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August 23rd, 2021 85 comments

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Figurine Collection Magazine Issue 205 Solonian Mutt

Introducing the Mutt – which are insectoid creatures who roamed the toxic planet Solos, this figurine makes a perfect addition to your Doctor Who Figurine Collection!

The Mutt appeared to be mutated versions of the Solonians, the planet’s native species. Conquered by the Earth Empire in the far future, Solos was polluted and exploited to the point of collapse by its human overlords.

In truth, the “Mutts” were a natural part of the Solonian life cycle – a transformation triggered by the changing seasons of Solos, each lasting 500 years. Eventually, the onset of summer transformed the Solonians into a final form – powerful energy beings, who could overthrow their human oppressors.

The definitive collection of over 50 years of Doctor Who characters, faithfully rendered as 1:21 scale models and accompanied by a 16-page magazine, we go into detail with the features of your figurine, plus the behind-the-scenes of this classic episode, and much more!

Categorised under: Doctor Who Figurine Collection, Magazine



  • Doug Who

    December 23rd, 2021 - 7:35pm

    This is an absolutely stunning figurine! One of the best I think. Amazing detail on it and completely captures the character. This was my second most wanted figurine after the Krarg so especially delighted it’s been done.

    I received the Borad and Weaponised Dalek yesterday, so gradually catching up! Borad is a really nice sculpt although quite big in relation to the other ‘normal’ figurines.

    In case Ergon reads this, I’ve re-started work on the Kandyman custom today! Determined to finish before we’re too long into 2022.

    While I’m here, wishing Merry Christmas to Booboo, Ergon, Coleman, Time Lord Tim and everyone else. This site is so informative and great fun to chat with other collectors!

    • the ergon

      December 23rd, 2021 - 8:37pm

      Yes. Got my Borad yesterday Doug. didn,t pay much heed to the size, i was more concerned that the paintwork might be shoddy and that it might look more like Borat than Borad but i needn,t have worried. The mutts coming tomorrow so i cant see there being any problem there as its one all over spray job. Glad you are back on with The kandyman as well, just don,t stress it. It gets done when its done. Just make it look terrific. remember, its not like ones about to be unveiled anytime soon and its you who has to look at it.
      So yes in case i forget Merry xmas to you Doug, Booboo especially for all his good work and keeping us in check as well as Coleman, Timelord Tim , The Werewolf, and everyone else i,ve had good interesting discussions with this year. All the best.

    • the ergon

      December 23rd, 2021 - 11:22pm

      Wonderful chaps all of you.

    • TimelordTim

      December 24th, 2021 - 8:45am

      Thank you Doug and Ergon, and a Merry Christmas to you both, Coleman, Booboo and everyone else!

      Really looking forward to seeing what 2022 brings for the series, the merchandise and of course, all your amazing customs! Keep them coming and an extra thank you to Booboo for all the hard work on this amazing site.

    • Coleman

      December 24th, 2021 - 9:20pm

      Yes Doug, great site, good to talk to all like minded collectors.
      Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all.
      (Won’t be long now)

  • Popplewick

    November 20th, 2021 - 9:47pm

    Everything on the site now – not just Dr Who – seems to be pre order. January before my long awaited NOMAD from Star Trek comes out. There’s Trek stuff Ive been watching on preorder for months. The emails seem to be a bit jumbled too. One suggested the tom Baker mega was on offer. If it was I never saw it at anything other than full price. I also keep getting good offers but they seem to be for EU members paying in Euros. It seems a bit of a mess.

  • Popplewick

    November 20th, 2021 - 5:55pm

    Not on the site yet. Don’t want t miss this though its one of their very best if the pic is anything to go by.

  • Alan Silvester

    November 19th, 2021 - 11:57am

    Please, has anyone received 204 & 205 yet from Eaglemoss? They are not responding to emails, and I’ve not had these or the Cyber Controller special. Yet they keep taking money! Starting to get very annoyed and frustrated – particularly as people appear to have had the Cyber figure a month ago.

    • Crosby

      November 20th, 2021 - 10:29am

      Just got mine 204/205 and cyber controller today 20 November at 10:15 didn’t even have an email to say their on the way

    • Alan Silvester

      November 20th, 2021 - 4:10pm

      Thank you, Crosby. Quite annoyed though as this totally contradicts what I was told on the telephone yesterday when I rang Eaglemoss. I was told issues204 & 205 had not reached the UK warehouse and there was no estimated delivery date. Obviously it seems this was not true. I swear they just make it up as they go along. Really had enough now of EM.


      November 24th, 2021 - 7:08pm

      I haven’t had mine yet, hopefully sometime this week.

