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Special Feature: Doctor Who – The Daemons
To celebrate the eagerly awaited release of The Daemons of Devils End we thought we would update our Daemons feature looking at some of the merchandise associated with the 1971 Jon Pertwee Story.
Originally broadcast between 22 May and 19 June 1971 The Damons has long been considered one of the best “Classic Adventures”.
The Daemons of Devil’s End
The Daemons of Devils End is the latest piece of associated merchandise to be released.
Originally planned as a single release, “The White Witch of Devil’s End” is now also part of a 3 disc special release which includes the documentary “Return to Devil’s End” with the 3rd disc concentrating on Doctor Who conventions in Aldbourne.
A book has also been released by telos publishing with a cover to match the DVD and a Limited Edition ^Target” cover (Below Right)
Both Books and the DVD are available to order while stocks last from www.amazon.co.uk
Doctor Who DVD – The Daemons
Released on 26 March 2012 Staring Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning and Roger Delgado and The master.
In the peaceful village of Devil’s End something very strange is happening. A professor is preparing to open a nearby burial mound and a local white has foresees death and disaster.
Meanwhile, the new vicar looks suspiciously like the Master and he is using black magic to conjure up an ancient Dæmon. Can the Doctor, Jo and UNIT stop their old enemy before he succeeds?
Special features…
- Commentary
- The Devil Rides Out Cast and crew talk about the making of the story.
- Remembering Barry Letts A look at the life and work of Barry Letts.
- Location Film A mute amateur 8mm film shot in the village of Aldbourne during the location filming.
- Colourisation Test The original colourisation test version of episode one from 1992.
- Tomorrow’s World An article on the technology used in the restoration.
- Radio Times listings
- Programme subtitles
- Production information subtitles
- Photo gallery
- Coming soon trailer
- Digitally remastered picture and sound quality
On the left is the standard DVD cover available from www.amazon.co.uk and on the right a Doctor Who Convention slipcased edition of the DVD which was limited to only 1000 copies.
Original VHS Release
Synopsis from the official BBC site…
The Doctor becomes alarmed on seeing television coverage of an archaeological dig by a Professor Horner into an ancient barrow near the village of Devil’s End.
He hurries to The Master is posing as the local vicar, Mr Magister, and using black magic rituals to summon Azal, the last of a race known as the Dæmons, whose miniaturised spaceship is buried within the barrow. Benton and Yates arrive in a UNIT helicopter but, before the Brigadier and his troops can join them, a heat barrier appears and cuts the village off from the outside world.
Azal will appear three times and on the last of these occasions will decide whether to transfer his awesome powers to another or to destroy the planet as a failed experiment.
Reeltime Pictures Return to Devils End VHS and The original but now Changed White Witch of Devil’s End DVD Cover.
Regarded by many Doctor Who fans as the best all round Jon Pertwee story, The Daemons featured the village of Aldbourne as its central location.
In this special production, presenter Nicholas Briggs has brought leading cast members & director Christopher Barry to Aldbourne where they recount memories of shooting DOCTOR WHO during one of its most popular periods.
Together with unseen photographs and amateur film of the original shoot, this video will make an invaluable addition to any fan’s collection and provides an in-depth look at the making of Doctor Who in the 1970s.
Original and Updated VHS covers and the now changed White Witch covers…
On the reverse…
“Return to devils end has been in various stages of planning for over eight years, getting the actors together in one place at the same time has proved to be an organisational feat worthy of UNIT itself and has only happened because of the dedication and hard work of the stars and production staff to whom I am most grateful.
We would all like to dedicate this video to the memory of Roger Delgado and Peter Grimwade who were part of an era in Doctor Who that I grew up with and adored. If, in this production, we have managed to recapture any of the magic from that time I am content.”
This is our own VHS tape insert, one of only 500 limited edition copies of Return to Devils End signed by the cast.
Reeltime Pictures Daemos Rising
An independent sequel to The Dæmons
When Kate Lethbridge-Stewart responds to a message from ex-UNIT operative Douglas Cavendish, she has no idea what she is getting herself into.
Arriving at Cavendish’s country retreat, she finds herself caught up in ancient rituals and a demonic power her father had once helped to overcome. Summoned from its resting place by a tyranny from the future, a Daemon is set to return to Earth. Can Kate and the broken Cavendish save the planet from destruction or future domination?
