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June 18th, 2022 760 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 22 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order in the UK from, HMV Via,, sellers on and other selected retailers.

Available to order in standard packing in the USA from #ad

Across an action-packed season of double-length episodes, Colin Baker’s Doctor and companion Peri (Nicola Bryant) face off against a host of classic monsters and villains, including Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Davros (Terry Molloy) and The Master (Anthony Ainley) – as well as introducing new female nemesis The Rani (Kate O’Mara) and the villainous slug-like Sil (Nabil Shaban). Also returning is Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor, and his companion Jamie (Frazer Hines).


  • Attack Of The Cybermen
  • Vengeance On Varos
  • The Mark Of The Rani
  • The Two Doctors
  • Timelash
  • Revelation Of The Daleks

With all episodes newly remastered from the best available sources, this Blu-ray box set also contains extensive and exclusive Special Features including:

  • Brand New Documentaries – Including a Making-Of documentary for The Two Doctors, and
  • a nostalgic trip back for Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant to Season 22’s filming locations.
  • In Conversation – Not one but THREE insightful feature-length interviews, with
  • Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and a surprise guest.
  • Behind The Sofa – New episodes with actors Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Terry Molloy,
  • Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Sylvester McCoy and Wendy Padbury.
  • Extended Episodes – Including Vengeance On Varos, The Two Doctors (Part One)
  • A Fix With Sontarans – The Doctor and Tegan battle the Sontarans in this special mini-episode.
  • Updated Special Effects – View Timelash with optional new effects
  • Exclusive New Audio Commentaries – With Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Alexei Sayle & Terry Molloy on Revelation Of The Daleks and Colin Baker, Janet Fielding & Gareth Jenkins on A Fix With Sontarans.
  • Immersive 5.1 Surround Sound – On Attack Of The Cybermen, Vengeance On Varos and Revelation Of The Daleks.
  • The Eternal Mystery – A brand new mini-episode of classic Doctor Who.
  • Studio Footage – Rare behind-the-scenes material from Vengeance On Varos, The Two Doctors, Timelash and Revelation Of The Daleks.
  • Convention Footage – Featuring actors Colin Baker and Jacqueline Pearce alongside producer John Nathan-Turner.
  • Rare Gems From The Archives – BBC archive material including ‘The Colin Baker Years’, plus content covering the promotion of the season and the controversial hiatus.
  • Radio Serial – Slipback, a six-part radio adventure.
  • Hd Photo Galleries – Including many previously unseen images.
  • Info Text – Behind-the-scenes information and trivia on every episode.
  • Scripts, costume designs, rare bbc production files
  • And other rarities from our pdf archive
  • And lots more

The eight-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Billy smith

    June 22nd, 2022 - 5:19pm

    Do the extended edits have the option of 5.1 surround sound?

    • Auton

      June 24th, 2022 - 4:58pm

      No they don’t, I haven’t check revelation or two doctors but vengeance of varos extended version doesn’t have 5.1 however the normal broadcast version does plus a 5.1 version of the isolated soundtrack for vengeance

  • Anthony Perkins

    June 21st, 2022 - 7:28pm

    I am definitely going to get this. I bet the BBC release all these on 4k soon and we will have to buy the classics all over again.. oh dear…..I wouudn’t mind betting this happens..

    • Dave

      June 21st, 2022 - 10:38pm

      BBC have said these are the definative final releases

    • Gordon

      June 21st, 2022 - 11:01pm

      There is no real benefit of doing classic who on 4k. They are already taking the picture and technical quality of classic who as far as it goes on blu ray. Plus the blu ray sets are already pretty definitive. What new could they really add? Plus the costs of scanning in 4k is still really expensive (6 figure sum for a 100 minute story). It just doesn’t seem worth the cost for next to no improvement over blu ray. The only story that they may make an exception for is spearhead from space as that exists in 16mm but even then it might still be cost prohibited to them

    • daz

      June 21st, 2022 - 11:32pm

      There’s no need to release these in 4K as the image quality isn’t good enough in the main feature and the extras.

      Also little point as by the time the collection is complete on Blu-ray physical media will be pretty much dead.

      Streaming is the future now.

    • Rob W

      June 22nd, 2022 - 8:34am

      I wouldn’t write physical off just yet. Many people might cancel streaming subscriptions if the cost of living begins to bite.

    • the Ergon

      June 22nd, 2022 - 9:07am

      But will streaming be the future in the future.

    • The ergon

      June 22nd, 2022 - 9:44am

      When these were first released bluray was an old format anyway. By the time its complete so will 4k, so would there really be much point what with 8k coming through at present.

    • Gordon

      June 22nd, 2022 - 12:03pm

      As long as there is collectors there will be demand for physical media. Streaming is fine if you want to watch something once and be done with it but if you want to watch something more than once there is always the danger that it could get pulled or altered. Plus with buying streaming versions you don’t own the product just the licence to watch it anytime you please and even then that could still get pulled meaning you lose the show or movie you paid for.

      Regarding 4k being an old format by the end of the collection range it’s 6 years old as a disc format and still a growing. 8k players don’t exist yet and may never exist due to how much data the discs will require and it may require multiple discs to watch movies and shows in 8k if it ever happens.

    • D84

      June 22nd, 2022 - 1:00pm

      I agree Gordon, I’m not a fan of streaming services for that reason – i want to watch something again – and its been pulled.

      I will always buy the best physical media for Doctor Who which at the moment is The Collection range, and it was previously DVD – I had all of those.

    • The ergon

      June 22nd, 2022 - 1:34pm

      But as you say gordon there would be no benefit in putting classic who to 4k format. If the format is already dated it would be playing just to a niche market of who collectors. There would be cross format with one coming to an end and one just beginning and then theres nu who on bluray to contend with, with nu who keeping in front on 4k initially to keep up with the times as it did with bluray whyll dvd was released.

  • Prof Horner

    June 21st, 2022 - 11:43am

    So now this video nasty season has finally been released , exactly six months after season 17. When can we expect news of next one been released , hopefully not in six months time. And is The abominable snowmen coming out anytime soon. Since I won’t be getting this season for reasons I have already stated , I will be interested to hear what Michael Grade had to say in his interview with Matthew Sweet. I hope Grade doesn’t play up to his panto villain imagine and puts his side of the story and why he didn’t just axe the series and had done with it . There is a story to told about what happened to series in the nineteen eighties and I hope it is told one day soon. It hard to understand now how some of us felt at the time about a series that had been a constant all my (I was four months old when the first episode was show and season 6 my earliest memory of it)was under attack and threatened with the axe. It was a very different world back then. Now whatever happens with the latest reboot , Doctor Who will always survivor in one form or another. Enjoy season 22 it’s not my taste, and keep enjoying the Doctor we all love.

    • Anonymous

      June 21st, 2022 - 7:41pm

      Abominable is an autumn release at the earliest

    • Gordon

      June 21st, 2022 - 11:45pm

      Abominable was supposed bro be out in july/august (an Australian website had it down as an august release) but that has been pushed to October. I suspect it will be the next release in august/September time. As for next announcement it could happen at any time.

  • Alzie Who

    June 20th, 2022 - 9:11pm

    Watching the new extras on Attack of the Cybermen!!

  • Lee D

    June 20th, 2022 - 5:53pm

    Mine is coming, in next 2 hours.

  • Things that go bump in the night

    June 20th, 2022 - 4:45pm

    A copy arrived at my door today, around lunchtime.

    It’s sitting on my home office desk since then staring back at me whilst I work.

    It came in a rather oversized box with no additional internal packing to stop it moving around during transit, however, it does seem that there are no dents or physical damage to the box (as seen through the wrapper). And there doesn’t sound to be any loose discs.

    Trust everyone enjoys their copy.

  • norman

    June 20th, 2022 - 12:46pm

    yes my came today happy days.

    • JR

      June 20th, 2022 - 4:09pm

      Mine arrived this morning. I’ll dive in later!

    • D84

      June 20th, 2022 - 4:13pm

      Mines arrived – happy days


      NEXT 🙂

    • the Ergon

      June 20th, 2022 - 5:48pm

      Next Is Series 8 standard. Thankyou.

    • Gordon

      June 21st, 2022 - 11:48pm

      Probably still too soon for season 8 standard. it’s only 15 months old which is still at least 6 months away from being the normal gap between limited and standard edition releases

    • the Ergon

      June 22nd, 2022 - 9:14am

      I,m sure there will be a preorder release around same time as next big collectors announcement. 2-3 releases behind the others. I don,t see what difference it makes as there are always plenty of collectors editions going spare anyway.

