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March 6th, 2020 8 comments

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Doctor Who Tales From The Tardis 3.3

Doctor Who Tales From The Tardis magazine is a comic title for those who can’t get enough of the adventures from The Doctor. Each issue offers exciting spin off tales from past and present Doctors as they travel through time and space in everyone’s favourite mobile police box.

Categorised under: Books, Graphic novels and comics



  • Kevin225

    November 9th, 2020 - 8:20pm

    I’ve just got my subscribers copy of issue 3.4 in the post today. It was mentioned on the address sheet (I nearly missed it) that it is the last issue and will be replaced by issue 1 of the Doctor Who comic which will be shipped in December and will be monthly.

  • Reece J

    March 7th, 2020 - 10:11am

    I found it in RS McColls and I got the only one that was there!

  • Dalek Z

    March 6th, 2020 - 5:48pm

    The red Tardis sounds interesting. Some original Police Boxes were red in Scotland I believe.

  • Anonymous

    March 6th, 2020 - 3:28pm

    As to the comments on this thread: This is the UK ONLY Comic all other releases’s are the first US Editions (Which are still sold here as well) I find it much cheaper buying this, then constantly shelling out for Issue after Issue. I can easily wait until they re-print them here. Also you can easily get a subscription for this or buy it from other places – 3 Stories in 1 – YES PLEASE!

  • Loobop

    March 6th, 2020 - 11:11am

    i honestly don’t see the point of this compilation comic the 13th doctor with 10th doctor story had it’s own release not that long ago, issue 1 and 2 of the weeping angels story is easily still available to buy.

  • Stephen Croft

    March 6th, 2020 - 10:59am

    Get a subscription and you get them when they come out I have had one for years and you get them regularly just saves a lot of aggravation

  • Anonymous

    March 6th, 2020 - 10:29am

    I can’t believe they are still churning this out. Has anyone seen this in a shop cos i haven’t for years

    • Anonymous

      March 6th, 2020 - 11:01am

      My local newsagent dies but W H Smith’s no longer stocks then

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