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October 16th, 2014 231 comments

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Doctor Who 12th Doctor Touch Control Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who – 12th Doctor Touch Control Sonic Screwdriver

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This faithful copy of the Doctor’s trusty Sonic Device has spring loaded extending action and unique touch activation.

Hold index finger against lower side of the Control Collar and touch thumb to the top surface to activate sound and light FX which operate in both closed and extended positions. Open the cap at the end of the Screwdriver to reveal the removable power core. Requires 3 x 1.5v L1154 batteries (included). For ages 5 years and over.



Categorised under: General toys, Toys



  • Jp

    July 24th, 2019 - 4:00am

    What size batteries does it need

    • booboo

      July 24th, 2019 - 6:55am

      Requires 3 x 1.5v L1154 batteries

  • Neitha

    August 5th, 2018 - 12:17am

    I have one question how on earth can I change the batteries on this?

  • Midnight_Prowler101

    May 11th, 2017 - 1:12am

    i don’t like this design. after a while the light doesn’t work in closed position, the touch control decides when to work and when not to. and the battery compartment is too difficult to handle with. the only cool thing is the power core. but that leads to even more disappointments. like that the sonic works when the power core is removed and that the power core doesn’t light up. i just don’t like this design.

  • Lewis knight

    March 30th, 2017 - 3:47pm

    How do you remove the batteries​ iv tried everything but i can’t get them out please help

    • The Living Snowman

      March 30th, 2017 - 5:47pm

      Try prying them out with your nail, or a thin screwdriver (That usually works for me) Be careful though!

    • The Living Snowman

      March 30th, 2017 - 5:48pm

      …that’s after you open the battery compartment on the back, of course πŸ™‚

  • Drew Spicer

    March 25th, 2016 - 9:59am

    If you need to have a triangle head screwdriver you can make one . Get a file and a old star head and shape it to a triangle head and it works plus I am only 9

  • Drew Spicer

    March 25th, 2016 - 9:53am

    I love doctor who and I have. A touch sonic it is great but why not hide the. Battery compartment oh and make it flick

  • The Living Shadow

    April 1st, 2015 - 1:50pm

    Everything about mine is now broken; the soundchip broke, then the extension feature broke (it’s could no longer close as the wire got tangled with the screw), and now the LED has stopped working. On top of this one of the silver panels snapped, two claws stay shut, and a lot of the paint has chipped off. I don’t even take it outside my house! Ah well, it was a nice little product while it lasted πŸ™‚

    • Doctorwhofan561

      June 15th, 2015 - 8:39pm

      My sound chip broke and the LED as well hate it

    • Drew Spicer

      March 25th, 2016 - 10:05am

      I feel sorry for you mine is doing the same but. I don’t. Use it much I can fix it

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