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March 27th, 2020 152 comments

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Doctor Who Figurine Collection officially Extended to “At least” 200

These “reveals” are part of #HCHappyHour

The Doctor Who Figurine Collection has been officially Extended to 200. Although it had been mentioned by various sources the news was officially announced in an interview with Doctor Who Magazine in the 2020 year book.

The collection was originally pencilled in for 70 and quickly upgraded to 80 with further extensions over the years.

Congratulations should go to all those involved in what has clearly been a highly successfully line.

2020 will see more companions sets, a new line of Time Lord sets, t shirts and prints with associated products and no doubt more surprises.

Categorised under: News, Retail



  • Lege

    January 1st, 2020 - 2:46pm

    if i make an eaglemoss preorder do they take funds straight away? If

    • booboo

      January 1st, 2020 - 3:24pm

      assume they take money straight away form their T&C’s

      Please be aware that making a pre-order does not guarantee that we will get that item into stock. We will take payment for pre-orders but if we cannot fulfil we will refund. We cannot be held responsible for suppliers’ cancellations or date changes, and it will be the responsibility of the customer to ensure that sufficient funds are available.

    • Lege

      January 1st, 2020 - 3:48pm

      Cheers booboo. Thanks for your stellar work with the site.

  • Anonymous

    January 1st, 2020 - 11:35am

    Can I just ask? If anyone has that original list from 2013 when the figurines were first announced. Can you tell me which figurines from that list have not been made yet. I know the issues and numbers changed over the years to accommodate new series released etc. It would just be interesting to know. I think a Max Capricorn was listed?

    • Stephen m

      January 1st, 2020 - 12:11pm

      I’m pretty sure a snowman and krillitane were on the list along with max.

    • booboo

      January 1st, 2020 - 12:14pm

      yes the list is here

    • Anonymous

      January 1st, 2020 - 1:03pm

      I wish they could have been able to do a saturnyne fish creature, but I think Neil has mentioned it’s difficult for them to be able to do with the techniques they use

    • The Flying Shark

      January 2nd, 2020 - 7:31pm

      In that case I hope we can still get a vampire woman instead?

  • kaospheric

    December 30th, 2019 - 3:20pm

    I don’t understand why there has to be a limit. Target had to stop putting out novelisations because it ran out of TV episodes. So as long as the figures are commercially viable, why stop?

    • Neil Corry

      December 30th, 2019 - 3:58pm

      You have answered your own question.

    • jackelezzzz

      January 1st, 2020 - 1:07pm

      Hopefully that means the collection will surpass 200 as theres loads of creatures still possible

    • Neil

      January 2nd, 2020 - 6:42pm

      Please pay attention to the words “commercially viable”.

    • jackelezzzz

      January 2nd, 2020 - 7:02pm

      Sorry Neil

  • Anonymous

    December 30th, 2019 - 1:36pm

    Will the Tardis consoles get released? I missed out on the 1st issue of that! 🙁

    • booboo

      December 30th, 2019 - 1:47pm

      Yes, one (5th Doctor) is already up for order and the other one next next year (so not that far away)

  • The Ergon

    December 30th, 2019 - 1:31am

    For the past few years everytime a figurine has been announced and this goes for Harrop, i rewatch that story. I,ve just done The Impossible Planet/The satan pit in honour of the Red eyed ood. Next, i,m back to the beginning for ‘An unearthly child’ for the forthcoming First doctor and companions set.Looking forward to Frontios again after ‘Destiny of the Daleks’ and ‘Invasion of time’ which have been a while.

    • Bobby Davros

      December 30th, 2019 - 1:27pm

      Does this mean that they have announced a Tractator and Movellan while I was asleep?

    • The Ergon

      December 30th, 2019 - 2:28pm

      Harrops tractator out early 2020 and Romana from The timelords set for Destiny. The curator from Day of the doctor and the christmas invasion honouring The sycorax Leader viewed just before xmas. It gives me the excuse for the rewatch not that i need an excuse.

    • THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MACRA in this collection

      December 30th, 2019 - 5:22pm

      Pray they don’t release a Borad then. You’ll have to watch TIMELASH

    • The Ergon

      December 30th, 2019 - 5:42pm

      Theres a lot of really bad acting and dreadful sets but for the borad i would be willing to endure it again. I,m not sure i,d make that concession for the morlox though. Unless it came as part of a set with peri chained and screaming.