  • Matt

    June 20th, 2022 - 11:58am

    Pre ordered with Amazon back in January. Wasn’t dispatched and was showing as delivery Saturday 25th. Item is currently in stock for delivery tomorrow with Amazon prime on the website.
    Spoke to customer service and they asked if I could wait until Saturday. Bizarre!

  • David

    June 19th, 2022 - 9:10am

    Guys, I ordered on the day on Amazon when it was announced. Said 25th June expected date last night but bad been dispatched
    Now it says will be delivered today. I’ve always ordered from them on day one and never had it come on the Sunday only the Monday so perhaps those who did the same as me will get it today! Let’s see!

    • MJS

      June 19th, 2022 - 9:49am

      I’ve had a dispatch notification and says it will be delivered tomorrow!

    • D84

      June 19th, 2022 - 10:17am

      I ordered on announcement day too (Amazon) and once the fate was announced – mine had been showing “Arriving 27th June”

      That was until last night when magically it got despatched and the date changed to arriving Monday 20th.

      This has been the same for the last 2 or 3 collection sets I’ve had. I’ve had all mine from Amazon

      Happy Days

    • TARDIS traveller

      June 19th, 2022 - 10:33am

      Slightly concetned mines still showing as arriving on the 25th! Hopefully it changes soon

    • Timelord63

      June 19th, 2022 - 1:53pm

      I ordered day it was announced from Amazon but yet to receive a dispatch notification.

    • Alan Silvester

      June 19th, 2022 - 2:52pm

      My Amazon order has suddenly changed from delivery on the 25th to delivery tomorrow. Yayyyy!

    • Chris Maile

      June 19th, 2022 - 3:44pm

      Mine’s now despatched and delivery has switched from the 25th to tomorrow

    • Rob W

      June 19th, 2022 - 5:25pm

      Depegnds were you’re nearest despatch centre is and I’m sure you’ll get it tomorrow guys. I’m quite lucky as Amazon have Doncaster and Sheffield despatch centres and HMV too if.needed. At least they won’t be arriving by rail!

    • David Havers

      June 19th, 2022 - 5:46pm

      I had a dispatch email saying that it will be delivered today, yet nothing has arrived yet.

    • Kevin225

      June 19th, 2022 - 7:00pm

      Mine says dispatched from Amazon late this afternoon, but not going to be delivered until Tuesday, despite Amazon Prime. Ordered on Announcement Day.

  • Dave

    June 17th, 2022 - 2:16pm

    anybody been charged or got a dispatch from zavvi yet

    • Gordon Wilson

      June 17th, 2022 - 4:22pm

      Nope not yet. I’ve been charged and dispatched for the 4K Steelbook, but S22 nada. Which is very strange as usually it’s here before the release date.

    • Dave

      June 17th, 2022 - 4:40pm

      yeah same, getting worried

    • daz

      June 17th, 2022 - 8:25pm

      I wouldn’t worry Dave. Amazon haven’t dispatched any of theirs yet. Mine says delivery 27th too which is annoying when it was pre-ordered on day 1.

      Also it won’t sell out. Less people collect them with standard versions an option now. You can still buy both Season 17 and 24 for example.

    • GettingCloser

      June 17th, 2022 - 11:09pm

      Some people who ordered via HMV have got dispatch emails so they have told me anyway.

    • Neill Stringer

      June 18th, 2022 - 11:09am

      When ordered the Star Trek I to IV 4k set it was estimated a week later than release but still came on release.

      We should be getting Amazon dispatches this weekend.

    • Chris Maile

      June 18th, 2022 - 2:05pm

      Amazon have just charged my card and it’s now Preparing For Despatch, so hopefully everyone else are getting the same status change today.

    • Richard

      June 18th, 2022 - 7:08pm

      Mine was dispatched by hmv yesterday early morning so hoping it will arrive on Monday.

    • Prof Horner

      June 18th, 2022 - 11:55pm

      When I ordered the latest James Bond off Amazon. It was supposed come out on the 20th of December ,then I got an email from them saying it had been put back to the 29th. Guess what it turned up on the 20th after all! The same time as season 17. So I shouldn’t worry!

    • David

      June 19th, 2022 - 8:11am

      Amazon is saying 25th for me yet it has been dispatched (not out for delivery though)?

    • nic

      June 20th, 2022 - 11:39am

      Zavvi have finally charged my account for Season 22 this morning.

    • GuyTheZygon

      June 22nd, 2022 - 4:00pm

      just received from zavvi, worth reminding them in live chat tho. TheY are good, but I reallY wish theY would take the moneY at the time of preorder, hate having to earmark specific funds for (this time) five months, which aren’t taken until dispatch… doesn’t matter whether you go the PayPal or card route, they still won’t take it at the time of ordering.

  • FishCustard

    June 16th, 2022 - 3:52pm

    Considering Season 22 is coming out next week and assuming that, with luck, Season 2 and 9 are the next releases (hoping they somehow stick to three releases a year), what Seasons would anyone like to be released in 2023?
    Asking in just a speculative and personal preference way?

    • Prof Horner

      June 16th, 2022 - 6:00pm

      One from each of the first three decades . For me it would be season 6, 13 and 20 or 21.
      So do we think Neil Patrick Harris is playing The toymaker then. I have to say I am looking forward to the special (s)next year

    • Mark

      June 16th, 2022 - 6:14pm

      What seasons would I ‘like’ next year?

      Seasons 1, 3, 4 (Complete William Hartnell era, in one year)

      + 2024: Seasons 5, 6, 7(or 11) haha

    • Max Kennedy

      June 16th, 2022 - 6:48pm

      I really hope they Give the Revived Series’ (NuWho) the Collection Treatment! I can imagine them doing Series 2, 3 or 4. 1 Might be a bit tricky. But I’d also love for the NuWho Collection box sets to have a more “Red-ish” Colour tent to them.
      So Classic Era Box’s would be Blue and the Revived Era ones can be Red.

      Which would be a nice nod to the Novel Lungbarrow, Because the Time Vortex is Red when Travelling Forward in Time and Blue when Travelling Backwards. I Think that would be Fantastic!

    • Ian Cotterill

      June 16th, 2022 - 8:22pm

      In terms of wishful thinking, my choices would be:

      • Season 01 (depending on what they decide to do for ‘Marco Polo’)

      • Season 16 (The Key To Time Saga)

      • Season 25 (with the extended version of ‘Silver Nemesis’)

      • The Wilderness Years (with ‘More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS’, ‘The TV Movie’, and ‘Scream Of The Shalka’; and perhaps ‘Dimensions In Time’, ‘The Curse Of Fatal Death’ and ‘Doctor Who Night 1999’)

    • Gordon

      June 16th, 2022 - 9:58pm

      Season 1 for November 2023. I know they have said they aren’t fixating on anniversary’s but this seems too good to miss. Season 20. With mark Strickson coming over to the U.K. next month they should be able to get that season finished. Also means that the first 6 doctors are represented for the anniversary (1,2, 3,4 via 5 doctors and 6 via arc of infinity as maxil the guard). If we could get Season 25 as well it would mean all 7 of the actors are represented in the anniversary year. Probably a long shot but if they could fit in a 4th season put out season 13.

      Probably unlikely but if they can get the animations rolling again the celestial toymaker. With rumours of the character returning for the 60th it would be great to tie in for that. If anyone that could make it happen it would be Russell

    • FishCustard

      June 16th, 2022 - 10:53pm

      @Prof Horner, interesting choices, Season 6 is not one I’ve heard many people pick as of yet.
      I think that NPH is going to play the Toymaker, lots of things on set heavily suggest it. Very exciting times ahead!

    • FishCustard

      June 16th, 2022 - 11:02pm

      @Mark, yeah same haha!
      I really just want to start from the beginning and watch at least the first two Seasons through the collection boxsets and then watch maybe Seasons 3 through 6 on Britbox possibly as the release for that, at least, will take a long time

    • FishCustard

      June 16th, 2022 - 11:06pm

      @Max Kennedy, yeah it would be great to see the revived box sets eventually, but I would save them until after all of Classic Who’s sets are finished, or at least until the release of those sets slow down a bit, potentially due to Seasons like 3 etc…

    • FishCustard

      June 16th, 2022 - 11:12pm

      @Ian Cotterill, great picks! A bonus release with the Wilderness Years releasing on the anniversary month itself with Season 1 just before would be a great idea as well.

