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July 4th, 2024 121 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 25 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from, and

With thanks to BBC Studios.

DOCTOR WHO: THE COLLECTION – SEASON 25 available on Blu-ray

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with an eight-disc box set, starring Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

The stories included are Remembrance of the Daleks, The Happiness Patrol, Silver Nemesis and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. The stories also feature Sophie Aldred who plays iconic 80s companion, Ace, who joins the Doctor to battle Daleks, Cybermen, the murderous Happiness Patrol and the evil forces of the Psychic Circus.

PLUS, fans can experience this season like never before, with brand new extended special editions of all four adventures, exclusive to this Blu-ray set.

The four Special Editions feature unseen footage, updated special effects, immersive surround sound, and surprises. All episodes have been newly remastered from available sources meaning these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 25 is also jam-packed with hours of new and exclusive material including:


  • Exclusive to Blu-ray, on the original broadcast versions of Remembrance of The Daleks,
    Silver Nemesis and The Greatest Show in The Galaxy.


  • New episodes with Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Bonnie Langford (Mel), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Dame Sheila Hancock (Helen A), Jessica Martin (Mags), Karen Gledhill (Allison) and Mark Hardy (Cyber-Lieutenant).


  • Three new episodes, with Sophie Aldred, script editor Andrew Cartmel and director Chris Clough.


  • A documentary looking back at the life and career of Dursley McLinden (Mike).


  • A rare vintage documentary from 1988, previously only available on VHS.


  • A version of the story originally released on VHS with extra footage.


  • A special cut-down feature-length version of this adventure, in the tradition of the 1970s Christmas repeats.


  • Host Emily Cook chats to Doctor Who collectors about their 1980s treasures.


  • Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred and Bonnie Langford attempt to escape the room of doom.


  • Sophie Aldred chats to Lesley Dunlop, her co-star from The Happiness Patrol who also appeared in the Fifth Doctor story Frontios (1984).


  • The practical effects genius looks back on his Season 25 work.


  • Hours of raw footage and outtakes captured during the making of all four stories.








This eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including documentaries, featurettes, audio commentaries and more.

The Collection: Season 25 will be released on 21st October 2024.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD



  • Deano

    July 5th, 2024 - 9:10pm

    Nice surprise was in hospital yesterday undergoing major surgery and already sold out on Amazon so tried Zavvi who gave me a first time £5 off discount which didn’t work and charge for postage so ordered through rarewaves same price free p+p but they take payment straight away however you pay but at least I’ve secured a copy.
    Never dealt with them directly only through eBay so hopefully all will be ok come release
    Looking forward to having this especially the vhs extended version of Silver nemesis which I still have on video with the US documentary which isn’t on this release which is a shame but never mind otherwise the set looks fantastic can’t wait

    • Deano

      July 5th, 2024 - 9:22pm

      The US documentary is on the set sorry a little confused still so that’s even better

  • Jake E

    July 5th, 2024 - 5:21pm

    The American making of Documentary (1988) is the VHS Edit!!

    As the US masters which had the clips from the Eric Saward stories (the original transmitted full length version) were not kept!

    • Gordon

      July 5th, 2024 - 10:43pm

      To be honest I’m just glad it’s included. It was a lot of work getting it cleared

    • Rex F

      July 6th, 2024 - 2:41am

      You’d think they could rebuild it from an off-air VHS. If they aren’t going to the trouble, that hopefully means it’s literally just clips and no “new” content.

  • Peter C

    July 5th, 2024 - 4:53pm

    This looks out of stock in Amazon already. Does anyone know if they’ll get any more in soon?

    • Prowl 1701

      July 5th, 2024 - 8:41pm

      It typically goes in and out the first few days.