    • Anonymous

      December 30th, 2019 - 6:04pm

      I watched it last year, it’s dreadful but I got through it!

  • Steven

    December 30th, 2019 - 1:06am

    Fomasi and Melkur please.

  • Andrew Fenwick-green

    December 30th, 2019 - 12:19am

    I hope they stop at 200. Then bring out a “new” figurine collection at number 1.
    I say this for this very important reason, while I love these and will go on and collect, some might want to pull out but have only stayed for the fact they want a completed collection. As someone with ‘Higher functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder’ I would hate to have to stop (for whatever reason) say at 180 knowing there was still 20 issues to go in the set, my set would be incomplete. If it stops at 200 and I collect till the end and if I decide not to collect the new collection, atleast I know the set I have collected is complete in it’s entirety.

    • Anonymous

      December 30th, 2019 - 2:31am

      On this basis we would have a new number 1 every time the collection was extended.

    • Alvin

      December 30th, 2019 - 12:28pm

      I hope they continue after 200, people who don’t want anymore after 200 can always cancel their subscription or stop buying the figurines.

    • Chris Howarth

      December 30th, 2019 - 1:43pm

      Now they know you’ll keep buying to the end if they don’t renumber!

  • tenth doctor’s wife

    December 29th, 2019 - 2:46pm

    wish they’d make tenth doctor as john smith, they’ve never made a single figure of him in that outfit in any of the figure series.I just hope they don’t do a companion set of tenth doctor and clone doctor with children of time that’ll be a pricey issue

  • Negative_Matter

    December 28th, 2019 - 9:05pm

    Surely the companions people ask for are going to appear in the seperate set eventually. The only companion who’d be an interesting addition would be Kamelion because hes so alien.

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:18pm

      I’m sure they will, just depends on the success of the companion set range, id love to see 1 with vicki & steven, 1 or 2 with polly & ben, 2 with zoe, 3 with liz, the brig & jo (perhaps a unit set), an adric, nyssa and Tegan set with 5, 6 and peri, 7 ace and mel, 10 martha and donna, 12 and clara the most (which is a lot lol).

    • Nyder @newcastle.

      December 28th, 2019 - 11:48pm

      Thank you.
      Thats what i wanted to know.

  • The Ergon

    December 28th, 2019 - 8:39pm

    The wish lists continue, i admire the optimism but i get the feeling so many are pie in the sky.

    • Chris Howarth

      December 30th, 2019 - 1:46pm

      Perhaps, but if they give an indication of what the collectors want, then Eaglemoss are likely to take notice.

  • Basil Funkenstein

    December 28th, 2019 - 8:23pm

    A massive THANK YOU to Ben, Neil and all of the Eaglemoss team for the love, care, attention and devotion they put in to this absolutely wonderfully amazing set of figurines. I can understand that sometimes it must seem tiring and a tad deflating to see negative comments or opinions every now and then or a disappointed reaction to a figure that they thought would be well received but it is so clear how much they enjoy making this collection, in fact Neil has even said on twitter to retweet one of his previous tweets if people are hoping for yet another extension which I’m certain a lot of people are. I genuinely believe this is not only the best figurine collection Eaglemoss has ever done but it is also the best Doctor Who figurine merchandise I’ve ever seen. I’m sure this collection could go to 240-300 main issues easily.

    Also a big thanks to Booboo for your hard work in keeping us informed about the collection and all the regular updates that go alongside that.

    Happy new year to the Doctor Who figurine collection and hopefully there’ll be many more years left in the collection to go.

  • Ryan Croughan

    December 28th, 2019 - 8:19pm

    I can’t say how delighted I am we’ve got an extension after being on the fence for so many months. I just desperately hope we can get another extension – but I’m happy that these extra twenty are a certainty at least!

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2019 - 7:06pm

    I would love a series 1 Rose Tyler with Bafwolf powers! That would be so different and creative!

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 7:07pm

      Or a regenerating doctor! Oooo the possibilities!

