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Figurine Collection Magazine Special 18 Dalek Prime Minster
From the greatest sci-fi TV series in the world comes the eighteenth Special Edition in the Doctor Who Figurine Collection: Dalek Prime Minster Special!
Kidnapped by the Daleks, the Doctor, Amy and Rory are taken to a spaceship that houses the Dalek Parliament. There they meet the Dalek Prime Minister who reveals they are above the Dalek Asylum, a planet where they send insane Daleks who are too dangerous to be let loose on the universe.
The shield that surrounds the earth has been compromised, and the Prime Minister wants the Doctor to stop these deadliest of Daleks escaping. We’ve seen many leaders of the Daleks, including the Emperor and Davros, but none are quite so evil as the Dalek Prime Minister who revels in the fact that the Daleks find beauty in hatred – and it’s perhaps why they can’t seem to kill the Doctor…
Standing at approximately 17 cm tall, we have recreated the Dalek Prime Minister to specific standards, and our figurine is another essential addition to the ever-growing collection.
Mike Stegs
January 16th, 2020 - 4:10pmThis figurine is now listed as back in stock on the US site for anyone in the States who missed out on it last year.
February 1st, 2019 - 10:54amSeriously unimpressed with Eaglemoss’ warehouse-order-shipping right now.
As a subscriber I received this in December, but without the magazine. Asked for a replacement – was told currently out of stock will be sent when back in stock. ‘Fair enuff’.
Asked if there’s any progress in January and they responded asking if I was a subscriber or if it was an online order that was overdue? Told them again that it was my subscriber (regular+special editions) copy . Received another reply saying out of stock will send when back in stock. Pointed out they’re on the website as being available. ‘Yeah but…’ apparently subscribers copies are held separately (different warehouses) from online shop stock (and I’m guessing never the twain shall meet!).
If they can’t get their ### together then they’ll be losing a customer. Perhaps more than just me. It’s more frustrating knowing that something has been produced but you can’t get it – not because you can’t afford it, or because you were too late in ordering it but because someone, somewhere, somehow there has such a massive ##@@$$up that it’s still affecting subscribers, new customers, anyone…months later.
This assumption is based on personal experience and a lot of the comments on here.
Missing (regular) subscriber copies, Special Editions, new orders (via online shop), cancelled orders made by Eaglemoss on behalf of customers rather than customers themselves…
Yeah, kinda hacked off right now. will stop typing. I really, really hope whatever’s going on in the background gets sorted out soon.
The Flying Shark
February 1st, 2019 - 12:40pmI’m very annoyed too that the figurines have started coming with the magazines in a plastic bag. Not only does it crumple and damage the magazines, but with the way the environment is at the minute, do we really need so much more unnecessary plastic?
February 1st, 2019 - 1:29pmDon’t get me started on Eaglemoss! I have checked out their collections other than Doctor Who & it seem’s to be a constant stream of complaints across the board. I’ll say no more otherwise this will turn into a rant!
Alvin Amey
December 18th, 2018 - 3:04pmThe Dalek Prime Minister is now available to order from the Eaglemoss Collections webshop
December 18th, 2018 - 3:38pmyes gave up with that one, every time i put it up it vanishes again
December 20th, 2018 - 10:58pmStock available on eBay from Eaglemoss but £30
December 18th, 2018 - 1:18pmManaged to get a copy in WHSmiths in Driffield where they still have another as of today.
December 13th, 2018 - 10:07amNot!! Available for order!
December 13th, 2018 - 10:10amwell that didn’t last long
December 13th, 2018 - 7:31amOrdered again, hopefully they won’t cancel my order this time.
Ryan Croughan
November 30th, 2018 - 2:19pmNo new of when this will be appearing on the Eaglemoss site yet?
November 30th, 2018 - 2:26pmit did but people had their orders cancelled because they weren’t getting enough stock apparently
November 28th, 2018 - 12:42pmOrdered direct but Eaglemoss just emailed me to say they’ve cancelled my order as they don’t have enough, very disappointed…, hopefully it won’t be too long before they get more in stock, I do like having every form of Dalek in the collection.
