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September 27th, 2024 10 comments

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Harrop Buckley Designs The Garm from Terminus

Available to order while stocks last from

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We at Harrop Buckley Designs Ltd have been creating collectable hand painted figurines for over 30 years and have gained a well earned reputation of high quality and accuracy of detail. Our extensive portfolio includes Thunderbirds, Camberwick Green, Beano Dandy and 2000AD to name but a few. A portfolio that is extremely nostalgic and very British, so it was no surprise that Doctor Who would be the next project that we wanted to embrace into our studios!

Designed, Sculpted and Made in Shropshire, England by Harrop Buckley Designs Ltd.

Categorised under: 1:12 Scale Robert Harrop Figurines, Collectables



  • Cully’s Pal

    September 27th, 2024 - 9:51am

    Harrops have reported theyre working on their next three figures by the way . Two from Colin’s era one from Peter’s. One of them, it seems, is going to be a Doctor.

    • Mark

      September 27th, 2024 - 10:18am

      The Borad is the next release

    • Cully’s Pal

      September 27th, 2024 - 10:42am

      Interesting I thought the Borad might be a bit complex but Im all in favour. Have to admit I expected Colin and Sil to be the two sixth Doctor era figure with a figure of Peter …..

    • Moodbeam

      September 27th, 2024 - 11:09am

      It’s me that keeps asking about the Doctor figures on their FB page. So pleased to see we have another on the way. I’ve expected for some time that the next Doctor would be Five and if everything here is correct then it looks like I might have been right; so happy for more Doctors!

      Out there I know: I’d really like them to do the 13th Doctor. Dunno, something about the Harrops style I just feel could really do her justice.

  • Cully’s Pal

    September 27th, 2024 - 9:50am

    My Monoid – an excellent specimen – turned up at 9 this morning not long after I’d ordered the Garm – who it has to be said – looks like a fine figure one of Harrops best.

  • Sidney

    September 27th, 2024 - 9:22am

    Ordered this morning has anyone received there monoid yet ?

    • John

      September 27th, 2024 - 9:29am

      I received e-mail from DPD and should arrive today.

    • Sidney

      September 27th, 2024 - 9:58am

      Thanks John haven’t received my email yet from DPD yet hopefully won’t be long

    • Mark

      September 27th, 2024 - 10:20am

      Mine is being delivered tomorrow

    • Moodbeam

      September 27th, 2024 - 11:10am

      Mine just arrived. You should get a message from DPD the day before delivery.

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