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July 3rd, 2021 118 comments

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Doctor Who The Evil of The Daleks DVD

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BBC Studios announce Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks Animation, due for release on 27th September 2021.

BBC Studios have announced the new Doctor Who: Evil of the Daleks animation starring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor and can reveal artwork alongside a sneak peak of what’s included in the release.

The announcement lands on the 53rd anniversary in which the last episode of the original version was aired. The new animated release will be available on DVD, Blu-ray and a Limited Edition Blu-ray Steelbook from 27th September 2021.

The Evil of the Daleks is the mostly-missing ninth and final serial of the fourth season of the British series Doctor Who, which originally aired in seven weekly parts from 20th May to 1st July 1967.

Following the success of the existing animations, The Evil of the Daleks fills another gap in the missing Doctor Who content lost in the purge of the BBC archive soon after the programme’s original transmission. However, audio-only recordings of all seven episodes have survived and have been used here to create a brand new fully animated presentation of this lost classic, featuring the original surviving second episode.

The Doctor (Patrick Troughton) stars alongside his travel companion Jamie (Frazer Hines) in this recreation in which the TARDIS has been stolen. The story unfolds as the Doctor and Jamie set out to find the missing time machine,bringing them face to face with a very old enemy – the Daleks, who have a new masterplan to conquer the universe. The Daleks force the Doctor to help them on their quest to ‘humanise’ themselves into deadlier living weapons. This particular story is notable for introducing the Doctor’s new companion Victoria Waterfield (Deborah Watling), first seen in the surviving second episode, and also for presenting the Dalek Emperor.

The three disc release gives fans the opportunity to enjoy The Evil of the Daleks, available in either colour or black and white.

The release will include:

  • Remastered Surviving Original Episode 2
  • Telesnap Reconstructions – 6 episodes
  • Audio Commentaries 
  • Audiobook, with recorded commentary by Tom Baker
  • Making Of
  • Photo Gallery

AnneMarie Walsh, Director of the 2021 production said “It’s been a privilege to work on this fantastic story with such a brilliant team – thanks to the fans for supporting our work, I hope you all enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!”

Written by David Whitaker
Directed by AnneMarie Walsh (2021 Production)
Directed by Derek Martinus (1967 Production)
Produced by Paul Hembury (2021 Production)
Produced by Innes Lloyd (1967 Production)

Starring Patrick Troughton, Frazer Hines, Marius Goring, John Bailey, Deborah Watling, Brigit Forsyth, Gary Watson, Jo Rowbottom, Windsor Davies and Sonny Caldinez.

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Categorised under: Doctor Who DVDs, DVD



  • cosmosboy98

    September 28th, 2023 - 12:43pm

    I’ve just bought this DVD on Amazon, and its the first animation DVD I’ve had that hasn’t come with a cardboard slipcase. Can I confirm did any edition of this DVD have a cardboard slipcase? Wondering if this is an Amazon specific thing…

    • anon

      September 28th, 2023 - 2:42pm

      When DVD’s come with a cardboard sleeve on timed release, this only lasts for about six months to a year. After that the DVD is just released in a bog standard case. If you ordered it now, that would explain why it came without a cardboard sleeve. It first came out in 2021 so a couple of years now & it’s a promotional item only. I ordered a Family Guy DVD set months after it was released & found it had no cardboard sleeve, annoying as all my other set’s came with a sleeve. The only way now to get a Cardboard Sleeve is a 2nd Hand Copy or a place that has some old stock lying about.

  • David Minter

    November 19th, 2021 - 10:28pm

    Question about this release of Evil. What about the Tricolour coffee bar scene in Episode 1? Does it have Paperback Writer in it or is it the replaced version from the Frazer Hines narrated CD release? Also, I have the R1 DVD, since I live in the US. With The Chase, the R2 DVD was able to retain the Beatles clip in Episode 1, but it was removed from the R1 DVD. So, there is a question whether Paperback Writer might have been retained on the R2 DVD but expunged from the R1 release.


    • David Minter

      November 22nd, 2021 - 9:39pm

      I did notice there are differences in the animated version of the Tricolour scenes and the telesnap reconstruction audio. The telesnap reconstruction audio contains the song “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen.” The animated version replaces this with generic 60’s music.

    • Gordon

      November 22nd, 2021 - 10:20pm

      Not on the region 2 release either but mark ayres has archived a version just incase it becomes clearable in future.

    • David Minter

      November 23rd, 2021 - 3:13am

      Thanks for clarifying what the R2 DVD release has vis a vis the cleared songs.

      I wonder why there are different audio tracks on the animated versus telesnap reconstruction versions. If the song was clearable for the telesnap reconstruction, why couldn’t it be used for the animated version?

  • me

    October 1st, 2021 - 12:09pm

    that was good nothing to complain about. more please

    • David Minter

      November 24th, 2021 - 10:25pm

      I would 99% agree. There are some oddities with the subtitles, though. Timing issues here and there that cause text to appear before the dialogue happens, etc. And some incorrect dictation. For instance, Maxtible saying in Episode 2 that they wanted to define the image in the mirror is said as refine the image. And a really weird one where an entire line of the Doctor’s is replaced by the single word “Postulate.”, which as far as I remember, is not used anywhere in the story’s dialogue.

  • Whorules

    September 29th, 2021 - 8:12pm

    Well that’s evil completed. The extras are decent, the making of and the designer interview are both interesting. The b&w animation works very well with the original episode and the colour version is amazing. I have to admit I think both animations are better than the reconstruction. The recon is fine, it works well in places, the CGI is obviously CGI but that’s fine. Unfortunately I did find that even knowing the story as I do the recon just doesn’t convey it in places very well. However the overall evil discs are excellent and it’s the animations I’ll watch anyway rather than the recon. Right… how long until galaxy 4? Personally I can’t wait!

  • Whorules

    September 28th, 2021 - 9:50pm

    Right that’s disc 2 done. The colour animation is a thing of beauty! The whole thing is very well made and it’s one I’ll happily return to. I’ll even sacrifice watching the original episode! Ok. Disc 3 tomorrow if I can stay awake. Despite thoroughly enjoying evil today I’m extremely tired, lack of sleep due to illness, so I struggled to stay awake today. Still impressed by evil though. Definitely one of the best animated who’s.

  • Tommy

    September 27th, 2021 - 8:59pm

    So far have watched episode 1 and 2 in colour and episode 3 in B&W. Much much prefer in B&W as it feels more like im watching the real thing. I didn’t like the way the cut out Maxable Smoking hes cigar in part 2 in the animation, I get why they probably did it, but it made the character very static. I’m not as drawn in as much as the macra terror which was spot on fantastic animation. But I’m WATCHING The Evil of the Daleks OMG I never thought I’d see the day! New old who lol get in


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