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June 17th, 2011 115 comments

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Character Building Doctor Who Army Builder Packs

Dalek Army Builder Pack

EXTERMINATE! The Daleks were born without any ability to feel compassion or pity and are motivated only by hate, fear and an implacable belief that they are the superior creatures in the Universe.

Re-create epic battles with the Eleventh Doctor or build your own army of Daleks. Includes 5 Dalek Drone micro-figures. 5+


Cyberman Army Builder Pack

DELETE! The Cybermen were originally human beings, but gradually they replaced their weak mortal flesh with metal and plastic. In the process they lost their compassion, along with all other emotions. Cybermen seek to ‘delete’ all who stand in their way, and can electrocute with their touch.

Re-create epic battles with the Eleventh Doctor or build your own army of Cybermen. Includes 5 fully articulated Cyberman micro-figures with Doctor Who display base. 5+


Weeping Angel Army Builder Pack

DON’T BLINK! Possessing a natural and unique defence mechanism, the Angels are quantum locked.

This means that they can only move when no other living creature, including their own kind, is looking at them. As soon as they are observed, they instantly turn to stone and cannot be killed.

The Angels have the ability to send other beings into the past. This allows the Angels to feed on the potential time energy of what would have been the rest of their victim’s lives.

Re-create epic battles with the Eleventh Doctor or build your own army of Weeping Angels. Includes 5 fully articulated Weeping Angel micro-figures with Doctor Who display base. 5+


Categorised under: Character Building, Toys



  • Liason Ice

    October 6th, 2011 - 10:45am

    I reckon that the next mini sets should be:
    1. TARDIS Corridors with Old Rory and Dead Rory figures.
    2. The Cyberman ship from ‘Closing Time’ with damaged Cybermen.
    3. Hitlers Office with Hitler, Doctor in coat, Amy, Rory, and Mels with a swappable River head.

    and if we had a army pack: Silents

    • Sam

      October 8th, 2011 - 10:02am

      yeah id love an army pack of silence id definitely buy it

    • I’m the doctor

      February 2nd, 2012 - 8:00pm

      they can’t have hitler as on the market if they were advertising the set with a picture of all the characters then it would be offensive to jewish people

  • stillnotginger

    August 31st, 2011 - 5:42pm

    There is no point making dalek army building packs yet because we have only seen one drone so far. 🙄

    • Liason Ice

      October 6th, 2011 - 10:46am

      In the Adventure Games there were hundreds

  • whofan4ever

    August 4th, 2011 - 12:03pm

    i want one of the stolen earth ep with davros 10th d and 2 old gold daleks

    now there is and idea

  • Sebatron

    July 30th, 2011 - 7:16am

    Just got a cyber-man set today because the ABC shop didn’t have any daleks. I drew on black on the handles to make a cyber-leader. I’m getting a TARDIS on Wednesday.

    • Booboo Jr Jr ( Victini Forever )

      September 6th, 2011 - 3:34pm

      well argos have a special set of cybermen

    • meirion thomas

      September 15th, 2011 - 8:18am

      nice work i`d fancy doing that

    • Droney

      January 20th, 2012 - 9:30pm

      Well the ABC shop has the cyberman set with the cyberleader and the 3 cyberman with pandorica guard cyberman.


    July 29th, 2011 - 9:30pm

    I am going to get the dalek set next week.
    I got the tardis amy and the doctor.

  • dalek galt

    July 29th, 2011 - 8:27pm

    i want a clasic dalek set what do you think should be in it?

    • Nicholas

      July 29th, 2011 - 8:33pm

      maybe a davros set

    • Sebatron

      July 30th, 2011 - 7:18am

      a dalek mutant?

    • dalek105

      August 3rd, 2011 - 9:35am

      yeah i want 1963 movie daleks

    • Liason Ice

      October 7th, 2011 - 3:42am

      Classic Dalek Army with Davros
      Classic Cybermen Army from Earthshock
      Sea Devils Army with Bonus Master.

  • milesman1000

    July 29th, 2011 - 6:13pm

    all of this cool dr who stuff is released all just a few days before my birthday which is on august the second and i will be 11!!!

    • Nicholas

      July 29th, 2011 - 8:34pm

      4 days to go

  • MadmanWithABox

    July 29th, 2011 - 2:09pm

    booboo guess what i went into my local argos today and they had a cyberman 5 figure pck in except it came with a cyberleader with his brain showing and a pandorica opens cyberman with no arm so awesome, but they cant sell them till tommorow (SATURDAY) because they’re not registered on the computers

    • MadmanWithABox

      July 29th, 2011 - 2:10pm

      they had an early stock shipment

    • booboo

      July 29th, 2011 - 2:14pm

      yes i knew that was coming they are in the figures lists, will pick one up tomorrow i hope

    • MadmanWithABox

      July 29th, 2011 - 2:17pm

      yeah me too they look great, do you think there will be any more exclusives in the catalogue?