    • Peter C

      July 6th, 2024 - 1:55am

      I’ve ordered from Rarewaves with free p & p instead to ensure I have a copy. Had a similar thing happen with the season 15 set earlier in the year. It was in stock until the day I was going to order, then out of stock, then as soon as I ordered from Zavvi it was back in Amazon! I never had time to catch up on all of them either as trees is so much material alongside the episodes themselves, but very well done each time I think. Just a shame we aren’t getting the little films any more. Thx one with Leela in the Time War was great.

    • Gordon

      July 6th, 2024 - 11:57am

      We are still getting the little films. They have said they aren’t going to be as epic as the season 15 one. Some trailers are just going to be lower key and some are going to be clip based like the season 25 one ended up being. There is one that of February 2024 was half shot that has yet to come out yet so we haven’t seen the last of them

    • daz

      July 6th, 2024 - 12:37pm

      I imagine we’ll definitely get one related to a 2nd Doctor release so at least every Doctor has a new film. I expect to see one for the wilderness years too.

  • Jake E

    July 5th, 2024 - 8:56am

    Studio and Location footage:

    Remembrance of the Daleks = 32 hours
    The Happiness Patrol = 10 hours
    Silver Nemesis = 5 hours
    The greatest show in the Galaxy = 7 hours

    That’s how much they had available to look through. But they are only picking the best from this so we won’t get anywhere near all of that unfortunately.

    • Jake E

      July 5th, 2024 - 11:24am

      All together there will be roughly 10-11 hours of studio footage released on the set!!!

      Would have liked more but can’t really complain 🙂

    • Rex F

      July 5th, 2024 - 4:49pm

      Season 19 must have been a one off. But then there’s Season 24, where they included half of what was available. Maybe it’s just expensive to clear, and/or not very popular. Shame.

    • Jake E

      July 5th, 2024 - 5:16pm

      They said they just pick what’s best.

      So I don’t know if that just means a lot of it’s in bad quality or similar to other stuff or boring maybe?

      It could also be about disc sizes. They can only include some much content before compression becomes an issue and there’s clearly a lot of content getting put on these discs

    • Anon

      July 5th, 2024 - 8:31pm

      54 hours of studio recordings just don’t appeal to me at all. Spending over two days of my life watching people standing around inbetween takes… I always found the studio sections on the DVDs boring but 54 hours! Even the half a day of my life included on the discs is just too long.

    • Rex F

      July 6th, 2024 - 2:35am

      They’re definitely packing these discs, yes, and I realise that watching studio footage is not everybody’s idea of fun (in SD the whole lot would fill an entire disc if they wanted decent quality). Though it pains me to say it, I know that they’re making the best decision for maximising sales. We just have to trust we all have similar ideas of “best”. And include lots of Dalek stuff.

    • Gordon

      July 6th, 2024 - 8:30am

      I doubt they would have used all that. Re-reading Richard latto’s interview in dwm when season 24 was being worked on there was 200 hours whittled down to about 25. They certainly wouldn’t have fit all of remembrance footage on a disc. Even if it was just sd footage it’s only about 23 hours that can fit on a 50gb blu ray disc. You would need multiple discs there. We are going to have to see what exactly is included but it equivocates to just over 2 and a half hours of footage per story. More than enough for the best bits to be included.

    • Andy R

      July 6th, 2024 - 12:42pm

      Wait.. the rememberance dvd version with missing special effects is not included. I am shocked!

    • Rex F

      July 6th, 2024 - 6:01pm

      Gordon’s right again, I snafu’d there. It’s c. 52 SD episodes that’ll go nicely on a disc, not 52 SD hours.

  • Gordon

    July 5th, 2024 - 6:53am

    Having had time to take everything in it’s an enormous set.

    4 special editions. Just fantastic. Mark ayres in particular seems to have a lot of praise on the happiness patrol special edition so looking forward to watching that one.

    New effects on all 4 stories

    There is technically 5 different versions of silver nemesis. Tx, tx with new effects, special edition, extended vhs and the omnibus and that’s before you take into account the optional 5.1 mixes too

    Behind the sofa has gotten even bigger by the look of things. There must be at least 4 sofa’s this time round. I just love the fact they were able to get dame Shelia Hancock. Acting royalty.