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2019 - 4:10pm

    Wouldn’t be surprised if it gets a plus 200 extension. There is a wealth of past material to utilize and with a new series the opportunity for new figures as well

  • The Ergon

    December 28th, 2019 - 3:55pm

    The momentum worn with the wait but i,m pleased it is extended once again but since Eaglemoss are diverting to sets and the like and as long as the figurines are doable, i don,t see much difference whether it is prolonged. At least we have another year of singles and i do like it when they release those exclusive picture line ups.

  • Nick

    December 28th, 2019 - 2:55pm

    Really fantastic news! Hi Neil, please can we have a Stygron / Kraal figurine? A great classic character needing the Eaglemoss touch.

  • Judooning

    December 28th, 2019 - 1:51pm

    Brilliant! I hole we get a couple more figures from series 6. Maybe a Headless monk and Dorium

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 3:53pm

      Series 1:
      Wedding dress auton
      moxx of balhoon or any other guest on platform one
      damaged metaltron dalek (rare dalek)
      Margaret with slitheen arm exposed
      trine-e and zu-zana
      dalek with claw arm
      Tardis console

      Series 2:
      john lumic
      cyber-controller in throne (special)
      genesis ark

      Series 3:
      RoboForm (non-santa)
      slab/ plasmavore (anne reid in a nightie- who wouldn’t want that?)
      novice hame with gun
      damaged dalek thay (rare dalek)
      dalek sec open with mutant (rare dalek)
      baines with gun
      Martha Jones
      Tardis console- paradox machine red

      Series 4:
      Matron Cafelia with sonic pen
      Pyrovile priestess
      Natural ood
      Sontaran trooper with helmet and gun
      donna with time beetle
      Dalek with claw arm
      Andy Stone flood creature
      Wilfred Mott

      Series 5:
      Broken angel
      Dream lord
      Pandorica cyberman guard
      Tardis Console

      Series 6:
      Cyberman or cyberleader with non-cybus chestplate with gun
      Headless Monk
      Madame Kovarian
      River Song
      Peg Doll

      Series 7:
      Wooden king/queen
      Damaged asylum dalek (missing skirt spheres etc.)
      dinosaurs on a spaceship robot
      Rory Williams
      Statue of Liberty weeping angel (special)
      Grayle’s girlfriend weeping angel in chains
      Tardis console series 7b
      Doreen/ Grandfather/ Other alien from rings of akhaten
      Hide creature
      Tardis creature (2 brothers joined at shoulder)
      Webley half converted/ Cyberplanner doctor
      The Moment (Billie sitting on the box itself)

      Series 8:
      skovox blitzer
      Boneless creature
      Missy (Time lord sets)
      Cyber danny
      Tardis console

      Series 9:
      Dream Crab on clara/doctor
      Santa (last Christmas is underrated imo)
      more dalek variants from the witch’s familiar
      Prentis ghost
      Kate Stewart
      Clara Oswald
      The General (Ken Bones)
      Trapped dalek/cyberman/weeping angel
      cloister wraith

      Series 10:
      Monk statue
      Eaters of light creature

      Series 11:
      Tardis console
      other kerblam robots

    • The Flying Shark

      December 28th, 2019 - 7:05pm

      Excellent list! The only thing I can think of that’s missing is maybe a Max Capricorn.

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 7:44pm

      Oh yes that would be a brilliant figurine too!

    • Basil Funkenstein

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:25pm

      What an amazing list anonymous, I’d love to see as many of those as they can feasibly do.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:28pm

      Can we possibly have some classic stuff before all those new who items please . I wont list them because there are so many left !

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:42pm

      id love a load more classic figures too but new who figurines were the only ones I could think of right off the top of my head when I made the list, I made a list of a few classic figures I could think of below in the comments section, plus the original comment was talking about new who series 6

    • jackelezzzz

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:13pm

      I love the classic figurines, it was just that the original comment was new series related

    • Neil Corry

      December 30th, 2019 - 11:11am

      I’m sure I replied to this recently, but it hasn’t appeared. Or I’ve posted it somewhere stupid 🙂 Blame the Christmas shandies :)))

      The list from Anonymous (Dec 28, 3.53pm – why can’t you put a name in?) is very good (but where’s the Controller from Bad Wolf?) and I love the time and effort he or she has put into it. I have such a list that also includes the classic series characters, and one of the hardest jobs has been to work out what to include in the run up to 200.

