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June 2nd, 2023 10 comments

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Doctor Who Series 5 Diamond Anniversary OST Blue/Violet Vinyl LP

Available to order from or

The first ever episode of Doctor Who aired on the 23rd of November 1963. To celebrate sixty years of the TV show that has become a national institution, Silva Screen Records are releasing the soundtrack to Series 5 as it first appeared on CD back in November 2010.

Steven Moffat’s new vision of Doctor Who, with Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor, was perfectly matched by Murray Gold’s score in Series 5. This album features music from all 13 episodes of Series 5 on triple coloured vinyl in a special gatefold sleeve.

Categorised under: CD, Vinyl records



  • AlberoFrog

    July 18th, 2023 - 10:51am

    Amazon do not appear to have their copies (yet?). Certainly mine has not shipped, despite the estimated arrival being today. Anyone had any success?

  • Anonymous

    June 2nd, 2023 - 4:06pm

    Nice to see they’ve kept the 2010 logo rather than replace it with the current one. I miss the days when you’d get different logos on everything

    • Anonymous

      June 2nd, 2023 - 7:42pm

      I also just miss the 2010 logo in general to be fair haha

  • MJS

    June 2nd, 2023 - 3:10pm

    Flipping heck I was waiting for Amazon to go live now it’s OOS again

  • TK

    June 2nd, 2023 - 2:25pm

    Makes me wonder if the other series’ are coming on vinyl too, as starting with S5 seems a bit odd, no?

  • PiersS

    June 2nd, 2023 - 1:22pm

    Amazon out of stock.

    Yes I need this to come down from its 69.99 at Silverscreen.

    The last one I got from them was the double orange series 5 was 29.99 last year.

  • Callum Eales

    June 2nd, 2023 - 11:31am

    I was so happy but then that price what the hell.

  • I’m Batman

    June 2nd, 2023 - 11:15am

    This seems cool.
    *Looks at price*
    £74 seems a bit…steep?
    Is this a limited edition or just like any other doctor who vinyl releases? Dooms day is just 2 records and is £30 so I’m not sure why one more would increase it by £40

    I’m sure someone will help me understand.

  • skaroman

    June 2nd, 2023 - 10:50am

    YES!! Glad to see more of Murray Gold’s work on vinyl! Let’s hope that the rest of the series can spawn vinyl releases (Series 3 and 4 in particular!).

    Who knows?… Maybe we’ll finally see the Series 10 soundtrack earn a release


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