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May 9th, 2024 22 comments

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Doctor Who Death in the Stars Hardcover

Originally listed as DW MM

Available to order from and and

A band of killers. Survivors with a secret. A death-defying murder mystery in space.

When young Mel’s business partner, Sabalom Glitz embarks on yet another “get rich quick” scheme, it marks the start of an epic, death-defying murder-mystery in space. After barely escaping the snares of a murderous galactic cult, Mel searches for fellow survivors in a nearby spaceship graveyard – while Glitz looks to fill his pockets. But the discovery of a spaceship with its crew in suspended animation and incredible secrets on board leaves the duo stranded with no way off.

Mel revives the crew – and then the murders start. Murders that cannot possibly have been committed by any of the crewmembers. In fact, there are only two realistic suspects – Glitz and Mel themselves…

Categorised under: Books, Story books



  • anon

    May 31st, 2024 - 1:02pm

    This has just been listed on Forbidden Planet: I’m holding off from purchase in case a Signed Edition becomes available?

  • bryan

    May 9th, 2024 - 11:08pm

    What more do you need to reel me in.

    Written By Bonnie Langford
    Staring Melanie Bush and Sabalom Glitz
    And the Fabulous Jacs Rayner is on Board.

    The Synopsis sound like a Doctor Lite Mad cap caper to bring 21st(c) Mel up to date.

    I have loved these Companion novels, fingers crossed for Sarah written by Sadie Millar or Liz written by Geoffrey Beevers, loads more opportunities for more companions.

    This website is so damn fantastic.

  • Bookcollector

    May 9th, 2024 - 3:44pm

    I have to say this doesn’t really appeal now I’ve seen the synopsis. I still might get the paperback but I’m definitely not interested in the hardcover. I like the idea of actors penning novels featuring their character but the original fiction is leaving me cold a little now. Hope everyone who gets this enjoys it.

  • BigBen64

    May 9th, 2024 - 3:14pm

    Synopsis listed on Waterstones website (

    A band of killers. Survivors with a secret. A death-defying murder mystery in space.

    When young Mel’s business partner, Sabalom Glitz embarks on yet another “get rich quick” scheme, it marks the start of an epic, death-defying murder-mystery in space. After barely escaping the snares of a murderous galactic cult, Mel searches for fellow survivors in a nearby spaceship graveyard – while Glitz looks to fill his pockets. But the discovery of a spaceship with its crew in suspended animation and incredible secrets on board leaves the duo stranded with no way off.

    Mel revives the crew – and then the murders start. Murders that cannot possibly have been committed by any of the crewmembers. In fact, there are only two realistic suspects – Glitz and Mel themselves…

  • JD

    May 9th, 2024 - 3:03pm

    Think it’s fantastic that the character is being given new dimension. And love the idea of more companions penning books! Ace started it!

    • rich

      May 10th, 2024 - 8:59am

      Harry Sullivan’s War started it

    • Anon

      May 10th, 2024 - 9:39am

      1986 such a shame fans didn’t want them at the time and plans for other books were dropped

    • Rory

      May 21st, 2024 - 9:29am

      @rich, great book. Marter was always a very good writer on the novelisations, and his original fiction is top notch spy-fi.

  • Bookcollector

    May 9th, 2024 - 2:50pm

    Cutting back on original who fiction so I will wait for a proper description of the story before deciding to get this or not. Will probably wait for the paperback though. Although we still haven’t had an announcement for the frazer evil paperback yet.

  • Anon

    May 9th, 2024 - 2:03pm

    Will wait for a paperback I think.

  • Leigh

    May 9th, 2024 - 1:56pm

    Looks really cool, hopefully a signed version will become available to pre-order

    • Rory

      May 9th, 2024 - 5:38pm

      Come on, Forbidden Planet. You know you want to.

      I’ll buy one as well.

    • The Fishmonger

      May 9th, 2024 - 6:09pm

      Me too

    • anon

      May 20th, 2024 - 11:49pm

      A Signed Edition through Forbidden Planet for either late July or early August, would be perfect for the release date of August 22nd?

  • MJS

    May 9th, 2024 - 12:55pm

    Aw this is so cool!! A Mel book, BY MEL!!!

    • STC

      May 9th, 2024 - 8:21pm

      If you look at the small print it’s actually written by Jacqueline Rayner.

      I’m pretty sure none of these Doctor Who novels written by cast members have actually been written by them.

    • Anon

      May 10th, 2024 - 3:07pm

      STC that is standard publishing practice. The plot will be the actors but they will receive help on the writing and in the case of these doctor who books the co-author will be able to deal with the continuity as the actors won’t be versed in that. Tom’s book was written with James Goss, Jacqueline worked with Alex Kingston and sophie aldred had Steve Cole and Mike tucker’s help. The books are still by those actors it’s not a con.

    • anon

      May 11th, 2024 - 12:20am

      I agree with Anon’s succinct comment. Bonnie Langford (Like other Who writers) will have had a large input into the creation of this book. This isn’t a Ghost written novel written solely by a jobbing writer.

    • rich

      May 11th, 2024 - 8:01am

      Of course it’s ghost written, stop making excuses

    • anon

      May 11th, 2024 - 4:26pm


    • The Unlicensed Physician

      May 12th, 2024 - 1:45am

      anon: one of these days you’re gonna have to explain what TAO means.

    • Anon

      May 12th, 2024 - 9:37am

      Rich, I’ve said this already, ghost writing is standard industry practice, there is nothing wrong with it. Bonnie will have major input into the plot and characters. How much of Tom’s book did Tom write? Did people complain about his book? It does not matter if a book is ghost written what matters is, is it a good book!

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