    Looking for Dursley: (55 mins) This has been something that has been in the planning for a good few years. looks like another beautifully made Chris chapman documentary. Nice that they got rtd in for this. I expect Janet might pop up as she was friends with him too. Considering his early passing I might need to get some tissues for this one

    The making of doctor who: a lot of people wanted it and were disappointed by its lack of inclusion on the silver nemesis dvd release and now we are getting it. Only seen it once about 15 years back but I remember enjoying it a lot

    Silver nemesis vhs extended: as with the making of doctor who a lot of people wanted it. I’m looking forward to comparing all the versions

    The collectors 1980’s: well we got a 60’s one so I figured we would get an 80s one. Just got to get a 70s one.

    Escape room 7th doctor : pretty much expected. Will be interesting to see if it’s been edited down in any way considering some have criticised the length of the first doctor one.

    In conversation: was only really expecting Andrew cartmell. Chris clough seems a good choice. Sophie was a surprise but seeing as she’s done quite a lot for the show in the last 5 years I think it’s a good choice.

    When Sophie met Lesley. (15 mins) Another Chris chapman documentary. Seems like a fun little interview

    Stephen Mansfield interview: could be interesting

    Studio and location footage: not sure how much in total there is but I expect there is some gold in there

    I will like every other season be picking this up but I’m waiting to see if the rumoured animation anouncment next month happens. Get both and get the 20 percent hmv discount.

    • MJS

      July 5th, 2024 - 11:15am

      I hope the Escape Room doesn’t get edited down. I quite enjoyed watching the first Doctor one in real time. Poor Lisa Bowerman holding the whole thing together!!!

    • Styccemaelum

      July 5th, 2024 - 5:17pm

      @Gordon this is the first I’m hearing of a rumoured animation next month. Is it going to be Smugglers or something new do you think?

    • D84

      July 5th, 2024 - 10:12pm


      I’m there 🙂

    • Gordon

      July 5th, 2024 - 10:41pm

      @MJs I’m fine with the length but not everybody was. However I think it could benefit to cut down 60ish minutes.

      @ Styccemaelum Heard a while back from the same person that said to me after 15 would be 25 that there would be an animation announcement between July and September and would be an obscure one. Now that person is saying it will be next month if there isn’t delays. Don’t expect masterplan/wheel/marco polo as It’s apparently a more obscure one (which probably fits smugglers). Btw the person has also said the next 3 releases are most likely 6, 7 and 21 with 7 being the next season release early next year.

    • Styccemaelum

      July 6th, 2024 - 6:52am

      Fingers crossed no delays then! An obscure animation sounds like something Hartnell then, all the remaining Troughton are well known at this point. Could be Smugglers, but I could see Myth Makers or Massacre also falling into that category. Would love to see any of those animated. It’s a pity your source thinks the next Collection will be next year. I’m excited for 6 and 7 but I was hoping for a December release.

    • DPHill

      July 6th, 2024 - 10:30am

      As usual, a brilliant set, this one like 20 is just chock full of new features along with the old!! So excited! Extended special versions of all stories! Wow, the new docs look amaZing and being able to see that old one which we have never really been able to see on digital home media is brilliant!! All of this looks so good! Anyone think we will get a Terry Molloy in conversation on 21?
      What is by obscure its paradise of death?! I mean given Troughton has three left, probably a Hartnell and there were smugglers rumours, could be space pirates tho if obscure? They probably mean historical by obscure though don’t they?
      If one story will be missed per season, then we are ready for 1,5&6, and 3/4 need just 4 more before all become viable for the collection by that rule! Smugglers, Savages, Massacre and Myth Makers coild all be considered obscure… either way roll on whatever animation it is!

