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February 13th, 2023 25 comments

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The Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1972 Re-Release

The Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1972 will be rematerialising once again.

After much demand ‘The Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1972’ is being re-released again on the 15th February by Terraqueous Distributors.

Originally released back in March 2019, the 1972 annual proved to be very popular with fans. And as a result of that strong popularity, the 1972 annual was followed by the 1987, 1988, 1989, and the unofficial Master annual, as well as an omnibus release that collected previous releases together in one gigantic volume.

And this April will see the release of the much anticipated 1997 annual. And Terraqueous Distributors promise that more releases will follow after that.

But for now, lets concentrate on the 1972 annual, which after a four year wait, is nearly upon us for its second run…

A whole host of star names from the show signed up for the project, including Katy Manning, who played companion Jo Grant, John Levene (Sgt Benton) and Richard Franklin (Capt Yates) – the surviving members of what became affectionately known as “the UNIT family”.

They, and the large number of Doctor Who fan writers and artists have been joined by visual effects wizard, model unit supervisor and author Mike Tucker plus renowned artist Alister Pearson and Wayne Howarth – the son of Walter Howarth, who was the main illustrator on some of the original annuals.

And this is a truly bumper edition. The official annual for 1971 offered 96 pages, while the 1973 annual had 80 pages, but this one comes in at a whopping 184 pages!

The 1972 annual is available from LULU via their print on demand service, and you can order the annual by clicking on the link below:

The Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1972 is a non-profit homage to those old Dr Who annuals originally published by World Distributors.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Steve

    February 15th, 2024 - 10:12pm

    Some people do want digital versions, you shouldn’t speak for everyone.

  • Joe 90

    February 23rd, 2023 - 7:43pm

    Does anyone know if Terraqueous are still planning on re-releasing the 87, 88 and 89 annuals.

  • davidhhh

    February 14th, 2023 - 12:05pm

    They could raise a lot more money for their charities if they made these available for downloading.

    • Bookcollector

      February 14th, 2023 - 1:19pm

      The whole point of these is that they are physical books to fill gaps!

    • Rory

      February 14th, 2023 - 5:22pm

      @bookcollector I agree with davidhhh. I have gaps in my annual already, mostly because I can’t afford to spend hundreds on the early ones.

      Also, some people have limited space/prefer to have digital copies. Big Finish have been doing digital and physical for most of their stuff for years.

      Besides, the official annuals are all getting released as pdfs on the Collection sets (I’m guessing that the Marvel yearbooks will be on the rumoured Wilderness Years set).

    • booboo

      February 14th, 2023 - 5:35pm

      Big finish are a business with the ability to host downloads, i doubt many the contributors who put hours of work into this for a very specific reason to fill real gaps on shelves would want the see their work diluted from physical items to a desk top folder easily shared with no benefit to anyone. That was never what these were about.

      Collectors want real items which is why these have been so successful and keep coming.

    • Rory

      February 14th, 2023 - 5:24pm

      *in my annual collection already

    • Mark @ Terraqueous

      February 14th, 2023 - 8:15pm

      To echo what BooBoo was correctly saying, the purpose of these books is to replicate the original classic annuals, and are intended for like-minded fans who enjoy physical collectables.

      Digital media does have its place, but for me I like to own something tangible.

  • Gazza

    February 13th, 2023 - 5:53pm

    I thought I read a while ago that when the Terraqueous annuals were to be reprinted there was going to be an option to purchase the alternative cover versions that were originally subscriber covers.Anyone any info? Doesn’t seem to be an option with the 1972 reprint.

    • Charity Donator

      February 13th, 2023 - 9:47pm

      You are remembering correctly. Interested parties were asked to make a donation to theTerraqueous preferred charity. Those persons were then placed on a list and assurances were made those donators would be granted access to the contributors covers once the reprints became available. To date only the Colin Baker Annual was made available so with the announcement of this Pertwee Annual one would think the alternate cover edition would be to donators but nothing so far. Several other annuals still due for reissue later this year.

    • Mark @ Terraqueous

      February 13th, 2023 - 10:13pm

      The alternative civet is only for those who donated to the Lullaby Trust during the promotion for the 1988 annual.

      Those who donated, were promised access to the contributors covers of previous releases, including the 1972 annual.

      The alternative cover for the 1972 annual still isn’t ready, but when it is, everyone who donated last year will be sent a link.

      When the 1997 annual is released later this year, another charity will be chosen, and those who donate to the new charity, will also be given access to all previous alternative covers.

    • Mark @ Terraqueous

      February 14th, 2023 - 8:35am

      Apologies for the auto correct typing error above ‘civet’, should of course be ‘cover’.

  • FlatfutJames

    February 11th, 2023 - 4:08pm

    Are these worth getting, I’ve not come across them before.

    A quick Google took me to the terraqueous Facebook page, but I’m still waiting to be accepted into the group.

    I love that cover, I’m tempted by that alone.

    • harrysullivanisanimbecile

      February 12th, 2023 - 12:45pm

      I personally think these books are wonderful.
      a great mix of stories and games, just like the originals.

    • Alan

      February 13th, 2023 - 11:49am

      They are if you’re interested in the older annuals at all. Terraqueous fill some of the spaces where no book was produced at the time and in the theme of that period.

    • Harold Shand

      February 14th, 2023 - 6:25pm

      I have collected them all, and think they are excellent.

      Not cheap, but produced with great care.

  • Kevin225

    February 11th, 2023 - 8:20am

    Is there any update when the McGann 1997 annual is due out?

    • SJS

      February 11th, 2023 - 8:36am

      Yes it says in the article above

      “And this April will see the release of the much anticipated 1997 annual. And Terraqueous Distributors promise that more releases will follow after that.”

    • Anomie

      February 11th, 2023 - 9:44am

      It tells you above that it’s due in april

    • Kevin225

      February 11th, 2023 - 12:40pm

      Senior Moment – ahoy! You can tell I only read the headline! On a separate subject I have a duplicate (bought in error) McCoy annual still in its cardboard box from a few years back.

    • Jett

      February 13th, 2023 - 8:03am

      I would hold onto to your duplicate McCoy annual it could be worth quite a bit in the future.

  • Bookcollector

    February 11th, 2023 - 1:19am

    This one was very good, well worth getting

  • Mark

    February 10th, 2023 - 11:19pm

    Don’t forget the code WELCOME15 usually works 🙂

    • Basil’s Second Boom

      February 11th, 2023 - 7:34am

      Thank you, Mark. Worked a treat.

      My first Dr Who annual was the 1974/5 Pertwee so I’m going to enjoy this.

  • SimonJames

    February 10th, 2023 - 8:46pm

    I missed out on this the first round.
    and the other TD releases have not disappointed
    Ordered without hesitation.


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