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Merchandise Archive Page 531

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Dalek Sec Voice Changer

This voice changer is Dalek Sec Hybrid which features speech and voice changing effects…

2 7 Mar 2008

The Time Meddler

The TARDIS arrives on an English coastline in the year 1066…

5 24 Feb 2008

Torchwood – Trace Memory

Tiger Bay, Cardiff, 1950: A mysterious crate is brought into the docks on a Scandinavian cargo ship…

0 13 Feb 2008

Voyage of the Damned

The highly anticipated Doctor Who Christmas Special take place on the Titanic and stars Kylie Minogue alongside The Doctor…

1 7 Feb 2008

Hidden CD

An age-old secret is at the heart of a gripping adventure for the Torchwood team…

0 4 Feb 2008

Everyone Says Hello CD

The Torchwood team is involved in a dangerous race against time in this exclusive story read by Burn Gorman…

0 4 Feb 2008

The Brain of Morbius

Why do so many spaceships crashland on Karn, a bleak, lonely and seemingly deserted planet…

0 2 Feb 2008

The Space War

‘Doctor!’ screamed Jo. ‘Look at that thing. It’s coming straight at us!’ A small, black spaceship…

0 2 Feb 2008

Doctor Who Piggin

Irresistibly cheeky, yet charming and funny, Piggin’s unique humour has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. There’s a Piggin’ figurine for everyone and every occasion…

4 21 Jan 2008

