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February 9th, 2024 14 comments

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Doctor Who Frida Kahlo and the Skull Children (Icons 1) Paperback

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Young Frida Kahlo is angry. Injured in a terrible accident, she lives with constant pain and worries that her dreams are unreachable.

But when the TARDIS lands in Mexico City – drawn by a strange disturbance in its energy fields – Frida’s life is turned upside down. Aliens have arrived, taking over the bodies of children and killing anyone who gets in their way.

With the fate of the Earth at stake, the Doctor and Frida must find a way to understand their alien invaders, and each other.

Categorised under: Books, Reference books



  • Bookcollector

    October 19th, 2024 - 4:04pm

    I decided to get the 4 icon books, the forthcoming Frankenstein book and the death in the stars paperback really as a test to see if I will continue to get original fiction after reading those. I’ve stopped getting all hardback doctor who and I no longer buy the short story collections now and the original fiction really is starting to not appeal so these will be the test subjects. The Frida book arrived today. Looks ok, only 111 pages so it will be a quick read. I’m in the middle of a thriller at the moment so this will have to wait until I finish that one

    • Bookcollector

      October 21st, 2024 - 7:43pm

      Well I’ve read the book. Decent but I have to say I do find the original fiction at the moment is just too safe. There is no real threat in these books now. They are aimed at a younger audience and written down to it as well. The target books proved you can write books aimed at kids and still have them steeped in death as the show was once, accurately described. A lot if this new fiction has forgot that. A decent read that captures Jodie very well, but not an overly exciting one.

  • Bookcollector

    April 14th, 2024 - 3:26am

    Delayed until 25th March 2025. This seems to be happening more and more. Church on ruby road paperback has been delayed until January 2025 and there is no sign of frazer Hines evil book getting a paperback edition yet either.

    • Bookcollector

      October 19th, 2024 - 4:05pm

      How things changed since I did this comment! Mind you, still waiting on a full paperback for the evil novel.

  • davidhhh

    February 20th, 2024 - 2:57pm

    It would be nice if Penguin gave us SOME description or indication of what these books are. Are they fiction, non-fiction? What are they about? ANYTHING? Their own pages for the Icons books list nothing, other than the generic description of Doctor Who shown here.

    • anon

      March 6th, 2024 - 11:27pm

      I can’t tell which Doctor this story is with, but it seems to involve the Author Shirley Jackson the writer behind “The Haunting Of Hill House” novel.

  • Andy R

    February 14th, 2024 - 9:08pm

    I think the phrase ‘when the fun stops, stop’ springs to mind. As a collector myself, i found it very freeing to realise that you don’t need to buy all and everything to enjoy the show or collecting. So if you don’t feel you need to buy them, don’t. Plus who said you can’t buy them later if you change your minf.

    • Bookcollector

      February 15th, 2024 - 12:49am

      That’s my thinking in a way. I’ll look at books individually and decide on each one. Certain authors will always be bought and perhaps if they feature big villains or favourite doctors or companions I probably will get them. The short stories are definitely ending for me and the days of buying every single new novel are also over I think.

    • Duncan

      February 16th, 2024 - 2:40pm

      Thats a healthy attitude. I used to buy a lot of Who related stuff : the TARGETS, all the videos, then the DVDs, the magazine every month, the occasional Quark model.
      Now, all I buy is the blu rays boxsets of the classic series. And half of those are the standard releases, other half the ltd editions. I don’t miss the magazine at all, and never watch the modern show anymore. Like someone said, unless something is mega limited I can choose to buy the book or magazine etc at a later date.

  • Bookcollector

    February 14th, 2024 - 12:53pm

    I really find myself conflicted. I’ve collected who books for 47 years now but I’m starting to find myself questioning whether I want new original fiction. I was disappointed by the 60th anniversary book output, the target books were great, as was evil of the daleks but the rest were a mixed bag. Some good some terrible. I stopped buying big finish 14 years ago. I stopped the magazine 12 years ago. In 2016 I stopped buying factual who books. I bought the idw graphic novels but stopped buying that type with titan’s takeover, not being impressed by the few I bought. Now I find myself seriously considering stopping new original fiction novels and short story collections. All I really find myself interested in now are the target books, the magazine graphic novels and certain spinoff products (obverse books and the erimem series) I’ll have to wait and see what these are and what the two hardback novels are as well before making the final decision. It feels sad to even be thinking of not getting them. I still love the show but the original fiction is leaving me cold these days in most cases.

    • Alanoffthefence

      February 14th, 2024 - 8:00pm

      I guess l would have started collecting Target Books around the same time you started, as those of us who were around then know if you didn’t buy the books there was next to no chance of seeing repeats so it was the only way to go, my fondness for the Patrick Troughton’s 2nd Doctor was as much to do with Target as the few times l was him portray it. l also used to buy and collect the magazine, as well as most other things that came out, including a couple of LP’s, and the Doctor Who discovers books!
      Then after the show went off air – around the time l was being a grown up and had less free time, so l stopped, but since the show restarted, l watched against, then got into the Big Finish monthly adventures & a few other titles (around 180 titles in total), the BBC 8th Doctor novels, the new series Steelbooks along with The Collection & the animations, plus l delve back into my original Targets as l have them all still.
      Thing is, for me that’s enough for at least a 12 year cycle, I’ll get the rest of The Collection and a few Big Finish that interest me, but that’s enough!

    • Bookcollector

      February 14th, 2024 - 8:51pm

      I found my enjoyment of the TV increased when I stopped big finish. Simply put, the CD’s were taking all of my time up with 3-5 releases a month at the time I stopped. I firmly believe less is more. In terms of books I grew up on the target novels and my love of troughton is down in large part to those books as it would be years later before I saw or heard them all. I have enough books to last me decades if read one a month so new books aren’t a necessity but I still feel odd for not really wanting new original fiction. The target books are very different. I’ve just yesterday read the Christmas invasion by Jenny colgan again. I loved reading it, it evoked those same feelings of comfort that reading the old books gave me growing up. So I will happily buy the target books going forward.

  • anon

    February 14th, 2024 - 12:22pm

    Interesting – “Icons” 1 & 2?

    • Jason Z

      February 14th, 2024 - 12:34pm

      For 8-15 years.

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