    • FishCustard

      June 16th, 2022 - 11:29pm

      @Gordon, my dream picks for 2023 pretty much, Season 20 would be great to finally have with The Five Doctors to celebrate the 60th. Logical thinking of including Sylvester with Season 25.
      I really want Season 1 to be released as soon as possible, and with the 60th anniversary of it around the corner it really is to good to miss!
      I can see them realising a Season with Tom potentially but who knows.
      If they get the animations up and running for 2023 releases (Fingers Crossed), this is selfish but I would really hope for two releases with The Celestial Toymaker, as the Toymaker may or may not be making a return. Also a big celebratory release of Marco Polo (I can dream can’t I).

    • Prof Horner

      June 17th, 2022 - 9:48am

      @FishCustard , season 6 is the first season of Doctor Who I can remember I had just turned 5 When it started. Troughton is still favorite Doctor. But I like them all except Baker C (on tv)and McCoy (except in the Mcgann tv movie) yes let’s hope for The Celestial Toymaker animation next year ,if the funding can be found. It really is a story that would benefit from been animated. The only downside is The Doctor does not appear in the middle two episodes.

  • Dave

    June 16th, 2022 - 3:46pm

    Colin has posted his on his twitter page …its coming finally


    June 15th, 2022 - 1:32pm

    As it’s out next Monday, when should we expect a dispatch notice?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      June 15th, 2022 - 3:28pm

      For Amazon usually Friday or Saturday normally gets delivered on the day of release

    • JLBWHO

      June 16th, 2022 - 1:15pm

      Ordered mine from HMV, not dispatched yet so I guess it’s all up to the royal mail on the day haha

    • Pete X

      June 16th, 2022 - 4:49pm

      I received a dispatch notice from HMV this afternoon, about 15:00. IIRC it’s a day earlier than the notices for previous releases. Hopefully will arrive on Saturday.

      No dispatch notice for the 4K Doctor Who and the Daleks , also out next Monday.

    • JLBWHO

      June 17th, 2022 - 12:34am

      I got a payment captured notification, nothing about it being dispatched yet. The 4K dalek film the payment hasn’t been taken yet

    • JLBWHO

      June 17th, 2022 - 11:35am

      S22 Dispatched
      Collectors Box for the first film dispatched
      Dalek Steelbook seems a little delayed but that’s fine as I’m gonna be busy with season 22

    • Pete X

      June 18th, 2022 - 9:47am

      Got an dispatch email from HMV for the Dr Who & the Daleks collectors box yesterday.

      Two emails from Royal Mail this morning saying a parcel from HMV will be delivered on Monday.

    • JR

      June 18th, 2022 - 10:00am

      I got a despatch email from HMV yesterday (Friday) and a tracking email from the Royal Mail this morning around 5am – they’re delivering it on Monday.

    • David Havers

      June 18th, 2022 - 10:50pm

      Mine is being delivered tomorrow.

    • D84

      June 19th, 2022 - 10:19am

      Mine has now been despatched (Amazon) and is arriving Monday 20th as expected

  • Prof Horner

    June 14th, 2022 - 2:02pm

    Well as it stands the sixties seasons with the least missing are season 2,6,1,5,4 and coming way last season 3. If we could expect a sixties season a year from now on, they will probably be in that order.if the soundtracks are not up to it. Maybe they could use the audio books reading with pictures or some sort of dramatic readings with say Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury doing The Space Pirates. Any ways it will be good to get sixties season released.maybe will get some positive news of future releases in the next DWM which should be out next week.

    • Gordon

      June 14th, 2022 - 9:12pm

      Just to clarify The soundtracks should be acceptable for dvd/blu ray. It’s just wouldn’t be acceptable for modern broadcast on tv and cinema screenings where the flaws are far more noticeable because of the equipment used

  • TheFuture

    June 14th, 2022 - 7:27am

    So S22 still on course for 20th ?

    With it taking 6 months for the first set on 2022 I guess be lucky to get an
    Another this year.

  • Robert Sienicki

    June 12th, 2022 - 10:04am

    Do we have any rumours about next sets? I kinda hope next year, during 60th Anniversary celebrations, we will get season One and season 20 with Five Doctors.

    • Gordon

      June 12th, 2022 - 12:22pm

      Season 2 is definitely in the works. Maureen o Brian and Peter purvis have said they have recorded behind the sofa for it at a convention. Sophie aldred also mentioned she had done behind the sofa for the chase. With the crusade unlikely to be animated anytime soon (Gary Russell’s recent comment on it) I suspect we will be getting season 2 sooner rather than later with a telesnap recon.

      Season 20 is still waiting for mark Strickson to get over (he’s got a convention appearance planned in the U.K. next month)

      There was rumblings that a trailer for season 9 has been recorded but it turned out to be for a fan film. I highly suspect that will be the next 3rd doctor set anyway due to how much work the other 2 sets need in restoration for the likes of dinos and ambassadors.

    • Gordon

      June 12th, 2022 - 1:22pm

      Chris chapman has also got 8 unannounced documentaries in various states of production and he’s at least working on 4 different sets but no hints to say which ones

    • Robert W

      June 13th, 2022 - 11:09pm

      Season 2 trailer will drop after Season 22
      Season 20 once Mark is able to come over to the UK.

      It wouldn’t surprise me if for the 60th we had season 1 and maybe season 6 as the most likely for Pat.

      Wilderness years box design was being worked on in April.

  • Alan Off the Fence

    June 10th, 2022 - 10:24pm

    Hi all,

    This isn’t specific to Season 22, but apparently isn’t subject matter for Ask a Question, luckily l saved it…

    I haven’t previously commented but thought for once l’d offer something up for debate, l am intrigued as to the issues surrounding the continuation of the animated episodes, l have purchased all of the steelbooks and whilst they generally aren’t cheap initially, they do sometimes get discounted later through the likes of Amazon.
    My question is as we all purchase them and in enough numbers to warrant steelbook, bluray and dvd versions which are sold worldwide – in addition to TV rights which again go worldwide, why do you think that these can’t be done in a manner where the ongoing production is financially viable?

    Or is it that the success of The Collection & now the non limited version of that series as well has affected sales of the single stories to much. Are too many people waiting for the Season Box Set to be released, as not everyone has the money or space to have more than 1 version of the same story and besides why pay £25-30 for a single story when in a short while it will be in a box set with maybe another 5 stories costing a more reasonable £45-£50.

    I look forward to hearing people’s opinions on this, or not if l have missed something obvious!

    • Robert W

      June 11th, 2022 - 11:47am

      I have always supported buying the classic Doctor Who range on VHS, dvd and now blu ray. I buy the animations and also collections in limited (to watch and sell) and later as standard to keep. The more sales the more likely the range continues. If a season such as season 17 comes out, then I sell my Shada animation on eBay. But I always buy the releases new. Personally I don’t buy steelbooks

    • D84

      June 11th, 2022 - 1:01pm

      It’s a fair shout – I’m sure there is a market for the animation to continue.

      It may just be that BBC America had other pressing needs for their budget.

      Regarding actual purchases – I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that “I buy everything”

      I’ve had all the VHS, all the DVD including special editions etc, all the steelbooks of NewWho and animations plus all of ” The Collection” in limited packaging.

      Although I don’t keep them all, when a better or consolidated version of a story comes out – I sell on my.previous copies

    • Mark

      June 11th, 2022 - 1:53pm

      @Alan off the fence – Very good question, one definitely worth addressing for collectors.

      We had a similar discussion a few months back on The Collection, and the production time to complete each season, given the quickly ever changing technology, branding, revisions, future special editions, you name it. The Collection is just one gear in the machine, competing with the momentum of the rest of the big Doctor Who merchandise machine.

      Therefore, when it comes to Seasons 1-6, given there is no up front investment, or desire to animate the missing episodes at this point in time (if not maybe for a couple or more years, depending on the success of the next current tv series) then I think the most sensible decision to make, and would technically still complete the sets, would be to re-scan all of the surviving telesnap prints (upscale to 1080p, like Josh Snares from YouTube has demonstrated), as for camcorder footage, we now have public domain software (ai based) that could fill in the blank frames, and help to upscale the low resolutions (again, I recommend thr Power of The Daleks 4k tests on YouTube, utterly amazing work by people online) as for surviving videotape, the restoration team already has good experience on the relevant dvd releases, and can apply the intended ‘collection’ cleanup. As for the sound, as explained in the dvd of ‘The Invasion’ sound engineers such as Mark Ayers do a terrific job in combining multiple sources of recorded tracks by all different fans from the 1960’s, to form a solid, clear mono soundtrack.

