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April 5th, 2013 45 comments

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4th Doctor Official Replica Scarf – Back In Stock

Fourth Doctor Official Replica Scarf – Pictures

This extremely popular item is now Back In Stock at Lovarzi

Keep a look out for some very exciting new Doctor Who products from Lovarzi soon

When we heard that an official replica of the 4th Doctors scarf was being made we couldn’t wait to try it out. We can safely say that Lovarzi have done a fine job of recreating the iconic Scarf that Tom Baker wore from Season 12.

The scarf comes nicely packaged in a zip up bag so when not in use it can be kept clean and stored easily.

The scarf is a must have for any Doctor Who fan! It would also make a perfect gift for Christmas. You can order the scarf directly from Lovarzi for £49.99 with free UK delivery.

Official Replica of Tom Baker Famous Scarf made to the same pattern and colours of the original scarf seen in Season 12.

  • Knitted with the same striped pattern as seen on screen
  • Size: 13 feet long (including tassels) and 10 inches wide
  • Made from Premium Quality Acrylic
  • Perfect as a gift to a Doctor Who Fan – A gift that will always be remembered

Below are some official photos and photos from the BBC Christmas show.

The official Tom Baker scarf replica can be ordered directly from

With thanks to Lovarzi

Categorised under: Reviews



  • Diego Who

    February 14th, 2014 - 7:01am

    I bought one from ThinkGeek,12 feet long,looks great,really warm,but I noticed it’s not really the replica,it looks different…anyways,my mom’s knitting me one that’s gonna be 24 feet long,this one,and the red one 😀

  • many faces

    April 10th, 2013 - 4:12pm

    Who is your most liked doctor
    I like the:4th doctor. 😀

  • Imaginethatnodoor

    April 5th, 2013 - 7:46pm

    My NANs knitting me one, but not as long and it being scaled to my size. It will be about 8 foot so it will go to my knees

  • Dalek The Supreme

    April 5th, 2013 - 1:40pm

    Looks great! I’d love to have one of these someday…

  • Nicholas

    April 5th, 2013 - 12:47pm

    Must get my hands on one of these before they go out of stock again.

    • many faces

      April 10th, 2013 - 4:08pm

      I love the 4th doctor so much I need one of these. 🙂

    • Lee Whitworth

      June 6th, 2014 - 9:14am

      I have one of these at home. It’s brilliant, I love it. My only problem is that when I first started to wear it, I have to fold it to an equal width so it’s permantly folded. Oh,well.


    January 7th, 2013 - 4:38pm

    Brought myself one on Saturday at Forbidden Planet in London.

    So far Ive only had one comment about it from a complete stranger in public while walking home from Argos in Barking by a nice old lady sitting on a motorized wheelchair saying to me “Be careful not to lose your scarf”.

    I don’t know if she was a fan of Doctor Who, but I smiled to her and then happily walked off afterwards thinking to myself “What a nice old lady she is” 🙂

    • eddy

      April 5th, 2013 - 4:23pm

      that is a really nice story 🙂

  • GallifreyanOcarinaPlayer

    October 9th, 2012 - 5:53pm

    I love it!!! certainly better than our 10″ friend


    October 9th, 2012 - 5:46pm

    Got it; its cool, iconic and awesome!

  • McGann is the Doctor

    October 9th, 2012 - 11:50am

    How much does the 11th Doctor jacket replica cost ?

    • dr who 1999

      October 9th, 2012 - 2:31pm

      something like £250, i know its a lot!

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

    October 8th, 2012 - 10:00pm

    okay, It’s really been nagging me now for the past two days. does anyone else think Luke looks a bit like example? lol

    • Mr Evil Fez

      October 9th, 2012 - 7:26pm

      😆 Your right! lol!

    • Nicholas

      April 5th, 2013 - 12:47pm


    • Doctor Who Crazy Ross

      April 5th, 2013 - 1:15pm

      The Singer

  • dr hugh

    October 8th, 2012 - 9:00pm

    I had a neibor who works at the bbc, he had a replica of this and he gave me loads of stuff. Hes left now:(

  • lewis

    October 8th, 2012 - 9:04am

    Really like this and looks its very accurate. on Christmas list for sure

  • David

    October 8th, 2012 - 9:03am

    looks great, a definite buy for me


    October 7th, 2012 - 8:01pm

    Is it weird I always pictured Luke as the Skywalker version? Then again I alwayspicture booboo as a litle bear in a blue bow tie xD scarf looks great, but dad said he wouldnt buy me it because £40 is too much for a scarf :/

    • Esterath

      October 7th, 2012 - 8:03pm

      B-b-ut it’s Tom Baker.

    • Anonymous

      October 8th, 2012 - 8:40am

      by the way, its £50

    • MadGuyInATARDIS

      October 8th, 2012 - 5:47pm

      Sorry clicked wrong number my mistake!

    • dr who 1999

      October 8th, 2012 - 5:49pm

      lol 😉

  • jaketorwho

    October 7th, 2012 - 5:33pm

    Looks awesome, on my xmas list 🙂 also booboo on the bbc shop website theres another dvd for series 7 part 1, it comes with a weeping angel t-shirt! yes thats right, another pack!

  • Liam

    October 7th, 2012 - 11:06am

    Some of the pictures i have seen made the red look to bright but i can see in this one its spot on now, excellent

  • The Sea Devil

    October 7th, 2012 - 10:52am

    scarf looks awesome and the colours are better than earlier images, must get

  • @RunAndRemember

    October 7th, 2012 - 10:28am

    Hello Luke!! 😀 Good to finally see you! But the scarf looks incredible, might order one too! How tall are you Luke, just wondering?

    • booboo

      October 7th, 2012 - 10:35am


    • @RunAndRemember

      October 7th, 2012 - 10:38am

      Was just wondering how long it would be on me, Thanks, should fit nicely then! But any excuse to wear a scarf in winter, this will do nicely! 🙂

    • @RunAndRemember

      October 7th, 2012 - 10:43am

      Just to confirm, this is Luke in the photo then booboo?

    • booboo

      October 7th, 2012 - 10:50am

      yes it is

    • @RunAndRemember

      October 7th, 2012 - 10:58am

      Ah, brilliant! Not how I expected him to look…in a good way! But are you not going to model the scarf booboo, or are you camera shy? 😛

    • eddy

      April 5th, 2013 - 2:36pm

      yeah booboo, where are you in all these pictures!

    • booboo

      April 5th, 2013 - 2:38pm

      behind the camera

    • eddy

      April 5th, 2013 - 2:41pm

      ohhh 🙂

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    October 7th, 2012 - 9:08am

    I take it the guy wearing the Scarf is you Booboo ? 😀

    • Esterath

      October 7th, 2012 - 9:15am

      No, it’s Luke.

  • John Smith

    October 7th, 2012 - 7:49am

    A bit over priced for what it is but still very cool! I’d like one but I wouldn’t have a costume to put it with! I hope that the next thing they release is an official 11th Doctor stetson. I’d definitely buy that to go with my 11th Doctor costume.

  • Mr Evil Fez

    October 7th, 2012 - 7:42am

    Wow! Cool scarf! But whose that man?

    • Mr Evil Fez

      October 7th, 2012 - 7:44am

      and there is a dog too! 😆

    • Esterath

      October 7th, 2012 - 8:42am

      It’s Luke and Booboo Mk2!

  • Liason Ice

    October 7th, 2012 - 5:56am

    Whose the guy?
    Want the scarf so bad, can’t really afford it though

    • mrewanwatson

      October 7th, 2012 - 9:48am

      Ask it 4 christmas

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