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July 7th, 2015 6 comments

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All New Doctor Who Adventures Magazine Issue 4

Doctor Who Adventures 4 is set to materialise on UK newsstands on 16th July and promises a summer holiday in Ancient Greece, a Sontaran Extravaganza and more excitement than most Time Lords can cope with in seven lifetimes!

When Clara asks the Doctor to introduce her to Homer, he whisks her off to Ancient Greece where our heroes soon find themselves on the menu for a tribe of hungry Cyclopes. Doctor on the Menu is drawn by Russ Leach, written by Jason Quinn and coloured by John Burns.


The Cyclopes aren’t the only legendary creatures the Doctor has met in his travels, here we take a look at Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts and Sirens!

Ideal for all messy humans; Clara shows you how to make a TARDIS shelf to help keep your bedroom tidy. It may not be really bigger on the inside but it’s the coolest bookshelf ever!

We then sneak into the UNIT ALIEN ARCHIVE to uncover the raging truth about yet another so-called mythological creature… the Minotaur, last seen in the Doctor Who episode The God Complex.

This month, Strax takes a break from his guide to the galaxy and takes you into Earth’s past where he gives you his views on Alexander the Great, Zeus, Heracles and Mount Olympus.


Strax seems to have taken over this issue and this time we are treated to a Sontaran Field Report as Strax relates the case of the House of Sorrows, in which he comes face to face with an alien threat in the heart of Victorian Yorkshire.

Doctor Who Adventures 4 contains all your favourite features, posters, games and puzzle activities and is sure to excite adventurers of all ages from 3-3000!

Issue 4 comes with a Free Doctor Who Stationery Set and a collection of awesome glow in the dark stickers!

On sale 16th July 2015, price £3.99


Categorised under: Doctor Who Adventures, Magazine



  • The Flying Shark

    July 17th, 2015 - 7:16pm

    I bought this issue before from Tesco.

  • lee

    July 8th, 2015 - 11:29am

    Back to the boring pencils and erasers set

    • Anonymous

      July 16th, 2015 - 12:02pm

      Next issue (Issue # 5 – 13/8/15) is more pencils & a Dalek notepad

  • Whovian 4ever

    July 7th, 2015 - 8:54pm

    Ya see I started buying this because it was changed company as I thought the gifts might change and even get better but they just seem to be the same 🙁

    • Gareth Pugh

      July 7th, 2015 - 10:40pm

      I don’t get DWA myself, but I read the editor post on a certain forum that when Panini bought the rights to the title, they also got the existing suppliers’ order book and that, apparently, they are just working their way through a sequence of gifts that the previous publishers ordered ages ago – hence more stationery sets and (seemingly) same-old-same-old.

      Once those have been worked through – and he did imply that the lead times for ordering free gifts was a long way ahead, several months, so it may take a while – then you’ll start seeing gifts that they, the new owners, have dreamt up, and maybe they’ll be a bit different/better.

  • doctor who crazy ross

    July 7th, 2015 - 8:02pm

    Although the content looks better im still not tempted into buying this


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