The original VHS cover (left) and the DVD cover (right) The DVD is available to order from www.amazon.co.uk
The Daemons Audio CD’s
Doctor Who and the Daemons
The Doctor is concerned about Professor Horner’s plan to cut open an ancient barrow near the peaceful English village of Devil’s End; equally worried is Miss Hawthorne, who foretells a terrible disaster if he goes ahead.
Determined that the Professor should is Mr Magister, the new vicar whose secret ceremonies are designed to conjure up from out of the barrow a horribly powerful being from a far-off planet.
Doctor Who and the Daemons CD is available form www.amazon.co.uk
Who Talk
Members of the cast and crew reunite to share their memories and experiences of working on the show in five brand new commentaries, with a bonus alternative track for episode two.
Who Talk CD’s are available from www.amazon.co.uk or www.whotalk.co.uk
The Daemons Books
Doctor Who and The Daemons Target Novels
First published in 1974 below can be seen the covers by Chris Achilleos, Andrew Skilleter (paper back and hard back) and finally Alister Pearson along with the cover of the Script book.
Doctor Who is strangely concerned about Professor Horner’s plan to cut open an ancient barrow near the peaceful village of Devil’s End.
Equally worried is Miss Hawthorne, the local white witch, who foretells a terrible disaster if he goes ahead.
The Daemons – The Script
Full unedited scripts of the televised Doctor Who adventure. An ancient archaeological barrow. A White Witch warning of impending doom. A trio of formidable foes – Azal, Boc and … The Master!
The Doctor and Jo Grant, his assistant, are soon to come face-to-face with an evil almost as old as time itself.
Read the complete, classic script of a story voted by fans the best ever Doctor Who, together with fascinating background and technical information.
Action figures and Figurines
The Figurine Collection Azal
Standing at 15 cm tall, Azal the Dæmon has been recreated to exacting standards, and this figurine is a valuable addition to the ever-growing figurine collection.
The Daemons 5″ Figure Set
Announced in April 2013 This action figure set includes Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, the Master, and a Daemon (Bok).
The Daemons figure set is available for the bargain price of £16.99 while stocks last from www.amazon.co.uk
Thanks to Google maps we can take you right there! use the arrows and zoom function and take a look at where it all happened.
Some “Now and Then” Pictures
Taken by ourselves some time ago the pictures show the same locations some 40 years apart.
Other places of interest…
www.bbc.co.uk – Out of this world in Aldbourne.
www.aldbourne.net – Aldbourne website.
www.doctorwholocations.net – Pictures of filming locations.
www.wikipedia.org – wikipedia’s Daemons entry.
www.tardis.wikia.com – Tardis wikia’s Daemons entry.
Filmed almost entirely outdoors in Aldbourne, Wiltshire, its long been thought that if any classic story deserved modern day follow up at the same location then this is it.
November 4th, 2017 - 8:22amI actually own the slipcase edition DVD!
November 2nd, 2017 - 6:25pmIs it just me or is the azal figurine from the DWFC really bad, especially next to the 5″ figures? Just my opinion.
Great feature by the way!
Andrew Stocker
October 31st, 2017 - 1:05pmMy favourite place in The Universe.
October 30th, 2017 - 8:41pmWhat a lovely Collected DÆmons page. Thank you BooBoo for this. Its Bloody Lovely.
Great Memories of visits and the Team, doing thier thing.
October 30th, 2017 - 7:35pmLove those before and after shots. It seems very little as changed in aldbourne albeit the amount of cars on the road. I,d like to visit but I,m sure the locals must get fed up with tourists and their Iphones, I,d also like to visit Avebury where they shot ‘ children of the stones’ one day as well when i finally get round to it.
October 30th, 2017 - 8:06pmI dont think they mind to much, its good for business especially for the pub they quite often hold meetings there
It s a lovely place to walk around
October 30th, 2017 - 10:24pmOne day i,m going to head down south and visit these little hamlets where they did the bulk of the filming. the place where they filmed Stones of blood, The android invasion and the Awakening are on my agenda sometime in the future. And im sure you,re right they are lovely.
October 30th, 2017 - 7:32pmGot the signed dvd and book ordered! Looking forward to seeing this finally
The Dalek Whovian
October 30th, 2017 - 6:04pmYou know what I really admire about this episode? I know this is properly nothing now days, but I just admire the fact that they had the guts to have a monster that resembled the devil. I wonder how that went behind the scenes?
