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May 9th, 2024 3 comments

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kickstarter Campain: 2nd Printing of Will Brooks: Cover B

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A second printing of Will Brooks’ COVER B, collecting more than 160 comic covers from Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock!

The first edition of Cover B was successfully funded on Kickstarter in September 2023, achieving 595% funding, well ahead of the goal. With the books from this Kickstarter now reaching fans around the world, more people have asked about getting hold of copies.

This Kickstarter Campaign will finance a second printing of Cover B, featuring all the content from the first edition housed in an alternate cover.

Between 2015 and 2019, Will Brooks was the resident cover for Titan Comics’ ‘photo’ covers, creating more than 160 covers across titles including Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock. Usually solicited as ‘Cover B’, these images have inspired fan art, cosplay, and even an action figure.

Cover B collects together the artwork for all of Will’s Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock covers in a 238-page collection, featuring exclusive commentary on more than 40 key pieces, large printings of the clean artwork without trade dress, and previously unseen roughs and alternate covers which never made it to print.

“Will was clearly a dimension beyond what we’d been doing,” recalls Andrew James, Former Range and Launch Editor at Titan Comics. “We essentially reserved a cover for him on every Doctor Who title. Modern Doctors, classic Doctors, Torchwood, annual multi-Doctor crossover events; Will’s keen eye for composition and colour touched them all.”

“Working on the covers for Titan was a real career highlight,” explains Will, “and I recently started pulling together a book of them just to stick on my shelf as a reminder of the work I did over those five years. I made so many of the covers that more than once I’ve seen one online and had to check if it’s one of mine or not!”

“Revisiting them as the book came together stirred up some long-forgotten memories. It got me thinking that other people might like to see the ‘clean’ artwork without the trade dress, and with some of my early drafts and covers intended for print which – for one reason or another – never saw the light of day.”

“I was blown away by the response to the original printing of Cover B, and several people who missed out first time around have asked about getting hold of a copy. This new Kickstarter is intended to finance a reprint of the book, to make sure everyone who wants a copy can get hold of one.”

David Chapman, producer of the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game from Cubicle 7 says of Will’s work; “Will’s digital art is some of the best out there, capturing everything we admire about the series and showing his love for the source material. His iconic artwork elevates the work to another level”.

With an introduction from Andrew James, former editor at Titan Comics who was responsible for many of the titles Will worked on, as well as input from key players in the creation of the covers, this complete collection gathers together the complete run of Will’s work on the Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock comics.

Categorised under: Books, Reference books



  • The Fishmonger

    July 13th, 2024 - 9:57am

    Thought I had backed this but apparently not *facepalm* Gutted.
    What chance of a third print run or print on demand?

  • Bob James

    May 10th, 2024 - 9:21pm

    Will this book be available for purchase for non Kickstarter folks?

    • anon

      May 11th, 2024 - 12:14am

      I doubt it – Unless it ends up on the secondary market like ebay or Amazon.

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