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January 1st, 2016 632 comments

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Doctor Who 12th Doctor 5.5″ Figure in White Shirt

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Doctor Who follows the adventures of the last Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who simply goes by the name “The Doctor”. At the end of the 2013 season, The Doctor regenerated into his new form and new personality, and is portrayed by legendary Scottish actor Peter Capaldi.


This new incarnation, the Twelfth Doctor, is a spiky, brusque, pragmatic, yet funny, passionate and fearless character who travels with his companion, Clara Oswald. His adventures with (and without) Clara in the 2014 season lead him to make tough and ruthless decisions that make him question his character and the value of his travels.

This all new 5 inch tall figure showcases the new look The Doctor takes on after the regeneration, featuring his now signature dark blue Crombie-style coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a long collared white shirt buttoned to the top with no tie, and brogue boots. He also comes with his trusty sonic screwdriver.


Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Exterminator

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:43pm

    I might wait and get the purple shirt one or even the polka dot version.

  • Nobody in particular

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:41pm

    Just pre-ordered one! Shall be adding a waistcoat to him though

  • The Silent Silent

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:36pm

    I will be ordering another time of the Doctor Set to Get the Extra Capaldi Head πŸ™‚

  • Trenzalore1502

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:26pm

    I’ve bought mine, I really look forward to receiving it!

  • Darren

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:17pm

    Might seem a daft question but with this being an FPi exclusive will it only be over the internet or will it be in there stores as well? Just want to know before pre-ordering seeing FPi wasn’t at the 50th convention at the excel (the other forbidden planet was) they might not be at the festival this year in November, thanks

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:21pm

      i would imagine stores as well, nothing has ever been an on-line exclusive as far as i know

    • Anonymous

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:23pm

      The problem is 70% of people live no where near a store and are forced to buy online paying an extra Β£3.50.

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:25pm

      that doesn’t just apply to these though, no one near me keeps the 3.75″ figures either

      high street presence toy wise is very limited these days

    • Anonymous

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:54pm

      True but with non exclusives you can often get from BBC who do not charge for UK delivery. So we are being forced to buy these from a retailer who has very few outlets and charge to deliver. So the price is Β£18.50 unless you are lucky enough to live near a store.

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 2:07pm

      rather strange you bring this up as all recent 5″ releases have been FP exclusives where you have had to pay post, what makes this one so different

      BBC shop have not kept the last few waves of 3.75″ figures either so have had to pay for post of these as well

    • Anonymous

      July 21st, 2015 - 4:10pm

      True…I think its because I didn’t mind paying for those sets esp the War Doctor and Time of the Doctor sets…I would have payed double for those – some real effort had gone into those sets…real collectors pieces they were….not just a copy of something we have already had in 3.75.

      I feel its a disappointing set so annoyed I have to pay to get it delivered…just saying.

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 4:18pm

      I doubt this figure costs any less to make than any of the others though

      Its clear to me the 5″ line as we knew it had come to and and this “reboot”, warts and all is needed to lead to other things down the line, providing people buy into them that is

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:09pm

    For the price its ok, exactly what i was expecting. However i’m going to hold fire until other places get in the other ones. Plus I do feel for a collector series item it should come with 4-5 accessories not just a sonic. Theres so many they could do! The 2Dis, Proton Pack, more hands, etc.

  • Rebel Whovian

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:04pm

    Just pre ordered it. By the time it gets here, it will be Christmas.

  • Anonymous

    July 21st, 2015 - 1:03pm


    • wholords2

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:11pm


  • Anonymous

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:52pm

    This site is still the best for the absolute latest figure news….I never miss out on anything now πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:48pm

    Β£18.50 (inc P&P) for 1 figure and no accessories or even an accurate sculpt and outfit…but as with most collectors I will have to order this (as they well know). CO/UT (whoever)…you need to offer us more than a cheap scaled up version of the 3.75 figure if you want to double the price.

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:08pm

      This and the 3.75″ figure are DOWNSCALED from a 1:1 digital scan

      where people are getting this upscaled from the 3.75″ figure business from is beyond me

      outfit is accurate it appeared on screen, albeit for a few second

    • Anonymous

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:17pm

      Well they need a new digital scanning machine because this scuplt looks nothing like Peter Capaldi. What was wrong with the Time of the Doctor sculpt? The costume is a lazy effort…I expect more from 5 inch releases now we knly get 2 or 3 a year. Last few releases have been brilliant….this is a step backwards.