October 30th, 2017 - 6:08pmquite a lot as it seems from the DVD
josh smith
December 16th, 2012 - 10:26amno the best pertwee story is inferno and thats the best dr who of all time aswell
December 16th, 2012 - 10:46ambit too long for my liking.
October 30th, 2017 - 7:27pmGordon you say its too long but previously you said you preferred the ‘ Long burn’, as in the case of the ambassadors of death and thats 7 episodes. You contradicted yourself. If anything Inferno is the perfect slowburn.
October 30th, 2017 - 7:29pmAgree inferno best pertwee
October 30th, 2017 - 10:08pmI wouldn’t say I contradicted myself. it alll depends on how you use the time. With Silurians and amabassadors there is enough plot and story to warrant the time. In the case of inferno there isn’t enough plot and story to cover 7 parts so it feels like it has filler and feels an episode too long.
October 30th, 2017 - 10:15pmWell to be fair i think both ambassadors and inferno overstretch themselves but i think infernos the superior of the two. The havoc action sequences aside i thought it ponderous and a bit slow for my taste.
October 30th, 2017 - 10:16pmand i was referring to ambassadors not inferno.
Mr Evil Fez
October 24th, 2012 - 3:40pmIf you are thinking about getting this, get it because its a awesome DVD and one of the best Doctor Who stories! I got it a while ago.
SPACE 1999
June 3rd, 2012 - 2:24pmlove the feature
April 19th, 2012 - 7:01pmi might order off fp next month if it has not sold:roll:
McGann is the Doctor
April 24th, 2012 - 9:33amYou mean,
not this “:roll:” 
Commander Strax
April 12th, 2012 - 6:58pmi have just orded this
Commander Strax
April 18th, 2012 - 4:34pmgot it 2 days ago.brillant. just brillant.
Doctor Who DVD Collector
April 9th, 2012 - 9:23pmIt was my Birthday today and all I got were 2 of 4 Doctor Who DVDs. They were “The Seeds of Death” and “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”. The 2 that didn’t arrive were “The Three Doctors” and “The Robots of Death”. Ahh well, I guess they will come soon!
McGann is the Doctor
April 24th, 2012 - 9:34amThey’re available in the Revisitations 3 boxset, but if you want the inferior copy with a terrible cover image, lackluster special features, and not-so-improved picture quality, go right ahead.
April 3rd, 2012 - 8:27aman azal collect and build figure would be gr8
McGann is the Doctor
April 20th, 2012 - 12:53pmOh yeah, so it would.
Collect and build is unlikely though, there will probly not be another classic wave in stores.
April 2nd, 2012 - 7:01pmMet Katy Manning on the train today and she signed my ticket
April 2nd, 2012 - 7:05pmshe was tweeting from a train, she is a lovely person
March 25th, 2012 - 5:59pmi think this is more popular then genesis of the daleks or runner up
McGann is the Doctor
April 20th, 2012 - 12:55pmDon’t be so sure of that.
The episode is actually not that good, there are good moments, but really it’s been hyped up over the decades because of it’s infinite praise from people who worked on it and the line from the Brigadier were as Genesis of the Daleks is recognised for actually BEING great.
March 22nd, 2012 - 6:12pmThis has always bugged I don’t know if anyone knows the answer, why are the AE on the title joined together?
March 22nd, 2012 - 7:08pmThe word daemon is the latinized spelling from the Greek. This refers to the ancient daemons of old Greece. The daemons are benevolent spirit beings. The use of the word can also be linked to Old English with the pronunciation use of AE. I think the Writers were going more for the Old English vibe with this story considering the ‘folklore’ background. The use of the word demon would be incorrect as demon is a strictly malignant meaning.
March 22nd, 2012 - 5:34pmGot this in the post Monday & really want to watch it now, but will have to wait until the weekend when I have more time. At least FP have just informed me they have posted out my “Seeds Of Doom” figure set – So that’s even more to look forward to!
The Monitor
March 20th, 2012 - 6:05pmI have readily accepted new-design Silurians, fat Daleks etc. What I have not accepted is the Doctor going much beyond 12 incarnations. Making an off-the-cuff reference in a spin-off cannot undo the many many references over the years in the established programme itself. I can appreciate that there are ways around this aspect of canonicity. My point being that remakes and revisitations need to be respectful of established ground. I love the bluster of the new series, but not if it trivialise s old-series canonicity established from many angles.
