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October 8th, 2022 131 comments

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Figurine Collection Magazine Rare Dalek 19

Available to order from sci-fi collector Via

Hero Collector’s definitive collection of 50 years of Doctor Who characters, faithfully rendered as resin models and accompanied by a magazine has a new additon to the Doctor Who Figurines Collection! The Dalek with Tea Tray Figurine is the latest addition to hit our Doctor Who Figurines Collection!

One of the more unusual Daleks, the khaki-coloured, wartime Daleks appeared in the 2010 adventure Victory of the Daleks. The Ironsides were part of a cunning plan by the last of the Daleks to ensure their continued survival. The key to their devious plan’s success is none other than the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith), who must choose between his enemies’ existence or Earth’s history being torn apart. The story, written by Mark Gatiss, paid homage to films about the Second World War and Doctor Who’s The Power of the Daleks (1967), which also saw a Doctor trying to tell anyone who would listen that the Daleks who were acting servile were, in reality, the deadliest creatures in the universe!

Product features:

  • Includes 8-page guide
  • Perfect replication of disguised tea-carrying servant
  • One of the more unusual daleks
  • Khaki-coloured wartime dalek
  • A perfect gift for a Doctor Who fan!

This 1:21 scale, hand-painted resin collectible stands approximately 10 cm tall and perfectly replicates the deadly Dalek, in disguise as a tea-carrying servant. Also inside is an 8-page guide. We examine how the Ironside Daleks ended up unnervingly serving tea and meeting Winston Churchill.

Categorised under: Doctor Who Figurine Collection, Magazine



  • Neil Lambess

    December 21st, 2023 - 10:50am

    I have the last rare dalek ….Hartnell inside a Dalek from the space museum which dosent seem to have an entry here?

  • Doctor Mysterio

    December 8th, 2022 - 11:47pm

    I guess this is one way of selling off those plinths – I found they just took up too much room.

  • Anonymous

    December 8th, 2022 - 2:39pm

    After getting screwed over by Eaglemoss months back, I gave up on the collection there & then!

  • Martin Fahey

    July 28th, 2022 - 8:40pm

    Seems a few a turning up on Ebay for eye-watering figures

  • booboo

    July 5th, 2022 - 4:34pm

    Just had a refund on this so they clearly can’t supply it at all.

    • Alan Silvester

      July 5th, 2022 - 5:37pm

      They can’t, booboo – this has just appeared on my FB feed:

      5th July – Tea Tray Dalek – E-shop outstanding orders
      Good afternoon,
      The warehouse team have informed me today that all stock of this item needs to be kept firstly for the dispatch run for our Dr Who Collection subscribers that is due soon.
      Therefore, we will be refunding any outstanding orders for this item that was placed via our E-shop when this item was listed by mistake over the jubilee weekend.
      Once the dispatch run has been completed and any replacements shipped out, if we have stock available it will be offered to those customers we have refunded first.
      The refund will show on your payment card/account within 5 to 7 working days and apologies for this change.
      Kind regards

  • ReddDalek

    June 15th, 2022 - 3:08pm

    So can anybody inform us as to what the actual information concerning these special Daleks?

  • Dalek Commander

    June 13th, 2022 - 2:14pm

    It seems shipments are all over the place. I have heard that the consoles have been put on hold indefinitely. There are also pictures on other forums from the US and Netherlands showing the Paradise Towers Cleaner robot that people have received.

    • booboo

      June 13th, 2022 - 2:22pm

      people are being told different stories, i mean why are EM holding on to peoples money if the consoles have been put on hold indefinitely.

    • Dav

      June 13th, 2022 - 4:28pm

      I’ve made a whopper (16 pages) complaint to Eaglemoss covering this and many other issues. It’s getting beyond a joke and people are going to just stop subscribing because of the hassle.

      It’s a disgrace that the consoles have been on sale since late last year and not even a peep in terms of updated dates. The global situation is tricky at the moment but there’s no excuse for poor communication.

    • daz

      June 13th, 2022 - 5:12pm

      The 9th/10th console is supposedly due for release tomorrow. They might have gone to notify as they have sold out of their pre-order stock.

      I contacted customer service and they said to ignore rumours and to follow their customer service Facebook page for updates.