    • Gordon

      July 6th, 2024 - 10:37am

      Think you could say the space pirates is a bit more obscure as I don’t think it’s a really popular story but i think it’s most likely smugglers. Anneke Wills has apparently done a weekend with feature at her cottage with Toby which would probably fit on that release.

    • DPHill

      July 6th, 2024 - 10:58am

      Wow only just saw the bit about next collection sets!! Amazing!! I’m so excited! 7 is excellent! So is 6 and 21, perhaps they’ll do 6 after 7, that way just having finished a doctor and then moving to one that hasn’t even started on the range? I don’t know, all three are big seasons by merit and fan opinion, so we will likely have four (including 25) big sets in a row! What features would people like?

      7 – Benton in conversation would be great! We know there’s a Nick Courtney doc coming, behind the sofa and the usual archive stuff, an overview perhaps?? Do you think there’ll be an updated special effects on it? And even I dare say an inferno omnibus as they made one for 25 in the seventies style?

      6 – pretty damn packed with episodes and usual features, Wendy in conversation, season overview and a second doctor escape room, a little something for Derrick wherein perhaps? Pat Troughton doc perhaps or an overview? Mind robber TOTT, I wonder if we shall be lucky to have a colourisation announcement after the animation and it be a Troughton one? Who knows

      21 – usual stuff and behind the scenes stuff, awakening extended? Caves updated or special edition? Davison doctors table, 21 writers room, turlough davros and Eric’s award in conversations? Fifth and sixth escape rooms?

      After these I think we will likely get another baker and Hartnell in either order, thoughts?

    • SV7

      July 6th, 2024 - 3:25pm

      Gordon, you might be on to something there. I can’t seem to find anything by having a quick Google, but isn’t Anneke’s cottage in Cornwall?

      If so it’s surely a perfect fit for an extra on a potential release of The Smugglers.

  • Darren

    July 4th, 2024 - 6:43pm

    Looka great!
    Hoping for some standard edition release news soon…

    • Rob

      July 4th, 2024 - 9:03pm

      With a two year gap isn’t season 2 standard due a release December onwards?

    • Darren

      July 4th, 2024 - 10:05pm

      I don’t understand there being a gap at all between special edition and standard.
      These days new Who season boxsets are released in a standard and premium steelbook edition simultaneously.

    • MCTimelord

      July 4th, 2024 - 10:44pm

      Why does anyone prefer the standard editions. They shouldn’t even make them. Just make the limited editions the standard and only version

    • bryan

      July 4th, 2024 - 10:49pm

      Hi Darren.

      I think the 2 year space between standard and blu ray box ltd.edtion, was because of sales. The suppression of LTD edition sales, the market place couldn’t sustain both. Due to manufacturing costs.

      So to encourage more people to buy LTD Edition, the standard edition has a space in the schedule.

    • Darren

      July 4th, 2024 - 11:30pm

      MCTimelord I prefer the standard editions because the Limited Editions damage so easily.
      I found the disc trays were more often than not separating from the box and the glue dots ripping the artwork in the process.
      I didn’t want to continue spending out for something that was getting knackered even when just sitting on my shelf. The standard editions far more durable and future proof.

    • Darren

      July 4th, 2024 - 11:41pm

      Hi Bryan, I hear you but I don’t think that’s the case.
      The sets used to sell out very very quickly, the most recent releases from the last 2 years are still avaliable with the exception of season 2.
      Those who want the Limited editon will buy it, but those who want the standard edition will just wait, so actually if anything not releasing them simultaneously delays the financial return on producing the content.

    • Anon

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:29am

      Just buy the limiteds you really want, then do like i do, flog them when the standards come out. The rest i can manage with the DVDs. For example i wont bother with the B/W sets unless its stuffed with new features or new CG. The same with the colour sets. I didnt bother with season 9 for the same reason as there wasnt as much and no CG. I can wait till next March/ April for that set.