McGann is the Doctor
March 21st, 2012 - 10:08amYeah, trivialises. It’s really just the Doctor making a little remark, such as when he remembers jabe from the forest of cheem, and realises that she fancied him. I think that little moment works, it helps that all the (TV) adventures are in the same universe.
But really, it shouldn’t be trivialised like, oh, here’s Jo Grant in the sarah Jane adventures saying that the Doctor once took her to “A planet. Called Karfel.” Which we know happend. How it’s presented in that story Death of the Doctor is HOW IT SHOULDNOT BE DONE, it’s too fanboy.
Commander Strax
March 20th, 2012 - 5:55pmyes
Doctor Who DVD Collector
March 19th, 2012 - 6:28pmJust bought the normal version of his on Amazon 1 minute ago. I Can’t wait! Its cheaper than ASDA because they’re selling it for £13.97, an Amazon are selling it for £12.99!
Doctor Who DVD Collector
March 22nd, 2012 - 4:12pmJust got this in the post and watching it now. Its absoloutly fantastic!
March 19th, 2012 - 6:07pmI think that the new series might ruin it like they did with the other third Doctor era references: the Silurians which they absolutely ruined!
But I can’t wait to get this on DVD!
March 19th, 2012 - 6:12pmVery true.
March 19th, 2012 - 6:13pmif done properly it could be brilliant
Bow tie of Doom
March 19th, 2012 - 6:18pmThe Hungry Earth/Cold Blood was basically a rip off of Doctor Who and the Silurians.
And then The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People was just like The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood.
McGann is the Doctor.
March 20th, 2012 - 11:24amWhat ?!
It was a sequel to the Silurians, it was a different story. Was there an energy shield in a rural village keeping everyone trapped inside the area, in the silurians ?
Was there a world-threatening human-epidemic in Hungry Earth/Cold Blood ? Was there a crack in time that erased a companion from everyone’s memory and from existance in the Silurians ? Was there any attempt to sabotage a nuclear power plant in order to bring the world-wide temperature up in the Hungry Earth Cold blood ?
Was there Silurians ? Yes.
Bow tie of Doom
March 20th, 2012 - 4:56pmI’ll admit that I was a little harsh on the story. It’s just there was something about it that felt like The Silurians. I still like it though.
The Monitor
March 19th, 2012 - 5:47pmFabulous compilation Booboo!
I have dragged a few girlfriends to Aldbourne over the years, as it is a lovely village to visit, and a nice drive on some of the roads to it.
Back in the late 80s/early 90s, I was one of the younger members of a DWAS LG. There was a real split in the group as to what the best Pertwee was. Inferno or The Daemons. I was a die-hard Daemons stalwart. I still love it to bits, but then there are so many good Pertwee stories, with Spearhead, Silurans, Inferno, Daemons, Sea Devils and Time Warrior ranked highest for me.
March 19th, 2012 - 5:49pmyes we went a couple of years ago, really nice place
cyber robert
March 19th, 2012 - 5:28pmOMG
King Ninja
March 19th, 2012 - 5:09pmBrilliant article! Classic episode!
March 22nd, 2012 - 9:43ami agree
Bow tie of Doom
March 19th, 2012 - 3:15pmI haven’t seen this story yet, but I’m getting it tomorrow on DVD. I still have a ton of classic DVDs left to watch but I’ll make this top priority since I’ve heard such good things about this story. Very excited!
McGann is the Doctor
April 24th, 2012 - 9:35amHave you got the Auton set ?
March 19th, 2012 - 2:52pmWhat dialogue was used in the new series and in which ep?
March 19th, 2012 - 2:54pmSorry I meant audio.
March 19th, 2012 - 2:55pmUtopia (Roger Delgado voice)
you will give your power to me
March 19th, 2012 - 2:04pmFantastic feature on a true classic story. At least it should be a cheaper video on ebay now – up to a few months ago you could still be paying £20 for a vhs copy. It’s a story that has a real feeling of magic about it, hence it’s regard in the hearts of fans. I got very excited just looking at the up to date pictures going ‘ah, that’s where Bok stood’ – brilliant!
March 19th, 2012 - 1:03pmWhat a fabulous idea for the 50th to go back to this location
March 19th, 2012 - 1:02pmAwsome