      Not only would that (hopefully) allow for all of Classic Who (and New Who, fingers crossed) to release at a steady rate, but that would allow (in the future) for an animation studio to not only animate, but have instant access to blu ray authoring masters for that specific story – audio quality already restored, 1080p quality references, everything, and you could then slot those future animation discs into your collection sets (if you wanted to)

    • Rob W

      June 11th, 2022 - 3:00pm

      I can’t remember where I read it, but my belief is some of the audio elements from wiped episodes may not be of a high enough quality to use, BUT it could be re-recorded by other actors. I hope all the episodes are either restored or animated but we’ll just have to bide are time.

    • Mark

      June 11th, 2022 - 3:38pm


      I believe I can recall one example of what you are referring to regarding sound quality – again in the Invasion dvd extras, they inserted a few seconds replacement dialogue sound sample for Patrick Troughton (not in The Invasion itself, this was a piece of dialogue where The Doctor replies to Victoria) the short summary of the problem, was that simply no recorded sound existed for those few seconds, before blipping back into fully recorded sound. That digital repair to the audio was made way back in 2008. Again there’s ai for sound everywhere on YouTube, and in big budget movies, such as Top Gun Maverick, and Kenobi, to fill in for characters, literally creating new lines of dialogue from hundreds of sound samples of the original actors.

      The model work for Shada (2017) is also a very worthy shoutout – again, making visuals up that simply do not exist in any shape or form, utilising original cameras, lenses, and video formats from 1979.

      I think on the budgets and turnarounds, any stories missing telesnaps could simply be post production work (again I point anyone curious towards Josh Snares’ recreations, particularly of ‘The Savages’ the attention to detail is outstanding).

      The talent exists, the tech exists, and you don’t necessarily need the magnitude of an animation studio, or any studio for that matter, just to deliver a decent looking and sounding restoration of Seasons 1-6.

      Any future animation, any future overhaul in the spirit of Shada, should always be done with care and patience. Those are meant to be passion projects as far as I’m concerned. But as I say, John Curas telesnaps, video editing, Mark Ayers’ sound work, and clean up the existing footage, in itself isn’t a walk in the park, but I expect would help get those seasons up to speed with the rest of Blu Ray Doctor Who.

    • Prof Horner

      June 11th, 2022 - 4:38pm

      Time and technology move on. I remember back in 1992( is that really thirty years ago!) When Evil of the Daleks and Macra Terror soundtracks with narration , were released on cassette the sound quality was appalling . We Should be grateful that these days so much love and effort are put in to give us the best quality of sound and in most cases pictures . I look forward to seeing how they present sixties season on blu ray boxsets. I also look forward after getting season 22 and season 25 out the way then buying all the seasons after those two and supporting the rest of the range.

    • MIKK89

      June 11th, 2022 - 5:34pm

      I have bought most of the Animated Recons on DVD with the exception the Steelbook Edition of ‘Evil of the Daleks’ as the cover was incredible (compared to the beginners guide to paint shop cut and paste of the standard DVD/Blu-Ray) but I do agree that there may be an idea that fans do wait for the Collection boxsets… (when these Recons are initially released, the DVDs alone are £14.99, so after you get 3 done for season 3 [for example], that is £44.98 – around about the same as one of the Limited Editions of Collection Seasons on debut) I would not be as worried if they did something similar to ‘The Tenth Planet’ and give the Stories temporary exclusivity on The Collection (maybe help Shapeshifter studios refine their style from Web of Fears animation) and the release the serials separately without the extras that tend to be Collection tropes…

    • Robert Sienicki

      June 12th, 2022 - 9:28am

      I always bought the animations as soon as they became available for pre-order. I assume I will have to sell it, or throw it out (where I live Doctor Who isn’t that popular and selling it abroad might be expensive) after they will be included in The Collection, but I’ve decided that 1) I want to see the missing episodes as soon as I can 2) I want to give them money so they can do more of these. I kinda hope they are working something out, so The Collection will be as complete as it can be, so maybe they looking for some other cheaper way to animate those missing episodes that is not telesnaps?

    • Gordon

      June 12th, 2022 - 12:54pm

      As popular as the dvd/blu ray/steelbook animations are they aren’t justifiable on their own. The broadcasts on bbc america drew between 250 -500 k viewers (according to Charles Norton) which is far higher than any of the dvd sales. They need an additional funding to make them affordable and viable and let’s face it we are talking about a niche within a niche. I mean how many other 60’s black and white tv shows get full blown animations in colour and black and white? The list is extremely short. Even if another broadcaster is interested who is to say that broadcaster wants to use Hartnell or Troughton? They will have their own ideas of what they want to do. They might only want to work with the current doctor or not want to stick to a 1960s off air soundtrack.
      Bbc America seems to have stopped putting out original content since killing eve finished so I will be surprised if they were to partner up again.

      It’s also worth noting that every story picked since power in 2016 was done because of its soundtrack. Gary Russell said in a recent podcast that he actually got the go ahead to start masterplan but a couple of days later mark ayres put the kibosh on it because the soundtrack wasn’t acceptable to modern broadcast standards. Going by the story’s with good soundtracks there really is only wheel and possibly the savages left. The well was starting to truly run dry for bbc america.

      I don’t think it’s the end for animations but I also don’t think the next animation after abominable will happen anytime soon. Just going to take time. May take a couple of years but I do think it will happen eventually. Not in time for the collection box sets but it was always going to be touch and go

    • Prof Horner

      June 12th, 2022 - 10:52pm

      Well it really is a pity we got close to getting Masterplan animation ,is the soundtrack that bad .I really will have listen to these soundtracks again.

    • Robert W

      June 13th, 2022 - 7:05am

      We had a good run with the animations, like missing episodes I don’t feel we will see any in the next few years sadly. My only hope was something for the 60th with RTD commissioning it with some 60th budget.

    • Alan Off the Fence

      June 13th, 2022 - 9:47pm

      Thank you all for your response’s, it would be a shame if the audio quality available for the remaining stories has been a contributing factor in the withdrawal of support for continuing animation’s as all Dvds & Blurays have alternate language soundtracks and so surely could easily offer the choice of the original soundtrack or an alternate – maybe they could speak to Big Finish after all they produce several high quality stories every month and would easily be up to that task (l realise this may reduce the number of languages on any single disc).
      Financially and l may be being somewhat nieve about this but when l want something – l think about ways to generate the finances, so if money needs to be found then perhaps rereleasing the Steelbooks for series 1 & 2 along with an alternate covered 9 (if Amazon has rights to the artwork) should provide a start, also it should be remembered that initially The Collection’s were limited editions so now every extra set sold in the standard range is a bonus. l believe that the majority of DW merchandise is produced on licence so the animation’s are one of the few things the BBC has to actually finance for the good of its own brand and these aren’t without value in either short or long term, but l would stop releasing them individually.
      It would be interesting to find out the production costs vs sales as to what the return is after a year on the animations. Because to me even if these do make a loss they are part of a whole which does make money and sometimes you need to give back.
      Now back to The Collection, remember how they sold out before release and prices went silly on ebay? The standard set seems to have killed that demand, with hindsight (always a beautiful thing) to me the Limited Edition should have been upped to the level of Series 12 (1st&2nd edition) enough for everyone and hopefully ending the 1 for me and 1 for ebay attitude of many.
      Now perhaps due to the release of the standard sets we have still Seasons 17, 24 & 26 of The Limited Set available, if it wasn’t for Tom’s 17 you may say its could be due to a favorite Doctor thing as after all you could buy Season 19 for months, so to me it does appear that there are too many versions of the same thing.
      Most of us here are collectors, limited editions cost more but have intrinsic value as steelbooks show, Jurrasic Park was just released at £120, it has a huge fan base, Doctor Who is smaller but just as avid – we buy albums of stories we own in a dozen other forms for £50 or more! given the chance l would create the animation’s and make them exclusive to The Collection Season’s 1-6 for a fixed time with enough box sets (along with TV rights) to justify the majority of the production costs knowing l would make profit when exclusivity finished even if that meant the purchase cost was over £100.
      I may have created some other talking points but if this has turned to an incomprehensible ramble my apologies.

