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August 4th, 2013 1,481 comments

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Doctor Who 3.75″ Wave 1 Action Figures

Doctor Who 3.75-inch action figures (Series 7)

Regenerate your collection with the Doctor Who 3.75-inch scale action figures. A great gift for fans of any age, these highly detailed, realistic and poseable action figures include characters from Doctor Who Series 7.


Re-enact scenes from the hit series or create your own adventures; help the Eleventh Doctor and Clara as they travel across space and time battling some famous foes like the supreme beings that are the Daleks, the terrifying Weeping Angels, vast Cybermen armies, and one of his oldest and coldest enemies…the Ice Warriors!


Each character also has its own Doctor Who display base (Dalek action figures do not include display base) One supplied. For ages 5 years and over.








Categorised under: Doctor Who 3.75″ scale figures, Toys



  • Scott the Raptor

    May 15th, 2013 - 3:16pm

    WOW!!! I think I will order The Doctor, Ice Warrior and Cyberman first. They look brilliant!


    May 15th, 2013 - 2:45pm

    when are they out is there a specific date and what stores ?

  • Scott

    May 15th, 2013 - 1:41pm

    Hmm they look alright, would say the problem is that the doctors head seems a little too small for his body, but I’m still going to buy him you can’t have a companion without a doctor, like you can’t have the doctor without a companion.

    • Scott

      May 15th, 2013 - 1:53pm

      I know what he looks like when someone makes a custom figure out of a different figures head!

    • McGann is the Doctor

      May 15th, 2013 - 3:06pm

      You CAN have a Doctor without a companion, lol.

    • Scott the Raptor

      May 16th, 2013 - 7:49am

      Yeah. He didn’t have a companion in The Deadly Assassin.

  • Justjeulin

    May 15th, 2013 - 1:37pm

    Not a big fan of the Doctor and Clara figures tbh.
    Was there really a point in changing the Cyberman figure? It looked much better at the Toy Fair. The Ice Warrior and the Dalek look…okay.

    Not sure if I’ll get these.

  • dcameron1997

    May 15th, 2013 - 1:35pm

    I want to see them release an electronic tardis playset now!!

  • Andrew

    May 15th, 2013 - 1:14pm

    They look awful, im glad they meant for kids and that we still have 5′ for classics, I think the Doctor and cyberman are the worst! the best is the Ice warrior only because he looks half decent!

    • booboo

      May 15th, 2013 - 1:19pm

      I will wait until i see them in hand, so many 5″ figures looked awful in pictures but looked fine when you have them.

      I have seen people blowing up these images 4-5 times their actual size so they are not going Look good

      Try doing that with the Eaglemoss Doctor figurine – then you will really will see something awful

    • Andrew

      May 15th, 2013 - 1:44pm

      I agreee that they can look better in hand, and tbh Clara looks ok, but that cyberman, his head looks like the holes for his eyes and mouth were just poked out by someone who ahdnt a clue. Character are usually good with likeness, but to screw up Matt Smith, the doctor would be a bit silly, especially as that costume is the better one, and I hope we get that in a nice 5′ for the new 11 doctors set.

    • Ace Mccoy

      May 16th, 2013 - 4:53pm

      I think the Clara is the worst

    • the astronaut of death

      July 17th, 2013 - 5:25pm

      I took a risk when I got them but it was a good choice because when I got them in hand they are brill


    May 15th, 2013 - 1:14pm

    There really is no point in saying I won’t get these. They look pretty decent, even if they are a step-down from the 5″ line. When are they out Booboo?

    • booboo

      May 15th, 2013 - 1:15pm

      sites seem to be saying 29th


    May 15th, 2013 - 1:11pm

    I honestly can’t figure (no pun intended)out why they’ve included a weeping angel in this wave.

    • A New Dalek Paradigm

      May 15th, 2013 - 2:30pm

      Probably for the same reason they included a Dalek to give fans something from the first part of Series 7.

  • McGann is the Doctor

    May 15th, 2013 - 12:49pm

    The Doctor looks great apart from his eyes. Him face does look wierd, it looks like they’ve gone to italy and gotten the tall nerdy puppy-eyed buy and dressed him up as the Doctor.

    Hopefully there will be more Doctor figures and an electronic Tardis interior ❗


    May 15th, 2013 - 12:48pm

    You can order them now on Forbidden Planet £6.99 each,Long awaited want more to collect had all the 5inch figures before they took up to much room,hope this collection of 3.75 inch figures do very well.These people who colect the 5inch Doctor Who figures just dont want the 3.75inch to do well

  • Andrew

    May 15th, 2013 - 12:41pm

    The new figure of Matt Smith’s Dr in the new purple-coloured outfit and the Clara figure looks like a massive disappointment!!

    They seem to lack the incredible detail that made previous Character Option releases worth buying (eg 18th season Tom Baker figure)

    What a wasted opportunity! Sorry guys, I won’t be buying them

  • DarkknightDalek

    May 15th, 2013 - 12:40pm

    this has not persuaded me to get them.The doctor looks terrible.

  • Sebatron

    May 15th, 2013 - 12:25pm

    They look great! I can’t wait till I get to see them in hand

  • drjakeyoung

    May 15th, 2013 - 12:07pm

    i know this is only a height change, but because of that, and the fact they are not compatible with the 5″ figures, and because these are not as good quality, i will personally consider these as a different company make. Who knows, i might buy one! But i will wait to see in shops before blindly pre ordering one without knowing the quality control.

