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March 30th, 2020 170 comments

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Character 5.5″ 13th Doctor Electronic Tardis

Available to order from

Also available to order from and

The Doctor Who Thirteenth Doctor Tardis is a replica of the Tardis feautred in the iconic TV Sci Fi series. This Electronic Tardis has multiple features including opening doors and ‘take off’ and ‘landing’ light plus Sound FX. In the TV Series the Tardis Reconfigured itself for the Thirteenth Doctor with a striking new crystalline and Honeycomb detailed control room.

Above image is our own.

The exterior is also subtly different with a darker, greener blue, a black information sign and a bright blue signal lights. The Electronic Tardis is a must have item for all Doctor Who fans and collectors and features classic Doctor Who style packaging.

  • Replica of the Tardis featured in the iconic TV Sci Fi series.
  • Opening Doors
  • With ‘take off’ and ‘landing’ light
  • Sound FX
  • This is a must have item for all Doctor Who fans and collectors and features classic Doctor Who style packaging

Please note Tardis does not contain a card interior, other pictures circulating of this item have a custom interior to demonstrate you can print out and fit one yourself if required.

Categorised under: Doctor Who 5" scale figures, Toys



  • Exterminator

    March 31st, 2020 - 12:09pm

    I’ve ordered one and I’m glad I waited for the price to come down. £17.99 is a much more reasonable price. Yes the toy industry is suffering but so are we consumers.

    Ordered it with another Recon Dalek for £9.99 just to qualify for the free p&p.

    By the way, it’s limited to one Tardis per customer on Amazon for some reason.

  • Andrew T

    March 31st, 2020 - 11:18am

    Strange question, but does anyone know if there are box protectors (like the Funko Pop! protectors) available for either the 13th Doctor TARDIS or the B&M sets?

    I’ve collected all the TARDIS sets (yep including the Electronic versions of the 4th, 1st and 7th) and would love to put some of my unopened ones on display but worry about general buildup of dust and grease.

    • BrunoB

      March 31st, 2020 - 1:50pm

      I don’t think there are any specially made for those, but there’s box protectors of different sizes, so you’d be able to use them for those toys.

    • Anonymous

      March 31st, 2020 - 4:58pm

      What is the point of buying something to not open it and leave it on display?

      Genuine question, not trying to be rude.


  • Mark Worgan

    March 31st, 2020 - 9:23am

    Is it not possible that the proce drop is due to people spending money on other items during the covid19 outbreak.

    Jodies era is not popular with the outspoken, but still has a huge following.

    • booboo

      March 31st, 2020 - 9:31am

      many many factors that probably being one of them, also i do not believe the inaccuracies have stopped the vast majority from buying, a few core collectors and those who make customs certainly but those lost sales would be no where near enough to make fully blown 13th Tardis viable.

    • Doctor Stu

      March 31st, 2020 - 3:21pm

      A huge following is hardly true anymore, the viewing figures are atrocious and half of those are made up of people who don’t even like the show anymore they just watch to complain

  • Bob James

    March 30th, 2020 - 8:11pm

    Are some people, perhaps, finally catching a whiff that perhaps (?) virtually NO ONE wants this Chibnall/Whittaker era merch? They can sell some Classic Doctor and Classic Doctor/Tardis sets, but the “sale price” just keeps coming on these. I swear there is a mass delusion about Doctor Who and its current success or lack thereof. It’s not just merch interest fading. It’s the last gasps of Doctor Who, in ratings, merch, and REALITY.

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 8:27pm

      I bought stuff from the new series because I enjoy the Chibnall/Whittaker era and I know others have too.
      Items do get reduced after a time, also not as many people buy toys like they once did.
      Some fans are also put off with the drop in quality from Character as this is NOT a great version of 13th’s Tardis, I made my own screen accurate version for example.

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 8:35pm

      Nope, I love this era, I like the new figures but the Tardis isn’t accurate which bothers some. I made my own which looks better.
      Jodie rules!

    • Oscar Denman

      March 30th, 2020 - 9:42pm

      There’s no denying that there is a huge lack of demand for s11-12 figures. At least compared to eras which have come beforehand.
      You can like the Jodie era as much as you want (I don’t mind it) , but would you rather have a Tim Shaw figure or a wheel in space cyberman? See where I’m coming from? Supply and demand. The jodie era just doesn’t provide enough memorable, marketable monsters.

    • Anonymous

      March 30th, 2020 - 9:52pm

      It’s not fair to say no one like the Chibnall/Jodie era, cause millions actual do. But it doesn’t mean the merch isn’t selling. You have no idea how these are selling and, furthermore, I also saw a general decrease in the prices for a ton of other Who merch unrelated to the current era. Wanna explain that?