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:26pm

      same one as they have ;always had and this would have to be PC / BBC approved anyway

  • Anonymous

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:36pm

    How does Β£8.99 turn into Β£14.99!

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 1:04pm


      when retailers like woolworths were around and Argos, toys r us and the like wanted them they made 10’s of thousands of the things

      now its only a few 1000 so they cost a lot more to make, its not rocket science

  • booboo

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:34pm

    Looks like this one is an Underground Toys exclusive

  • wholords2

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:34pm

    They’ve changed the date from the 30th September to the 31st October!

    • wholords2

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:36pm

      Am I going mad or is this true?

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:36pm

      the last ones went up months in advance, doesn’t surprise me

  • David

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:31pm

    Awesome, ordered

    now bring on the rest…

  • Trenzalore

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:22pm

    Don’t know why they’ve released the most dull one first. Doesn’t seem up to the same standard as other recent 5″ releases so I probably won’t get this but excited to see the other variants, is it likely they also will be exclusive to different places like the Doctor Who Experience and BBC Shop?

    • Colin the 3rd

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:31pm

      its the best one for customizers i would say and you can never tell anything from promos anyway

      I think it will look fine

      Real problem is Capladi’s costume is a bit bland anyway

    • Trenzalore

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:40pm

      Good point about the customizing but I normally just buy them to put on a shelf.

      It will probably look much better in hand. Never understood that, really it should look better in the pictures to make you buy it (like they do with a new McDonalds burger)

      And this version of his costume is the most dullest, that’s why I think they should have shown a different one first or maybe added the waistcoat ❓

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:56pm

      i only display them as well

      there are an awful lot of customizers out there though who probably cant wait to get their paint brushed out

      waistcoat would probably mean new tooling and separate production run adding to the cost to much

    • Gareth Pugh

      July 21st, 2015 - 7:38pm

      It’s been said that 2 (at least) of the 4 will be exclusive to particular stores: now we know one of those is to be Forbidden Planet International (the address – not to be confused with .com or the stores which are, now, a separate company – which means that this white shirt variant may in effect be mail order only), and I wouldn’t be surprised if, for the UK, the other retailer was BBC Shop.

      Funny, I wasn’t expecting the white shirt (as – to my mind and other people’s, it seems! – it’s the nearest thing to his ‘main’ S8 look) to be one of the exclusive/restricted distribution variants. Guessing the polka dot one would be the other, perhaps.

  • Nathan

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:20pm

    Love that it’s got red lining!! Gonna pre-order later today!

    • Nathan

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:22pm

      Sorry to bother you booboo but do you know if there are any 10% off coupons or anything with forbidden planet at present?

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:23pm

      no they never do any that i know of

    • Nathan

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:24pm

      Ok cheers

  • Still Not Ginger

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:17pm

    Does it have the red lining?

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:18pm


    • Still Not Ginger

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:19pm

      okay good thank you

  • Mango

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:15pm


  • The Silent Silent

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:11pm

    Should I pre-order this ??

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:11pm

      depends if you want it

  • PandoricaOwner

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:08pm

    Might get the polka dot version when available instead

  • Isos

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:07pm


  • ILoveSonicScrewdrivers

    July 21st, 2015 - 12:07pm

    Watch them go out of stock in 2 minutes

    • booboo

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:08pm

      dont think that will happen

  • Nobody in particular

    July 15th, 2015 - 5:18pm

    I really hate that the waistcoat hasn’t been included. I know for customizers like me it would be easy to add in, but that’s not the point. If it’s meant to be a ‘collector’ figure, it should be an item that would look right on a collector’s display. The lack of waistcoat just makes it look bland

  • Tjmov

    July 15th, 2015 - 5:13pm

    As much as I am really excited for this release, it does just look like a scaled up version of the 3.75″ figure – what’s going on with the head? It’s like they captured his likeness really well with the Time Of The Doctor set and then went back on themselves!

    • Anonymous

      July 15th, 2015 - 5:16pm

      I couldn’t agree more….this is a massive disappointment. Hardly worth of the ‘collectors’ title.

