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December 20th, 2024 396 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 7 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from, and

With thanks to BBC Studios

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with a SEVEN DISC box set of the iconic 7th Season, starring Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor.


In his debut season, the Third Doctor is exiled to Earth, teaming up with UNIT’s Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney) and scientist Liz Shaw (Caroline John) to confront alien invasions and threats from our own planet’s primeval past.

All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 7 is also jam-packed with hours of new and exclusive material including:



  • A profile of beloved actor Nicholas Courtney


  • Uncovering the story of writer Malcolm Hulke


  • When Doctor Who came down to Earth


  • How the science of the day influenced Doctor Who


  • New episodes with Katy Manning (Jo), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric),
  • Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Toby Hadoke,
  • and the late Caroline John’s family: husband Geoffrey Beevers (The Master) and daughter Daisy Ashford


  • Matthew Sweet chats to John Levene (Benton) about his life and career


  • Will Team Third Doctor escape the room of doom?


  • The Silurians and Inferno






This seven-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries and more.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Babelbro

    February 11th, 2025 - 2:23pm

    @Harold isn’t there still discussions online of someone harbouring part 4 of ‘The Tenth Planet’?

    Aside from that, I’d still be relieved to finally have ALL the Tenth Planet Part 4 Telesnaps available – given the sheer weird behaviour online of 1-2 higher resolution random snaps being dumped on review websites and on Twitter over the last 12 years since the Animation released.

    We’ve had all kinds of lost media being shared online by fans and Doctor Who sites over the last 3.5 decades, and yet there’s this really strange attitude of refusing to fully share the full Part 4 snapshots. Absolutely nowhere to be found publicly whatsoever.

    Sure the actual missing film reel is ideal, but why even be that secretive with snaps that were not only taken by Jon Cura and not them, but that work should be available for historical purposes in the public domain along with the rest of Cura’s snaps taken of these missing episodes across the 1960’s.

    If the harbouring is to do with petty status and/or money, then this Season 4 Collection can’t come out quick enough just so the full snaps pdf gets dumped on Internet Archive asap.

    • Craig F

      February 11th, 2025 - 7:29pm

      Well Babelbro all I can add is that 76 tele-snaps exist for Tenth planet part 4.
      Marcus Hearn discovered them back in 1993 at the written archives centre in reading as well as hundreds more.
      As for the episode itself back in the 1990’s a meeting took place at a railway station & a film can changed hands.
      unfortunately it turned out to be a hoax & the magic roundabout was in the film can.
      It was all documented in D.W.B lots of rumours were published at the time but since then the trail has gone very cold.

    • Barney

      February 11th, 2025 - 10:57pm

      I mean there’s always rumours about part 4 being held by someone. Il beleive it when I see it. I think it’s just the easiest single episode to dangle and get tongues wagging. If it was any other ep from thar serial you wouldn’t hear 10% of the rumours you do for it. I didn’t realise it was something that hadn’t had all of its telesnaps released though. Were they not all printed in the DWM missing episode special from years ago? Or is it you want bigger higher res copies of them?

    • Babelbro

      February 11th, 2025 - 11:25pm

      @Barney – In total there’s 76 telesnaps of ‘The Tenth Planet’ Part 4. Not once have all 76 telesnaps been shared publicly, not once have they all been printed in any magazine or publication, physically on paper or online in articles or pdf form.

      The telesnaps that have been presented in both Doctor Who Magazines (issues 1993 and 2013), and in Richard Bignell’s ‘Nothing At The End Of The Lane’ are condensed sets, printed in a very tiny, heavily compressed resolution, cropped in at the edges – again key point here is that no publication has ever publicly shared all 76 telesnaps, and the snaps we have are in very poor low pixel grade quality.

      Yet one or two ‘official’ Doctor Who clique outlets that speak to one another have once or twice in the last 30 years dropped just one or two unusually very high res scans of images from these snaps. Josh Snares shared a couple of higher res pictures, and Harri Robins once received a string of snaps of William Hartnell at the Tardis console from Richard Bignell.

      If you search through several review articles from 2013 for the animation dvd – again, for no conceivable reason, the odd high res snap just pops up again, which begs the question – who is offering these snaps out to their chums or inner circle, while withholding them from the public – despite just about every other 60’s Doctor Who serial has all of its snaps available online as we speak, and have been available for years and years.

      I’ll gladly eat my hat if there is an easily accessible online album somewhere that existed way back in 2013 – but that said it’s a pretty sleazy thing not to want to re-share those snaps, particularly when evidently there is a collection that we know exists out there that someone has scanned in a generously large DPI size.

      Again, if you’re a hardcore fan in possession of these scans then how do you even begin to form a plausible reason for having kept them hidden for all of these years while slipping the odd one or two snaps to some dvd reviewer 12 years ago.

      I’d at least expect the likes of Ian Levine to boast that he’s always had a copy of these scans, before releasing an Ai ‘recon’ that doesn’t even use a single scan – I would expect that of Levine – but what’s even more sad is the fact there’s a clique out there legitimately holding these snaps and handing them to their mates exclusively.

      Again, I’m more than happy to be proven wrong with a link to all 76 snaps in high res.

    • Walter Hardback

      February 12th, 2025 - 3:49am

      There’s never been any evidence of someone having a copy of part 4, just the hoaxes designed to wind up certain fans in the 90s (like you know who…). That was back in the day when people still thought a copy had been stolen from Blue Peter, very much a 2+2=5 situation, so it wasn’t hard to weave a bogus story. Not that facts ever get in the way of people wanting to believe – look at all the crazy ideas around the time Web and Enemy were returned! (Which also explains why some people have so much fun winding those fans up…)

    • Gordon

      February 12th, 2025 - 10:02am

      My stance on missing episode rumours is this: unless it’s in the bbc hands it’s irrelevant. It means very little if someone else has or hoarding it as most of Joe Public will not get to see it. Also means the restoration team won’t get to work their magic on it either. We have burned so many times with rumours of x been found or y is iTunes ready I tend only to listen to any missing episodes news if it’s officially announced as being back in the archive. If the rumour is false I’m not setting myself for a failure and if it’s true it should mean i will get to see it at some point

    • SV7

      February 12th, 2025 - 1:15pm

      Well said Gordon, also worth adding that any episode not in the BBC’s hands is also at risk of “vinegar syndrome” or any other number of things that can turn film to sludge. Looking back we are so, so lucky that we got all of Enemy and 5/6ths of Web back. The story of their recovery could very easily have had a much more somber ending.