      But “Who Knows!?”

    • booboo

      June 13th, 2022 - 5:40pm

      the “rumours ” seem to be from their own CS and personally i don’t do social media and its wrong of them to assume everyone does.

    • Doug Who

      June 13th, 2022 - 6:50pm

      Couldn’t agree more Booboo! I don’t do social media either.

      I can’t see why they can’t send updates to subscribers and also customers who have preordered items in good faith informing them of the situation openly and honestly. There are almost daily offers from them, so surely informative emails are also possible.

      Far too many rumours and as has been pointed out different stories to different folk. Clearly there are significant global issues beyond their control but that does not excuse poor CS!

    • Dalek Commander

      June 13th, 2022 - 8:49pm

      The information on the consoles being indefinitely on hold came from EM customer service. So the rumours are being created by EM themselves. I do agree with comments concerning social media. EM have all our email details when we subscribed so why not use them? Why use social media? We need firm info on specials and standard collection. Especially pre orders that have been paid for upfront.
      What I think has been a great collection is being spoilt by poor customer service.

    • Coleman

      June 13th, 2022 - 9:19pm

      I know theirs been a few issues with Eaglemoss recently.
      But as I hadn’t been on the Big Chief Facebook page for at least a couple of months, yesterday I thought I’d check them out again.
      Nothings really changed, there’s delays galore and not just for Dr Who merchandise either.
      What stuck in my mind was people complaining about Koenig from Space 1999 and a Couple of the Captain’s for Captain Scarlet that had been on Pre-Order for THREE years with no sign of them arriving soon.
      Timewise, I thought I had a raw deal with some of their Dr Who figures before seeing this.

    • Anonymous

      June 13th, 2022 - 9:52pm

      I have cancelled all my Orders but still have 4 with Eaglemoss left. If I could cancel them I would, but they are too intertwined with previous orders. If I haven’t received them by the end of this year, I will cancel them regardless.

    • Prototype dalek

      June 13th, 2022 - 10:21pm

      This is why I have decided to not pre-order anything else from them, so many different complications from them at the moment. Unless it’s in stock, I’m not buying.
      I was one of the few lucky ones that managed to get my order of this dalek but why they keep offering an exclusive so openly for sale is beyond me.

  • Whomerchcollector07

    June 13th, 2022 - 9:37am

    My order has just been cancelled through Amazon

  • Stephen Braddick

    June 11th, 2022 - 9:57am

    Your lucky, I have not received anything since issue 206!!!!!!!

    • TomBakersDozen

      June 11th, 2022 - 4:16pm

      Your really badly behind then, that’s not good at all. Well surprise surprise, totally out of the blue yesterday i had a delivery of Issue’s 212-215. Wasn’t expecting that at all.

  • TomBakersDozen

    June 9th, 2022 - 5:01pm

    Just on the subject of the standard issue’s, i haven’t received anything for what seems like ages now. The last issue i received was 211, I’ve been collecting these since day one but I’m seriously starting to lose interest. Anyone else stuck at issue 211? I’m guessing there’s plenty.

    • the Ergon

      June 9th, 2022 - 5:20pm

      just wanting Issue 212 and i,m up to date. Got 215 nearly 2 months ago from FP.

    • Dalek Commander

      June 9th, 2022 - 6:30pm

      214 and 215 last issues. There is a hold until at least August. I was in a similar position a while ago when I was behind 5 issues. I had to contact EM several times but my persistence appeared to pay off. I would contact them.

    • TomBakersDozen

      June 9th, 2022 - 7:10pm

      Many thanks for the info & help, the Ergon & Dalek Commander, maybe I’ll hold on just a while longer, see how thing’s pan out.

    • Crosby

      June 12th, 2022 - 5:30pm

      I’m waiting for 214/215

  • John Sissons

    June 8th, 2022 - 9:35pm

    I decided to order the Dalek 4 days ago and got it yesterday. I must be one of the lucky ones.

    • Crosby

      June 12th, 2022 - 5:34pm

      The Dalek shouldn’t be on the shop site yet there meant to be exclusive to subscribers I’m still waiting for a replacement for the embryo technician Dalek which is Rare Dalek 9 from when it was first released their getting to be a joke now

  • Dalek Commander

    June 8th, 2022 - 3:55pm

    Out of stock now according to posting by Customer Services on Eaglemoss site.