November 28th, 2018 - 12:49pmstrange, most companies know how many they are getting so as not to let people down, FP haven’t even put it up yet either
November 28th, 2018 - 6:20pmJust got an email back from FP stating that currently it doesn’t look like they will be selling this figure (Special # 18 Dalek Prime Minister) online at their site. They also told me that currently Issue140 of the Figurine Collection The Ghost/Grant hasn’t been changed, but it will if details change. Can’t really understand any of this? FP have always sold the Specials Online – What’s the difference this time? The last time they cancelled a Figurine Order due to an incorrect listing, meant people had to re-order from the beginning as they would not transfer Order’s over. Very annoyed!
November 28th, 2018 - 6:56pmI told them (FP) weeks ago that issue 140 was wrong and its the Zarbi, its Eaglemoss marketing that hasn’t informed them of the change listed in previews world which is where FP get their info from
as far as i’m aware they have had all past specials
The Werewolf
November 28th, 2018 - 7:47pmThere’s now a cover for the Zarbi issue.
November 28th, 2018 - 11:23pmIf and when FP decide to list the Special Issue # 18 (Supposedly out: 13/12/18?) will you as usual Booboo update the Sales Link please? As Kevin said, you cannot even Order it direct from Eaglemoss now. It’s not even featured on their website at the moment.
November 29th, 2018 - 7:47amyes, the next ones should be in the next few days, we have issue 140 cover but no where to order it from
November 18th, 2018 - 10:26pmAny reason as to why Forbidden Planet haven’t got this one? I order mostly from them now as I get my orders quicker so just prefer it.
November 19th, 2018 - 9:04amas far as i know FP get their info from previews UK and this hasn’t been in there yet, probably more towards the end of the month
November 19th, 2018 - 9:29pmThanks, hope to get it soon then.
November 14th, 2018 - 10:23amDefinitely one to add to the collection
November 14th, 2018 - 5:13pmOne Final List would be to include the more humanoid Daleks such as the Kaled soldiers, the Kaled Scientists, Nyder, Young Davros, Dalek Humans and Dalek Puppets. I think that’s every Dalek related character not including Dalek allies and other nasty creatures found on Skaro.
November 13th, 2018 - 1:37pmI did not think they would do this dalek or the destroyed renegade dalek for that matter. if they are attempting to do every single dalek ever including those with minor differences then that should mean the collection will hopefully include. Skaro city dalek with cutting device, Skaro city dalek with open casing, Skaro city dalek with food tray, Chase Dalek with Seismic Detector, Chase Dalek with Electrode Unit. Damaged Dalek that was still alive at the end of power of the daleks, Dalek engineer with electric prod for activating dalek mutants Evil of the Daleks emperor Guard (perfect Condition), Emperor Guard Dalek with blown up top, Damaged Emperor Dalek. Dalek Alpha, Dalek Beta, Dalek Omega. Blown up Dalek from Day of the Daleks, Invisible spray painted Dalek, Grey Dalek with cutting device from planet of the daleks, Frozen Grey Dalek, Planet of the Daleks Dalek scientist. Death to the Daleks Dalek on fire. Genesis Dalek without a gun, Genesis Davros. Dalek Drone with wonky casing, Destiny Davros Terry Molloy Davros, Glass Dalek, Blown up Imperial Dalek, Imperial Dalek Emperor with closed dome, Renegade Dalek Drone, Dalek Battle computer, Blown up Renegade Dalek, Time War Dalek with open Casing, Assault Dalek, Time War guard Dalek with plunger arm, Time War guard Dalek with claw arm, Genesis Ark, Dalek sec with open casing, Dalek Thay with missing rear panels, Dalek Jast with syringe attatchment, Dalek Caan wired up to the control systems, Crucible vault Dalek, Blown up Time War Dalek, Crucible maintinence Daleks, Crucible heavy armoured Daleks, Destroyed Crucible supreme Dalek, Ironside Dalek serving tea/no bags on the dome lights, Eternal Paradigm Dalek, Scientist Paradigm Dalek, Damaged Supreme Paradigm Dalek, Asylum Skaro City Dalek, Asylum Time War Dalek, Asylum Paradigm Dalek, Time war battle damaged Dalek, Trenzalor Dalek Tank, Destroyed Dalek from into the Dalek that leaks blue fluid/blood. Upgraded Classic guard Dalek, Upgraded Renegade Dalek, Special weapons Dalek with lights, Time war Dalek leaking sewer Daleks, Skaro city Dalek leaking sewer Daleks, Davros out of his chair, Time war dalek with classic dalek colours, Dalek Heather, Dalek Rusty without his gun. If possible daleks from the comics and big finish audios.
