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October 24th, 2023 5 comments

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Doctor Who Revenge Of The Cybermen Soundtrack

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Doctor Who – Revenge Of The Cybermen was the season 12 finale first broadcast on April 19th 1975.

As with so much television music of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s, the original master tapes of Carey Blyton’s score for Revenge of the Cybermen were not retained. The only surviving copy is a set of four 7″, 7.5ips “composer’s copy”domestic 1/4-inch tape. It is from those digital transfers that this release is taken. Sadly, and to Carey’s obvious and understandable disappointment, the completed music did not meet with the complete approval of the production team, and much of it was not used. Peter Howell of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop added some electronic embellishments and arranged some additional cues for parts two and three but some of that was also left on the proverbial cutting room floor.

For this presentation, Carey’s original score is presented (and heard here for the first time) as written. This is followed by the additional, alternative, and “enhanced” cues, all of which were also on Carey Blyton’s tapes

“This is undoubtedly one of the most distinctive, mysterious, misunderstood, and even controversial scores in Doctor Who history, and it delights me to finally bring it, complete, to your ears!”

Mark Ayres – compiler and producer

Categorised under: CD, Music soundtracks



  • Dave

    October 25th, 2023 - 3:11pm

    These covers look lovely. The use of the new diamond logo has been quite hit-and-miss, and I’m not sure in general it has the punch of the Whittaker logo. Having said that, for these releases it does look really good, and much better than on other audio releases such as Big Finish and the Target novelisation audiobooks.

    • Malicious Actor

      October 26th, 2023 - 1:44am

      I feel that I much prefer the Whittaker logo when the title is straight(?) but prefer the diamond anniversary logo when it’s on too of each other.

      Mostly because the Whittaker has that nice smooth flow between the words which doesn’t look quite as nice when broken apart. But i really don’t like the diamond logo used as it is the cover because having the WHO highlighted looks a bit strange.

    • The original Time Lord

      October 26th, 2023 - 6:36am

      That comment is a joke yes? ‘Punch of the Whittaker logo’?? Seriously? This logo, heralding from the mighty days when the show was truly popular is the best thing to happen to the branding in the modern era. Its far superior to the wimpy Chibnall era effort.

    • Dave

      October 26th, 2023 - 11:06am

      Malicious Actor – I quite like the straight use of the diamond logo, but agree with you definitely about the Whittaker logo; it looked very odd when stacked on top of eachother. The Target novels published with the stacked Whittaker logo look very odd because of that broken flow.

      The Original Time Lord – No, not a joke, just a difference of opinion. The Whittaker logo had a simplicity that lent itself to many variations in merchandise, with only really the stacked version a failure IMO

      The diamond logo is a fab design, and iconic, but it’s very dated and some of the choices on the modern version just don’t work for me (such as the yellow glow on the Who and the smaller “Doctor” arch which de-emphasises half the total). On most merch, it looks clumsy and slapped on to my eyes.

      I suspect my true opinion is that the diamond logo (in it’s original form) is a brilliantly designed logo for a TV show. I expect the new version will look great on the telly. But on the merch, the Whittaker logo is more modern and better-suited to placement on various items.

      As ever, YMMV

      The original Time Lord

      October 26th, 2023 – 6:36am
      That comment is a joke yes? ‘Punch of the Whittaker logo’?? Seriously? This logo, heralding from the mighty days when the show was truly popular is the best thing to happen to the branding in the modern era. Its far superior to the wimpy Chibnall era effort.

  • Peter Trott

    October 25th, 2023 - 10:05am

    I believe there will be a vinyl release of this CD. Doesn’t anyone know how and when it will be available?


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