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Series 2 Figures
Series 2 Figures

Black Clockwork Man

Blue Clockwork Man

Rose and Chip

Chip & Destroyed Cassandra


Dalek Sec

The Doctor

The Doctor with Space Suit

The Doctor from Army of Ghosts



Mickey Smith

Novice Hame

The Ood

Rose Tyler

Sarah Jane & K9

Toby Zed


Faceless Grandma Connolly
Woolworths exclusive ‘tweaked’ range 2008 – Figures from series 1 and 2:
- Captain Jack with cap
- The Doctor and portable Wire
- Rose with ice extinguisher
- Glow in the dark Ood
- Glow in the dark Gelth Zombie
- Doctor in spacesuit with destroyed helmet
- Destroyed Cassandra
- Toby Un-possessed
- 9th Doctor with Auton arm and Auton Mickey Head
The Driver
May 22nd, 2020 - 1:04amI never got the cyberman with the gun or clockwork men. If you look on eBay, you’ll only find pre owned clockwork men for less than £10. New ones are a rip off.
And the only time I saw an ood figure in shops was when I went to get mine and that was by chance.
May 22nd, 2020 - 7:22amyou’re saying you had all of them except them? I have them but I didn’t get Sarah and K-9
The Driver
May 25th, 2020 - 11:24pmNo the only ones I got are Rose, the Dr with ghost gear, ood, spacesuit doc and Sarah Jane and k9
You can find the latter on eBay somewhere or in the companions set
Weeping Angel
September 4th, 2017 - 3:02pmI have these figures (all in packaging) so far (the price is what I got them for):
Blue Clockwork Man – £8.00 – 8/10: Epic figure, very detailed, my least favourite Clockwork Man figure though.
Black Clockwork Man – £8.00 – 8.5/10: Love the colour scheme, creepy face which looks great.
Purple Clockwork Man – £26.00 – 10/10: My FAVOURITE figure Character Options have ever made, brilliant.
Rose Tyler W/ Fire Extinguisher – £5.00 – 7/10: Great Fire Extinguisher, Rose figure is a bit bland, nice packaging.
The Doctor W/ 2 Obelisks – £4.00 – 7.5/10: Great set in all!
The Ood (Glow In Dark Version) – £2.99 – 6.5/10: Boring figure, nice GITD feature.
The Doctor W/ Ghost Transmission Triangulation Gear – £2.99 – 7.5/10: Nice figure and accessories, title is way too long.
The Flying Shark
July 23rd, 2017 - 8:50pmGot a Cyberman (no gun arm variant) given to me on Friday.
The Flying Shark
July 17th, 2016 - 7:15pmI got a Rose figure (New Earth outfit) from a car boot before for only 10p!
Thomas barker
December 23rd, 2015 - 12:13pmIv got the 10th doctor long coat x2, blue clockwork man, loads of cybermen and saha Jane
August 14th, 2015 - 4:03pmSorry, but can someone please tell me if there was a variant of cyberman that was pointing his index finger (I believe the one I seen also had the removable chest plate) just want to know if it’s an official figure or not
October 15th, 2015 - 4:53pmI believe that was the cyber leader with the black handles?
mark goffin
July 1st, 2017 - 4:51pmtheres one on ebay now
August 10th, 2015 - 1:20pmThrowback to the good old days when there were figures from at least every episode released
New Earth: Cassandra, Chip, Cat nun, Rose
Tooth and Claw: Werewolf
School Reunion: Sarah Jane, K9, Krillitanes
The girl in the fireplace: Clockwork droids
Rise of the cybermen: Cybermen
Age of steel: Cyber leader, cyber controller
Idiots Lantern: The Wire, Faceless Grandma Connely
The impossible planet: Ood, Toby unpossessed
Satan Pit: The Doctor in Space Suit, Toby possessed
Love and Monsters: Hoix
Fear Her: –
The army of ghosts: The Doctor
Doomsday: The Cult of Skaro, Mickey
The Runaway Bride: Empress of the racnoss
The Werewolf
August 10th, 2015 - 4:35pmThose were the days…
August 13th, 2015 - 1:17amLest we forget
August 13th, 2015 - 3:00amAt least every episode… yet there’s nothing from Fear Her?
December 23rd, 2015 - 12:31pmRose tyler with scribble monster?
Close webber with several drawings?
Tenth doctor with torch?
The possibilities were endless…
The Flying Shark
August 9th, 2015 - 7:24pmToday, from a car boot sale, I bought a lot of damaged figures for £1. I got a DWA Bronze Dalek (no eye), Sycorax Leader (no head, cape or accessories), Tenth Doctor in spacesuit (original sculpt, no arms or helmet), Lilith (no left hand), a Pig Slave (no arms, ears and chewed feet) and a Sontaran Trooper (no feet).