    • Mark

      June 13th, 2022 - 10:33pm

      @Alan off the fence

      Not a ramble at all, again an interesting read because I don’t really see this kind of conversation to this detail going on anywhere else (it’s a bit incoherent everywhere else)

      What makes sense to me, is that Time,Budget, Availability is what comes first and foremost.

      Take 2013, Enemy of the World + Web of Fear, the footage literally dropped on the dvd companies’ laps, cans of missing episodes. The tech already exists to transfer those cans, decent sound reference, job done.

      Having myself listened to all of the unreleased, unofficial, unremastered 1960’s recons – absolutely the sound quality dips. I’m amazed Galaxy 4 was approved and Daleks Master Plan ‘not’ approved. Galaxy 4 pre-dvd was the most muffled.

      Regarding re-releasing the New Series; I’ve already mentioned this, but, absolutely they should do it. The jokes about fans selling their personal possessions i.e cars, to afford half of the steelbooks second hand is getting silly in 2022.

      Added to that, the quality of The Collection boxsets – the clues in the name, ‘collection’ to my mind, that’s 1963 – the present.

      Time,budget, availability. You mentioned the re-releases, again I think that’s a good idea. Re-sampling soundtracks, if accurate as possible, I think could be a good way to go. John Curas’ telesnaps, and additional photo edits where the telesnaps are absent.

      I’m completely with you on what you’re saying. We’re in no position to just animate it all asap – I would suggest a simplified route, to be able to enjoy the surviving images, and appreciate the original sound, or sound resamples to that effect.

  • Neill Stringer

    June 8th, 2022 - 10:11am

    Those who pre ordered on Amazon, still showing 27th June as arriving date?

    • D84

      June 8th, 2022 - 1:01pm

      So far – yes, mine says “Arriving 27th June”

    • mark

      June 10th, 2022 - 9:59am

      says on amazon uk 25th of june bluray season 22

  • Prof Horner

    June 5th, 2022 - 11:44pm

    I do think it is a shame that we couldn’t have The Wheel in Space before the funding stop for more animation. Not only would season 5 be the first complete sixties season ,but as I have said this before season 5 should be fairly easy season to be released given as I understand that there only three stories need the Blu ray treatment. I also think it is a pity that they didn’t animate The Smugglers (a personal favorite of mine) instead of Galaxy 4 , which would have left only one story completely missing story from season 4 . It could be that from now on sixties seasons will be released with some missing stories with audio only and I am thinking here of The Space Pirates. I still think it is hard to see season 3 been released with so much missing. We will see. Let’s hope with season 22 due to be released in a couple of weeks, we will have news of the next Blu ray box set soon. Enjoy season 22 and look forward to further releases.

    • Gordon

      June 8th, 2022 - 4:08am

      Even without animation for wheel in space season 5 is in a pretty releasable state. Don’t forget the britbox recon. I do suspect it will be a while before we get season 5 due to how much of season 5 has been released in the past 4 years.

      I cannot see any way they will leave the story’s as audio only. Every story will have a reconstruction of some sort as I know those involved won’t just want to leave it as audio only.

    • Prof Horner

      June 8th, 2022 - 9:43am

      Well thanks for that Gordon. As I understand it apart from episode 2, there is no visual representation of The Space Pirates , so I don’t see how they will do a reconstruction of it. You are probably right about about season 5 too. It is always fun to speculate.

  • Richard

    May 30th, 2022 - 6:10pm

    Why are these sets being released at such a slow pace?
    I’m worried that Blu-ray will become obsolete before they release them all. It’s very frustrating.

    • DanielM

      May 31st, 2022 - 4:37am

      The Pandemic + possibly the War in Ukraine as well has slowed things down a bit.

    • Richard

      May 31st, 2022 - 3:23pm

      OK I was just worried that the range had come to a stand still. I’m looking forward to Season 22 anyway. Does anyone know what might be next after that?

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 31st, 2022 - 4:13pm

      A lot of time and care go into the production of these sets, they are averaging three a year which is good going. The war and pandemic has slowed this a little but at least two are expected this year with series two strongly rumoured to be next possibly followed by eight.

      I doubt blu rays will be obsolete in the next few years there is still plenty of demand for them and DVDs maybe in twenty years they may be gone

    • Richard

      May 31st, 2022 - 10:31pm

      I love these sets and blu-ray collecting generally.

    • Chris Howarth

      June 1st, 2022 - 10:01am

      Look on the bright side. Although this release has been delayed due to production issues, it doesn’t mean work has slowed on producing upcoming sets. So, hopefully, it will balance out again eventually.

    • Ben

      June 3rd, 2022 - 4:10am

      Blu-ray is a rather future-proof format. It’s nearly the greatest that physical media can be; for people who want to own a movie physically, optical discs are going to stay around for a long time. The main reason people still buy DVDs are that they don’t really know the difference between the formats (or just want to own something as cheap as possible).

      For those who don’t know much about the differences, Blu-Ray is a type of optical disc similar to CD and DVD that use finer lasers, and therefore much more storage can fit onto one disc. The picture quality is twice as good, and so it’s a no-brainer if you have the means to play it.
      The successors for Blu Ray are actually already available: digital streaming and 4K discs. Streaming has won because of convenience and cost, but as you can never truly own digital media there will always be a demand for something physical. 4K is a type of Blu-ray disc that uses even more precise lasers to get much more space in the disc. This makes for a much clearer picture with far better colour grading–look up some good comparison videos on Youtube. However, that means that the players are always going to be expensive, you need a good TV to play them, and the discs are expensive too. 4K is marketed more to people who care about quality and want the best available, so people buying it know what they’re getting, and only get their favourite movies. There isn’t going to be something affordable that’s better than 4K for a while.

      Summary: Physical media has a niche that is going to stay for a while. Blu-ray is still popular even with people who collect 4K discs, and we’re at a stage where it’s already so good it doesn’t need any improvement. Take music for example, the peak was halfway through last century when vinyl records were introduced. There have been a few iterations since then, but only because people wanted something that they could take around with them. Now that we have digital audio (and music streaming being so affordable and convenient), people still are still buying vinyl because they want something physical.
      So if you love these sets and always want to play them, you’ll always be able to find ways to watch them.

      Sorry, that was a bit all over the place. It’s strange, I spent half an hour writing an essay about Blu-Ray’s place in society but I can’t find time to write an essay for my English paper. I could’ve been fine just saying that it’s going to stay around for a while.

    • Mark

      June 4th, 2022 - 3:39pm

      Really insightful piece above me by Chris. Many thanks, that was a nice read.

      (Here’s my essay, to the very best of my knowledge)

      What I would add here is, in the future, I don’t believe that Doctor Who in the broad sense will look or sound any better than it does now (Barring the 4k cameras in the Jodie Whitaker era)

      I say that because Star Wars Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith were natively recorded on a digital camera (not a film camera) in HD/1080p (about one quarter of a 4k pixel image), including every single cgi effect, you name it. Their recent 4K releases via Disney are effectively digital upscales (that quarter of an image stretched to fit a 4k pixel size composite)

      Effectively, there is no quality gain, in fact, for those two movies, that stretched up image then had image softening, and noise reductions added to try and hide any jagged edges / pixelation.

      Now compare that to the original Star Wars, from 1977. The newest 4k release has a natural clarity, because this movie was shot on film. Even later generation copies of that same film carry a huge resolution size, and was more than adequate for the 4k pixel demand. Nothing is jaggy, nothing is stretched.

      So now let’s compare this to Doctor Who.

      Spearhead from Space, is (I believe) the only classic Doctor Who story to be natively filmed, and edited on film (like Star Wars 1977).

      Yes, the rest of Classic Who uses film for the outdoor scenes – but most/if not all surviving copies of non-spearhead film shots only exist in SD/TV quality (including, sadly the 1996 TV movie with Paul McGann) (the only exceptions to this rule that I know of are some of the original title sequences and model shots, random shots of Shada, because some scattered film elements do exist)

      So out of all of classic Who, the only story that could one day receive a native 4k re-release, is Spearhead from Space. The remainder of Classic Who, will look the best that it possibly can be on Blu Ray, in these collection sets (But please re-release Season 19 and correct those editing errors BBC!)