    • Alan Silvester

      November 25th, 2021 - 10:47am

      Crosby – I finally received my 204 & 205 this morning, but no Cyber Controller. Did yours all come in one package or separate packages, please?


      November 29th, 2021 - 7:26pm

      I got 204/205 in the post on Friday morning past.

  • Crosby

    November 15th, 2021 - 1:59am

    Getting ridiculous now 3 direct debit payments have gone out now issues 4/5 6/7 8/9 thought EM would changed the payment schedule like they normally do I opted out of Cyber controller on throne and ordered it instead and it came the next day but they still took the direct debit for the special now I’m getting charged for direct debit being returned as didn’t have enough money in bank I’ve pre-ordered Gravis so opted out of this special too hopefully they won’t do the same

    • Pj

      November 16th, 2021 - 1:20am

      If they can’t send these why don’t they still send out the specials
      That would be something at least for the subscribers

    • Alan Silvester

      November 19th, 2021 - 12:18pm

      Just spoken to Eaglemoss. Apparently issues 204 & 205 have never made it to the UK warehouse, and they’ve no idea when these will be received! My next delivery, that was “processed” on the 29th October but still not received by me, will be 206 & 207 plus the Cyber Controller Special. Hope this helps anyone wondering what is going on!

  • Alan Silvester

    October 8th, 2021 - 5:05pm

    Please – has anyone received this figure (and 204) yet?

    • booboo

      October 8th, 2021 - 5:05pm

      not me

    • Alan Silvester

      October 9th, 2021 - 1:29pm

      Thanks, booboo – as long as it’s not just me then, I won’t contact them yet!

    • pj

      October 20th, 2021 - 6:01pm

      Please has anyone received theres yet and issue 204
      it seems its delay after delay

    • booboo

      October 20th, 2021 - 6:03pm

      no but your right, delay after delay affecting everything right now not just EM and outside of their control are you not keeping up with the news?

    • daz

      October 20th, 2021 - 7:11pm

      The Shipping container with them in is yet to land in the UK. So not dispatched to anyone yet.

    • Popplewick

      October 20th, 2021 - 7:16pm

      Is 204 the Navarino ?

    • The Werewolf

      October 20th, 2021 - 7:28pm

      No one has rrcievd these yet. We’ll Australia has recieved the Navarino, because they get 203 with 204, instead of 204 with 205 in their subs.

    • pj

      October 23rd, 2021 - 8:25pm

      They also seem more interested in all the new ranges
      It looks like a new range every couple of months

    • Alan Silvester

      October 29th, 2021 - 6:31pm

      Eaglemoss have just issued this update: We are expecting the stock for issues 204 and 205 to arrive at the warehouse next week. We will confirm the dispatch date as soon as the stock was booked in. Good news.

    • Popplewick

      October 29th, 2021 - 7:06pm

      Looks like its going to be a mad rush to order when theyre on the website.

    • Alan Silvester

      November 10th, 2021 - 10:58am

      Still waiting – anyone received this and 204 yet, please?

    • booboo

      November 10th, 2021 - 11:03am

      not me, seems ages since i got anything

  • Doctor Thirteenth

    August 30th, 2021 - 8:30pm

    Still waiting for this one

    • Pj

      September 24th, 2021 - 12:13pm

      Has anyone received this and 204 yet

  • Coleman

    July 20th, 2021 - 4:46pm

    Yes, he’s a beauty, love the colouring on him.
    We had a nextdoor neighbour years ago that always kept Ferrets outside in a small hutch.
    Their where all pure white.
    (If I remember correctly they were always having babies).

    • Anonymous

      July 20th, 2021 - 4:48pm

      Booboo, will you put this comment at the Bottom of page as a reply to Alvin, thanks.

    • booboo

      July 20th, 2021 - 4:52pm

      i cant change where they are?

    • Anonymous

      July 20th, 2021 - 5:00pm

      Ok Booboo.
      I just replied to Alvin at bottom of page and for some reason it posted at the top?

    • booboo

      July 20th, 2021 - 5:15pm

      the comments work backwards so what was at the bottom of one page would go to the top of the next with the next comment, or something like that

  • Sidney

    July 19th, 2021 - 1:56pm

    Email this morning from eaglemoss issues 200/201 have been posted 3 hours later they was here are eaglemoss delivering by tardis

    • Crosby

      July 20th, 2021 - 2:08pm

      At least you got an email I didn’t the last 4 deliveries i’ve had before my email but not complaining though

    • Sidney

      July 20th, 2021 - 5:28pm

      I’ve had that aswell crosby

  • Doug Who

    July 17th, 2021 - 2:39pm

    Booboo has kindly uploaded pictures of my Eaglemoss customs (so far) if anyone’s interested!