      We are looking to include a few more ‘out there’ characters from the classic series, as well as a few from the Ninth Doctor onwards, as well as characters from Series 12. Dream lists are great but I worry they might lead to disappointment.

      There are also some characters that are proving difficult to clear, and I just want to say that if a figurine isn’t included when the regular collection is complete, it is unlikely to have been for the lack of trying.

      Happy New Year, you lovely lot.

    • jackelezzzz

      December 30th, 2019 - 12:06pm

      Hi Neil, sorry that list was me and yes I’m lazy when it comes to putting my name in, sorry!!! No these lists are just as many as I could think of and I did think of the controller but wasn’t sure if it would be worth it when we only see her out of the wires for about 20 seconds. I just love speculating, I have lists like this for character options figures which i know are never ever gonna happen, but it keeps me entertained to imagine lol

    • Basil Funkenstein

      December 30th, 2019 - 1:36pm

      Do you think it’s likely to be extended again Neil? You’ve previously put on twitter to retweet a recent tweet if there’s hopes to extend again. (Maybe there could be an Eaglemoss/Hero Collector poll on Twitter/Facebook/here/various social media sites to see how interested people would he in an extension?)

      The only reason I’m asking is because I adore this collection and hope it goes on for as long as possible. I used to collect the Eaglemoss Lord of the Rings, Classic Marvel and DC super heroes figurine collections but had to stop all of those for various reasons, Doctor Who is my favourite series ever so I’m determined to see this collection through to the end.

      The LotR collection had 300 main issues and the Classic Marvel collection went to 250 main issues and I’m sure this collection could easily reach those numbers with the right mix of classic and nu-who characters.

    • booboo

      December 30th, 2019 - 2:01pm

      There seems to be a bit of a push to market the collection and get information out in different ways not so far tried.

      Polls are good to a point and give a general indication but you find the people who don’t get what they want tend to be the more vocal and kick off on one because sometimes they cant have things.

      I also see tons of social media retweets / comments for stuff where the people like the look of it but have no intention of buying.

      We will always try and do our bit anyway, i don’t think we have done to bad up until now.

    • Anonymous

      January 2nd, 2020 - 11:03am

      Gelth Zombie female and a gas mask zombie (Dr Constantine) would be very welcome.

  • Bobby Davros

    December 28th, 2019 - 1:29pm

    This means at least another 3 classic figures. Hooray!

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:03pm


    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:19pm

      some of my most wanted classic figurines are:
      Solonian mutt
      mind robber clockwork soldier
      tractator- gravis
      sontaran stike
      8th doctor tardis console
      season 14 console
      invisible enemy swarm creature
      black guardian
      celestial toymaker
      warriors of the deep sea devil
      atlantis fish person
      paradise towers cleaner

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:29pm

      That many Bobby ?

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:30pm

      I wonder what Anonymous would have said if someone had typed yawn under his intemrinable list of new who figures ?

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:42pm

      Wonder if a Menoptra will be forthcoming anytime soon.

    • jackelezzzz

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:45pm

      I love this collection so much, that’s why I made the two lists, I just couldn’t think of as many classic who off the top of my head cause the last time I had the time to watch classic who was in year 9, 3 years ago.

    • jackelezzzz

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:48pm

      I think neil has mentioned somewhere that their process cant at the moment handle something as delicate as the menoptra wings

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:02pm

      Menoptra doesnt necesarrily need wings ( the Zarbi ripped them off in the episode) although one with its wings open would make a marvellous special.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:07pm

      If eaglemoss can put numerous superhero figures in ‘delicate’ flowing capes whats the problem with wings anyway ?

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:13pm

      I suppose it depends on their thickness? i’m not sure and wouldn’t mind if the wings were overly thick so that we could see a menoptera figurine one day

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:16pm

      Look at the cloak on the valeyard figure …okay wings of a similar thickess may be a little thick but if transparency with veins can be achieved hey presto. If fans will put up with a time rotor on a console which looks like a pill bottle with that ‘bump’ in it slightly thick wings shouldn’t present a problem surely ??