      With New Who – Title sequences, possibly some cgi could be re-rendered again to 4k, but Series 1-4 are standard definition (below HD) 2009 specials – Series 10, as far as I’m aware, is all natively HD/1080p. Peter Capaldi’s final story, Twice Upon a Time is the only Doctor Who story so far to receive a 4k disc release (however I thought a bit of the cgi and graphics seemed very soft/grainy, similar to the touch up work I mentioned earlier)

      The Whittaker era, of course uses 4k cameras, I’ve no idea if the cgi was rendered to 4k, and as far as I know, was only broadcast, and released on HD, 1080p.

      So in short, Spearhead from Space, to me, is the only logical choice for a 4k release.

      Regarding HDR, to this day I’m still trying to wrap my head around how that works admittedly – but having followed the reviews on Disney’s Star Wars 1977 – there seems to be two kinds of HDR, natural, and artificial (Artificial HDR was applied to Star Wars) so, weather HDR is more of an icing-on-the-cake for earlier movie remasters or not, I’m not sure.

      So to summarize it, Spearhead from Space for a future 4k, the collection blu ray sets for the remainder of classic who, the dvd sets for series 1-4 (in the correct fps/audio timing) the 2009 specials – Whittaker on blu ray) (Peter Cushing movies, shot on film, on the latest release 4k sets)

    • Kevin225

      June 5th, 2022 - 3:17pm

      The pace of reduction of physical media will only accelerate IMO (Sainsbury’s & Tesco have stopped selling CD’s and DVD’s in the past year). Yes things may still be produced, but at what cost? I think in 3- 5 years time this sort of thing will be incredibly niche (i.e. the likely timeframe to complete Classic Who). I hope that when real world events allow, the pace of these releases can increase slightly. I would be very surprised if Nu Who (possibly Tennant) would get a similar physical release.

    • Mark

      June 5th, 2022 - 4:03pm


      I think it’s highly likely now that we will see a David Tennant ‘The Collection’ series set of Series 4 / Specials for a good few reasons.

      Since the official reveal of David Tennant and Catherine Tate in the 60th, and since the limited edition blu ray steelbooks (at the wrong audio pitch and frame rate) are now like gold dust (and cost it), along with the likely convenience of, (at least) David, Catherine and Russel T Davies (and others but I won’t mention unconfirmed actors) to film a behind-the-sofa, or an interview piece for the Collection Blu Ray, you can easily slot in all of the original dvd commentaries and extras, re-publish all of the episodes in natural 25fps, fix the incorrect font on the episode titles, and any errors that the 2013 blu ray discs created, and wrap it all up in a Collection box set.

      What I would also say on that, is the Collection business model really needs an overhaul – just offer a choice of Limited/Standard up front. Don’t let the fans miss out, don’t let online reseller sharks take total advantage again of the Limited editions right over the 60th anniversary year.

      If all done correct, I think including the new series into the collection, would really complete it imo.

    • Kevin225

      June 5th, 2022 - 8:09pm

      @Mark, don’t get me wrong, I would love to see all Nu Who get the same Collection treatment – I just really can’t see it in 5 year’s + time, unless the pace of releases can increase somehow

    • Mark

      June 5th, 2022 - 10:15pm


      Completely agree on how the release-pace has slowed, understandably due to current events as explained above (distribution and manufacuring stops).

      In terms of content, I would assume that things have puttered along since? If 3 is the magic number of seasons per year, then maybe when the time is right later in the Year, the manufactuers might say “This Winter, get 2 Season collections instead of 1!” kind of advertising. Otherwise as you say, if they just ignore it and wait out the length of another box set, then of course any fan would be concerned.

      I’m still positive on the idea of New-Who Series 4, because as a “best of New Who” type on-the-shelf release, directly with main characters linked to the 60th, it’s a no brainer for the fan based-market that the collection sells to surely.

      Looking at Series 4 from the editing/development perspective, the Blu Ray projects must still exist from 2013 (they were re-used for the steelbook in 2019). From a video-editing perspective, all of those episode-by-episode projects would just need to be tweaked from the American standard of about 30fps, back to 25fps, to match the 2008 dvds, and therefore the audio-pitch correction work that was applied on top of the American frame rate can simply be discarded, because it would be null and void.

      I guess what I’m trying to suggest is, the work visually, is 95% done, it’s just little tiny tweaks, compared to a full on restoration that the classic seasons go through, simply because the 2019 intermediate for Series 4 is right there.

      I agree about just having Series 4 as a collection boxset. It would look like a proud statement that the show came back, and it fits right there, with the Sylvester McCoys, the Colin Bakers, Tom Bakers etc.

      The behind the sofa possibilites too, given the other collections tend to mix up the cast members from different eras of the show, I’m sure would be great too.

    • Gordon

      June 5th, 2022 - 11:43pm

      I don’t think the collection business model need an overhaul. Ever since the introduction of the standard editions none of the limited editions have sold out. Pretty much a year later and season 24 is still available in its limited edition packaging and season 17 is still available as well. Nobody is missing out on these releases.

      With Russell and co busy on the current show I suspect they will be far too busy focusing on the current show to spend weeks remising on something they did nearly 15 years ago. I totally don’t expect any Russell era seasons to be touched until his current run is over.

    • Rex Farrel

      June 6th, 2022 - 1:45am

      Mark: I’ve not heard about wrong fonts on the new series episodes before. Did they remake them for the upscales, and muck it up?

    • Mark

      June 6th, 2022 - 4:23am

      @kevin225 it appears my reply message didn’t materialize this evening haha! In short, on a technical level I feel a Series 4 collection set, using the 2019 steelbook project files, wouldn’t be as great of a leap as a full restoration of a Classic who season – that was my missing reply in more of a nutshell.

      @gordon, you are absolutely correct, and I can’t disagree on any of those points, only I recall just how very, very limited the Series 4 and 2009 specials steelbooks in particular were due to very high demand.

      For example after a brief google, the steelbooks are scarce, but Series 4’s steelbook second hand is anywhere between £60-£90+, a copy of Series 2, and the 2009 specials steelbooks roughly at £200 each, and a Series 1-12 steelbook job lot for £1,250

      On your point about busy schedules, that’s exactly what I would’ve said. Yet it amazes me how involved both David, Catherine, and many New-Who cast have been involved with Doctor Who outside of the show in very recent years – in addition to that, it was mere months ago that the popular tagline doing the rounds at the very top of fan forums was “I don’t mind if we don’t get a 50th, we don’t need any Doctors to return, it’s not realistic, it’s too great of a scale, not fussed about anniversaries anyway” yet.. wow. Just wow at what has been announced… And suddenly the fan posts online can’t quit discussing Ten and Donna haha.

      @Rex I believe the Series 1-4 title sequence cgi was rescanned at 1080p (we’re talking back in 2013, with the 50th boxset, and that material later re-used for the 2019 steelbooks)

      What happened was that an incorrect variant of the episode text font was used (ie. “Rose by Russell T Davies) the letters are much wider/thicker, giving the text this solid flat white, wheras the original broadcast/dvd text is very sleek, the edges somehow blend with the vortex. The incorrect font can be considered a nitpick fair enough, but the major, major problem is the wrong frame rate (American broadcast frame rate) only for the authors to then quick-fix the American frame rate footage back to UK 25fps. For whatever reason, the most noticeable issue visually is the stuttering/blurring effect to the Time Vortex, and of course the audio pitch correction, to disguise the skewing of the frames. I’ve heard many fans say that they can’t hear a difference, wheras many say “why do all the people sound a bit uncanny valley”

      I always recommend The Millennium Effect website (not Millenniumfx) as Effect’s website really scrutinizes and updates it’s articles on all the Doctor Who blu ray sets, and the back catalogue of history through the dvds and vhs tapes etc.

      I think real peace among the fandom will be achieved one day when a Series 2 collection releases, with a fully edited and finished version of the 2005 children in need special (that famous dvd error on series 2 whereby the incorrect version of that whole special was published to the disc, with unfinished effects and timings/cues)

    • Rex Farrel

      June 6th, 2022 - 11:36pm

      Thanks, Mark. I’ve read the Millennium Effect pages on the Collection sets before but I’d not thought to look at their Steelbook pages because I’d never have expected many changes – but I think about half of the things they’ve spotted on the new series releases had completely passed me by. (Goodness knows how or why some of these things happened – bizarre…)

  • Sofia Fox

    May 28th, 2022 - 1:25am

    American release is now listing an 18th October date, the Australian release was listed as 14th September on Amazon over there, which is a pretty late release for us and them.