      Personally speaking, I don’t think the number of missing episodes is coming down anytime soon, but to have over half of them animated is incredible.

      We are all so lucky!

    • Nb7

      February 12th, 2025 - 6:53pm

      I don’t think it’s in the BBC’s interest anymore to spend a lot of money on missing episodes. If they’re randomly lying around in a weather station somewhere then yes maybe but in the hands of private collectors asking a fortune for them, no way. I personally think that’s where some are but surely they’d be asking millions for them in return and not a chance would the bbc part with anything in the thousands and millions. I think the bbc have enough problems to deal with at this time.

  • Harold Shand

    February 10th, 2025 - 2:51pm

    With talk of a Season 4 release. I wonder which Doctor would feature most prominently on the cover? (Hartnell only having 2 stories and Troughton only having two other full seasons I would expect it to be Troughton biased)

    I would expect both Doctors on cover but it will be interesting to see how it is delivered.

    Only other season with this possibility is 21, but I would say it has to be the 5th Doctor with the 6th featuring in the montage alongside villains etc.

    • Gordon

      February 10th, 2025 - 3:29pm

      Lee binding has said the doctor that features most gets the also doesn’t sound like there will be any sharing

    • Craig F

      February 10th, 2025 - 7:09pm

      Still waiting on cover art for Savages & War games colour edition too!

    • SV7

      February 10th, 2025 - 7:51pm

      The menus might be a bit of a grey area though. Season 4 for example. Of course Troughton gets the cover. Lee has already confirmed that. But would he feature on the menus for Smugglers and Tenth Planet?

      I think that Hartnell will be in the collage of monsters and villains on the cover, but will swap places with Troughton on the menu screens for his two stories. Time will tell…

    • Pete X

      February 10th, 2025 - 10:15pm

      For S4 I would like to see on the booklet container the Tardis on Antarctica with Ben and Polly about to enter and on the inside the Tardis going wild (if that could be represented) with Hartnell hunched over the controls, pre-regeneration.

      I don’t think Hartnell would be included with the monster collage – as a hero, he wouldn’t fit there, maybe on S3 as the Abbot of Amboise. Besides it has the potential to be a busy collage, choosing from 2 types of Cybermen, 3 types of Dalek, the Dalek Emperor, a Macra, a Chameleon, Zaroff (and/or a Fish Person), Captain Pike, and Grey (or Trask or a redcoat). As Lee Binding tries to represent as many of a season’s villians/enemies, Hartnell would get lost amongst them all.

    • Gordon

      February 10th, 2025 - 11:21pm

      @ Craig f the savages cover and extras should be within the next couple of weeks. Maybe there will be an article and disc breakdown in the next doctor who magazine.

      As for war games in colour I think we will get the cover and extras when the release date gets revealed. It’s probably not out till April so still a bit of time to go

    • Tom Williams

      February 11th, 2025 - 4:11am

      I see rumours one day on a website that war games could also be in march but fitting three classics in one month could be hectic especially two steelbooks (ps if anyone wants too know what web it was time lash

    • Gordon

      February 11th, 2025 - 6:34am

      Timelash don’t actually know any release dates. It does say date unconfirmed. It’s very likely down to the system they use needing a date for the listing. I can’t see it being march unless it’s the 31st and even then I feel it’s better just pushing it to april to give savages more time to shine and it’s not like there is much else to release after savages. If it had been 10th or 17th I feel it would have been announced already. 7th seems about right and potentially keeps out of the way of season two airing.

    • DPHill

      February 11th, 2025 - 11:48am

      I feel as though for Hartnell representation having Mondas on the back with perhaps a cyber ship and the tardis in the foreground, doors open to see Hartnell either over the controls, with his back to us, or collapsed on the floor – that would probably be the best way to get them both without encroaching the main doctor Troughton for s4; id love to see the mirror Troughton looks into in the booklet if possible though.

      For 21, could just have Colin strangling peri along the villain gallery- job done; I don’t know if they use the regeneration effect pattern in the wrap around pattern on the front, but I feel Colin will not at all be on the front, or back, just possibly on the booklet because Hartnell first regeneration is so iconic and he has two stories whereas into Colin was the fifth by that point and he only had one so I feel regeneration effects on the front would suffice. Love to see Davros, ainley master, a tractator, icthar, sauvix, jek, mestor, and the malus on the front monster gallery

    • DPHill

      February 11th, 2025 - 12:04pm

      Also think that war games would probably come out in April as the new series is gearing up, the colourisation was kind of like a Christmas special as wel so having it come out ties in nicely, perhaps around s7 release they will drop the info and artwork so we have a gap for savages and we will all then be online for S7 so would catch it

      When do we think a NCUTI S2 trailer will come out? I feel the 26/03/25 is too late but feel like for the twentieth anniversary of the reboot maybe the full titles list or an animation announcement even?

    • Gordon

      February 11th, 2025 - 12:45pm

      Maybe around Red Nose Day? I’m not expecting anything much on the 26th march. Not an animation or collection announcement.

  • ex15

    February 7th, 2025 - 2:40pm

    Thanks for the update on the possible contents of the Wilderness Years, Gordon what’s your thoughts of the collection release for the 65th Anniversary, I was thinking S1.

    • Bob

      February 7th, 2025 - 3:50pm

      2028? Considering there’s only 4 “colour” seasons left after 7, I think we’ll be seeing Season 1 sooner rather than later.

    • Gordon

      February 7th, 2025 - 6:15pm

      With 3 and a half years to go a lot can change between now and then. Assuming that the range carries on at 2 releases a year there will only be 3-4 seasons to choose from. It could easily be season 1 but my hunch is that it will be out by then and might be 4 or 5. If it is 1 it will be because it’s the next release rather than it tying into any sort of anniversary. I don’t see 65 being a big anniversary year celebration. The animation range as well could easily change the release order of the season sets depending on the next few animations. Season 4 for example could jump from being one of the last 60s seasons to one of the next 60s seasons if the next 2 animations are smugglers and highlanders for example. It only takes 1 or 2 animation choices to change what we think is least likely to become most likely at this point.

