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August 23rd, 2013 24 comments

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Sonic Screwdriver Talking Pizza Cutter

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Talking Pizza Cutter

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Now you can use Time Lord technology to slice your pizza!

Based on the 11th Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, this is must have for any pizza loving Whovian out there!


Categorised under: General, Novelty



  • MaryWhovianZG

    January 4th, 2015 - 5:00pm

    I have got one of these for my fiance. Just one question, is it dishwasher safe?

  • River Song

    August 25th, 2013 - 6:53am

    That is FANTASTIC!!

  • lee moone

    August 24th, 2013 - 6:37pm

    You couldn’t make it up! Whatever next? A sonic Screwdriver suppository dispenser?

  • dalekwho

    August 24th, 2013 - 2:44pm

    That’s amazing there soon be a doctor who fork spoon knifes.

    • Booboo the third

      August 24th, 2013 - 6:53pm

      Coming soon from jml


    August 24th, 2013 - 12:04pm

    crazy. but slightly cool…

  • Mr Evil Fez

    August 24th, 2013 - 7:32am


  • dalekwithabowtie

    August 23rd, 2013 - 11:44pm

    well this looks slice I mean nice… cheese don’t shout at me and give me a pizza your mind just don’t dough there please. But on a serious note I have to say this looks interesting what do you guys think its the yeast I could ask you to do…

    Ill go now.

    • Esmeblabbed

      August 24th, 2013 - 7:27pm


  • Da Big Friendly Button

    August 23rd, 2013 - 11:03pm

    ……..not really sure about this, it seems a little scary having a pizza cutter that can talk………

    • Mister

      August 24th, 2013 - 11:43am

      By talk, it means noises I think, because the plush TARDIS said it could talk, but it just made TARDIS sounds.

  • Dominic Kane

    August 23rd, 2013 - 10:27pm

    id love a sonic cane from lets kiil hitler 😀

  • CastleTARDIS

    August 23rd, 2013 - 7:56pm

    Awesome. Combining two things that i love. Doctor Who and pizza 🙂

  • the astronaut of death

    August 23rd, 2013 - 7:32pm

    maybe in series 8 the sonic will have a new feature

    cutting pizza’s

    • The Cyber Squirrel

      August 26th, 2013 - 9:53am

      You mean in series 34

  • Sam Bentley

    August 23rd, 2013 - 5:49pm

    Seriously? What WON’T they make into Doctor Who merchandise?

    • Trenzalore

      August 23rd, 2013 - 6:00pm

      Sherlock figure? 😆

    • Kroton

      August 25th, 2013 - 9:36pm

      A clara figure?

  • Trenzalore

    August 23rd, 2013 - 5:47pm

    It says ‘talking pizza cutter’ er… well… this may seem like a stupid question but what will it say?

    • Anonymous

      August 23rd, 2013 - 6:55pm

      I don’t think It literally means “talking”. I think it’s a general term used for sound effects in this type of merchandise. My guess is the general sonic whirr

    • Trenzalore

      August 23rd, 2013 - 7:08pm

      Never heard it said like that

    • Trenzalore

      August 23rd, 2013 - 7:09pm

      But you must be right

  • the mr master

    August 23rd, 2013 - 5:38pm

    Why not 🙂

  • Sam Davern

    August 23rd, 2013 - 5:31pm



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