  • MIKK89

    May 27th, 2022 - 4:24pm

    Wanted to ask has anyone got the latest issue of DWM yet? As usually as soon as the issue that is covering a new Collection Boxset is released, someone posts the Disc-By-Disc Breakdown on here…

    • Gordon

      May 27th, 2022 - 7:05pm

      Attack of the Cybermen
      Audio commentary on both episodes featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell) and Sarah Berger (Rost)
      New! Matthew Sweet In Conversation interview – Colin Baker
      New! Behind the Sofa featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell/Davros), Peter Davision (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), and Wendy Padbury (Zoe)
      Making of documentary – The Cold War
      Featurette – The Cyber Story
      Featurette – Human Cyborg
      Featurette – The Cyber-Generations
      Isolated Score
      New! 5.1 Audio Mix
      DVD Easter Egg – Cybernetic Autonomous Dalek
      New! Saturday Superstore clip from 5/1/85 inc. interview with Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Mary Tamm (Romana) and Jacqueline Pearce (Chessene)
      New! Breakfast Time clips from 4/1/85 and 13/7/85 inc. interview with Faith Brown (Flast)
      New! Continuity announcements & trailers
      Updated – Production subtitles
      Updated – Photo gallery
      Coming Soon preview – Vengeance on Varos
      PDF – Production paperwork, scripts, BBC Audience Research Report, BBC Enterprises sales sheets, 1986 Annual, Radio Times clippings
      Vengeance on Varos – Disc 1
      Audio commentary on both episodes featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri) and Nabil Shaban (Sil)
      New! Behind the Sofa featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell/Davros), Peter Davision (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), and Wendy Padbury (Zoe)
      Making of Documentary – Nice or Nasty
      Featurette – The Idiot’s Lantern
      Isolated Score
      5.1 Audio Mix
      Production Audio Mix
      Deleted and extended scenes
      New! Points of View clip from 01/02/85
      New! See Hear clip from 20/01/85 with Nabil Shaban (Sil)
      New! Interview with Ron Jones (audio only)
      New! Continuity announcements & trailers
      Updated – Production subtitles
      Updated – Photo gallery
      PDF – Production paperwork, scripts, Radio Times clippings
      Vengeance on Varos – Disc 2
      New! Extended edition episodes
      Scene with alternative music score (The Acid Bath!)
      New! Matthew Sweet In Conversation interiview – Michael Grade
      New! Slipback – 6-part radio story
      New! Colin Baker Years vhs
      New! Studio footage
      PDF – Slipback paperwork & Radio Times clippings, VHS cover for Colin Baker Years
      The Mark of the Rani
      Audio commentary featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri) and Kate O’Mara (The Rani)
      New! Behind the Sofa featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell/Davros), Peter Davision (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), and Wendy Padbury (Zoe)
      Making of documentary – Lords & Luddites
      New! Documentary – Location, Location, Location
      Featurette – Now and Then
      Featurette – Playing with Time
      Featurette – Those Deadly Divas
      Featurette – Rogue Time Lords
      New! Breakfast Time clip from 1/2/85
      Blue Peter clip from 16/02/78 about Ironbridge
      Deleted scenes
      Isolated score
      New! Alternative music score on episodes
      5.1 Audio Mix
      New! Continuity announcements and trailers
      Updated – Production subtitles
      Updated – Photo gallery
      PDFs – Production paperwork, scripts, alternative score cue sheet, Radio Times clippings
      The Two Doctors – Disc 1
      Audio commentary featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Frazer Hines (Jamie), Jacqueline Pearce (Chessene) and director Peter Moffatt
      New! Behind the Sofa featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell/Davros), Peter Davision (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), and Wendy Padbury (Zoe)
      New! Making of documentary – La Fiesta del Mal
      Featurette – Adventures in Time and Spain
      Ioslated score
      New! Re-edited version of A Fix with Sontarans
      New! Audio commentary on A Fix with Sontarans
      New! Points of View clip from 5/3/85
      New! News clips around the hiatus
      New! Doctor Who Appreciation Society message feat. Frazer Hines (Jamie) and Nicola Bryant (Peri)
      New! Continuity announcements and trailers
      Updated – Production subtitles
      Updated – Photo gallery
      PDFs – Production paperwork, scripts, studio floor plans, Radio Times clippings
      The Two Doctors – Disc 2
      New! Extended edit of Part 1
      New! Documentary – Nicola Byrant in the Footsteps of the Two Doctors
      Documentary – Robert Holmes & Doctor Who
      Featurette – Beneath the Sun
      Radio documentary – Wavelength
      New! Studio Footage
      New! Panopticon convention footage with Colin Baker (The Doctor), Jacqueline Pearce (Chessene) and producer John-Nathan Turner
      New! Robert Holmes audio interview
      Audio commentary featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri) and Paul Darrow (Tekker)
      New! Behind the Sofa featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell/Davros), Peter Davision (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), and Wendy Padbury (Zoe)
      Making of documentary – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
      New! Matthew Sweet In Conversation interview with Nicola Bryant
      Featurette – All’s Wells That Ends Wells
      Featurette – Was Doctor Who Rubbish?
      New! Updated special effects
      New! Remount studio footage
      New! Continuity announcements and trailers
      Updated – Production subtitles
      Updated – Photo gallery
      PDFs – Production paperwork, scripts, Radio Times clippings
      Revelation of the Daleks
      New! Audio commentary featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Davros) and Alexei Sayle (The DJ)
      DVD Audio commentary featuring Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Davros), writer Eric Saward and director Graeme Harper
      New! Behind the Sofa featuring Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Terry Molloy (Russell/Davros), Peter Davision (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), and Wendy Padbury (Zoe)
      Making of documentary – Revelation Exhumed
      New! Extended Part 1
      Studio footage with optional audio commentary
      New! Extended studio footage
      Deleted scenes
      New! Mute film rushes
      Interview with Graeme Harper (Directing Who)
      Isolated score
      5.1 Audio Mix
      Updated Enhanced special effects (update from previous DVD vfx option)
      Children in Need clip from 22/11/85
      Lenny Henry Show sketch
      Doctor in Distress music video
      New! Breakfast Time clips from 22/3/85, 5/4/85 (inc. exhibition footage), 1/5/85 (Eleanor Bron interview) and 29/5/85 (JNT interview)
      New! Take Two clip from 29/5/85
      New! Micro Live clip featuring Colin Baker from 2/11/85
      DVD Easter Egg – Cast members talking
      Coming Soon trailer for The Trial of a Time Lord
      New! The Eternal Mystery – S22 Collection Trailer
      New! Continuity announcements and trailers
      Updated – Production subtitles
      Updated – Photo gallery
      PDFs – Production paperwork, scripts, set designs, Radio Times clippings

    • Ricky

      May 28th, 2022 - 10:26am

      Gordon, thanks for the breakdown, much appreciated

    • MIKK89

      May 28th, 2022 - 11:05am

      Gordon, thanks for the listing… and it seems to be a heady blend of archive material for good old sixties debut season. Aside from Timelash, all these are absolutely incredible.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 28th, 2022 - 3:52pm

      Thanks Gordon always appreciate these especially since I cancelled the mag subscription

    • Auton

      May 28th, 2022 - 6:33pm

      Thank you Gordon, tons of great stuff to look forward too. I wonder if the Nicola Bryant in the footsteps of the two doctors has Nicola going around the Spanish filming locations. From the title it implies that.

    • peribrown

      May 31st, 2022 - 9:50am

      Yes, it was a 2006 DVD (from Nicer Productions) in which Nicola joined a group of fans from the USA on a trip to revisit many of the locations used in ‘The Two Doctors’. It also featured interviews with Colin Baker and Frazer Hines.

    • Auton

      May 31st, 2022 - 12:33pm

      Thank you peribrown, I never knew this feature existed before

  • Lewis Frisby

    May 19th, 2022 - 9:51pm

    Just looked at my Amazon order and it says 25th of june is that or mistake or could someone explain please

    • booboo

      May 20th, 2022 - 9:48am

      this happened last time but most people got it on release date or even before, we certainly did. I think they allow for postal times in case they don’t use their one drivers for some reason.

    • Lewisfrisby

      May 20th, 2022 - 4:14pm

      Ok thanks for the claraty

  • Coleman

    May 19th, 2022 - 11:15am

    Hi guys, don’t know if it means anything or not. But Amazon emailed me today, saying my expected delivery date would be 25th of June.
    NOT the 27th as a few people mentioned below.