    Would love to hear feedback. Thanks again Booboo!

  • Crosby

    July 17th, 2021 - 10:12am

    Brilliant another Pertwee monster from my Doctor

  • Nick

    July 16th, 2021 - 10:58pm

    This is brilliant news. Sigh, if only we could have a Kraal / Styggron as well…


    July 16th, 2021 - 7:35pm

    Oh yes I have really been hoping this would be done, one happy camper here.

  • Nyder@Newcastle

    July 16th, 2021 - 2:20pm

    Axon monster soon?
    Keller machine?

    • Auton

      July 16th, 2021 - 2:25pm

      I hope so, and a Auton policeman

    • SamWho

      July 16th, 2021 - 5:03pm

      Keller machine is way too small for a figurine on its own

    • Coleman

      July 17th, 2021 - 5:30pm

      Doug who’s made a lovely Keller machine custom to match the Eaglemoss scale. It’s sculpted on a table to give it some height so it doesn’t look too small for one of their style plinths.
      He’s posted it on collections with some other great 3.75 inch custom scale figurines.

    • Popplewick

      October 21st, 2021 - 10:45pm

      I wouldnt object to another figure of the Master actually holding the Keller Machine. I suppose the chinese dragon conjoured up by Chin Lee wouldn’t be overly feasible – one of those times where a set of busts whould be good.

  • P7E

    July 16th, 2021 - 2:20pm

    There can’t be that many left from the pertwee era left now surely?

    Great figure looking forward to getting my hands on it

    • Anonymous

      July 16th, 2021 - 2:26pm

      Axon monster, keller machine,
      Kronos, auton policeman, imc robot hopefully.

    • The ergon

      July 16th, 2021 - 4:07pm

      Plenty. Aside from those mentioned,how about arcturus,kronos,drashig,metebeis queen, blank faced auton,uxaerian warrior and high priest,giant maggots,bellal,the root and thats just at the top of my head.

  • Doug Who

    July 16th, 2021 - 1:17pm

    Absolutely brilliant! What a fantastic figurine and an amazing likeness of one of the most striking ‘monster’ designs ever in ‘Who’.

    Personally this was my second most wanted figurine after the Krarg.

    Thanks again to Neil and all!

    • Chris radbone

      July 18th, 2021 - 9:46pm

      I agree long overdue and wish they would stop virtually identical daleks like 199.
      Axos monster surely needed along with the time monster,exilon, a drashig special,
      And the most least represented fifth doctor.
      Ergon,visitation robot,monarch,persuasion,enlightenment, white and black guardian, chameleon,tractator, timanov,mawdryn undead,the garm, and specials mara,murkka,tss, and compainions turlough, peri,both brigadiers, and five doctors set doctors,companions

    • Popplewick

      October 21st, 2021 - 10:35pm

      Superb Pertwee era choices Chris – but more Hartnell and Troughton is a ‘must’.They should have sorted the Menoptra by now ( they ought to get some advise from Coleman who posted some excellent pics of his own custom model) How long has the set been going – the Menoptra has been my favourite choice since day one. Where is a chumbley ? Flabbergasted we’re still waiting. Same with the Dominators, Moroks and Drahvins. And I suppose a Troughton style Macra which ought to be a special is to much to ask for. I’d even been astounded to see a Space Pirate to join the set. Plenty of pics of Maurice Caven to work off. Finally a box set with four of the Masterplan/Mission to the Unknown aliens – Malpha, the one with no face, the overgrown chess piece and the creature with tendrils growing out of his face. I’ll try and remember their names one day.

    • Popplewick

      October 21st, 2021 - 10:39pm

      Aside from those a set of classic era comic aliens would be great, the Trods, the Ugrakks, the Vogons and most of all the tv 21 emperor Dalek. To me they’re more memorable than more recent aliens.

    • The ergon

      October 22nd, 2021 - 1:08am

      Ben robinson posted some time back that ‘ we have to do a chumbley’ before this collection ends. And neil did say not everyone will get what they want. Id like to believe if this collection of single issues end we can get more full story sets and continue with the specials to keep those dreams alive. The delays have spoilt 2021 and i,m praying 2022 improves for deliveries. Some of us arent getting any younger.

    • Popplewick

      October 22nd, 2021 - 4:12pm

      They should certainly aim to reproduce the main villain from every classic serial.