prototype dalek
November 13th, 2018 - 3:20pmDaleks Alpha, Beta and Omega are all basically the same Daleks so they wouldn’t make 3 of the same design, only Daleks with different moulding/Colours. Maybe a destroyed death dalek but maybe with not flames though. Dalek Caan with wires wouldn’t necassirily be a variant they would do either or a Trenzalor Dalek Tank. All the others you never know may be possible, impressive list though.
November 13th, 2018 - 3:52pmYes Daleks alpha, beta and omega are the same but they have different Greek symbols to match their individual names plus I am sure one of them had a black pupil in the eye and the figurines could always have the eye, manipulator and gun stalks in different positions which would work well considering their excitable natures.
the patient
November 13th, 2018 - 5:16pm“If possible daleks from the comics and big finish audios.”
I would love to see a Dalek Time Controller!
November 13th, 2018 - 10:35pmYou spent far too long typing that
November 14th, 2018 - 2:13amIf they ever did expand to include Comics and Big finish audios I would want them to include the following Daleks. The Classic Dalek Time Controller, The Time War Dalek time Strategist, An Eternity Circle Dalek council member. Time War weapons Dalek with De-mat gun temporal cannon, stained glass Dalek from order of the daleks, Red Dalek spaceship commanders, Skaro degradations, Time War Dalek Scientist, The Dalek Overseer from Planet of the Ogrons, The Mentor’s Daleks, The Golden Dalek Emperor, Dalek Zeg, The Astro Dalek, Dalek Chronicles Drone Dalek, Marine Daleks, Marsh Daleks, A Dalek that covered itself in flowers, a Dalek with Krikoosh cage bars attached, Hive Dalek Supreme, Hive Dalek surgeon. Some of them had very interesting designs maybe one or two will turn up in series 12.
November 14th, 2018 - 10:36amWe’re doing our best! Also: FANTASTIC list.
Alvin Amey
November 18th, 2018 - 2:22pmI’d love Eaglemoss to do the Gold Spherical Emperor from the TV21 comic strip, I know it isn’t canon but if the Eaglemoss Star Trek collection is able to release non-canon Star Trek ships like the Titan, Aventine and concept ships couldn’t they look into doing the non-canon Daleks.
I can see it being very popular with the dalek fans
November 13th, 2018 - 1:08pmExcited for this. I love Asylum of the Daleks.
Doctor Stu
November 13th, 2018 - 4:46pmFor me it was going so well until the cringe inducing, ‘doctor who?’ Segment at the end which just taints the whole episode
November 14th, 2018 - 12:12amI love that bit. So much fun.
The Outcast
November 13th, 2018 - 7:29amI’m honestly tempted to try and pick up this and both the versions of the Dalek Emperor Eaglemoss has released.
November 12th, 2018 - 9:34pmThat’s a terrific cover for the magazine. Really good image.
November 12th, 2018 - 7:36pmWhen’s it available from Forbidden Planet?
Cyberman Bill
November 13th, 2018 - 6:41amMight not be available there….: They don’t always get the “Special” Figurines.
I wouldn’t put “all my eggs” in the “Forbidden Planet” basket…. You should also pre order at Eaglemoss just in case!
November 13th, 2018 - 8:16amits not been in previews magazine yet where FP get their info from thats more towards the end of the month, they (eaglemoss) still haven’t updated them on the ghost issue thats now the zarbi
the patient
November 12th, 2018 - 7:26pmI can’t wait!!!