      Also, the B&M stuff is completely different. They are much more limited both in quantity and availability, so people are more likely to want to buy them anyway, and maybe leave the main wave of series 12 later as they know they’ll be available for longer.

      No one is under a delusion either. Member of the BBC said themselves they are completely happy with the shows direction. Just cause toys aren’t selling doesn’t mean the show is dead. Barely anyone bought the figures from the series 6 wave during it’s huge success abroad, or the 3.75 wave during the shows 50th anniversary (and arguably the most popular it’s ever been). Doesn’t mean the show was dying, does it?

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 11:46pm

      Oscar, yes as far as series 11 there are not as many monsters, series 12 however has plenty but the toy market is not confident enough to produce many of them now. The Judoon is a remould as is the Tardis and Graham is just a new head on a old body. The action figure market is nothing like it was during Tennant’s era when you even had figures of minor characters nobody really wanted even then.
      They wouldn’t even be able to produce a new “Wheel Cyberman” now as that’s a new mould and they wouldn’t sell enough even if fans demand them it’s still not enough units, we got the Nemesis versions again because that already exists. Glad you don’t mind the new era, I enjoy it because it’s Doctor Who and I never enjoyed Matt Smith as much as I should we all have different reactions to different eras but we all love the same show.

  • GallifreyanKnight

    March 30th, 2020 - 6:17pm

    I guess they had more stock than they needed due to people not wanting an inaccurate and half finished TARDIS.

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 8:31pm

      I think you are right, if they made a proper version it would have been more desirable.
      I don’t want this because I made my own from a old 11th Doctor box and I like it more.
      Characters Tardis quality dropped after the tenth Doctor’s Tardis came later versions had the lights inside stripped out and the paint looked like cheap plastic.

    • Anonymous

      March 30th, 2020 - 9:41pm

      @Dalek Z I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame character options. The reason for a decline in quality is because it’s becoming more expensive to produce, and cause of very tight bugeting restrictions based on how much they are expected to sell for. Literally the only way we would get a TARDIS is by reusing old assets. They tried to make a new one, but that would be to expensive to mass produce. It’s either inaccuracies in order to actual produce stuff, or nothing at all – I know which i prefer.

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 11:57pm

      I understand that totally they are reacting to the market which is different to how it was ten years ago, I don’t blame Character for that don’t get me wrong but aiming toys at kids for a low price is maybe the wrong way to go now.
      Most of these “toys” are for adult collectors in reality and adults would buy more accurate versions if character made them for adult collectors and charged more for them. I see lots of action figures that are very well made and cost three times the price of these and are only bought by collectors not by parents I guess. There was a peak with Doctor Who toys and then character dropped the quality to save money which is fair and we are lucky they do them at all, I just don’t want people saying they don’t sell because of the show, it’s the toy market that’s to blame.

    • Anonymous

      March 31st, 2020 - 12:27am

      @Dalek Z no worries that’s completely fair. The market is so dry atm because there hasn’t been a huge demand for figures for a long time. I’d have loved a more accurate TARDIS, but the problem is supply is either too low or too risky to produce something entirely new. Each wave has a strict limit to how much it can be produced, based on the most sustainable price to which it sells. I also imagine a good chunk of that budget went to the Recon Dalek.

      And I agree with you, the issue isn’t necessarily with the show, but the toy market. The figure range peaked around Series 4, and began really declining by Series 6. But thats also notable as the show was extremly popular atm, so its clearer there that a demand for figures was at a low.

      Unlike say the Black Series figures produced by Hasbro for Star Wars, they have a much more popular franchise to sell to. Even if they have a lot of remaining stock, it doesn’t hit them hard as they have so many other brands and funding to take a hit. Whereas Doctor Who doesn’t guarantee any stability for Character Options. If they pumped loads into completely new figures, that would cost them a lot. And if the wave isn’t successful, they take a huge hit. Sure, they produce a lot of other stuff, but it’s likely not as cost heavy as Doctor Who merch.

    • BrunoB

      March 31st, 2020 - 1:53pm

      An inaccurate Tardis is better than no Tardis at all, which is what would have happened otherwise.

  • Stanley Gleed

    March 30th, 2020 - 3:27pm

    I’m sorry but I’m still not getting it. It looks in accurate, it’s not as strong as the previous TARDIS’ and is weak as the recent B&M sets, it looks weird when displayed next to the other Modern TARDIS’ and they couldn’t be bothered to put a Interior card in it. The Classic TARDIS’ Don’t need Interior cards because you couldn’t see into them but the Modern TARDIS’ have always had them. It’s just so lazy. And their excuses for this was that they didn’t want to make a new sculpt?! LAZY!!! I know this is a vain plea but if you haven’t already, please don’t buy. Buy stuff from Character which has had actual effort put into it, like The 13th Dr figure, the Recon Dalek and the Judoon Captain. And if you have already bought it, compare it to products of the past, review it and voice your true opinions. It is only through voicing are opinions, will Character listen.

