IDW Doctor Who Volume 3 Issue 5
The Doctor books a trip for Amy and Rory on a luxury star-liner for a little rest and relaxation after their recent adventures. But when the Doctor crosses paths…
0 8 Nov 2012Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
The Doctor books a trip for Amy and Rory on a luxury star-liner for a little rest and relaxation after their recent adventures. But when the Doctor crosses paths…
0 8 Nov 2012The world is on the brink of crisis. As fuel runs short, society begins to break down. One man seems to have the answer. But is it too good…
62 7 Nov 2012Welcome to Tantane Spaceport – where the tribes of Business and Economy have been at war for all of four hundred years…
5 4 Nov 2012Doctor Who Logo Coasters Set of 8 – The set includes 8 coasters each featuring a different Doctor Who logo from the show’s epic history!…
35 3 Nov 2012Christopher’s Drawings
20 2 Nov 2012Mumble5557’s Collection
75 2 Nov 2012Ian’s Collection
18 1 Nov 2012Action Figures: Pyramids Of Mars Set Sutekh with jackal head action figure, 2 x Mars Guardian Robot Mummy action figures.In this fourth Doctor adventure…
258 1 Nov 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 293: Inside this issue – Doctor rescues , Dinosaur maze, Creature feature, Bow tie biscuits, Behind the scenes and more…
58 31 Oct 2012With Evelyn gone, the Doctor sets course for his destiny… in the form of his first meeting with Miss Melanie Bush, a computer programmer…
0 30 Oct 2012Victory of the Daleks Set – Competition Winners, Underground Toys had 4 signed Victory of the Daleks sets to give away, 2 on Facebook and 2 on Twitter….
121 29 Oct 2012Leela is dead but her soul lives on. She has been reborn as a young girl, Emily, whose ‘imaginary friend’ tells her amazing tales about a great Wizard…
0 28 Oct 2012What better way to protect your money than by using the staple antagonists from Doctor Who – the Daleks! This Doctor Who Talking Red or Blue Dalek Money Bank…
21 27 Oct 2012Gadgets straight from the future! Both of these incredible items include light effects and first-rate detail. The Vortex Manipulator is used by Captain Jack…
118 27 Oct 2012Special two-part story should be a delight to readers as we see just what kind of shenanigans are unleashed upon the galaxy when the Doctor and Rory go for a…
0 26 Oct 2012Ripple Junction, the official licensee of Doctor Who apparel would like your opinion on some new Doctor Who designs in the works and generally like to get feedback …
14 25 Oct 2012Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago are accustomed to the murky fog of Victorian London and the palatable pints of half and half at the Red Tavern…
10 25 Oct 2012Special two-part story should be a delight to readers as we see just what kind of shenanigans are unleashed upon the galaxy when the Doctor and Rory go for a
0 25 Oct 2012