    • Rob

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:55pm

      limited editions came first and they were not sure how they were going to sell, when they sold out it seemed the right thing to do standard editions.

      limited booklet is comprehensive
      limited bigger product to get signed on the front
      standard lower price point at £34.99 vs £54.99
      standard space saver

      standard has a 2 year wait
      standard has small leaflet and not booklet
      limited can warp and trays come unstuck

      Any others?

    • James

      July 5th, 2024 - 2:27pm

      These sets are the same as new books. They come out as limited first to get the most money as like hardbacks. Then the paperbacks are normally 6ish months later. If i knew they were doing the same id had waited for the standard range to a. Save money, b. Save space, c. No damage. Still a great range. Will probably end up getting the standard sets after the LTD has finished as will have gone down ib price by then.

    • daz

      July 5th, 2024 - 2:50pm

      Another Pro is the artwork looks so much better printed on the larger card.

      The inside showing the Tardis interior in all it’s glory, rather than being small and hidden behind the disc trays and blue of the case.

      None of my 15 have had any issues with the glued on disc trays. Some did arrive battered but I got them replaced. Luckily I have space to display them with covers on display. I also buy the plastic protective cases too.

    • Anon

      July 5th, 2024 - 3:31pm

      Daz but thats an added con for the limited as the protective covers means it takes longer to get out of the box. Its enough with physical media we have all the hassle of just removing from the trays and then into the player.
      I agree though that the artwork etc on the limiteds do look so much better.

    • daz

      July 5th, 2024 - 5:06pm

      Anon. Not a con for me.

      It’s amazing how lazy we get as humans due to streaming. The days of having to rewind the tape are long gone. But we, myself included, can’t be bothered to put a disc in our players too.

      How often is everyone watching the discs?

      I watch every disc fully then the Season goes untouched for years. If I have the urge then there is also iplayer now.

      I’ll probably rewatch every season and the special features once we have all 26 though.

    • anon

      July 5th, 2024 - 5:44pm

      Thats it. People go on about the 2 year wait for the standard but how often do we play the new sets once we have them. Its more about the convenience and the here and now. Having said that i would much rather wait or rely on the older formats than entertain ‘streaming’.

  • John T

    July 4th, 2024 - 5:30pm

    Chris Chapman is attending the Whooverville con in 8 weeks time and I am hoping that with a large Cinema screen at his disposal he might show some more clips from the various features on this set , similar to his last visit and the trial box set. A big draw for me on the 25 set is the involvement of both Sheila Hancock and Lesley Dunlop so I ordered this in instantly from Zavvi who are quoting a 30th September release but this could be wrong. Great artwork again and this release is eagerly awaited by many fans .

    • Sofia Fox

      July 4th, 2024 - 9:28pm

      The Doctor Who website says it’s out on 21st October.

    • Gordon

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:13am

      You might get looking for Dursley and when Sophie met Sophie clips as it’s the 2 things on this set he produced.

  • Prowl 1701

    July 4th, 2024 - 5:17pm

    So is it three stories getting updated effects or all four? I’m a little confused.

    • Jake E

      July 4th, 2024 - 5:48pm

      I believe it’s 3 of them getting updated effects but all 4 of the stories are getting new Special edition extended edits

    • Jake E

      July 4th, 2024 - 5:51pm

      Actually no it is all 4 stories that are getting new CGI for the Special edition versions.

      But only 3 are getting it for the original broadcast versions if I’m not mistaken. It is a little confusing

    • Prowl 1701

      July 4th, 2024 - 6:24pm

      I’d swear I see updated effects for happiness patrol in the trailer, so i think Jake might be right?

    • Whofan44

      July 4th, 2024 - 7:46pm

      The wording in the press release is rather confusing on that front

    • Rory

      July 5th, 2024 - 9:41am

      @Prowl, I definitely saw some new effects shots for Happiness Patrol, so you’re correct.

    • Ian Cotterill

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:53pm

      I assuming they couldn’t apply the new CGI effects to the broadcast version of ‘The Happiness Patrol’, as it looks from the trailer like they’ve restructured several shots for the Special Edition version.