  • The Silence

    May 15th, 2013 - 11:23am

    The Ice Warrior in the packaging look like it needs the toilet.

    • cyberman2

      May 15th, 2013 - 3:45pm

      i noticed that too 😆

    • cyberman6

      May 16th, 2013 - 4:33pm

      cyberman2 we have a close name i am cyberman6

  • Hellbelly

    May 15th, 2013 - 11:20am

    According to Character Options on Facebook, out middle of next month.

  • Callum Metcalfe

    May 15th, 2013 - 11:19am

    The Doctor and Clara aren’t too good.
    Cybermen and Weeping Angel look okay.
    Dalek and Ice Warrior look very good.

    I’ll have to see what they are like in real life before purchasing them.

    • booboo

      May 15th, 2013 - 11:20am

      I learnt a long time ago never to judge until you see them in hand

  • Polarity Creative

    May 15th, 2013 - 11:18am

    Not too bad.. Smith could be better but they’ve caught the slight cheeky grin of Clara. Might grab a couple.


    May 15th, 2013 - 11:02am

    These look Terrible the only one that looks worth getting is the Ice Warrior
    And they cant say highly detailed actions figures on their packaging anymore cause clearly they are not highly detailed!
    So disappointed in the change, why do they have to change things, why can they not just leave things the way they are and keep everyone happy!!?

    • booboo

      May 15th, 2013 - 11:05am

      Because not enough people were buying them.

      Were back to basics toys and sets to play with.

    • King Ninja

      May 15th, 2013 - 11:20am

      Better this way than the alternitive…no Dr Who toys at all…I’m excited that we’ve got figures for this series! They might be small but, hey, there’s quite a few of them, I like the playset idea and at least they’re being made! PLEASE people buy them or we won’t have Dr Who figures at all! As for 5 inch, the classics are still being manufactured that way so, presumably, the classics manage to sell more!- Maybe because of adult collectors?

    • Anonymous

      May 15th, 2013 - 11:43am

      Given Doctor Who’s popularity do you honestly think there wouldn’t be Doctor Who toys if CO weren’t making them? There are loads of toy companies out there that would want the licence.

      Of course there is a good chance another company would have gone straight for the 3 3/4” scale anyway.

  • PandoricaOwner

    May 15th, 2013 - 10:44am

    They’re up on forbidden planet, going to order two figures and a set or three figures: 1.What should I do? 2.What figures/set should I get to kick-off my collection?

    • Dan Johnson

      May 15th, 2013 - 6:33pm

      I’d get Clara,Ice Warrior and the Cold War set! 🙂

    • Scott the Raptor

      May 15th, 2013 - 10:11pm

      I’d get The Doctor and an Ice Warrior and get the Cold War Playset. I think you’re better with The Doctor than a companion.

  • charliec3po

    May 15th, 2013 - 10:43am

    i cant wait to get these figures and review them on youtube 🙂

  • Ian

    May 15th, 2013 - 10:26am

    Not impressed, Clara looks fat in the face, the Cyberman looks cross eyed!

    • Mels

      May 15th, 2013 - 10:50am

      The faces do look a little odd – but that’s to be expected after staring at the 5 inch range for years.

      I’ll reserve my final judgement of these until I physically have them in hand… sometimes these sorts of figures just look better in ‘the flesh’ so to speak. :p

  • HalfPintOfInnes

    May 15th, 2013 - 10:25am

    Always looked forward to these, ever since they were announced, and I stand by what I said back then. I will definitely be Pre-ordering these as soon as they are up, along with all the sets. I do plan to follow this range, okay, they’re not the best figures ever manufactured at this size, but they do look really nice! I’m glad they included bases, like the Character Building figures as we have all had that incident when your figures do a domino effect off your display cabinet, so hopefully these will keep them up. Really impressed!

    • HalfPintOfInnes

      May 15th, 2013 - 10:30am

      Well these are up on Forbidden Planet for Pre-order! Does anyone know the box ratios? Tempted to just buy a box of figures in the chance of getting a rare and selling on the duplicates, does anyone also know what any of these rare figures are yet? Or heard anything about them? Still not 100% clear on how they are working it.

  • TheWhomobile

    May 15th, 2013 - 10:11am

    I’m only going to get the ice warrior as I’m just not satisfied with the general quality of the others. However, I might stretch to the cyberman if I see it in a shop and it looks good though.

  • Da Big Friendly Button

    May 15th, 2013 - 9:42am

    5 months later I can finally say this, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • the ergon

    May 15th, 2013 - 9:41am

    the 5 inch doctor had a better likeness, but overall their fine,

  • Time Lord 85

    May 15th, 2013 - 9:22am

    Nice one, are they up for pre-order on any sites yet? 🙂

    • booboo

      May 15th, 2013 - 9:24am

      soon i would think

    • Time Lord 85

      May 15th, 2013 - 9:27am

      Excellent! Thank you

    • HarryReeves2000

      May 15th, 2013 - 9:17pm

      forbidden planet International have got them for pre-order.


    May 15th, 2013 - 9:13am

    The finished product looks fine to me.By the way Argos is still advertising that over the top price for the Tardis,they’ll never shift them at that price.

  • Andy Hall

    May 15th, 2013 - 9:08am

    Fantastic! Wish they were 5 inch but it aint to be. When are these out???

    • Jordan

      May 15th, 2013 - 6:38pm

      Late May early June

  • TheMadManWithABox1

    May 15th, 2013 - 9:02am

    Yay there here!


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