    • Prof Horner

      February 7th, 2025 - 7:27pm

      If season 21 is the next release after 7. Then the release schedule could be.
      2026 , season 16 (most likely) season 1.
      2027 , 11 and 6.
      2028 , 13 and 5.
      2029 , The Wilderness Years and 4.
      But that is only my opinion.
      2030, 3.

    • mac

      February 7th, 2025 - 8:44pm

      Found this

    • Pablo Barracuda

      February 8th, 2025 - 2:06pm

      So am I correct that for this year its season 7,seson 21 and B7 season 2? and that’s it for 2025.

    • Gordon

      February 8th, 2025 - 3:38pm

      Going by the past couple of years we only get 2 doctor who season sets a year. No 21 is just a rumour at this point though I wouldn’t be too surprised if it was next though. Also wouldn’t be too surprised with the rumoured new fx filing for zygons we might get 13 this year instead of 21. I’ve heard enough rumour noise that I’m certain Blakes 7 season 2 is definitely happening.

    • Gordon

      February 8th, 2025 - 5:01pm

      We also might get another animation at the tail end of the year. Depending on if shapeshifter can finish by the end of the year (if they are working on one)

    • MIKK89

      February 8th, 2025 - 6:35pm

      I’d like to see another Tom Set (either 13 or 16) as the next standard edition release would probably be Season 20 (as we just got the Standard Edition of 09, which was released before it) but it would be a bit disappointing if we got a Standard 5th Doctor Season, only to follow it with his Final Year on Blu-Ray not long after).

    • Pablo Barracuda

      February 8th, 2025 - 7:06pm

      Well I hope it’s season 13 then and B7 season 2 later in the year,also hope Thunderbirds is gonna happen as well.

    • Tom Williams

      February 9th, 2025 - 12:04am

      I more think it could be a possibility off two instead with 7 this year included too make 3 sets considering we know its now in march if it is a case it could be 21/16 then mainly season 1 in December as we not had three sets in one year for a good while

    • Gordon

      February 9th, 2025 - 12:41am

      I don’t have any concrete proof of a thunderbirds blu ray release but I’m fairly certain it’s happening. There has been a few teases. On December 13th the Anderson entertainment website had an article teasing things that may be happening:

      “We have plenty of other surprises preparing for blast off for Thunderbirds’ 60th – but what could they be? The sad collapse of Network Distributing in 2023 prevented a definitive Blu-ray release of Thunderbirds from being made. Could that change next year?“.

      I don’t see why they would mention any of this if they didn’t have a plan for a blu ray release of it.

      They were also asked on Facebook “ got any plans for Thunderbirds: The 60th Anniversary Boxset with Original Series and The Anniversary Episodes plus new extras for DVD and Blu-Ray Disc release?”. The response was .

      It seems a pretty easy open goal with it being the 65th anniversary and all. Out of the 3 remaining 60s Anderson shows not given the deluxe blu ray treatment (the other 2 are four feather falls and the secret service) thunderbirds seems the most obvious one to do. It’s not like it needs a good remastering either as the 4:3 hd remaster on itv x already looks pretty good. Could see it being a pretty hefty disc count with 32 50 minute eps, the 3 anniversary episodes, potentially the 2 super space theatre omnibuses (fingers crossed), and all the special features so it won’t be cheap.

    • Craig F

      February 9th, 2025 - 2:17pm

      After the collapse of Network Distributing in 2023 what happened to their archive?
      Also they had projects ready to go such as the Sweeney.
      Are any other company’s showing interest in their archive & releasing sets again?

    • Gordon

      February 9th, 2025 - 5:33pm

      Old gold media and spirit entertainment have been rereleasing the old network material. Sweeny actually wasn’t finished. It was only a couple of episodes away from completion though. A lot of the extras got purchased by century 21films from the liquidation.

  • ex15

    February 6th, 2025 - 8:10am

    There’s often talk of a “Wilderness Years” collection in the near future, can someone recap what they expect this to contain?


    • Mac

      February 6th, 2025 - 9:05am

      McGann movie, search out of space, destiny of the doctors footage

    • James

      February 6th, 2025 - 10:04am

      From what ive seen online it will have 8th Doctor movie , night of the doctor mini ep, mop up of any clips/footage found after all relevant box sets have been released and official bbc items which aired/released during the 16 years it was off air (1989-2005).
      Such as the bbci webisodes scream of shalka real time, death comes to time, and shada.
      Possibly the Curse of Fatal Death comic releif story.

    • Rory

      February 6th, 2025 - 11:22am

      30 years in the TARDIS, More than 30 years in the TARDIS, and Doctor Who Night would also be part of this era. Would be good if they could also clear PDFs of the Radio Times Eighth Doctor strips, and the Marvel annuals.

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2025 - 12:49pm

      This is a very rough list hastily put together. I do have a more in depth list but I can’t remember where I put it. This list doesn’t include any new features that will inevitably get made:

      Disc 1: 1990- 1996

      Doctor who 31 bsb

      The lime grove story (1991)

      Search out science

      Resistance as usual

      Thirty years in the tardis

      more than 30 years in the tardis

      Planet of the daleks repeat mini featurettes

      Dimensions in time (if clearable)

      Blue Peter related material

      Continuity links from the 1992-1994 repeats

      Paradise of death/Ghosts of N space (if not on s11)

      Any 1990-1995 bbc appearances

      Disc 2-4: 1996 tv movie and extras and 2003 shada

      Disc 5: 1997-2000

      Destiny of the doctors clips

      Doctor who 35 night

      Curse of fatal death

      Doctor who night 99

      Blue Peter related material

      Any bbc related appearances

      Disc 6: 2001-2002

      Real time

      Death comes to time

      Any related bbc and blue Peter appearances

      Disc 7: 2003-march 2005

      The story of doctor who

      The scream of the shalka

      Any related bbc and blue Peter appearances

      Disc 8 bonus

      Doctor forever series

      Who Peter part 2

      The recovered keeper of traken and four to doomsday footage

      Any other material that doesn’t fit anywhere else

    • Prof Horner

      February 6th, 2025 - 12:57pm

      Well I have never seen The Scream of the Shalkla , so that would be interesting. The question regarding a Possible Wilderness Years release is when will it be released. Will it be the last release or before the end.