    • booboo

      June 8th, 2022 - 4:21pm

      more thnn out of stock loads of orders getting cancelled including mine

    • prototype dalek

      June 8th, 2022 - 4:46pm

      Has yours not been delayed booboo? Some emails say existing orders will be fulfilled in 3-4 weeks. To be honest the whole thing is a mess.

    • booboo

      June 8th, 2022 - 5:00pm

      yes, was reading on my phone, but how can they suddenly get 100’s of these that they don’t have now in 3-4 weeks when they cant supply anything else, none of this is making any sense to me

      will leave it for 4 weeks so what happens

    • The ergon

      June 8th, 2022 - 5:24pm

      Glad i got mine straight away just after it came up on this site. I knew what it would be when you mentioned it had not been previously released booboo. I think thats why even a lot of subscribers jumped in, afraid to miss out. They probably shouldnt have been released for another 3-4 weeks is what they mean and they may well have had the stock but that has been depleted somewhat. I read someone bought a load to mark up for a £50 selling price on ebay as well so it doesnt help matters. I also ordered another as a spare but got the same message before it was despatched which i shall be getting a refund on.

    • prototype dalek

      June 8th, 2022 - 7:42pm

      That’s what makes the least sense to me, how they have 100’s of these set’s already prior to the subscription release and they are still getting further stock to fulfil existing orders and to keep a large number to one side for subscribers

    • The ergon

      June 8th, 2022 - 7:52pm

      More stalling tactics. Their making excuses for their incompetence as they go along. You believe it when they arrive. Simple as that.

    • The ergon

      June 8th, 2022 - 7:56pm

      Says it all when they can pull the plug on an order that was active and paid for.

    • Anonymous

      June 8th, 2022 - 10:00pm

      Just the usual Eaglemoss con then – What a laff!

  • Update from Eaglemoss

    June 8th, 2022 - 3:54pm

    You have recently placed an order with us for the following item “Tea Tray Dalek” (ref number WHOEN721), while this item was listed by mistake in our shop we do wish to honour your order.

    Regrettable we received more orders than available stock, so at this time we are not able to fulfil your order.

    While is this not the news we wish to send you we are currently working to send more stock to the warehouse so your order can be dispatched.

    The timeline for new stock to arrive will be between 3 to 4 weeks and if you are willing to wait than we will dispatch your order as soon as possible.

    If you would prefer a refund please contact the customer service team via [email protected] along with your order number: FG021601.

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused

    Kind regards,
    The Eaglemoss Team

  • Alan Silvester

    June 8th, 2022 - 3:26pm

    Don’t hold your breath if you did order one in the last few days…

    8th May – E-shop order update
    Good morning,
    Some customers have recently placed an order with us for the following item “Tea Tray Dalek” (ref number WHOEN721), while this item was listed by mistake in our shop we do wish to honour your order.
    Regrettable we received more orders than available stock, so at this time we are not able to fulfill your order.
    While is this not the news we wish to send you, we are currently working to send more stock to the warehouse so your order can be dispatched.
    The timeline for new stock to arrive will be between 3 to 4 weeks and, if you are willing to wait, then we will dispatch your order as soon as possible.
    If you are awaiting your order and would prefer a refund, please contact the customer service team via [email protected] along with your order number.
    Sorry for any inconvenience caused, this message will also be sent out on email to those customers affected later today.
    Kind regards

  • Coleman

    June 8th, 2022 - 11:03am

    Bad News Guys. (Ive also posted this on Ask A Question). I was watching the News on TV this morning. Their was a feature on mass Retail Chain Delays. Retail expects this disruption to last until September 2023.

    • John Batty

      June 8th, 2022 - 4:00pm

      Eaglemoss told me no other issues will be sent now until at least August. Then they will review and restart payments. 214/215 seem to be it for now.

    • Coleman

      June 8th, 2022 - 4:24pm

      Hello John, this is not just Eaglemoss, but Character Options, Harrop, Big Chief and basically everyone else involved in retail. The Whole Retail Chain which includes Manufacturing abroad, warehousing abroad, Shipping, Road Transport,Warehousing in our country and finally Shops.
      Estimations when things will finally be back to normal is Autumn of Next Year.

