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March 2nd, 2014 16 comments

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Review Doctor Who Product Enterprise Cyberman

cyber-1aProduct Enterprise Cyberman
Review by Mumble5557 Online

So recently I picked up ‘The Product Enterprise, Talking Cyberman from ‘Attack of the Cybermen’ it’s a great talking figure and stands roughly 8.8 Inches High.

It features a variety of detail and articulation and has an easy place of where you can locate the batteries and replace them. So lets get started, here’s my review, Mumble5557, of the Product Enterprise Cyberman from ‘Attack of the Cybermen’

The head sculpt on the Cyberman is fantastic, or as the CyberLeader would say ‘Excellent!’. It includes the thin pipe/tubing near the mouth, the jaw, the handlebars on the head and many different textures.

The Tube Piping flows to the back of the figure which is extremely accurate.

One of my favourite sections on this Cyberman is how they have captured and made the chest section looking really good, they haven’t just painted the black section fully black, but they have added the mesh, its not textured but looks very appealing close up.


Moving on to the main body it features many creases and includes loads of the detail making it look spectacular. I can’t state any faults with it whatsoever. The gloves have captured all the detail I can see, to the point where you can see the squares.

Taking a look at the lower body it features detail once again, it looks great and really does look like a masterpiece. The boots are incredibly accurate they feature the laces, the grips on the base and really makes it look like the ‘Attack’ Cyberman.

Over all the detail is great and mine was painted silver and had a wash of black paint in some areas.

•The arms are on a ball joint and can spin 360 degrees
•The elbows are on a joint so they can bend to roughly 90 degrees
•The wrist swivels 360 degrees with no hinders
•The waist can sort of swivel but is stopped by the electrics

So overall the articulation is really good, not too little, but not too much, just how I like it.


Accessing the Batteries:
To access the batteries by carefully removing the head, I admit it fairly difficult on mine. You can have quite some fun with this, pretending the Cyberman’s head got blown off by the Doctor!

Then there is a screw and you remove it and then you can access the batteries, they use the exact same batteries as they use in ‘Character Options’ Sonic Screwdriver Ranges.


To access the sounds you simply have to press the button which is located on the chest, as you can see in the photo.

cyber-1eWhat he says:
•Emotion is a weakness
•Destroy Them!


The accessories should be, but I don’t have them

So overall, I am highly impressed with this Figure, looks fantastic on display by itself, minus the accessories, I give it a rating of 10/10, and if you can locate one as cheap as I did in mint condition (£4 from a Car Boot) then you are as luck as me.

Whilst your here, please may you subscribe to my YouTube channel I do FA’s and the odd review. Thanks for reading. Goodbye for now.

You can search for Product Enterprise Cybermen


Categorised under: Reviews



  • toptimelord

    March 4th, 2014 - 11:56am

    I own a black version of this Cyberman figure which I bought new ruffley the time it was released (so I was quite young). I think it’s a brilliant figure especially being black as you don’t often see that. I rember shortly afterwards purchasing a Davros figure from the same range, which also is a superb figure.

  • Ian

    March 3rd, 2014 - 3:22pm

    I have the Silver Nemesis one. Its very good. Has one other phrase, ‘Destroy Earth’. Would like to get hold of the Attack one.


    March 2nd, 2014 - 8:22pm

    I have every version of these figures & I liked them that much I bought several of each…, they are great. :0)

  • Anonymous

    March 2nd, 2014 - 3:03pm

    what an EXILENT review

    • Anonymous

      March 2nd, 2014 - 3:06pm

      wow i just ruined that joke by typing excellent wrong how foolish of me


    March 2nd, 2014 - 3:01pm

    I’ve always wanted one of those

  • VespiformsSting

    March 2nd, 2014 - 11:34am

    Believe me its a nightmare trying to get the batteries out. It has to be the most horribly complex way of concealing them in any electronic figure Ive had…I got both mine cheap from ebay when – after not being initially impressed with the shoulder joints (which I thought looked a mess) I realised they weren’t bad considering some of the junk that’s been brought out lately. They look good on display and the guns are nice representations.

  • Haydenp

    March 2nd, 2014 - 10:32am

    brill reivew Mumble5557

  • doc fan

    March 2nd, 2014 - 10:21am

    pretty good review.
    might get myself if I can.

  • Colin the 3rd

    March 2nd, 2014 - 10:17am

    So that’s where the batteries are!

    I always thought once they were dead that was it

  • David

    March 2nd, 2014 - 10:16am

    Great review, didn’t even know there were 3 variants


    March 2nd, 2014 - 10:09am

    good review, bar the small typo in title – Doctpor

    • booboo

      March 2nd, 2014 - 10:13am

      wasn’t theirs, mine, too boggle eyed this morning, should never do these things to early, pressed post instead of draft

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