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2025 - 1:33pm

      Three possibilities:

      1: may 2026 ish to tie in with the 30th anniversary of the tv movie. With that only being 15 months away and it supposedly not yet in production the turn around time seems unlikely to happen in time if it happens for then

      2: after the 4 remaining complete seasons have been released. The next 4 releases could easily be 21,13, 11 and 16. They also may want to give the 60s season a bit more time.

      3: the last or almost last release. My gut is saying this. Might not be the last release but one of them alongside 3 and 4 is my guesses. It’s about 4-5 years off so plenty of time to produce it

    • Craig F

      February 6th, 2025 - 10:21pm

      Five years to locate the original negative if we want a true HD for the 1996 movie.

    • Gordon

      February 7th, 2025 - 8:09am

      I’d imagine if they were to get a new scan it would need a separate release prior to a collection release.

      You have cost of tracking down the film reels, followed by assessing the film reels (if they can find them) as it’s unknown what condition scanning them and the cost of new effects on top of that as the effects were done in post production after it had been transferred to tape for editing. For context the next generation got remastered from scratch with new scans of the 35 mm prints which they knew where the masters all were and was stored in good condition with new fx made for it cost $70k for a 45ish minute episode and it lost money. The tv movie is almost double that length.

    • Missyrules

      February 7th, 2025 - 7:56pm

      Will fatal death be included? I thought it was barred from further release as the VHS was a one off deal.

  • Prof Horner

    January 31st, 2025 - 2:50pm

    Well The season 7 preview in DWM makes interesting reading. It seems they thought about doing a Ambassadors of Death omnibus, but the reasons why they didn’t are sound. It is interesting to see Doctor Who and the Silurians ( or The Cave Monsters!- wonderful !)omnibus is 11 minutes longer than Inferno. As good as Inferno is, there a bit of padding in there with real world scenes. If they have cut those scenes. There is no need of the disco ball in episodes 3 to 6. Speaking for myself , this probably the most exciting release yet! Barring a Troughton release. Only just over 4 weeks to go. Can’t wait!

    • Craig F

      January 31st, 2025 - 6:31pm

      I must admit Prof I’m excited too, I can’t wait to see the newly remastered results they will be like watching new episodes!
      Sorry to admit I haven’t bought DWM for years, I was always a DWB man lots more fan gossip to read about lol.
      I would be interested to know what the exclusive convention footage is, as I was heavily into conventions in the late 80’s & 90’s.

    • Gordon

      January 31st, 2025 - 8:55pm

      It really is a smashing set of extras even without alternative effects or 5.1 mixes.

      This is the full list seeing as it’s floating round

      DISC ONE

      spearhead from space: Four episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Audio commentary with Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney
      Audio commentary with Derrick Sherwin and Terrance Dicks
      A Dandy and a Clown – Jon Pertwee documentary
      Down to Earth: Filming Spearhead from Space – documentary
      Regenerations: From Black and White to Colour – documentary
      Title sequence colour tests
      Restoration comparison – from the 2013 Blu-ray

      New Special Features

      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      Commentary feature – behind the scenes with Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney in June 2000
      Derek Martinus audio interview
      Trails and continuities
      Photo gallery in HD
      Production subtitles


      Production documentation
      Rehearsal script for Episode 2
      Camera scripts
      Radio Times cuttings
      Season 7 PasB information
      Season 7 BBC Television
      Play Synopses
      Season 7 BBC
      Enterprises sales sheets
      Season 7 Junior Points of View
      Season 7 unmade stories

      DISC TWO

      Doctor Who and the Silurians: Seven episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Audio commentary with Timothy Combe, Terrance Dicks, Caroline John, Barry Letts and Peter Miles
      Isolated score – music by Carey Blyton
      What Lies Beneath – making-of documentary
      Going Underground – design featurette
      Colour Silurian Overlay featurette on the original colour restoration technique
      On Target: Malcolm Hulke – documentary originally included on The War Games DVD
      Now and Then – locations featurette
      Coming Soon: The Ambassadors of Death

      New Special Features
      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      Clean opening and closing titles
      Trails and continuities
      Photo gallery in HD
      Production subtitles

      Production documentation
      Rehearsal script for Episode 3
      Camera scripts
      Radio Times cuttings


      New Special Features

      The Cave Monsters – a 107-minute omnibus edition of Doctor Who and the Silurians
      Looking for Mac – Malcolm Hulke documentary, presented by Toby Hadoke
      Splendid Chap: The Life and Times of Nicholas Courtney – documentary presented by Jon Culshaw


      The Ambassadors of Death: Seven episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Audio commentary with Geoffrey Beevers, Nicholas Courtney, Terrance Dicks, Michael Ferguson, Peter Halliday, Derek Martin, Roy Scammell and Derek Ware, moderated by Toby Hadoke
      Mars Probe 7: Making The Ambassadors of Death – documentary
      Michael Ferguson’s Monster Masterclass – documentary originally included on The Seeds of Death Special Edition DVD
      BBCI trailer – version transmitted on 14 March 1970 (1m 31s)
      Coming Soon: Inferno

      New Special Features

      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      BBC1 trailer – longer version (Im 55s)
      Photo gallery in HD
      Production subtitles


      Production documentation
      Camera scripts for Episodes 1-7
      Radio Times cuttings


      Inferno: Seven episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Can You Hear the Earth Scream? – making-of documentary
      Deleted scene from Episode 5
      Inferno introduction – Jon Pertwee’s introduction from The Pertwee Years VHS

      New Special Features

      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      Episode 5 – the extended 71 edit/overseas version, including the deleted scene
      Clean opening and closing titles
      Photo gallery in HD
      Season 8 Blu-ray trailer
      Production subtitles


      Production documentation
      Draft scripts – Dr Who and the Mole Bore
      Rehearsal script for Episode 7
      Camera scripts
      Radio Times cuttings

      DISC SIX

      Existing Special Features

      Inferno – the reverse standards conversion of all seven episodes, as they originally appeared on DVD
      Carry On: The Life of Caroline John – documentary from the 2013 Blu-ray of Spearhead from Space
      Hadoke v Havoc – documentary
      The UNIT Family Part One – documentary
      BBC Visual Effects
      Department promo film

      New Special Features

      Inferno – a 96-minute omnibus edition


      Bonus disc

      New Special Features
      Terror of the Suburbs – documentary presented by Matthew Sweet
      Lucky 13: Rockets, Aliens and Spare Parts – documentary presented by Robin Ince
      John Levene in Conversation with Matthew Sweet
      Studio clocks compilation
      Escape Room: The Third Doctor – with Daisy Ashford, Katy Manning and Sadie Miller, presented by Emily Cook
      The Collection: Season 7 trailer
      The Panopticon Archive – a convention appearance by Caroline John and Barry Letts on 25 September 1994

      It’s most certainly an oversight and will be included but the inferno commentary wasn’t listed.

