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February 5th, 2023 26 comments

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Doctor Who The Sensorites Sense-Sphere Marble Vinyl LP

Available while stocks last for £9.99 (+ post) from Cancer Research via

Available to order from

“They are hostile, these Sensorites, but in the strangest possible way…”

Demon Records presents a narrated TV soundtrack from the very first series of Doctor Who, starring William Hartnell as the Doctor.

The TARDIS lands on board a spaceship, in orbit around a planet known as the Sense-Sphere. The Doctor and his companions learn that the human crew have been imprisoned on their craft by the Sensorites, who blame them for the introduction of a fatal disease. When the Sensorites steal the TARDIS lock, the travellers are forced to go with the aliens to their planet and attempt to broker peace between the races. But many dangers lie ahead…

Presented across 3 x 140g Sense-Sphere marble vinyl discs, this 1964 TV adventure is narrated by William Russell, who also plays Ian Chesterton. The supporting cast includes Jacqueline Hill as Barbara and Carole Ann Ford as Susan, with Stephen Dartnell, Ilona Rodgers and Lorne Cossette. Incidental music is composed by Norman Kay, and the familiar strains of the Doctor Who theme are courtesy of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.

An embossed, frameable art print accompanies the coloured vinyl LPs, presented in individual pockets which, when placed in order, reveal a double-sided composite illustration. An accompanying booklet supplies cast and credits, and inner bags featuring complete episode billings.

Categorised under: CD, Featured, Vinyl records



  • Snowman

    November 29th, 2023 - 4:23pm

    Mines been posted already with the Royal Mail. Should be here Tomorrow between 10.45 and 2.45. Happy days.

  • Snowman

    November 27th, 2023 - 11:36am

    Wow, What a bargain.

  • Tardispals

    November 27th, 2023 - 10:14am

    Does anybody know how cancer research have got 60+ of these on their eBay store for £9.99. They are new and sealed. ?!

    • Rex F

      November 27th, 2023 - 10:21am

      It’s happened with at least one other Who vinyl. Presumably overstock donated rather than destroyed.

    • booboo

      November 27th, 2023 - 10:21am

      probably donated, this happned with another one to scope a while ago

    • Alan Silvester

      November 27th, 2023 - 10:57am

      It happened a while ago with the “Demon Quest” 10 vinyl box set. It was knocked-down to some ridiculously low price. When I received it, it was sealed and in absolute mint condition. This is an amazing price – this box set is around £75 on Amazon at the moment.

    • Snowman

      November 27th, 2023 - 11:39am

      Yeah, the Tom Baker Demon Quest set for one. What a bargain that was. Mine came without the Signed Print. But I returned it and they Kindly sent a replacement.

  • Troughton’s Trousers

    July 25th, 2022 - 9:01am

    Who is that strange old lady wearing Susan’s clothes? That Sensorite obviously likes her, as he wants to hi-five…

    • Ogronic

      July 25th, 2022 - 10:51am

      If only that were true. Sadly, that sensorite is the jealous type and is about to give the old lady a slap. He’s already stolen one of her legs, as well.

  • The Fishmonger

    July 9th, 2022 - 2:16pm

    Release date now July 22nd

  • PiersS

    May 19th, 2022 - 9:12pm

    It looks beautiful again, these releases (I have most of them) continue to be stunning!

  • John Sissons

    May 19th, 2022 - 4:31pm

    Got to admit I cannot figure out what the appeal is with these releases. Its on dvd (blu ray in the future) so why on earth would you want to listen to it when you can actually watch it ? I can understand if it was a missing story or it was just the music from a story. Oh well it pleases some fans so thats ok then.

    • booboo

      May 19th, 2022 - 5:02pm

      Yes they please a lot of people.

      They have a big appeal to vinyl collectors who appreciate uniqueness of sound and quality of product which is very much lacking elsewhere.

  • James Robson

    May 17th, 2022 - 12:52am

    Excuse my ignorance, but why would anyone want a soundtrack on vinyl when you can buy the stories on DVD? Genuinely interested.

    • bryan

      May 17th, 2022 - 10:48am

      It’s very personal. I love my Records and Having nothing since The 25th Anniversary album it was a nice thing to have . Big Finish Did two early releases, followed by an almost twice a year release. For these TV Soubdtracks.

      it’s as much about presentation as anything, Beautiful box art, sleeves Etchings on the Blank side of odd numbered episode stories , taugtological titles for Spatter patterns even make me smile.

      The perennial discussion of Sound. I fo belive These soundtracks are Warmer in sound, but that just a wrll, might be The Amp, speakers etc.

      on one note: I have listened to my Vinyl version of These sound tracks far more often than My old CDs. But I can say that for nearly all my Vinyl editions.

    • Coleman

      May 19th, 2022 - 12:47pm

      It’s the whole package really, not just that the Vinyl sounds different but also it looks great with the Coloured Vinyl and beautiful packaging.
      On an Hi-Fi with some good speakers the sound of Vinyl is much better. Fair enough the CD sound will be clearer, without the crackles and pops. But I still prefer Vinyl.
      If for instance you play a music Album on your Hi- Fi and you have both the Vinyl and CD version of it and you play them one after the other, I’ll guarantee you will notice a big difference straight away.

  • MJS

    May 12th, 2022 - 10:34pm

    Besides the high price, it’s a strange choice for release. I’d quite like them to start releasing later soundtracks, some Davison, Colin and McCoy

    • Kevin225

      May 13th, 2022 - 6:35am

      It’s because they are still releasing on vinyl old soundtracks that were put out on CD a few years back. There’s still a few of them around that haven’t released on vinyl yet.

    • Dunc

      May 13th, 2022 - 9:33am

      They could do warriors of the deep. I’m hoping they do a pertwee release at some point.

    • Kevin225

      May 13th, 2022 - 9:56am

      Doctor Who & The Silurians would be an obvious choice then as that was released as a soundtrack too, but at 7 episodes it could be expensive

    • MJS

      May 13th, 2022 - 10:17am

      I’d LOVE them to do a coloured vinyl release of the State of Decay reading by Tom Baker. Even as an RSS exclusive.

    • AStokoe

      May 24th, 2022 - 9:59am

      Yes – State of Decay Tom Baker reading would be very welcome!

  • Kevin225

    May 12th, 2022 - 8:32am

    Wasn’t Marco Polo £69.99 when that vinyl came out in 2020? Admittedly one extra episode etc, but not a million miles away in terms of cost, especially with recent events. The world is getting expensive, especially for luxury items such as these.

  • bryan

    May 11th, 2022 - 2:08pm

    Ouch. Now that pricepoint seens high. 2 lp sets around £29.99 , 10 × LP £160. So 3 records for more than half the recent 10 LP set or even more than twice the price of the recent Pirate Planet or Dead Air.

    Seems a bit steep.. no doubt the packaging will be lovely. Sorry if that comes across as negative,but its only 3 Discs

    • booboo

      May 11th, 2022 - 2:13pm

      yes £25 a disc, i notice its listed as a ‎ Czech Republic product and not UK like all the last few, wondering if pressing capacity is so restricted now the price has shot up – or Amazon has it wrong of course

    • Alan Silvester

      May 11th, 2022 - 9:56pm

      Wow, I hope Amazon have the price wrong otherwise, sadly, I’ll be giving it a miss. I cannot justify a month’s electricity on 3 LP’s.

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