    • Alan

      May 19th, 2022 - 1:55pm

      Did you pay for earlier shipping?
      I went for free and received an email stating the 27th

    • Things that go bump in the night

      May 19th, 2022 - 2:17pm

      I too have the email that mentions “New estimated delivery date: June 25, 2022”

    • booboo

      May 19th, 2022 - 2:22pm

      same but had this before and always got on the Monday, if not before, i think they are just being cautious in case they have to use post rather than their own vans

    • Coleman

      May 19th, 2022 - 5:18pm

      No, I didn’t pay for earlier shipping.
      But when these collectors sets go up for pre-order I usually order straight away.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 19th, 2022 - 6:38pm

      Same 25th but understandable in the current climate, the release date is still 20th

  • AmazonStrangerandstranger

    May 19th, 2022 - 7:37am

    Amazon uk is currently saying via email that it will arrive 27 June

    • Neill Stringer

      May 19th, 2022 - 10:39am

      It’s saying 27th for me as well.

      I think it will still be dispatched when they have stock, I recall my Star Trek 4K set being given a week later on estimate but still came on release day.

      I hope this will be case here.

    • D84

      May 19th, 2022 - 1:52pm

      Ive had the same (Amazon) saying this set will arrive on 27th. The last couple of Collection sets that i have had via Amazon have all been the same – showed shipping and arrival date around a week after the actual release date and then the weekend before it comes out on the Monday i get a pop up saying “oh its coming tomorrow now”

      Im expecting this one to largely follow that pattern too

  • theMaster

    May 18th, 2022 - 4:50pm

    AMAZON UK have now corrected the date

  • Stranger

    May 18th, 2022 - 2:13pm

    Amazon is saying 22 June for some reason instead of 20th ?

  • Gordon

    May 17th, 2022 - 6:45pm

    June 20th according to twitter

    • AReleaseDateAtLast

      May 17th, 2022 - 8:12pm

      Finally – hopefully will mean the animated serial will also get a fixed date soon and then at least one more collection this year.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 17th, 2022 - 9:26pm

      And hopefully that is series two

    • the Ergon

      May 17th, 2022 - 9:34pm

      And 8 and 24 for us standards.

    • D84

      May 17th, 2022 - 10:14pm

      Hurrah – we have a date at last, and it’s the day before my birthday excellent!!

      20th June has been listed on for a little while so great to see a confirmation here.

    • Ken

      May 17th, 2022 - 10:42pm

      Thank God for that

    • Gordon

      May 17th, 2022 - 10:44pm

      Going by an Australian shop listing of early august I suspect we might get abominable in July.

      Regarding the standards I feel it’s probably still too soon for 24 this year. We Might get 8 before the end of the year though.

      I do think we might still get 3 sets this year all depends on when we get the next announcement (hopefully soon)

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 17th, 2022 - 11:36pm

      I’m Eastbourne for a week of tennis on the 20th still be a nice surprise when I get home

    • Gordon

      May 17th, 2022 - 11:54pm

      I’m in France for a music festival from the 15th to 27th so it would be a nice welcome home present.

    • D84

      May 18th, 2022 - 1:02pm

      Gordon i too am hoping for 3 sets overall this year.

      Last year we got 2 releases crammed in the latter ish half of the year if memory serves me correctly – after S8 arrived in March.

      And ive seen other posts around here which say that those who work on these sets had around 4 in various stages of development

      Lets hope

    • TheAmazonEffect

      May 18th, 2022 - 2:22pm

      22nd June is listed as the release date on Amazon uk at the moment.

    • booboo

      May 18th, 2022 - 3:34pm

      Think some one was bit trigger happy with the 2s

    • Correctatvlast

      May 18th, 2022 - 4:50pm

      AMAZON UK have now corrected the date

    • Robert Watkins

      May 19th, 2022 - 7:20pm

      Lots of future sets being worked on such as the art on the Wilderness Years

    • D84

      May 21st, 2022 - 1:06pm

      I was going to drop in a quick message – anyone got at hints on what’s next – or when we may see an announcement?

      S9 and S2 seem to be heavily rumoured and whilst I am going to collect them all if I can, I am very much looking forward in hope that we will see a “Wilderness years” set. This was when I first got into Doctor Who (early 90’s) via UK Gold ‘re runs but also all of the non Canon material and “looking back” type programmes. I also genuinely like the Paul McGann film so can’t wait to see what has been assembled if that one does arrive

    • DPHill

      May 21st, 2022 - 1:23pm

      At a little convenmtion i went to earlier this year in Sheffield Katy Manning, Maureen O’Brien, and Peter Purves were all there. Peter Purves let slip on his panel talk that he and Maureen O’Brien had last worked together on the old season 2 blu-ray and then Maureen said you’re not supposed to mention that and he just laughed and he said oh bugger it they’ll know soon enough. She did later say to me personally that she doesn’t know how all the secrecy works but its out now and she said it will be released soon [lee binding said to me that 2022 is all the twos, so thats 22, perhaps season 2, and the season from 1972???]. Katy Manning had mentioned rewatching the sea devils and i asked what it was for and she said by not telling you what I’m telling you what darling. I think for sure we will be getting 9 and 2 next. Louise Jameson was recently seen doing something near the lighthouse for horror of Fang Rock in season 15, and also Lee Binding posted something about the cessair of diplos from season 16… he had said to me other than 22, there were four other set artworks that he had finished or was close to. Make of all this what you will…

    • Robert Watkins

      May 21st, 2022 - 2:05pm

      The Wilderness set is a definite, Lee was working on the packaging back in April.

      The series 2 trailer is ready go as soon as 22 is released.

      There you go that’s all I know, but no doubt people will complain about this post

    • Prof Horner

      May 21st, 2022 - 7:26pm

      So what be in would be in The wilderness years boxset ,apart from the Mcgann tv movie?

    • D84

      May 22nd, 2022 - 1:36pm

      I would imagine at least we would see “More than 30yrs in the Tardis” along with Scream of the Shalka. If they can sort the release rights we may see Dimensions in Time (unlikely) Curse of the Fatal Death is also a possibility. I’m sure there is much much more that can be assembled from the archives

    • Rex Farrel

      May 22nd, 2022 - 2:37pm

      I don’t know what the final deal was between the Beeb and Universal (does anyone?), but the eventual US dvd copyright only mentions the BBC – so did they complete a buy out? If so, the eventual Collection set could presumably make use of master materials and whatnot from the Universal archives.

  • Bobby Fackrell

    May 17th, 2022 - 5:03am

    While the wait continues its worth pointing out the Big Finish sale this week! Eighth Doctor series three and four are half price – while stocks last

    Paul McGann and Sheridan Smith are fast becoming one of my favourite Doctor/Companion teams ever and I think McGann might well be my second favourite Doctor now. I have heard most of series 1 and 2 but just got series 4 on CD and download. I think the CDs are going out of print soon so definitely worth a look. Sale is until 22nd May. 4.99 each, I brought the whole series for about 43 with postage that’s the same as one of these sets

    • Prof Horner

      May 18th, 2022 - 9:03am

      Hopefully we can get two more this year. Hopefully seasons 2and 9 . Maybe in September and December.

    • JLBWHO

      May 18th, 2022 - 11:47am

      I picked up most of the ones in the sale too, they’re amazing. And McGann and smith work so well together.
      McGann is probably my favourite doctor to listen to on big finish

    • The ergon

      May 22nd, 2022 - 6:00pm

      He has a very concise smooth velvety tone to his voice Paul Mcgann. I can listen to anything he does but him and Sheridan Smiths relationahip is so down to earth and would have transferred so well on television.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      May 22nd, 2022 - 7:50pm

      Lucie Miller is the best 21st century companion, better than all the TV ones, and Sheridan Smith is amazing. They work so well together

  • Anonymouse

    April 27th, 2022 - 2:07pm

    Just received my latest subscription issue of Doctor Who Magazine. Next issue out 26/05 has preview of season 22 Collection so seems likely being released in June.

    • D84

      April 28th, 2022 - 7:08am

      Excellent news, let’s hope so. I’m dying to watch Two Doctors, Attack and Revelation in upscaled HD

    • JLBWHO

      April 28th, 2022 - 9:13am

      Long wait.

      Although its such a good season so its more than worth the wait, and at least we are getting closer to actually knowing something

    • D84

      April 28th, 2022 - 11:40am

      True – agreed

      I personally view it as a good season too

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