      What has been moved:

      Spearhead from space :
      Carry on: the life of Caroline John has been moved to the inferno special features of season 7.
      Unit recruitment trailer isn’t mentioned and might get included in the long rumoured wilderness years set
      1999 bbc choice trailer isn’t mentioned but still might be included in the trailers or the wilderness years set
      Who’s who. A 2001 dvd Region 1 exclusive feature and is unlikely to be included anywhere.

      The silurians:
      Musical scales has been moved from the silurians to the sea devils on season 9.
      On target: Malcom Hulke moved from the war games to here.

      Ambassadors of death:
      Tomorrows times will be on season 11 and most likely on the planet of the spiders disc

      Doctor forever – lost in the dark dimension and David burton Easter egg is likely to be moved to the rumoured wilderness years set.

    • Gordon

      February 2nd, 2025 - 11:54pm

      September 1994 with Barry Letts and Caroline John

    • Craig F

      February 3rd, 2025 - 5:28pm

      Was hopping the convention footage might of been from Manopticon featuring Jon Pertwee.
      Oh well nevermind.

    • Craig axtell

      February 3rd, 2025 - 7:41pm

      Another missing part of the list is Geoffrey Palmer who did the commentary on the Silurians he’s not there.

    • Walter Hardback

      February 4th, 2025 - 3:51am

      Still no Pertwee Spearhead commentary. I can’t imagine technical quality is an issue (I’ll happily strain my ears – it’s a Pertwee commentary!) so I’m assuming it’s either unclearable, too expensive, or the owner has lost it. They mentioned having it to the Restoration Team just after (eye roll…) the initial DVD, so I suppose that is a long time now for an old tape to hang around. Maybe it was on one of those bad batches of minidisc.

    • Anonymous

      February 4th, 2025 - 8:57am

      I thought we would get Remembering Jon Pertwee: A Conversation with Sean in this set? Is that being saved for Season 11?

    • Craig axtell

      February 4th, 2025 - 2:06pm

      One person is missing from the Silurians commentary list is the late Geoffrey Palmer.

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2025 - 12:58pm

      Interesting. I always thought that the spearhead commentary happened but the whole recording was a fan myth.

      Guessing the lack of mention of Geoffrey palmers was another oversight.

      I don’t think it was mentioned which set that one was going on. Guess it’s 11

    • Barney

      February 8th, 2025 - 5:50pm

      I asked on the missing episode forum about the 1993 planet of the daleks mini features and why they were on season 10 and Richard Bignell said they weren’t cleanable. I know in particular Ian levine didn’t like how he was portrayed in the edit and the other bits had clearance issues too. That repeat season is how I got into doctor who so I would of loved to of seen it again but I doubt we will see them.

  • Gordon

    January 30th, 2025 - 2:11am

    8 pages dedicated to season 7 in the new dwm including the disc breakdowns.

    • DPHill

      February 2nd, 2025 - 10:57pm

      Will you be popping the breakdown on here at some point ?

    • Gordon

      February 2nd, 2025 - 11:43pm

      DISC ONE

      spearhead from space: Four episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Audio commentary with Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney
      Audio commentary with Derrick Sherwin and Terrance Dicks
      A Dandy and a Clown – Jon Pertwee documentary
      Down to Earth: Filming Spearhead from Space – documentary
      Regenerations: From Black and White to Colour – documentary
      Title sequence colour tests
      Restoration comparison – from the 2013 Blu-ray

      New Special Features

      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      Commentary feature – behind the scenes with Caroline John and Nicholas Courtney in June 2000
      Derek Martinus audio interview
      Trails and continuities
      Photo gallery in HD
      Production subtitles


      Production documentation
      Rehearsal script for Episode 2
      Camera scripts
      Radio Times cuttings
      Season 7 PasB information
      Season 7 BBC Television
      Play Synopses
      Season 7 BBC
      Enterprises sales sheets
      Season 7 Junior Points of View
      Season 7 unmade stories

      DISC TWO

      Doctor Who and the Silurians: Seven episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Audio commentary with Timothy Combe, Terrance Dicks, Caroline John, Barry Letts and Peter Miles
      Isolated score – music by Carey Blyton
      What Lies Beneath – making-of documentary
      Going Underground – design featurette
      Colour Silurian Overlay featurette on the original colour restoration technique
      On Target: Malcolm Hulke – documentary originally included on The War Games DVD
      Now and Then – locations featurette
      Coming Soon: The Ambassadors of Death

      New Special Features
      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      Clean opening and closing titles
      Trails and continuities
      Photo gallery in HD
      Production subtitles

      Production documentation
      Rehearsal script for Episode 3
      Camera scripts
      Radio Times cuttings


      New Special Features

      The Cave Monsters – a 107-minute omnibus edition of Doctor Who and the Silurians
      Looking for Mac – Malcolm Hulke documentary, presented by Toby Hadoke
      Splendid Chap: The Life and Times of Nicholas Courtney – documentary presented by Jon Culshaw


      The Ambassadors of Death: Seven episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Audio commentary with Geoffrey Beevers, Nicholas Courtney, Terrance Dicks, Michael Ferguson, Peter Halliday, Derek Martin, Roy Scammell and Derek Ware, moderated by Toby Hadoke
      Mars Probe 7: Making The Ambassadors of Death – documentary
      Michael Ferguson’s Monster Masterclass – documentary originally included on The Seeds of Death Special Edition DVD
      BBCI trailer – version transmitted on 14 March 1970 (1m 31s)
      Coming Soon: Inferno

      New Special Features

      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      BBC1 trailer – longer version (Im 55s)
      Photo gallery in HD
      Production subtitles


      Production documentation
      Camera scripts for Episodes 1-7
      Radio Times cuttings


