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May 4th, 2024 4 comments

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Doctor Who Series 5-7 Rittenhouse Trading Cards

Coming 06.12.2024

For more information please visit

You can search ebay for Series 1-4 Trading Cards or Series 11-12 Trading Cards

Autograph signers include Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor), David Tennant (The Tenth Doctor), Christopher Eccleston (The Ninth Doctor), Paul McGann (The Eighth Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond), Alex Kingston (River Song), Jenna-Louise Coleman (Clara Oswald), Arthur Darvill (Rory), Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones), Georgia Tennant (Jenny), Frances Barber (Madame Kavorian), Andrew Garfield (Frank), Ben Browder (Isaac), Iain Glen (Octavian), Nina Toussaint-White (Mels Zucker), Catrin Stewart (Jenny Flint), Annette Badland (Margaret Blaine) and many more!

Also look for randomly inserted Sketch Cards!

Set Composition: Base set features 117 cards, with 3 cards for each episode in Series 5-7, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor! Photos and plot synopses for every episode!

Bonus sets include: 30 Holiday Specials Cards – 6 cards for each of the 5 Specials (1:6 Packs); 9 Amy Pond Companion Puzzle Cards (1:24 Packs); 9 Rory Williams Companion Puzzle Cards (1:24 Packs); 9 Clara Oswald Companion Puzzle Cards (1:24 Packs); 9 River Song Companion Puzzle Cards (1:24 Packs); 9 The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) Puzzle Cards (1:24 Packs); 9 The War Doctor (John Hurt) Puzzle Cards (1:24 Packs); 18 Allies of the Doctor Cards (1:12 Packs); 19 Adversaries of the Doctor Cards (1:12 Packs); Hand-Drawn Sketch Cards by renowned artists, including Yara Alves, Dan Bergren, Norman Jim Faustino, Kevin Graham, Wei Ho, Sara Manzoni, Ashley Marsh, Huy Truong, et al.

Categorised under: Card games, General



  • Loobop

    May 4th, 2024 - 3:46pm

    i’m so glad i got david tennant’s autograph a few years ago when there was a give £35 to headway essex (which david was patron of) where the first 250 donations got david’s autograph the year after they put it up to £70 to get his autograph which seemed pretty cheeky.i havn’t seen David’s autograph offered by them since.

  • beef

    May 4th, 2024 - 8:11am

    am I the only one wondering why it’s a pick and mix with the logos they’ve decided to use? Also “Rittenhouse”? Of all the names…

    • booboo

      May 4th, 2024 - 9:56am

      this set also has series 1-4 boosters which use the old logo

  • WhoCollector

    May 4th, 2024 - 7:57am

    Just to let everyone know, and this concerns booboo. The Rittenhouse Series 5-7 booster boxes. There is a bundle on the rittenhouse site of a $1999 case of 12 booster boxes. There is also incentives for people who purchase a 3/6/12 case bundle – upon contacting rittenhouse to enquire about if all incentives are included when purchasing the $1999 bundle – they said no. The way they have worded it on their site is quite misleading. What they really mean is, you have to buy 12x $1999 bundle cases. I have the emails and am more than happy to share with booboo, but this is absolutely scummy tbh. They are charging collectors $23988 to have the CHANCE to obtain. Lets be honest, you could be unbelievably, really, really unlucky and still be missing a couple cards. Quite glad i didnt commit to the purchase and get disappointed on arrival. The only benefit to fans spending $1999 with them, is a metal card… and i managed to get the tennant one for under £20 on ebay… no benefit to purchasing that quantity. I mean, i thought $1999 was a lot of money to complete a collection, but i was willing to buy the case of 12 and sell a couple boxes as no one needs 12 booster boxes…


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