    • Jake E

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:56pm

      I believe that’s exactly right Ian

  • David

    July 4th, 2024 - 4:04pm

    Will the documentary that came with the Silver Nemesis VHS release is this going to be included. Looks like another fantastic set.

    • Sofia Fox

      July 4th, 2024 - 9:29pm

      It’s listed above the VHS Extended Version. It’s “The Making of Doctor Who”.

  • Cully’s Pal

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:44pm

    No issues using the Kandyman ?

    Wonder when the Key to Time season is due it’s the colour season I want to see most.

    • Matt

      July 4th, 2024 - 8:32pm

      I’m guessing that’ll be the next Tom season. They’ll probably want to do 13 last as that’s the most popular, and it means the range began and ended with Tom

    • DPHill

      July 6th, 2024 - 11:00am

      Thinking about eights issues, they did have jelly babies in full show on the last set, so Kadnyman seemed a little inevitable in hindsight

  • Rory

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:27pm

    So glad to see this, and complete the McCoy years of the Collection. The new effects in Happiness Patrol look great, and I’ve always had a soft spot for that story, so that’s likely going to be the first thing I watch.

    Order placed. Now to go and bring down a government.

  • David Minter

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:26pm

    Good! I’ve been waiting for this one. Here’s hoping it gets a US NTSC version. I can’t see why it wouldn’t, but, knowing my luck, it would be something Warner Brothers decides not to import because I want it.

    Finally glad to get a digital release of the VHS Extended Version of Silver Nemesis!

    • Sofia Fox

      July 4th, 2024 - 9:31pm

      Warner Brothers have not been the distributor of US/Can Doctor Who releases for quite a few years now. It’s just been BBC Studios. Season 15 is out on Tuesday, they are always late on announcing the NA release.

  • Rex F

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:23pm

    I’m glad the studio footage hadn’t been lost after all – you had me worried there, Big G! Looks like 2entertain as then was did get to it first. My interest would have been fairly minimal without it.

    Now I want to know if we’re getting a b/w version of The Happiness Patrol. Chris Clough getting an In Conversation makes me wonder if he wasn’t brought in at first for some consultation work on a true director’s cut, rather than getting a new dub on a 71 edit.

    And it’d be nice if The Making of Dr Who had the Saward edits restored, assuming they still have that version or can rebuild it. 60i or 60p too please if possible?

    • Bellal

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:53pm

      I am a bit disappointed with no b/w version. Missed opportunity for a unique take I think, considering it was even discussed about when they were making it

    • KandyMan

      July 4th, 2024 - 4:16pm

      The one thing I wanted for all these sets was a b/w version… I know people say, turn down the colour on your TV, but I just felt it could have been beautiful yknow? Like Soderbergh’s b/w Raiders edit.

    • Gordon

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:15am

      The black and white happiness patrol was only ever a fan rumour according to Richard’ Bignell. It was never something even discussed or pitched

    • Rex F

      July 6th, 2024 - 12:25am

      Shame. Still, it means I’ve learnt that there are some fan edits that I’d actually watch. And a lot of the effects (like isolating certain shades/colours) can be done on a laptop now…

  • David

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:23pm

    21st OCTOBER??????
    They’re taking the ****.
    WHY announce it SO EARLY?

    So only TWO releases this year?
    I’ll be dead before they finish these collections off.

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:27pm

      Three sets means handing over more work to Private Snafu, who’s already involved far more than he should be. And sorry for your news.

    • Rob

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:52pm

      Who’s Private Snafu?

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      July 4th, 2024 - 5:16pm

      I just mean when they did three sets per year the number of mistakes, or snafus, was quite high. Two sets per year means fewer opportunities for Private Snafu to make his presence known. I’m guessing you already know what the acronym means, and it is normal for these sets to be f… to have errors.