    • Dalek Z

      March 31st, 2020 - 12:04am

      Stanley I made my own from a 11th Doctor Tardis from eBay, I cut notches in the posts, printed a new interior and repainted it in a different shade of blue and it looks awesome!
      I appreciate not everyone is competent at customising stuff and mine cost twice the price of this toy in paint and printing alone but I knew it would look weird next to the new Tardis’ on the self as it’s not big enough and the windows are the wrong shape. For a kid or casual viewer it’s fine but if it’s going next to the 12 I have it’s got to look right but that’s because I’m a collector.

    • Anonymous

      March 31st, 2020 - 12:32am

      I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame character options. The reason for a decline in quality is because it’s becoming more expensive to produce, and because of very tight budgeting restrictions based on how much they are expected to sell for. Literally the only way we would get a TARDIS is by reusing old assets. They ACTUALLY TRIED to make a new one, but that was too expensive to mass produce. Not laziness. The interior card was also confirmed to be cut due to budget restraints. As for the actual quality of the box, you’re wrong. It’s far more denser and feels far more quality than the B&M ones. They aren’t really weak, but they do feel cheaper by comparison. It’s either inaccuracies in order to actual produce stuff, or nothing at all – I know which i prefer.

    • Dalek Z

      March 31st, 2020 - 12:10pm

      Yes I saw the prototype it looked pretty good, it’s a shame they were no able to do that version.
      If this was 2006 we would have got a proper new tooled version now it’s either nothing or reuse what they have already invested in so you get a hybrid and re-issues of previous toys.
      Dapol made a good living doing that for most of the 1990’s.

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    March 30th, 2020 - 2:49pm

    Thanks booboo! I’ve snapped up the Dalek and Graham for £9.99 each and thought I would finally get At Childhood’s End! Nice little parcel to look forward to in the coming days.

  • Grant

    March 30th, 2020 - 8:56am

    For anyone still needing this, its currently £17.99 on Amazon Prime. Glad I waited a wee bit before picking it up!

    • booboo

      March 30th, 2020 - 9:13am

      surprised its reduced so early, will let people know

    • Darren

      March 30th, 2020 - 12:50pm

      The new 13th Doctor, and Graham figures are discounted too

    • Bobby Davros

      March 30th, 2020 - 1:56pm

      In my Forbidden Planet last time I checked they had dozens of these stacked up unsold. Clearly an unfortunate victim of the declining popularity of the show and the casual collector refusing to pay ten pounds more than they could get a similar looking toy from B and M.

    • David

      March 30th, 2020 - 2:31pm

      some of figures are down to £9.99 on amazon also

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 8:39pm

      Bobby, not many people buy toys now it’s not the same as ten years ago. The show is still doing okay read…

    • Dalek Z

      March 30th, 2020 - 8:42pm

      Kids don’t buy as many toys now, Adults do but they want screen accurate models…this is a cheap mash up compared to previous versions.

  • Steve

    March 7th, 2020 - 12:33pm

    Just found five of these in my local Toymaster, well pleased. Enjoyed looking through them and choosing which one I wanted, checking such things as the sign stickers are straight, the paint job is all good, no flaws on the windows and box in good condition. Big part of the enjoyment for me. Can’t check much or at leisure in Argos!
    Thought I would post this although the collective interest of DW fans seems to be over on the new B&M sets now lol !

  • The Monitor

    February 29th, 2020 - 12:44pm

    I have just bought this TARDIS from FP for £24.99. This was the Southampton branch. Had about 6 there if that helps anyone.

  • Anonymous

    February 19th, 2020 - 5:44pm

    Is there anywhere to buy the 12th Doctor Tardis?

    • Doctorbendisco

      February 25th, 2020 - 2:50pm

      Try eBay I got one from there

  • Nate

    February 19th, 2020 - 6:12am

    Any idea when this will be available in the US?

    • Anonymous

      February 19th, 2020 - 1:41pm

      They won’t be! Character Options do not have the Licence for the US anymore.The only way of purchase is through one of the companies listed or ebay. Unless of course a company in the US decide’s to import stock in? WHO America may have some stock – You would have to check with them?

    • Bob James

      March 30th, 2020 - 8:14pm IS importing whatever they can on all of these new figures and sets. I suggest you go there and grab them while you can.

  • Steve

    February 17th, 2020 - 12:51pm

    Great to see these coming into Argos!
    I went into my two local stores this morning and each had one in. I decided to hold off though, as both had damage to the box. One had a big dent on the side and the other one would have reached me fine but the plastic got scrunched and left dented as the assistant lifted it off a big pile of boxes he was carrying on way to me lol. Being an in-box collector and already having one from Forbidden Planet i’m going to wait til they get new stock in and hopefully will be able to get one with a box in good condition

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    February 16th, 2020 - 4:22pm

    Picked mine up today from Argos! So didn’t have to travel to far at all!
    I must say with all the inaccuracy it still manages to represent the box very well. I am tempted to try a custom to compare. But for now, i’m happy.