      Inferno: Seven episodes, restored in HD

      Existing Special Features

      Can You Hear the Earth Scream? – making-of documentary
      Deleted scene from Episode 5
      Inferno introduction – Jon Pertwee’s introduction from The Pertwee Years VHS

      New Special Features

      Behind the Sofa – with Sophie Aldred, Daisy Ashford, Geoffrey Beevers, Janet Fielding, Toby Hadoke, Katy Manning, Sarah Sutton and Matthew Waterhouse
      Episode 5 – the extended 71 edit/overseas version, including the deleted scene
      Clean opening and closing titles
      Photo gallery in HD
      Season 8 Blu-ray trailer
      Production subtitles


      Production documentation
      Draft scripts – Dr Who and the Mole Bore
      Rehearsal script for Episode 7
      Camera scripts
      Radio Times cuttings

      DISC SIX

      Existing Special Features

      Inferno – the reverse standards conversion of all seven episodes, as they originally appeared on DVD
      Carry On: The Life of Caroline John – documentary from the 2013 Blu-ray of Spearhead from Space
      Hadoke v Havoc – documentary
      The UNIT Family Part One – documentary
      BBC Visual Effects
      Department promo film

      New Special Features

      Inferno – a 96-minute omnibus edition


      Bonus disc

      New Special Features
      Terror of the Suburbs – documentary presented by Matthew Sweet
      Lucky 13: Rockets, Aliens and Spare Parts – documentary presented by Robin Ince
      John Levene in Conversation with Matthew Sweet
      Studio clocks compilation
      Escape Room: The Third Doctor – with Daisy Ashford, Katy Manning and Sadie Miller, presented by Emily Cook
      The Collection: Season 7 trailer
      The Panopticon Archive – a convention appearance by Caroline John and Barry Letts on 25 September 1994

    • Gordon

      February 2nd, 2025 - 11:47pm

      I’ve posted it twice but it went on moderation.

      It’s on the millennium effects website if you want to look

  • DanielM

    January 29th, 2025 - 1:54pm

    In response to @AnaBear below about an upscaling issue on Season 25’s Remembrance of the Daleks with a Dalek’s pupil. It turns out that it is just really subtle CGI as part of the new Updated Effects which all the Shots in the Set’s Announcement Trailer come from.

    If you search up “Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks Effects Comparison” on Youtube and go to 3:44 you will see what I mean.

    So there could be certain case’s (Mainly Season 25) where People are thinking there are issues with the upscaling when in reality it is just neatly done CGI like the one mentioned above.

    • Ricky

      January 30th, 2025 - 4:36pm

      What exactly is the issue with the daleks eye stalk? Can’t say I noticed anything untoward when I watched it a while ago.

    • Nb7

      January 30th, 2025 - 8:11pm

      I’ve said before it’ll be to do with the inclusion of the deleted scenes as they’re in a slightly lower quality than the rest of the story . Looks great to me and the original versions. I’m still made up we got the vhs version of silver nemesis. Man the amount of memories that came flooding back after seeing that again.

    • Walter Hardback

      January 30th, 2025 - 11:00pm

      There’s some CGI used to show the Dalek’s “pupil” expanding and contracting a bit, which someone had thought was a noise reduction issue when they saw it in the trailer. As for the deleted scenes added here, they’re actually lower generation than the broadcast masters and so technically better quality than anything seen before (they rebuild the McCoy stories from recording spools and early edits where possible, so the broadcast footage is improved to match the extended scenes’ quality).

    • Ricky

      January 31st, 2025 - 10:35am

      Thanks Walter .

  • Gordon

    January 29th, 2025 - 1:45pm

    Well Chris chapman has said he’s working on 5 separate whoray sets after s7. He also emphasised its sets so no individual animated releases. Considering there is only 4 colour seasons to go at least 1 of them must either be a 60s season or that elusive wilderness years set.

    Toby hadoke is also doing various commentaries and documentaries and other things over the next week. Says it’s over 4 programmes/franchises. I imagine who and Blake’s 7 will be at least 2 of them

    Matthew sweet has also recorded some “more sci-fi in conversations”.

    Its all go behind the scenes

    • D84

      January 29th, 2025 - 3:37pm

      Very promising Gordon, thanks for the roundup on intel as always

    • Craig F

      January 29th, 2025 - 9:17pm

      That’s interesting Gordon I agree on the Who probably season 6 for the 60’s release.
      Hopefully Survivors is one of the other franchises.
      lots of work needs doing to get the colour balance correct. Those dodgy cameras used for the location work on seasons 1 & 2 make the picture look washed out compared to the studio footage.
      Blakes 7 seasons 2-4 any update as to film trims/inserts being found/donated as apart from season 1 not much exists. I remember someone on hear saying they had a near complete script collection they could loan to be copied. Did that happen or have any others
      turned up?

    • Gordon

      January 29th, 2025 - 11:20pm

      Toby said it was a broad canvas. So might not all be cult. One of them might be hammer related. Chris chapman did a Brian Clemens documentary with Toby for the captain Kronos 4k that was just released and there was a recent article from Steve rogers (who works on the restorations) saying there will be more hammer releases. Chris also recently filmed with director Colin Cant. He worked on Grange Hill, moonfleet, moon dial, dark season, century falls and other shows.

      I suspect we won’t hear about updates on any film sequences or scripts on Blake 7 s2 until it gets officially announced

    • Craig F

      January 30th, 2025 - 6:40pm

      Thanks for the info Gordon I’m a massive Hammer fan too, so great news about more releases due. Hopefully they will finally do SHE if the 35mm negative still exists.
      We have the BBC to thank for all the recent Blu ray releases, as they done a deal in the late 70’s & bought most of the original 35mm negative prints.
      So we wouldn’t have had uncut versions of curse of Frankenstein or curse of the werewolf plus many more.
      Those early double bills on Friday nights back in 1980ish are very memerable.

    • Gordon

      January 31st, 2025 - 9:51pm

      I know shatter is one of them that hammer is working on. I do hope SHE is one of them though. From the interview I read not all will be the big £50 deluxe sets that captain kronus gets though.

      Though it’s unlikely I’d love Chris if he could work on some of the Gerry Anderson blu ray sets as stingray/thunderbirds/captain scarlet are my favourite childhood shows. Unfortunately with only thunderbirds secret service and the protectors left to remaster for blu ray the time for that is running out. Especially as Ive heard rumours a 4:3 thunderbirds blu ray with bells and whistles release will be happening later in the year.

