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January 5th, 2022 44 comments

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Figurine Collection Magazine Issue 212 Servo-Robot

The Servo-Robot is the latest addition to our Doctor Who Figurines Collection!

Bustling, rotund service automatons employed by humans in the late 21st century, the servo robots appeared in The Wheel In Space, a classic Second Doctor story that introduced his scientifically-minded companion Zoe Heriot – and pitted him against the merciless Cybermen!

The Cybermen hoped to use the titular Wheel In Space – Space Station W3 – as a beacon to launch their invasion of Earth. Only the Doctor’s unexpected arrival on the station could foil their plans – following an attack by a rogue servo robot aboard a mysteriously abandoned supply shuttle…

Categorised under: Doctor Who Figurine Collection, Magazine



  • Dalek Commander

    July 4th, 2022 - 9:28pm

    Guy in the Netherlands posted a picture of his new Mega Mondasian Cyberman with his collection on one of the Facebook sites. He also had a Cleaner Robot in the background of the picture. I guess this shows that the supply problems are with the UK.

  • the Ergon

    July 2nd, 2022 - 10:15am

    My consoles have been shipped. Ill try and post pictures on my collections page when they arrive.

    • the Ergon

      July 2nd, 2022 - 10:17am

      Thats junkyard 11th and 9th/10th console.

    • booboo

      July 2nd, 2022 - 10:24am

      From UK EM?

    • The ergon

      July 2nd, 2022 - 11:06am

      No from big bad toys. Stateside.

    • The ergon

      July 2nd, 2022 - 11:13am

      To be honest i paid over but didnt want to wait for the uk to get these the way things have slowed down. And chinas gone into another lockdown so god only knows when anything else might show up. I was also going to add the cleanerbot until i saw the price on that.

    • Doug Who

      July 2nd, 2022 - 12:52pm

      You got us excited there for a brief moment Ergon! Look forward to seeing them in your collections page. Hope they get to the UK eventually.

      Does make you wonder if it is solely the problems in China if they can ship to the US. Possibly containers tied up in Europe which may be other issues involved.

    • the Ergon

      July 2nd, 2022 - 7:27pm

      Apparently there are Issues with acquiring paper for the magazines as well as logistical problems to add to the many woes Doug. It seems you have to pay the price if you want something a lot sooner. Its worked out just over an extra £40 with shipping costs for the 2.They take 2-3 weeks to arrive, hopefully intact. I cancelled the ones from shop.

    • PABS

      July 3rd, 2022 - 6:07pm

      Eaglemess have the junkyard console and cleaner robot live on their EU store.

    • booboo

      July 3rd, 2022 - 6:58pm

      they dont ship to the UK sadly, what this proves is the items “exist” but getting them into the UK is clearly a problem.

  • Sons of Skaro

    June 30th, 2022 - 11:16pm

    Didn’t know he was selling for so much on eBay. I received mine weeks ago. I don’t suppose anyone wants the #213 Santa.

    • Ken

      July 1st, 2022 - 12:20am

      I’ve seen some sell for over £100

  • Ken

    June 30th, 2022 - 10:58pm

    Many many thanks.I’m so glad I was outbid at £50 on eBay for this.

  • Whomerchcollector07

    June 30th, 2022 - 9:35pm

    Just sold mine for £65 on eBay today. Oops

  • Anonymous

    June 30th, 2022 - 8:56pm

    This is very strange. I got mine weeks ago. Must say though, it is beautifully detailed.

  • Doug Who

    June 30th, 2022 - 7:19pm

    This is a really nice figurine in hand, if a little out of Eaglemoss scale.

    I received my ‘final’ delivery of Styggron and Skaak a short while ago, so no idea why recent figurines are not on the website. I really hope things get back on track in August but I have my doubts.

    I have a relative in China who works for a university there and has been in lockdown in a hotel for over a month. Things go into serious lockdown at the first sign of any infection. Add to that the transportation issues and it seems likely some problems will be here for the foreseeable.

  • Alan

    June 30th, 2022 - 6:47pm

    The Servo robot doesn’t have add to cart button?

    • booboo

      June 30th, 2022 - 6:49pm

      its does from where I’m sitting, plenty of people have ordered, are you in the UK?

      if so try clearing cashe / cookies

  • the Ergon

    June 30th, 2022 - 3:34pm

    Thanks so much for the heads up Booboo. Its the only item i dont have and is most wanted to get me up to date. Ill bet there are a lot of people kicking themselves now who paid way over the odds with those Ebay sellers. One selling only weeks ago for over £200. Madness. Incidentally there are items ive just purchased on Big badtoystore. The 2 consoles which should arrive in the next 2-3 weeks. I got tired of waiting and paid slightly over myself with shipping costs etc. knowing my luck of late those too will show up in shop. At least now the stock is slowly getting through. Cant wait to recieve this tomorrow. It took long enough.

