Rose Tyler Confirmed for Gallifrey Collection
Since we first started our Doctor Who TITANS all that time ago, fans have been requesting one figure more than any other, we received emails…
18 25 Apr 2014Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Since we first started our Doctor Who TITANS all that time ago, fans have been requesting one figure more than any other, we received emails…
18 25 Apr 2014The Early Adventures 1.1. Domain of the Voord. William Russell, Carole Ann Ford, Daisy Ashford, Andrew Dickens, Andrew Bone…
10 25 Apr 2014Throw in a pack of Jammie Dodgers and that’s the ideal way to spend a Saturday night, travelling through time and space with your Doctor….
5 25 Apr 2014When an assassination follows the first demonstration of a deadly new weapon, it appears that an alien race has fired the opening salvo in a new war…
0 25 Apr 2014This Tardis tent has images of the 11th Doctors console and Tardis interior on the inside. Dimension are in inches 61 x 37 width x 35 depth…
54 24 Apr 2014Silva Screen are pleased to announce Doctor Who Eleven Disc Edition. This has all the musical content of The Tardis Edition…
16 24 Apr 2014The TARDIS crew land on Mars, home of the Ice Warriors, far back in its history. The Doctor is convinced it’s much too early for them to meet their…
0 24 Apr 2014An anthology of four tales on the theme of perception. The Doctor and Peri find themselves in the palatial gardens of the deposed Empress Safira Valtris…
2 23 Apr 2014Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
60 23 Apr 2014Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
8 23 Apr 2014The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years…
38 23 Apr 2014The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years…
20 23 Apr 2014The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years…
4 23 Apr 2014The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years…
7 23 Apr 2014This week you can access a special online sample edition of BBC Doctor Who Adventures magazine by clicking on the link below. You’ll find highlights…
21 23 Apr 2014A god-like immortal, living in a realm of clocks. The hours tick slowly by as she plots and plans. She is readying her trap. A trap for a very special…
0 23 Apr 2014France, the year 1770: by special invitation, the famous ‘Doctor’, friend of Voltaire, arrives at the lonely estate of the lovely Marquise de Rimdelle…
0 22 Apr 2014Years after he gave up travelling in the TARDIS, Steven Taylor is the deposed king of a distant world. From the confines of his cell, he shares his story…
6 22 Apr 2014