    • DPHill

      February 2nd, 2025 - 11:00pm

      This is such excellent news and I cannot wait any longer for this set – although I should think a month will do it. What a great set with amazing features and restoration! The BTS stuff is really exciting, I think this year is a strong start for Who – Savages, S7, War Games in coloue – whenever that may drop, S2/15/41, and hopefully, very soon, the timeless doctors – it’s all go!

    • Walter Hardback

      February 3rd, 2025 - 12:25pm

      They won’t be doing She as that’s owned by Canal and WB, owning separate rights either side of the pond. Hammer are working on the titles they fully or mostly own (like Kronos, where they have non-US) as those are the ones they can exploit financially. The lack of any kind of Blu-ray for She is certainly curious though, and to cut a long story short almost everything is pointing to the master materials being with WB as they’re sitting on several Hammers and Canal have tried to put out as much as they can. Both the UK DVDs of She had problems (letterboxing or cropping) which their other DVDs didn’t, and I don’t think that would have happened both times if they had decent film elements available. It’s very annoying!

  • AnaBear

    January 26th, 2025 - 3:52pm

    Well, that trailer didn’t quell my fears about the upscaling process. I’m unsure if this is just how it is with YouTube nowadays, but it appears that they upscaled Spearhead from Space. All the film grain is just completely gone and it doesn’t look better than what we already had with the first Classic Who Blu-Ray release. Silurians and Ambassadors look definitely better. I knew that Inferno would have absolutely got the upscale treatment, but why Spearhead? Why remove the detail that the film captures by completely letting the upscale smear all that detail away?

    It just is so baffling to me.

    Season 25 already suffered through this problem (look at around 0:28 on the Collection trailer, the middle Dalek’s pupil should not be doing that), and Season 7 shouldn’t have had this issue at all.

    • Gordon

      January 26th, 2025 - 4:34pm

      Peter says spearhead is 99.5% identical to the 2012 BluRay. Only difference is extra sparkle (neg dirt) removal, edge dewarping on cuts (where necessary) and gate hair removal on episode 4.

      Also the YouTube trailer is presented in 720p and also will streaming is rarely ever as good quality as physical media

    • Ricky

      January 26th, 2025 - 9:00pm

      I have faith in the fact the people doing these will be treating the material with respect and delivering the absolute best Audio and visual experience possible with the budget they have to work with ,I mean why wouldn’t they? as they are fans themselves too.
      Judging the episodes when watching YouTube isn’t a fair appraisal as they always look and sound alot better direct from the disc with a much higher bitrate ,as all material does when compared to any streaming platform.

      Sometimes the problem with revealing much more of what’s on offer from the source can result in the odd anomaly showing that you wouldn’t of noticed before or simply didn’t show as clearly ,everything has a certain trade off.

      There is also an option on most modern televisions to calibrate each picture setting to your liking ,I have a separate picture mode that I have calibrated and use to suit all my TV material on dvd and Blu-ray such as Dr who ,Blake’s 7 etc , i. e most BBC studio video tape sourced material etc ,this brings the best out of them for me, and the Dr who collection sets all looks fantastic.

    • GeordieW

      January 28th, 2025 - 7:31am

      The grain won’t be there because of YouTube’s compression, you can rarely see grain on YouTube

  • Gordon

    January 24th, 2025 - 10:04pm

    In the new doctor who magazine out on Thursday:

    With Jon Pertwee’s debut season coming to Blu-ray, we speak to team behind the release about the remastered episodes and the Special Features included on the set.


    We take a look at the history of lost First Doctor adventure The Savages – soon to be released as an animation…

    • MagzinesNOmore

      January 26th, 2025 - 2:41pm

      Whilst WH Smiths still exists – as its up for sale. Most magazines will fold if they do.

  • Nick

    January 24th, 2025 - 9:16pm

    Just seen the trailer – my word, the restoration looks stunning!

    • Craig F

      January 24th, 2025 - 9:34pm

      Yep me too Ambassadors looks almost 625 line quality!
      I did try to past a link but looks like it didn’t get approved for some reason.

    • Prowl 1701

      January 25th, 2025 - 1:34am

      How much of the footage from ambassadors used in the trailer is from episode 1 though?

    • Prof Horner

      January 25th, 2025 - 9:03am

      @Prowl 1701, there was only one shot I think of the ambassador coming through a door. That’s not from episode 1. So I think we are going to have to wait see how good the restoration is when it comes out.

    • Matt L

      January 25th, 2025 - 6:28pm

      Looks great, looking forward to getting it – the new documentaries, behind the sofa with Caroline’s family, etc

  • Auton

    January 24th, 2025 - 3:28pm

    Nice to see the trailer for this has released. Looking very much forward to this set

    • Prof Horner

      January 24th, 2025 - 4:00pm

      Yes just watched it looks fantastic. With a Katy Manning voice over. Wonderful. Only five and a bit weeks to go ! Love the idea that Terrance Dicks and Malcolm Hulke were the Lennon and McCartney of Doctor Who!

    • bryan

      January 24th, 2025 - 4:21pm

      And Barry Letts was (is) George Martin

      This looks so wildly beyond any expectations.

    • Snowman

      January 24th, 2025 - 6:04pm

      I can’t see any Trailer on here? (Has anyone a link).

    • Craig F

      January 24th, 2025 - 6:11pm

      A link would be handy Auton if you don’t mind thanks

    • Snowman

      January 24th, 2025 - 6:49pm

      @Craig F, I just found it on YouTube. Go on YouTube and Type in “Trailer for Dr Who Season 7 Blu-Ray Collection” it should come up.

    • Craig F

      January 24th, 2025 - 8:25pm

      Sorted the link

  • Craig F

    January 20th, 2025 - 10:06pm

    Tom Baker M.B.E Happy Birthday 91 today.
    I had the honour of meeting him with my local group back in 1987 at the theatre Clwyd in An inspector calls.
    A great play & we all met him in the bar after where he bought us all drinks & signed our merchandise.
    A very lovely man indeed.

    • Ricky

      January 21st, 2025 - 10:33am

      Great memory to have ,he’s a legend in our time .