    • jackelezzzz

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:19pm

      youd have to ask neil but id be up for thick wings if it meant a figurine of the menoptera

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:28pm

      another figurine I forgot was hieronymous, it would be cool to see bok and mr sin

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 9:34pm

      I thought Neil said no to Bok – personally I think his focus is on new Who figures and I dont expect to see a menoptra any time soon the same as I dont expect to see the Kandyman or a Peter Cushing figure.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 10:09pm

      I wonser how they get thin transparent windcreens on things like the Batmobile and James Bond Collections ? Seems to me thats the way of making menoptra wings.

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 10:19pm

      is the kandyman hindered by the whole copyright thing that it looks like bertie basset or is it just not on the list? and I think the rights of peter cushing may be hindered by studiocanal… I’m just guessing here, I really dont know. I understand why the collection does the new who figurines (and I’m especially pleased when they do 12th doctor figurines) as they’re more recent and 10 is a popular doctor (hence he has the most figurines) but tom baker had a longer tenure and has less figurines. But I do love all the figurines they make, I’m keeping my eye out for monsters in series 12 that could be potential figurines too. I feel like the 5th doctor era could do with a boost, and perhaps late tom, plus any other figurines that aren’t daleks or cybermen for the 60s would be an added bonus. I’m so excited for magnus greel, commander stor and the nimon as I’m equally excited for tzim-sha, damaged cyberman and an ood.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 10:42pm

      Has Neil ever said outright they’ve tackled Maynards who I believe own the rights to Bertie Bassett – I personally wonder if theyd evne notice if the figure was released – or Studiocanal who I believe own the rights to the Cushing films ? Considering the plethora of fans who want both and the success of the series some monetary outlay from Eaglemoss, who must be raking it in from all their delvings into the Doctor Who franchise, would be nice. A seperate Dalek films set would be marvellous ! If an internet serial can be worthy of inclusion surely some representation of Who’s only venture into the film market is a must.

    • booboo

      December 28th, 2019 - 11:09pm

      Every single figure is this collection has to be be approved by BBC studios and their is no way on this earth they would approve a figure they (the BBC ) dont hold the rights to, ie Bertie Bassett and Cushing films,

      Try and “sneak” some of those in and it could have serious re-prosecutions, it would 100% not go unnoticed.

      having said that they know people want then so if a viable option were presented i’m sure they (Eaglemoss) would look at it

    • Gareth Pugh

      December 28th, 2019 - 11:14pm

      Negative_Matter, he has Tweeted in just the past week that, no, they won’t ever be doing the Kandyman “and for reasons surely everyone must know by now” or words to that effect – which I’d take to mean the legal ones. I work in brand research and creation and I know a bit about consumer goods trademark law – bearing in mind that Trebor Maynard (formerly Trebor Bassett) as a brand got bought up by the massive Swiss-American food giant Kraft when they acquired Cadbury Trebor Bassett a few years ago – the chances of those current owners cutting the BBC or Eaglemoss any favours are probably less today than in the past when it might have been a smaller UK based institution doing another much-loved iconic UK institution a gentlemanly favour out of goodwill. Bigger conglomerates tend to say ‘no’ more readily, and don’t want to spend much of their legal departments salaried executive time engaging with this kind of request.

    • booboo

      December 28th, 2019 - 11:35pm

      indeed, protecting intellectual property rights for many companies outweighs any sales potential for products .

      same goes for traditional websites V user led social media, one creates sales the other just talks about it, I’ve been doing this for a long time and lost sales potential is beyond belief to me.

    • The Ergon

      December 29th, 2019 - 12:13am

      Wouldn,t Trebor Maynard consider a larger a larger percent of the profit, if say, it was less mass produced and someone like Harrop, for a less profit, were to make it as very Limited Edition with dues to them and The BBC? Have Trebor Maynard even been approached recently or due to the embargo put on the BBC all those years ago regarding not to use it again, made companies like Eaglemoss/Harrop, due to these legalities reluctant to ask them again.

