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July 25th, 2018 29 comments

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Doctor Who Titans 6.5″ SDCC 2018 13th Doctor

Available to order while stocks last in the UK from

Also available to order while stocks last in the UK from

Available to order while stocks last in the USA from

Also available to order while stocks last in the USA from

Titan Entertainment are thrilled to debut our collectible TITANS incarnation of the Thirteenth Doctor in two different styles styles: classic and Kawaii!

Freshly-regenerated for SDCC 2018, the new Doctor is sporting her brand new long blue coat, colourful rainbow top and suspenders as a both a 6.5” window-boxed classic TITAN and a 6.5” window-boxed Kawaii TITAN!

“Oh, brilliant!”

Categorised under: Titan vinyl figures, Toys



  • Anonymous

    July 31st, 2018 - 2:33am

    Amazon not available at the moment 🙁

  • Judooning

    July 30th, 2018 - 12:27pm

    Love it. It really is a brilliant sculpt when compared to the previous doctors in this line

  • mick

    July 29th, 2018 - 11:36am

    got mine yesterday the face sculpt is very good

  • Judooning

    July 27th, 2018 - 2:12pm

    Mine was dispatched today

    • Sambot22

      July 27th, 2018 - 4:33pm

      Same here

  • Joe 90

    July 25th, 2018 - 7:29pm

    Showing back in stock and available to order on FP website at £19.99

  • Judooning

    July 23rd, 2018 - 11:51am

    Ordered. I’m bombarding myself with all the 13th doctor merchandise and I might not even like her yet haha

    • Dean Wells

      July 23rd, 2018 - 1:28pm

      Same here!!!

  • Judooning

    July 23rd, 2018 - 10:40am

    Sold out already?

    • booboo

      July 23rd, 2018 - 10:43am

      must be something wrong they only just put it on

  • The Friend

    July 13th, 2018 - 4:05am

    I personally think is genuinely a horrendous sculpt…

    • Lets do knitting

      July 13th, 2018 - 6:03am

      Looking at your other comment you ( and some other posters) clearly don’t realize these are stylized figures and are suppose to look like that with exaggerated and oversized features

      The likeness is spot on for this product as collectors who know this range have already said.

    • The Friend

      July 14th, 2018 - 4:36am

      Clearly don’t realise? You know I collect these titans, right? So I do perfectly realise how these are styled, which is why I think they’ve done such a terrible job. I mean… just look at it. It’s horrendous. Jodie is obviously beautiful and all the rest, but in terms of facial features, as someone else has said below, why on earth would you exaggerate the nose and the lips? It just looks so bad!

    • Dean Wells

      July 15th, 2018 - 6:05pm

      Strange. I think this is one of the best Doctor sculpts Titan have ever done.
      To each their own, I suppose…

  • The Flying Shark

    July 11th, 2018 - 6:51pm

    Will there be another blind boxed wave released during or after Series 11? Also, what happened to the Master Collection?

    • booboo

      July 11th, 2018 - 6:53pm

      gut feeling is the master collection may evolve and include 13th would explain the 4 missing figures i suppose

  • Adam

    July 11th, 2018 - 5:43pm

    Like it. Can’t wait for the 3″ version!

  • Anonymous

    July 11th, 2018 - 5:42pm

    Woah, this actually looks a lot like Jodie!!

    • The Friend

      July 13th, 2018 - 4:06am

      This doesn’t look like Jodie at all! The funko pop looks more like her than this does. This looks like a random blonde woman. The nose is blown out of proportion, as are the lips.

    • TheAgeOfUltron

      July 13th, 2018 - 6:36am

      The Friend why do you keep posting the same thing on people who like the design’s comments. If they like it they can like it why do you need to try make everyone believe it’s awful. Which for the style it really isn’t.

    • Anonymous

      July 23rd, 2018 - 7:36pm

      Agreed TheAgeOfUltron. The likeness is fantastic in my opinion!

  • Dean Wells

    July 11th, 2018 - 2:46pm

    Best Titan ever!

  • whovian

    July 11th, 2018 - 2:38pm

    Definitely like the doll figure a lot better

  • Ginger Winger

    July 11th, 2018 - 2:36pm

    This likeness is incredible!

  • Euan Bird

    July 11th, 2018 - 1:37pm

    Personally I think this is very bad likeness to Jodie

    • Anonymous

      July 11th, 2018 - 1:59pm

      Better than the Funko Pop though :p

    • Tyler Prescott

      July 11th, 2018 - 7:24pm

      I agree it’s not a very good likeness. The Funko Pop also doesn’t have all her features, but they’re stylised in a certain way, and that’s as close as you could get it within that style. Her face just seems to big in the Titan figure.

    • AllOfWho

      July 13th, 2018 - 7:48am

      From side on she looks fine, but when facing forwards it’s obvious that the nose is far too big. I understand Titan vinyl figures have a certain style and that features are often exaggerated, but Jodie doesn’t have a big nose anyway so why exaggerate it?

  • Anonymous

    July 11th, 2018 - 1:35pm

    This might be the best Vinyl of any kind I’ve seen released!


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