the human race will cease to be viable…
11 6 Jul 2011One day, nobody dies. All across the world, nobody dies. And then the next day, and the next, and the next, people keep ageing – they get hurt and sick…
46 6 Jul 2011Greer’s Collection
16 5 Jul 2011Character Building Eleven Doctors Set. Most micro-figures include an accessory and all include Doctor Who display base. Features all 11 new and classic series Doctors…
336 5 Jul 2011The currant issue of TV & Satellite Week has a Torchwood Cover. The magazine features Torchwood, The Night Watch, The Glee Project and a whole lot more…
15 5 Jul 2011The first Character Building super rare figures have all been found in the last few days including a Projected weeping angel, Football Doctors, Silurian Alaya’s and a Raggedy Doctor…
468 4 Jul 2011The TARDIS has landed on Platform Five, a floating city in the sky of the planet Jobis, and for a time the Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki get the chance…
0 4 Jul 2011Jake’s Collection
17 4 Jul 2011Jamie’s Collection
20 4 Jul 2011