    • booboo

      December 29th, 2019 - 9:14am

      Harrops can be quite active on their Facebook page. someone could ask them for there take on it

    • Negative_Matter

      December 29th, 2019 - 12:54am

      So presumably theyve been in talks with Maynards and Studio canal – even though Ive never seen them say as much – as far as I can see the only reason the ‘reasons are well known’ are because so many what shall we say ‘self presumed experts’ have mouthed off saying theyre well known.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 29th, 2019 - 12:56am

      Maynard formerly Bassetts weren’t moaning when Tom was favourably promoting jelly babies and liquorice allsorts (even when he got the two confused) lol. Odd that the BBC meanwhile were prepared to fight no less than the Police Force over the rights to the police box.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 29th, 2019 - 1:00am

      A viable option Booboo ? So we’re suppose to troll off and ask for the rights and then present any agreement thus achieved to eaglemoss? So basically we do the work and eaglemoss charge us for the end result.

    • booboo

      December 29th, 2019 - 8:33am


      I’m talking about the copyright holders presenting a financially viable licensing agreement to Eaglemoss, and even then the BBC would still have to approve it.

      Even if they did agree to it the legal work alone, to produce just one figure in the Kandymans case I’m sure would be cost prohibitive.

      Companies dont generally discus details of any negotiations on a website either. Its company sensitive. One wrong word could scupper any potential agreement either now or later.

      If they say it cant be done then it cant be done.

    • Negative_Matter

      December 29th, 2019 - 1:20am

      Whats the point if according to you Eaglemoss have already been in talks and no agreement was reached – they have been in talks have they BooBoo – youre the one claiming to know all about it.

    • booboo

      December 29th, 2019 - 8:43am

      If Neil says it cant be done they must have looked at it. Its possible it was an outright no from the BBC who as i have said will still need to approve it. If they say no there is no point in going to Maynard’s anyway.

      You are not going to get a Kandyman, at least for now, and going on about, especially if its entirely outside of Eaglemoss control who seem to be in the firing line here wont achieve anything.

    • Gareth Pugh

      December 29th, 2019 - 10:43am

      I asked the guys at the Harrops stall a few years back at the BBC’s DW Festival event at the Excel if they’d consider looking into the Kandyman and they said they had received so many enquiries from fans that weekend and at previous events that they would go ahead and find out who to approach at Kraft to at least ask. But that was four years ago now. Whether they had the conversation with Krafts IP legal team or not, and if they did, what the answer was, I genuinely don’t know.

    • booboo

      December 29th, 2019 - 12:08pm

      One would imagine with so many people asking if they could have done it they would have done so by now

    • Gareth Pugh

      December 29th, 2019 - 2:54pm

      Negative_Matter, I’m guessing the reason that Trebor (as they were in the 1970s) didn’t complain when Tom Bakers Doctor was offering around the jelly babies and allsorts was either because the products themselves were by then out of patent – so supermarkets and other private brands can now make near-identical products, and even call them the same thing – or it may have been because in those scenes, the products were always used in a fairly positive light – the Doctor (mostly) being friendly, or trying to be. IIRC it might have been JNT who said that the beef the CEO of Trebor Bassett had in 1988 was not so much that they had semi-copied one of their trademarks (in their eyes) but that the Kandyman was an evil character and that this may put some kids off their products. Had the Kandyman been a goodie, the inference was Trebor Bassetts might not have made any issue.

    • The Ergon

      December 29th, 2019 - 3:57pm

      If only he hadn,t been 70/30 licquorice allsort their wouldn,t have been much issue either. Other sweets were available to make him up. Even if it hadn,t become so iconic almost as bertie himself.

    • Anonymous

      December 29th, 2019 - 6:17pm

      Why have a go at boo boo negative matter? He’s just saying what he knows. I don’t think there is any doubt that various companies over the years have approached those involved about kandyman figures but we aren’t privy to those negotiations and nor should we be. The very fact that no figure has been produced should be an indication which way the land lies. One of the reasons Bassett’s were annoyed was the negative connotations of the character and the blatant copyright infringement. If you want to blame anyone for it blame JNT who signed off on the character design, a design completely at odds with the writers original vision for the character. As producer he should have spotted the problem before it went to screen. (Not knocking jnt by the way, think he did some great stuff, but the final responsibility is at the producers door.)