    • rich

      July 4th, 2024 - 5:16pm

      RIP died 2029

    • Snowman

      July 4th, 2024 - 7:45pm

      How can you predict something will die at a certain date in the Future? Unless your a time Traveller of course and you’ve already seen what happens.

    • Gordon

      July 5th, 2024 - 12:21am

      Simply put they are still working on it. Mark ayres is still hard at it. as I’m typing this he’s busy mixing. It’s a massive set. A lot of work. It’s gonna get easier when they get to the likes of season 4 and 5 especially when a chunk of the restorations has been done for the animations.

  • Auton

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:21pm

    Really looking forward to this set. This is jam packed with tons of amazing new stuff, all of which I am looking forward too. Interesting that there isn’t a season overview which Chris Chapman said he’s made, I wonder what set will be getting that then

  • Matt Y

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:07pm

    Yay and yay and yay!!!!! I love this season!!!!! Classic style Doctor Who for two stories and then wonderful bonkersness and imagination for the other two!!!! ‘What time do you call this?!’ I call it perfect timing. Happy happy day. Gorgeous art work and released near my birthday. Let’s go fly a kite!!!! : )

    • Prof Horner

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:21pm

      It’s a pity it isn’t been released until October. Which seems to mean there won’t be another release this year. The cover is the usual high standard. I may even buy this myself. It would be worth the extended Silver Nemesis alone!

  • Mr Greel

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:05pm

    Unexpected but good to see the Kandyman on the cover. Not sure if different copyright rules apply with DVD covers but hope this means we might just be able to get a Kandyman figure from Harrop’s or as a Character Options exclusive.

    • Rex F

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:51pm

      Laws on parody mean Kandyman would now be fine (see also Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth publication history). Unfortunately the BBC made some kind of agreement with Bassett’s, which they probably will stick to or not care to waste time/money on unravelling.

    • Rob

      July 4th, 2024 - 9:01pm

      Just buy a bag of Bassetts allsorts and cocktail sticks to make your own

  • Tom Williams

    July 4th, 2024 - 3:03pm

    This fits in perfect as recent had too sell 26 unfortunately it will be amazing too buy back before too go alone with 24 and 26 happy days 🙂

  • Doug Who

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:53pm

    While not a surprise that this is the next release, it was a lovely surprise to have it announced today. And very apt too! Let’s hope happiness (and Cartmel) prevails!
    Wonderful packaging as ever.

  • Sime

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:46pm

    Just saw the Lee Binding post for this on Facebook (set looks great!) so instantly bought it (via the link on this page). Had some Amazon vouchers to put towards it too. Great to finally have all three McCoy seasons!

  • Gordon

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:45pm

    This set is absolute crazy. The fact they announced this today on election day is just perfect

    • Bellal

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:49pm

      Sí. I’m not even from the UK but the media coverage abroad alone makes it a perfect release time.

  • Paddy Troughton

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:39pm

    Yes been waiting for this. Greatest show is the only classic who episode I ain’t seen cause was waiting for the blu-ray so will be happy to finally see it. Plus excited for the escape room special feature loved the 1st doctor team on the celestial toymaker animation.

    • Bellal

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:50pm

      Ending on a banger Paddy

    • Paddy Troughton

      July 4th, 2024 - 4:01pm

      Yeah only ever heard good things about it and seen that famous clip of Silv walking away from the exploding tent countless times so be cool to see the context of it.

    • Barney

      July 4th, 2024 - 6:24pm

      You greatest show in the galaxy is an enigma to me….I can’t stand it…..but many other fans love it. Me and my best “who freind” (yes I know you did the inbetweeners thumbs when you read that) once made a list of our top 10 best who’s and top 10 worst. And he almost had a fit when he saw his number 2 favourite was my number 3 worst. I’ve never watched it with him though, we are going to take the blu ray as an opportunity to redeem it.

      And for any curious it is only creature from the pit and meglos I rate lower.

  • ChrisP

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:37pm

    Cartmell’s Who arrives just in time to bring down the government.