The Doctor Returns
August 10th, 2015 - 10:48amCool!
Dem squiggles
August 10th, 2015 - 10:58amWhy did you buy them?
Doctor What
August 10th, 2015 - 4:27pmVery good for customization! Shame I can never find bargain sales like this 🙁
i am the doctor
March 20th, 2015 - 7:18amgot the werewolf of ellesmere port market for 2 pound
finn townley
October 11th, 2014 - 6:29pmCan the cyberman hold mickeys preacher gun?
The Holographic Doctor
May 29th, 2014 - 5:37pmI loved series 2 !
finn townley
October 29th, 2014 - 2:48pmso do I
May 29th, 2014 - 4:54pmA decent set of figures for the WORST series of NewWho ever
June 20th, 2014 - 4:14pmOI what do you mean the worst…
finn townley
July 10th, 2014 - 6:10pmI think series 3 and 6 was the worst
the astronaut of death
July 10th, 2014 - 6:11pm2
finn townley
July 10th, 2014 - 6:18pmI have to agree series 2 had a lot of bad episodes like love and monster and fear her but there was good epsosdes like age of steel and rise of cybermen and doomsday
The Werewolf
July 10th, 2014 - 6:25pmseries 6 was the worst. Nothing good happened at all.
finn townley
July 10th, 2014 - 6:31pmI agree series 6 was bad it was so confusing I think closing time was good
July 10th, 2014 - 8:35pmI have to agree, Series 6 is my least favourite. Way too many Plot twists etc
josh smith
August 10th, 2015 - 12:12pmworst?? you mean one of the best
worst is series 7 and 6 both equally as bad
The Flying Shark
November 17th, 2013 - 6:52pmToday, I went to the Invasion Earth 2 convention and I got lots of new Doctor Who things, including Series 1 Rose and Cassandra and Chip set, and other rarities I have been after for a long time.
September 7th, 2013 - 8:00amI got the Dalek Sec figure for my birthday ages ago and it is my favourite Doctor Who toy now.
The Flying Shark
May 25th, 2013 - 11:21amToday, from a charity shop, I got the Dalek Sec figure from this series, and also a Dalek Sec wash bag. They’re great!
May 7th, 2013 - 11:22pmTheres a few figures missing from here such as the 10th(suit), 10th doctor(longcoat) and the cult of skaro set.
The Supreme Dalek
October 13th, 2012 - 6:05pmAwwww, I remember these! Great memories… 🙂
April 29th, 2012 - 9:57amI love the Clockwork men! They are my favourite figures from Series 2.
I only ever saw Sarah Jane and K9 in ToyMaster. They had a few on the shelf and i got one but after that i never saw them again in shops.
And i never once saw Cassandra + chip 2 pack in shops. I don’t mean the destroyed varient. Just the rusty version. I had to get her off Ebay.
The Monitor
April 29th, 2012 - 10:04amAgreed. Clockwork men are beautiful. I visited Woolworths and Argos’s in three counties on a regular basis to get these figures.
I remember Toymaster got the series 3 figures ahead of the other shops, but it was often Argos that got them 1-2 weeks early.
April 29th, 2012 - 10:07amYes, ARGOS often got figures early. Same with the series 6 figures.
McGann is the Doctor.
April 26th, 2012 - 2:39pmAhh, back when they made actual figures of the series and not just a bunch of cheap variants with bad quality control, how things have changed since then. 😀
The Last Centurion
October 10th, 2011 - 7:50pmNever realised till earlier that toby zed is that guy off coronation street , the only way i know is that my mum is watching it now while im on the ipad
October 1st, 2011 - 6:10pmgot a few of these, never got:
sarah jane
destroyed cassandra
and quite a few others, those are the ones i really wnated but never got!
August 31st, 2011 - 11:28ami never saw Sarah Jane anywhere, and I still want it now 🙁 I got all the others eventually (mickey took me ages to find, now that TOOK THE MICKEY.)
Dalek caan
January 28th, 2011 - 8:35ami wish i got alot of these
January 28th, 2011 - 6:58amfirst comment wahoo!
The Pandorica
October 22nd, 2010 - 8:25pmWOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a lot of figures!!!!!!