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Merchandise Archive Page 349

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

SFX Magazine issue 250

SFX Magazine issue 250 featuring contributions from David Tennant, Steven Moffat, JJ Abrams, Peter Jackson and many more…

9 23 Jun 2014

Doctor Who Adventures issue 348

The latest issue of BBC Doctor Who Adventures magazine is out now and this time the magazine takes a look at the biggest and scariest scares in Doctor Who…

23 21 Jun 2014

Doctor Who 3.75″ Dalek Patrol Ship

A “stealth” version of the Dalek Patrol ship, features firing missile and pop of Armour panels. Scaled for the 3 3/4″ scale Doctor Who figures, this set comes with a Dalek Patrol..

52 20 Jun 2014

Police Box Bird Feeder

This bird feeder can hold up to two pounds of wild bird seed, enough to make you wonder if it’s bigger on the inside than the outside…

13 16 Jun 2014

Dr Who Figurine Collection # 23 Zygon

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

0 16 Jun 2014

Doctor Who Dalek Night Light

This 6″ white Dalek plugs into your wall outlet and keeps the nightmares at bay. Unless you think Daleks are…

11 14 Jun 2014

1st Look at Robert Harrop Figurines Ice Warrior

Robert Harrop Figurines have released the first prototype images of their 1:12th scale ‘Ice Warrior’. Following on from this they will be starting work on the Time Lords…

13 13 Jun 2014

Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary Bow Tie

Now available from the BBC shop. 50th Anniversary Bow Tie – reproduction of the one Matt Smith wears in “The Day of the Doctor” . Made from 100%…

14 13 Jun 2014

Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor’s Bow Tie

Now available from the BBC shop. Officially licensed replica of the 11th Doctor’s bow tie. The two toned textured fabric fits necks 15-20″…

3 13 Jun 2014

Doctor Who Titan Comics 10th Doctor issue #4

Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. In exchange for the invaluable assistance she offered defending New York..

7 13 Jun 2014

Doctor WhoTitan Comics 11th Doctor issue #3

Variant cover are now available to order in the UK from Forbidden Planet for a limited time only. Alice Obiefune has just lost her mother when the Doctor explodes..

0 13 Jun 2014

