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February 7th, 2024 7 comments

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Doctor Who The Novel Adaptations Goth Opera

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A Goth Opera for the Fifth Doctor

Get your crosses, garlic, and parkas ready – vampires come to Manchester in a brand-new full- cast audio adaptation of Paul Cornell’s 1994 novel Goth Opera, due for release in July 2024.

The fan-favourite Doctor Who book, from the Virgin Missing Adventures range, has been adapted by Lizbeth Myles into a three-part audio play starring Peter Davison as the Doctor, Janet Fielding as Tegan and Sarah Sutton as Nyssa.

Manchester, 1993.The Time Lady Ruath, an old friend of the Doctor’s, arrives on the planet to inform Earth’s vampires that the arrival of their legendary messiah is imminent. His rising will herald an age of endless night where the undead reign supreme. All that is needed is the blood of a Time Lord. In Tasmania, the Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa are enjoying the sun and plenty of cricket. When they are attacked by vampires, they escape unscathed, except for Nyssa who suffers two small puncture wounds to her neck. Compelled by her attacker to remain silent, she can tell no-one what she’s turning into. Why is Ruath so determined to see the descendants of the Great Vampire rise to power? If only the Doctor knew the truth, she’s certain he would turn to her side, and help to secure the future of Vampire kind, no matter how much humanity must suffer.

Goth Opera’s guest cast includes Richard Armitage (The Hobbit, Fool Me Once), who reads the prologue as Rassilon, plus Natalie Gumede (Titans, Jekyll and Hyde) as Ruath and Micah Balfour (The Gold, The Bill) as Yarven. Goth Opera is available to pre-order as a 3-disc collector’s edition box set (for just £22.99) or as a digital download only (for just £18.99), exclusively from

Producer and director David O’Mahony said: “Goth Opera has got everything: vampires, superpowers, blood, guts, and gore, and of course Peter Davison’s Doctor along with Tegan and Nyssa. It’s also set in and around Manchester, which gave us a lovely opportunity to bring in young and exciting northern actors. “Lizbeth Myles has brilliantly adapted Paul Cornell’s novel and, with an incredible voice cast – including the wonderful Richard Armitage giving us a Rassilon prologue – it’s a vampiric romp through the Whoniverse not to be missed!” The above price includes the special pre-order discount and is subject to change after general

Categorised under: Audio Downloads Only, Big Finish, CD, Novel Adaptations



  • Duncan

    February 12th, 2024 - 8:56pm

    Not for me BUT it warms my heart that Peter, Janet and Sarah are still really involved in this crazy show after all these years. Older fans would remember a time when Janet in particular was a bit cool on Who. Never thought she would ever pop back into an actual story let alone be involved in recording things like this, plus BTS on the blu rays and all the other extras we get.

  • John

    February 7th, 2024 - 5:35pm

    Fingers crossed that this is a relaunch. The novel adaptations have long being a favourite of mine, although I have been lucky in most of their choices so far, and this is no exception. Bring on July!!!

  • Jason Z

    February 7th, 2024 - 1:18pm

    That’s very interesting. I thought I heard that this range was cancelled as it didn’t do well. The previous release was Cold Fusion in December 2016. Glad to see it is back!

    • The Outcast

      February 7th, 2024 - 2:29pm

      The range was cancelled, but now it has risen from the ashes. Hopefully this will do well enough to justify some more.

  • Nick

    February 7th, 2024 - 12:34pm

    Amazing! Yes yes YES! Blood Harvest too please!

  • bryan

    February 7th, 2024 - 10:54am

    Wonderful , I hope there are more as I think its an unmined (fully) area of great stories that fan will all have thier own favourites. Although was it Blood Harvest, that was a companion piece to Goth Opera? Anything by Terrance Dicks would be welcome.

    certainly an 8th Doctor range could be worked out of it.

    I wonder if this is to replace or co exist within the BF Audio Original Novels. All of which had merits, some less so than others, but the stand outs being : Scourge of the Cybermen ,dead Star and Box of Terrors. Not sure two ranges will exist, but would love it if it could.

    • Whofan44

      February 7th, 2024 - 1:07pm

      I can’t see why Novel Adaptations and Audio Novels can’t exist at the same time. There formats are completely different.

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