  • Gordon

    January 19th, 2025 - 3:59pm

    Anneke said today at the Epsom event that smugglers is in the works and has done extras for it

    • Matt L

      January 19th, 2025 - 4:32pm

      Do you know if anything has been done for Season 21 at all?

    • Prof Horner

      January 19th, 2025 - 7:48pm

      Great news Gordon. The Smugglers is a favorite of mine. Do we know which studio is doing it ?

    • Bellal

      January 19th, 2025 - 7:54pm

      Fantastic, really are now filling all those gaps on the shelf. Cheers!

    • SV7

      January 19th, 2025 - 9:03pm

      Fantastic! Hopefully official confirmation isn’t too far away…

    • Gordon

      January 19th, 2025 - 9:24pm

      Matt L: not heard anything official but I highly suspect they will have banked mark strickson’s contributions when he was over doing the s20 bonus material.

      Prof Horner: not yet. I suspect it might be shapeshifter. Not necessary in 3d this time

      SV7: she was quoted as saying we will be seeing a lot more of the smugglers very soon. But then how soon is soon?

    • Richnomad

      January 19th, 2025 - 10:36pm

      Yes, she ended by saying ‘the Smugglers are coming’ but provided no further context

    • Prowl 1701

      January 19th, 2025 - 11:30pm

      So she meant an animation for it? That would be awesome, I wonder how hard it will be to animate all of the fighting going on in episode 4 though.

    • Gordon

      January 20th, 2025 - 10:18am

      To clarify She never specified animation or even extras (I was told she mentioned extras) though I did hear a while back elsewhere she has recorded a weekend with for smugglers a few years ago.

      She said “Cornwall! I loved Cornwall. And you might be seeing more from Cornwall soon! Though I’m not meant to say anything”.

      Something is definitely happening with smugglers though. It’s most likely for an animation but some are suggesting there might be a recovery (I’ll believe it when I see it). It’s also possible that the extras she has filmed is for season 4 set rather than an animation but seeing as that’s probably a while off I expect the animation will come first.

    • Prof Horner

      January 20th, 2025 - 11:34am

      Well all this is interesting Gordon. It will probably be animation , but what it will mean is that all the sixties seasons, bar 3 will only have one story a season ‘ missing ‘. I still think that it is possible that all the Troughton seasons will be completed with animation. Anyway this year is shaping up to be an exciting year for classic Who releases.

    • 4TH DOCTOR

      January 20th, 2025 - 8:14pm

      RIP Christopher Benjamin starred in this seasons epic Inferno and in the incredible season 14 Telons Of Weng Chiang as well as Unicorn and the Wasp one of the greats and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM BAKER MBE

    • Craig F

      January 20th, 2025 - 9:53pm

      I still hold out hope that the “collectors” will return the episodes they are holding soon.
      We know web of fear 3 is out there & if returned could get a colour make over.
      I suspect too that tenth planet 4 is held by the same collector who has web 3.
      I remember when tenth planet 4 was nearly returned in the 90’s & the rumours of who it might be, I can’t say who but some may suspect, i guess time will tell.

    • Gordon

      January 20th, 2025 - 11:17pm

      The problem with knowing the whole web 3 is still out there it’s coming up to 12 years that he returned web and enemy to the bbc. Heck next year is 15 years since Philip first discovered it in 2011. A million and one things may have happened to it in that time period. It could have become irreparably damaged or changed hands multiple times or any number of things.

    • Craig F

      January 20th, 2025 - 11:28pm

      All very true Gordon & I don’t mean to give anyone false hope, although I do remember Philip saying once that he knew who the collectors were & that talks were on going & delicate so…

    • SV7

      January 21st, 2025 - 11:09am

      Just occurred to me, I hope if Smugglers is being animated, they keep the extended opening title sequence for Episode 1…

    • TruthAreWeSure

      January 21st, 2025 - 5:05pm

      Her offical page has put a post out saying she never said it. ( as far as animation is concerned )

    • TruthAreWeSure

      January 21st, 2025 - 5:05pm

      Her offical page has put a post out saying she never said it. ( as far as animation is concerned )

    • SV7

      January 22nd, 2025 - 3:21pm

      @TruthAreWeSure: Its probably officially embargoed so a denial is understandable. I also seem to remember Gary Russell denying the animation of Toymaker, but it still happened and his name is on the credits!

    • Frax

      January 23rd, 2025 - 7:18pm

      Omg! I’m so excited about the Smugglers, absolutely one of my favourite Hartnell stories and plus I live in Cornwall. Either animation or if a recovery I would he mind blown….filling in those gaps for season 4!

    • NickD

      January 25th, 2025 - 6:48pm

      Great. I love that story and I love those old smugglers type stories that it’s based upon.

  • Prof Horner

    January 17th, 2025 - 2:47pm

    Now a release date is confirmed for this season. Do we think the next DWM will have Pertwee season 7 cover.
    I give another look at looking for David from season 2 boxset the other night. I am wondering who will be the subject of future of Looking for feature. May I suggest John Wiles for a season 3 boxset and Kit Pedler for 4. These features are certainly interesting and I look forward to watching the Mac Hulke one.

    • Pete X

      January 19th, 2025 - 10:51am

      Possibly Peter Bryant for S6. An alternatve for S3 could be Adrienne Hill.

      It would be nice to see some of the character actors who played several different parts as subjects, the jobbing actors who where the stalwarts of British 20thC cult TV. Cyril Shaps (either S11 or S16) and Michael Sheard (S13).

      On a related note, I would love there to be a Matthew Sweet In Conversation with Deep Roy on either the S2 or S3 Blakes Seven blu-ray.

    • David McCallu

      January 19th, 2025 - 5:40pm

      There surely must be scope for a Ron Grainer feature as well – Season 1 would be the obvious place, although I guess it could really fit anywhere.

  • Harold Shand

    January 17th, 2025 - 9:28am

    On Pete Crocker’s last post, he states that this brings to an end this run of screen grabs from the S7 set.

    Does this mean Inferno has had no extra works? I know it had extensive work for the DVD SE, so wondering if there was enough done previously with no real area for improvement for this release.

    Unless its still a work in progress, but that seems very close to the early March deadline

    • Gordon

      January 19th, 2025 - 9:04pm

      He says he’s done A bit but not ground up like Silurians and Ambassadors.

    • Prowl 1701

      January 19th, 2025 - 11:31pm

      He said that the location work he has redone from scratch.

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