    • booboo

      July 29th, 2011 - 2:50pm

      i haven’t heard of any

  • doccywho11

    July 24th, 2011 - 9:54pm

    WOW! I really wan’t one of these! !) I wish they did scientist and strategist battle packs as well, cause more people would buy em cause of their variarity, that way CO will be loaded!

    • FlameLord

      September 18th, 2011 - 11:19am

      you mean army building packs but yeah they should do a pack with 2 scientists 1 strategist(its not really rare or anything) and 2 drones

    • Anonymous

      September 18th, 2011 - 11:24am

      It does make sense, but knowing CO it will be limited to 100 or something riddiculous even though they could make more from selling them normally.

  • Sebatron

    July 23rd, 2011 - 12:44am

    These have been seen in ABC shops in Australia for $14.99
    Has anyone seen other sets in Australia?

  • bowtiemadjacob

    July 22nd, 2011 - 8:43pm

    Hey guys I saw these in my local TRU but no dalek drone sets 🙁

  • drwhocbreviews

    July 14th, 2011 - 11:04am

    hey do you know if they sell these in TOYS R US SCOTLAND???? coz i live about half hours drive away and don’t want to waste and hour for nothing!!!!!!! or has anyone bought theres from TOYS R US????

    • booboo

      July 14th, 2011 - 11:06am

      you could always ring and find out

    • drwhocbreviews

      July 14th, 2011 - 11:13am

      thanks =)

    • Anonymous

      July 14th, 2011 - 7:04pm

      Well it depends which one you are talking about there are several Toys R Us shops in Scotland.

    • drwhocbreviews

      July 14th, 2011 - 7:44pm

      YAY i got all 3 of them today!!! LML 🙂 they are amazing i now have over 30 micro-figures 🙂

  • DALEK2626

    July 5th, 2011 - 5:37am

    Just got mine today. I live in australia and I can’t believe we’ve already got them in the shops! There just brilliant figures though aren’t they!

  • DoctorWhoDW

    July 2nd, 2011 - 3:07pm

    are these out now???? in scotland???? anyone now if you do PLEASE HELP!!!!

    • booboo

      July 2nd, 2011 - 3:13pm

      they are out now, dont know about Scotland, which town are you in?

    • DoctorWhoDW

      July 2nd, 2011 - 3:16pm

      im just outside glasgow ????

    • booboo

      July 2nd, 2011 - 3:17pm


      Forbidden Planet Glasgow
      168 Buchanan Street
      G1 2LW
      Phone: 0141 331 1215

    • DoctorWhoDW

      July 2nd, 2011 - 3:29pm

      thanks!!!!!! 🙂

  • toochwood

    July 1st, 2011 - 3:59pm

    insted they should do all the othere daleks yellow white orange blue red nstead oh haing to get them in blind packs and do 2 diff mini figs for the blind pack

  • DoctorWhoDW

    June 25th, 2011 - 3:11am

    has anyone got this yet coz some places are sayin there already out n if ya do where did you get it????

    • booboo

      June 25th, 2011 - 7:14am

      only the Dalek set is out

    • DoctorWhoDW

      June 26th, 2011 - 4:50pm

      when are the others gonna be out then???

    • booboo

      June 26th, 2011 - 5:04pm

      they are out now

    • DoctorWhoDW

      June 26th, 2011 - 9:47pm

      yay do you know if they are in tescos or argos????

    • booboo

      June 26th, 2011 - 9:54pm

      I have only seen them in one place at the moment, ebay

    • Mels

      June 27th, 2011 - 4:05am

      They came into stock at CO last week…
      As for bricks and mortar stores… no idea.

    • jordan

      August 6th, 2011 - 5:09pm

      they only do the single figs in tesco, just picked up a strategist today


  • megahorsefan

    June 18th, 2011 - 8:34am

    these are SO cute!!!!!! 😀 😀

    • jordan

      August 6th, 2011 - 5:09pm


  • JDo88

    June 18th, 2011 - 7:27am

    Hi I make animations with these and put them on toyou tube.

    • Callum Metcalfe

      June 18th, 2011 - 9:13am

      Could you send a link for these.

    • booboo

      June 18th, 2011 - 9:14am

      what’s your user name or can you link to one?

    • JDo88

      June 20th, 2011 - 5:03pm

      search “Jakesmithofficial”
      and the thumbnail will pop up.

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