  • Merlin

    July 15th, 2015 - 5:12pm

    I bet it will look great in-hand, the pictures never do it justice. Looking forward to these immensely, especially the purple shirt version.

  • Jamie

    July 15th, 2015 - 5:12pm

    Looks about how I would expect to be honest! These figure almost always look better in hand.

  • AlexanderOP

    July 15th, 2015 - 4:57pm

    It really does feel like something huge is missing from the figure without a waistcoat/jacket, it just looks so plain. It’s a good thing I wanted to get the holey jumper figure, but that one looks like the holes are giant splodges of white paint…
    I really hate to dislike these figures after waiting so long for them :/

    • the astronaut of death

      July 15th, 2015 - 5:00pm


    • Dant97

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:29pm

      There isn’t a holey jumper one, that’s the polka dot shirt from kill the moon.

  • Atimelord852

    July 15th, 2015 - 4:55pm

    This is really good

  • the astronaut of death

    July 15th, 2015 - 4:51pm

    Booboo do you think it will have the same head peg hole as the time of the Doctor figure?

    • booboo

      July 15th, 2015 - 4:53pm

      i dont know, someone has said it has but not seen it myself

  • the astronaut of death

    July 15th, 2015 - 4:47pm

    I think I’m going to get it…. But I’m going to try and switch the head round with the time of the Doctor 12th Doctor head.

    I don’t get why they couldn’t include the waste coat though….

    • wholords2

      July 21st, 2015 - 12:22pm

      Maybe were gonna get a waistcoat one seperatly

    • DS

      July 21st, 2015 - 2:20pm

      I pre-ordered mine today.

      It is a shame that the waistcoat is not included but as this is to launch (or relaunch the scale depending on how you look at it), it does make sense that they wanted to keep production costs down.
      Especially, as this scale is not being purchased by retailers on mass like the good old days.

      There are some advantages though, this sculpt has enabled them to produce four variations of the 12th Doctor as he appeared on screen.

      For those that display figures in their packaging it would be nice for a cardigan/waistcoat to feature in the future.
      For others, this does leave room for the figure to be customised to include the waistcoat and this is not an arduous customisation either.

      We might see as this collectors series progresses that the quality also improves as with other series.
      I really appreciated the quality of the TOTD Capaldi head sculpt even though I wasn’t a huge fan of the facial expression and amid concerns over the quality of this head sculpt, the truth is many of us have not seen it yet.
      Put simply these things can be better in person and if not, may improve with future releases.

      Also, sometimes the issue is not with the head scan e.g. some of the repaints can undermine the quality of the head sculpt, I felt this with some of the re-released toys r us 5 inch classics.
      The present sculpts are scaled down to 5 and 3.75 inch figures from scans not the other way around so again the range may see additional head scans in the future.

      There have also been comparisons with the price and the quality of the TOTD and DOTD sets with the alternative head accessories, moment, handles etc.
      These were special sets and were also probably released with cost considerations – there was a long wait for the TOTD set and neither set was released alongside other figures in the range I believe.
      e.g. A Night of the doctor eighth doctor which would have incurred further production expense.
      (I hope that as manufacturers and consumers reinvest in this range we will see a release of this figure but I digress)

      This time we know we are getting x4 12th doctors, x1 Clara and the curator with accessories expressing the production investment.

      The postage costs related to this product are a factor for some.
      I always try to make multiple/bulk orders but that is somewhat dependent on what is available e.g. this year due to stock availability and release dates for example I have had to make three orders incurring higher postage.
      Equally, if you wait too long sometimes products you wanted go out of stock so better to get it out of the way.
      This could be said of many products and retailers so perhaps can be negated to some extent.

      Overall, I am happy to see a devoted scale figure for the 12th Doctor not only for my existing collection but also hoping that this collectors series receives a loyal consumer base which will enable it to improve and for us to see useful releases.
      So I feel a measure of patience is needed.

      A standing question is what the collectors series might bring; it has been suggested that a missy figure and the night of the doctor eighth doctor are plausible.
      However, in some respects these are retrospective now (the curator) so might we see the Television Movie Seventh Doctor (with hat and serious face) or the Eric Roberts Master??

      The collectors series has the potential to enhance collections without over producing figures that won’t sell or incur massive production costs but it seems it has to start slowly.

      So happy this product was available for pre order, I thought it would be a longer wait πŸ™‚

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