    • the Ergon

      June 8th, 2022 - 5:57pm

      You said it yourself John ‘At least August’ then Review. I think as coleman says we might be in this for the long haul with just sporadic deliveries if we are lucky. I,d like to think they managed to get The Cleanerbot, the 2 consoles and maybe a few regulars from 216+ into a container that might have made its way into the country before the next long wait for something.
      By the way John your not related to Roy Batty, the nexus 6 replicant are you?

    • Coleman

      June 8th, 2022 - 6:20pm

      Hello ergon, Totally shocked when I saw the News this morning that the distribution problems were going to be ongoing for this long. I was like alot of people thinking this might last another Two or Three months at the most.
      If it was internet news I would have just ignored it, but it was on the TV News.

    • The ergon

      June 8th, 2022 - 7:47pm

      Not much of a merry xmas and happy new year in 2022 then coleman if its as you say. Im more concerned by what merchandise we might even get for the big 60th anniversary in 2023. So little to get excited for and even less to discuss with the exception of Harrops and those are few and far between what with people being off with covid and lack of supplies.

  • Dalek Commander

    June 7th, 2022 - 5:24pm

    Just got issues 214 and 215. This was a surprise as I thought they were on hold. I also got a plinth.

    • booboo

      June 7th, 2022 - 5:29pm

      I think those are the last 2 until August

  • WhoMerchCollector07

    June 6th, 2022 - 12:46pm

    I subscribe but just ordered one in case there’s an issue later

  • The ergon

    June 6th, 2022 - 11:16am

    Hardly a rarity. Feels more standard release now. Its the unavailability that makes it more sought after even if you dont subscribe. Im still thankful i got the seismic detector and a spare when i did. I think it was around the time when the navarino+ was released to FP customers first that i noticed the delays and its been on a downard spiral ever since. However Its still a delight to own in my collection. Damaged dalek thay for next ‘rare’ please.

  • The Werewolf

    June 6th, 2022 - 12:10am

    Mine, that I ordered after 5pm on Tuesday arrived today. So they don’t deliver Saturdays, but do deliver Sundays in my area.

    I hope they still have some for us subscribers though.

  • prototype dalek

    June 5th, 2022 - 11:39am

    Seem to be back in stock again, states that there are “another” 97 in stock (type in 100 to add to basket)

  • booboo

    June 4th, 2022 - 9:40am

    Just ordered one in case, they are selling far to many for my liking.

    • The ergon

      June 4th, 2022 - 10:08am

      Ive just ordered another as well.

    • prototype dalek

      June 4th, 2022 - 10:30am

      Though what I don’t understand is why they admitted a mistake in selling them to begin with, then why keep on listing them?

    • booboo

      June 4th, 2022 - 10:53am

      I think its automated, its possible the person behind the website doesn’t know the significance, it looks like its auto updated very early morning with probably around 50-100 units added each time. There will be a max number overall though but it depends on if that number was heading for subscriptions or held back for lost or damages replacements. Either that are a mass overproduction.

      Of course we could be looking at mass cancellation and refunds next week.

      Its possible that people at EM know of this but are powerless to stop its because the bank holidays, literally know one sat at their desks.

      Its also possible the (multinational) website in not run form the UK

    • The ergon

      June 4th, 2022 - 10:44am

      What i would like to know is if new subscriptions are halted, does this mean future ‘rares’ will also go straight to shop as the collection comes closer to the end? Its almost as though eaglemoss have given up on everything including premium subs, customer service damaged item returns, delays, everything.

    • Ricky

      June 4th, 2022 - 11:03am

      Most of the delays im sure are down to chinas covid lockdowns which have only just been eased, therefore we should see more new issues appearing within a month or so, however with the recent eaglemoss updates it appears the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

    • Prototype dalek

      June 4th, 2022 - 11:13am

      I would very surprised if this was down to mass over production as we’ve never seen this many getting released since the first 3 specials. This will certainly be eating in to stocks for whatever the surplus was originally for.

      So with lots of these figures being sold, sent and delivered, what will we be seeing next week then. Especially in terms of premium subscribers who have paid for the extra receiving an item that is part of their pre paid package. Even I myself am in this boat.

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