    • Babelbro

      July 4th, 2024 - 2:56pm

      Interesting your comment was approved, I made a similar joke about “Happiness must prevail” and SirKier.

      Must’ve gotten lost in this admin’s inbox somehow…

    • Rex F

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:02pm

      Ha! They could have used that in press releases if it wouldn’t have provoked the usual bias stuff from the usual suspects.

      Alternatively, if you don’t like Season 25, “They announced it on election day? Well, I suppose that is a good day to bury bad news…”

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:11pm

      You can only make Sir Kier jokes when Season 21 is released.

      Oh come on, even many of his supporters say so.

    • Babelbro

      July 4th, 2024 - 6:49pm

      Fair point, if the polls are correct then this Country’s gonna end up in the same condition as the Tardis in Frontios.

      “There should have been another way”

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      July 4th, 2024 - 10:45pm

      I was thinking of the Daleks’ plan in Resurrection: replacing world leaders with doubles that seem as a bit stiff.

  • Rich

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:36pm

    21st October? Ages away!

  • The Unlicensed Physician

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:32pm

    I know it’s the 80s, but who peanutted the Doctor’s tie?

  • daz

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:28pm

    Fantastic. The Season where I first started watching live aged 9 and still one of my favourites.

    Happiness will prevail!

  • James

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:23pm

    What?? Normally 3pm. October release so time for another release February/March?

    • booboo

      July 4th, 2024 - 2:24pm

      2pm today

    • Gordon

      July 4th, 2024 - 2:46pm

      The toymaker animation and season 15 were both announced at 2pm

  • george

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:22pm

    hate that we’re still using the dreadful logo for these sets. Get it’s to keep it consistant, but feels really out of place

  • D. Ewen

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:15pm

    all time favourite season with 26. This is great

  • Bellal

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:13pm

    Special editions – extended efits plus new effects are lovely.
    Andrew Cartmell in conversation looks great.
    Will sadly wait for the standard but I have to say I really can’t wait for this set.
    Prof can relax now.

    • Rex F

      July 4th, 2024 - 2:46pm

      And FOUR versions of Silver Nemesis. (No further comment.)

    • Babelbro

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:07pm

      @Bellal – Myself included on waiting for the Standard Edition.

      While the limiteds look beautiful, having measured all existing sets you’re looking at a huge chunk of shelving space, while the standards are barely that much thicker than a regular single Blu-ray movie.

      That’s also without saying, in my view the Limiteds are best kept as a visual piece, rather than being repeatedly opened and closed. Let alone the damaged orders arrived in the past I then experienced disc tray glue ripping the inner-rear artwork which – given the retail price of them – is a very awful feeling! (You can reglue them but it still looks horrible).

      If you own some kind of huge dedicated shrine to Classic Who, and have next to zero intention of popping the discs out over and over again, then yes these are lovely looking sets. Otherwise they are far, far from being remotely practical.

      The standards are the complete opposite. The standard Blu-ray disc slots are very easy to use, can get to a specific disc near instantly, the (slimmer) booklets actually include larger versions of the Limited booklet artworks, and if you’re quite OCD like me – the standards, when lined up, perfectly align on the spines!

    • RPG74

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:35pm

      I’ll be waiting for the standard version of this also. 2026 then. Let’s just hope there are no problems this one.

    • Rex F

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:39pm

      The standards can also be picked up new for around twenty quid if you time it right. Thanks to the folks who keep buying the limiteds though, without whom the range wouldn’t continue. I’m as grateful to you as I am to the people who keep on buying 4K tat editions and steelbooks, and keep physical media going that extra bit longer.

    • Bellal

      July 4th, 2024 - 3:47pm

      Yep. Season 24 limiteds tray coming off and in doing so ripping the back artwork was the last straw.
      Tbf I would watch all these so often that quite simply practicality is the main thing. Shame about the wait, bit happy I know what to look forward to.

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