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August 23rd, 2017 5 comments

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Robert Harrop Tetrap Urak – A Closer Look

With thanks to Robert Harrop

Robert Harrop Collectors will probably already know of the latest addition to their Doctor Who range – The Tetrap.

Following on from the already sold out Alpha Centauri, The Tetrap was seen in the 7th Doctor 1987 story Time and the Rani.

The pictures I think speak for themselves and this is another great addition to this ever growing range. The detail and finish are superb as it has been right throughout the range.

Harrops now seem to have settled on edition sizes of 150-250 which sell out relatively quickly and realistically you now need to order these as soon as they become available if you want as complete a collection as possible.

They seem firmly committed to the “Classic Era” with recent figures being a very welcome move away from the more traditional monsters seen in many other ranges. A Draconian figure is next in line.

Harrops have recently renewed their initial 3 year licence so this range is sure to continue with many more figures to come.

  • Limited Edition Handpainted figurines / statues from Doctor Who.
  • 1:12 scale
  • Designed and Sculpted in Shropshire, England by Robert Harrop Designs.
  • Official BBC License. Each piece is approved by the Doctor Who television production team at BBC Wales in Cardiff. Additionally, the Doctors are approved by the actors themselves.
  • Individually hand numbered with a unique number on the base.
  • Figurines come complete in a presentation box with information card and a Certificate of Authenticity!

Robert Harrop Designs have been creating collectable hand painted figurines for over 30 years and their extensive portfolio includes Thunderbirds, Camberwick Green, Beano Dandy and 2000AD.

Below we can see some recent figures including the Tetrap, Yeti and Alpha Centauri along with the 1974 Third Doctors Tardis.

You can see every single Robert Harrop Doctor Who release in our interactive colectors list

Figurines are available to order while stocks last from

Categorised under: Retail, Reviews



  • paul

    October 10th, 2017 - 1:52pm

    well worth collecting.

  • Doctor Mysterio

    August 27th, 2017 - 12:14am

    It’s great to see a DW monster with a beer belly…

  • Stephen

    August 23rd, 2017 - 7:12pm

    I have collected every one of the Robert Harrop doctor who figurines, the quality of each figure is superb, great detail and perfect paint finish, I hope they release more of the doctors as well as the enemies of the doctor, looking forward to picking up the tetrap figurine.

    • Someone

      August 23rd, 2017 - 8:04pm

      how big are they ???

    • booboo

      August 23rd, 2017 - 8:05pm

      7-8″ depending on the figure

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