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January 12th, 2016 6 comments

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Cubicle 7 The Eleventh Doctor Sourcebook

The Doctor Who RPG and associated books are available to order from

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When Amelia Pond was seven-years old, she had an imaginary friend – the raggedy Doctor who crashed into her garden in his blue box. When she grew up, on the night before her wedding, her imaginary friend came back to take her on the adventure of a lifetime.

Travel to Venice, into the heart of a crashed spaceship, visit the White House and Area 51 and journey to the centre of the TARDIS. Save the world, get married, meet the TARDIS in human form and team up with past incarnations to save Gallifrey… but what doom awaits on the Fields of Trenzalore?


This Sourcebook for The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game explores the Eleventh Doctor’s adventures on Earth and beyond.

With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that he encounters, as well as examining each of his adventures, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show!

Just remember – bow ties are cool.

256 pages, full colour, hardcover.
Written by Morgan Davie, Andrew Kenrick and Ron D Webster.

Categorised under: Games, General



  • Mr vector

    January 27th, 2016 - 4:34pm

    what’s inside?:~/

  • Phil

    January 13th, 2016 - 3:02am

    RPG’s are like boardgames only without the board, and instead of pieces you the player are the piece. You and your friends basically playact, you can be The Doctor and your friend can be Clara the companion or You could be Napoleon or Batman or any other fantasy you might have at which point you and your friends engage in imagination like small children playing cops and robbers or Cowboys and Indians. The only difference is dice and some instructions which a group of 5 year olds don’t need because they run off 100% imagination…and sugar, lots of sugar;)

    • Docfan2000

      January 13th, 2016 - 7:32am

      Oh, thanks

  • Docfan2000

    January 12th, 2016 - 6:58pm

    Could someone please explain to me these roleplaying games?

    • Phil

      January 13th, 2016 - 2:48am

      Like, roleplaying games in general? Or this particular book and it’s purpose?

    • Docfan2000

      January 13th, 2016 - 7:31am


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