    • Anonymous

      December 29th, 2019 - 7:48pm

      The reason they didn’t complain about jelly babies is that they are a sweet, being used as a sweet. The issue with the kandyman is very different. Bertie basset was a copyrighted, specifically created image designed to promote the companies products. What the BBC did was use that image, and change it without any attempt at gaining permission to do so. As has been pointed out, they would not have gained that permission as no company is going to allow their trademarked image to be turned into a murdering creature in a show that its target audience watched. When they did the Anne-droid in new who they gained permission first. Otherwise that character would not have appeared. Be grateful the lawyers for the company settled for payment and didn’t demand the scrapping of the story. Imagine that, they could have blocked any commercial release of the story. No book, no VHS, no DVD. Just a legal minefield surrounding a little story that could have been solved by someone saying, should we check we can do this character in this form?

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2019 - 12:32pm

    Great news, except for my bank balance and loft.

    What’s going on with the Rare Daleks? We should have had another release around 160, right? We are still paying for them (those subscribers that opted in) so we should get 2 by the time figure 170 comes out – or have I missed another memo?

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 1:01pm

      160 was meant to be another rare dalek stand iirc

    • Gareth Pugh

      December 28th, 2019 - 4:08pm

      Yeah, 160 is a second gold plinth (which was due in November, then December – they put a slip of paper in with 160/161 explaining it was late and to expect it in December, but it didn’t turn up then either; hopefully January). 170 should be another rare Dalek, what TBC.

  • Daz

    December 28th, 2019 - 12:20pm

    Give us a Clara! Give me a Clara! I need a Clara!

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 4:08pm

      Definitely need a Clara!

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 5:04pm

      face the raven/ under the lake/ zygon invasion clara

  • Hi

    December 28th, 2019 - 11:55am

    I hope for a
    And a
    Varga planet

    • Eaglemoss Master Plan

      December 28th, 2019 - 6:26pm

      I’d be happy with just the one Varga plant, no need for an entire planet

    • Negative_Matter

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:32pm

      A few of those Masterplan delegates would make a nice change from all those new who figures.

    • jackelezzzz

      December 28th, 2019 - 8:47pm

      it would be nice to see a set of those

  • Stewart

    December 28th, 2019 - 11:28am

    This news will be greeted with two differing opinions in my house – my wife will be not happy – myself I’m more than happy for them to extend it again 🙂

  • Doug Who

    December 28th, 2019 - 11:27am

    So pleased this has been officially confirmed – it’s simply the best range of Doctor Who merchandise ever released in my opinion. So looking forward to more classic monsters and new ones we have yet to see in the upcoming series.

    Thanks to Neil for keeping in direct contact with us and to Booboo for keeping the site updated with so much invaluable info! It really is very much appreciated. All best wishes for 2020!

  • MickeySmith07

    December 28th, 2019 - 11:23am

    Amazing! More welcome as such a great job is done on this collection. Anyone know when the next subscriber delivery is due?

  • dazzleshell

    December 28th, 2019 - 11:02am

    Excellent News! Loving how varied the collection is. And if I can get at least a couple more Daleks too I am happy.

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2019 - 10:51am

    I hope this collection gets extended again!!!!!!!!

  • prototype dalek

    December 28th, 2019 - 10:43am

    Great news, will look forward to seeing what we get next year.

  • Anonymous

    December 28th, 2019 - 9:18am


  • Eaglemoss Hound

    December 28th, 2019 - 9:16am


    • Roheen

      December 28th, 2019 - 11:34am

      They need to stop at 180 to 200

    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 12:16pm


    • Anonymous

      December 28th, 2019 - 12:17pm

      Why do they need to stop? There’s still loads they can do

    • Alvin

      December 30th, 2019 - 12:54pm

      I don’t understand these people saying the collection needs to stop. If they don’t want anymore then can easily stop collecting, there are plenty of fans enjoying this collection who want it to continue.

    • booboo

      December 30th, 2019 - 1:01pm

      problem is if it stops there will probably never ever be another chance to get as a complete history as possible. I can understand how space may become and issue for some people though.

    • Chris Howarth

      December 30th, 2019 - 2:04pm

      Nope, they don’t need to stop until: a) there are no more figures left to make, or b) it’s no longer financially viable to keep making them.

      There are loads of great characters still to be produced! I hope the range continues until they’ve exhausted all possibilities.

    • The Ergon

      December 30th, 2019 - 5:22pm

      Makes me wonder what the last one could be. It would have to be a case of save a ‘great one’ for last otherwise it could feel like the poor last one to be picked.

  • 1

    December 28th, 2019 - 8:49am



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