    • the ergon

      October 22nd, 2021 - 5:02pm

      I was thinking exactly that last night popplewick. If just one to represent each story. I guess we,ll find out their plans as we edge towards 220 in 2022. I,d rather they,d follow the Classic/ New Who 2-4+ packs and specials rather than single releases and another extension if i,m honest.

    • Popplewick

      October 22nd, 2021 - 8:02pm

      Well I fear if they are stopping at 220 precedence will be given to the new season.

    • the ergon

      October 29th, 2021 - 7:20pm

      They can sign off at 220 with the watcher. Then start on multiple and variant sets and start that spaceship and vehicle collection before somebody else beats eaglemoss to the punch.

  • Anonymous

    July 16th, 2021 - 11:37am

    This one’s been along time coming. I remember Robert Harrops version came out ages ago and you can’t really call them prolific.

    • Coleman

      July 16th, 2021 - 12:03pm

      Just been comparing the two and I think this is one of the few times where the Eaglemoss version trump’s the Harrops version.
      Considering the price difference, well done Eaglemoss.

  • Martino

    July 16th, 2021 - 11:35am

    Oh excellent!

    • Auton

      July 16th, 2021 - 11:44am

      Yea it is excellent

  • John Sissons

    July 16th, 2021 - 11:09am

    Excellent figure and nice to see more classic era monsters coming through.

  • JL

    July 16th, 2021 - 11:00am

    This and a tractator were my 2 most wanted figurines, I’m so excited by this and it looks fantastic!!

  • bryan

    July 16th, 2021 - 10:59am

    That is a superb Sculpt. They are a captivating Design. But this makes all the best points stand out. I would have loved this as a Mega.

    Gosh that 204 and205 I need to order. And I don’t collect these 🙂

  • Mrs Croot

    July 16th, 2021 - 10:21am

    Issue 205: The Mutt
    Issue 206: The Mutt but this time he’s labled as the one from “Genesis of the Daleks”

    • Neil Corry

      July 18th, 2021 - 9:08pm

      I’m very cross I didn’t think of this.

    • Doctor…Who?

      July 19th, 2021 - 6:05am

      Issue 207: Repackaged Mutt as the creature from ‘The Brain of Morbius’

  • Fledershrew

    July 16th, 2021 - 9:46am

    That’s a very well sculpted figurine, EM, and a testament to the excellent creature design – wasn’t a monster though, was it? Once again, a really good addition for the 3rd Doctor’s era of the show which has been well served by the collection..

    Hoping EM will tackle the Terileptil Android soon.

  • The Flying Shark

    July 16th, 2021 - 8:50am

    Yes! Been wanting this one for a very long time!

  • Anonymous

    July 16th, 2021 - 8:49am

    I was hoping they make a ganger

    • Coleman

      July 16th, 2021 - 11:41am

      I really like the Gangers as a design, would very much like the female one.

  • the ergon

    July 16th, 2021 - 8:47am

    Just last night i was looking through a lst of all the classic Who monsters which had to be a given for the ‘final’ 20 issues up to 220. The solonian mutt and the watcher were those two which i ticked off which would get done along with another half dozen. I,m really pleased they have got around to doing their version and its rather impressive indeed.

    • the ergon

      July 16th, 2021 - 8:53am

      I,m going to put it out there. I included the Terileptil Android in that list of must be dones as well.

    • the ergon

      July 16th, 2021 - 9:07am

      Actually its not really fair to class the mutts or The Watcher as ‘monsters’. Talk about labelling.

    • the ergon

      July 16th, 2021 - 9:44am

      I don,t think peter van Dissell would mind a figurine of his alter ego? Are we still waiting on Eric Sawards permission I wonder?

  • Anonymous

    July 16th, 2021 - 8:46am

    Never seen this episode
    I have seen about 20 classic episodes

    • Anonymous

      July 16th, 2021 - 11:44am

      Just curious, since you have watched so few classic episodes, do you like classic who at all or do you much prefer Nu Who?

  • Anonymous

    July 16th, 2021 - 7:44am

    Get in!!

  • bob hellier

    July 16th, 2021 - 7:29am

    looking forward to getting the solonian mutant brilliant i wonder when it will be available

  • Alvin Amey

    July 16th, 2021 - 7:01am

    Wow, that looks fantastic. I was hoping we’d get the Solonian Mutt in the collection, its such an iconic monster

    • Coleman

      July 17th, 2021 - 4:24pm

      Alvin, I like your Avatar on TDWFCS, is it your Ferret?

    • Alvin Amey

      July 19th, 2021 - 6:47am

      Its my first ferret Oscar, I don’t keep ferrets anymore due to my health

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