    • booboo

      June 30th, 2022 - 4:00pm

      I’m having trouble like many people understanding whats going on with EM, this just popped up but sign no sight of 5 previous figurines on their site

    • The ergon

      June 30th, 2022 - 4:10pm

      I know. 207-213. I suppose its what comes through in the shipping containers first. I would have thought all issues up to 213 would have been despatched together but if the US and mainland europe have the cleaner and consoles as well it should only be a matter of time before eveveryone catches up. Maybe then they can get 216+ shipped. If they havent already. Perplexing.

    • the Ergon

      July 1st, 2022 - 12:05pm

      Just recieved and it is quite petite and not in scale so distanced him from the jamie and Doctor figurines on the mantel as if its in the far background.

    • The ergon

      July 1st, 2022 - 12:35pm

      Ive a few orders on FP yet to be fulfilled but its a case of who gets them in first. Ill always preorder first with FP, as they dont take money until despatched, but if the shop get them in first ill cancel my FP preorders simpl as that. Its more a win win that way.

  • Popplewick

    December 10th, 2021 - 7:47pm

    Looking at the hero collector blurb on the Servo Robot. Suggests it was a human gizmo. Odd I always thought it was a cyberman machine.

  • The ergon

    December 10th, 2021 - 7:32pm

    Online shops taking too long so decided to preorder this from FP along with 12th in dalek, borad, recon dalek and impaled cyberman. Ill get ones im less bothered about such as santa, dream lord and raston warrior robot from shop when available.

    • The ergon

      December 10th, 2021 - 8:56pm

      Of late they have a better track record where earlier deliveries are concerned,when they get their quota, at about the same as subscribers. Im no worse off for preordering with FP at present. If i see things change i,ll wait and order from shop. The only items i get early are the preorders of specials or consoles etc..

    • The ergon

      December 14th, 2021 - 8:36pm

      I wasnt taking any chances with this. I want an earlier delivery. So as things stand it had to be FP.

    • the Ergon

      June 30th, 2022 - 3:40pm

      So much for that. cancelled my FP order now.

  • The ergon

    December 7th, 2021 - 12:34pm

    Check out the cleanerbot from paradise towers. What a beauty and now up for preorder.

    • Coleman

      December 7th, 2021 - 12:51pm

      That’s awesome ergon. I know You’ve mentioned you’d like a sculpt of this for years now.
      Wonder if this is the first bit of merchandising this Cleaner bot as had. (Figurewise)?

    • bryan

      December 7th, 2021 - 4:14pm

      Hi ergon.

      The cleaner not looks amazing. As does this Servo Robot. Do you know if any of he regular figures have ever gone on to become a mega size? I would have loved a servo Robot in the bigger size like the cleaner not. But still lovely all the same.

    • Coleman

      December 7th, 2021 - 5:26pm

      I’m sure all the Daleks were regular figures before they became Megas.

    • The ergon

      December 9th, 2021 - 12:32am

      Daleks, mondasian cyberman and weeping angel bryan as far as i know bryan and 4th and 10th doctors. I personally dont collect the megas but harrops do a good range if you are looking for bigger or are unfamiliar with the range. Some good stuff coming soon with a troll doll and carnival auton released early 2022.

    • Coleman

      December 9th, 2021 - 4:47pm

      Personally, i Can’t wait for the full animation of the story that the Servo Robot comes from..

    • The ergon

      December 10th, 2021 - 7:59pm

      I really like wheel in space despite the bad rap it gets. I like particulary the strange music they reused from the web planet for the servo robot on the carrier ship.

    • Coleman

      December 10th, 2021 - 8:18pm

      I liked that creepy ten minutes that was animated a few years ago and I thought if the animation carries on in s similar vein it should be a corker.

  • Nick

    December 2nd, 2021 - 3:02pm

    Nice one, really nice. But what is happening with figurines 205 onwards, no sign of them on Eaglemoss website. Are ithey still in a container that fans have been taking about? Anyone have any news?

    • Popplewick

      December 2nd, 2021 - 4:09pm

      Still no sign of Mutt and Navarino on the site. Masses of pre-orders now.

  • Popplewick

    December 1st, 2021 - 9:36pm

    A nice set of cybermats would be good.

  • Doug Who

    December 1st, 2021 - 7:38pm

    This is an absolute belter!! Really lovely figurine and can’t wait to see it in hand. Remember seeing the original on show many, many years ago too…

    Really hoping for some more monsters in the collection, especially from the Fourth Doctor…hasn’t been one since Eldrad which seems so long ago now!

    • Neil Lambess

      December 3rd, 2021 - 1:44am

      Sadly no ….Santa figures seem to be more important that 4th doctor figures !…
      We did get an oversized Melkur special but technically that’s a Tardis not a monster

  • Dalekz

    December 1st, 2021 - 6:33pm

    Cool I remember seeing the original prop at an exibition I love his retro design.

  • Fledershrew

    December 1st, 2021 - 2:47pm

    Another classic series request for the fans.

    Thanks, EM!

  • bob hellier

    December 1st, 2021 - 2:15pm

    looking forward to getting this figurine and hopefully wheel in space will be next to be animated as a dvd


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