  • dazzleshell

    February 16th, 2020 - 11:37am

    With it looking like we won’t see Series 13 til Autumn 2021 and the Dalek Xmas 2020/New Year’s Day 2021 special already filmed…

    Do you think we won’t see any further 13th related figures til then. As they seem to hold them back for when show is on air.

    Filming for Series 13 expected to start in August/September 2020.

    • Anonymous

      February 16th, 2020 - 12:25pm


    • Anonymous

      February 19th, 2020 - 5:17pm

      If these figures do well then there could be potentially another release around Christmas/New Year time to coincide with the special. But they don’t seem to work logically so who knows?

  • Sambot22

    February 14th, 2020 - 2:15pm

    Argos are now stocking this TARDIS, however it is not yet listed on the website or the app. The catalogue number is 714/7368 if you go into a store with this number and ask at the till they should have it on stock or if not they should be able to order one in. The price is £25, all my local stores have stock apart from inside Sainsbury’s. If anybody wants me to check stock I can of you tell me the store name I can check next time I’m at work. I am going to ask why it’s not online yet.

    • booboo

      February 14th, 2020 - 2:44pm

      good to see they are keeping it and presumably the figures as well

    • Anonymous

      February 15th, 2020 - 8:06am

      The listings now up on the website

    • Sambot22

      February 15th, 2020 - 3:15pm

      The new 13th doctor figure is listed so I assume Argos will stock the rest too, stock of the 13th doctor is due at the beginning of march.

    • Anonymous

      February 16th, 2020 - 1:09pm

      Yes it’s on the website but sold out everywhere

    • booboo

      February 16th, 2020 - 1:11pm

      not sold out none have arrived yet

  • McCoyBoah

    February 13th, 2020 - 10:53am

    Where can i get the interior card at?

  • Mr a

    February 12th, 2020 - 10:17pm

    I found the insert you posted to be the perfect size! Please can you direct me to where I can find inserts of the Tardis control room for the 3rd dr and 4th st b&m sets. They are also empty and I would love to do those next. Thank you

    • booboo

      February 12th, 2020 - 10:28pm

      we are going to look at those, really pleased so many have used the 13th Tarsis background

    • Anonymous

      February 23rd, 2020 - 3:08pm

      Tardis I think you mean Booboo!
      (I’m not trying to be rude)

    • Independently cross

      February 27th, 2020 - 6:04pm

      Yeah, that interior was an excellent and really appreciated idea, Booboo. Thanks for the effort there!
      (Would love other interiors, too, obviously, but of course there’s only so much time.) Really grateful.

  • Steve

    February 11th, 2020 - 11:29pm

    Mine arrived from Forbidden Planet last Friday. Very pleased to have one so early. Being so used to the scramble of getting the B&M sets I really enjoyed being able to order online at proper retail price.
    Seeing it now in person I do like it. I know the sculpt is not entirely accurate, it being a reuse of a classic box, but I think they’ve done the best they can with it given the budget they had. There’s enough unique reworked features on it to make it original enough and satisfying as a 13th Doctor’s TARDIS. It does looks classy in the box, and I like the darker greener blue, and silver window frames and appreciate the effort of the resculpted roof, lantern and door sign. I was initially disappointed when I heard this TARDIS wasn’t going to have an interior light, as having a TARDIS lit from the inside, as in the 10th and 12th Doctors’ Electronic Flight Control TARDISes, is what gives it a magical quality. But it being a reuse of a classic Electronic box this is what we get, and it’s just nice have a release of a 13th Doctor’s Tardis. Only the fourth best of the four Electronic modern TARDISes maybe from a light and sound point of view, but I still like the way it looks, and I’m pleased we got it.
    I can’t see these coming into any shops in my local area. We don’t have a Forbidden Planet, and the last general release of the 13th Doctor figure only came into Argos and Toymaster here. I don’t think either will stock this TARDIS (though I will continue to check), but maybe the other figures will come in at the end of the month. I want the Dalek in particular.

    • Independently cross

      February 27th, 2020 - 6:15pm

      I like it a lot, but still not sure why they used the mould of the classic box they’ve been customising lately, when my suspicion is that it should be the size of the 9th/10th, 11th and 12th boxes. I don’t need a new mould, I completely understand the necessity to retool as easily as possible, so have no problem with just sprucing up the existing mould- but from the outside it feels as easy to customise a new series mould as a classic series one? I might be completely wrong about the scale, but my impression is, in real life, 13’s TARDIS is the same scale as the last (new/modern) boxes. If that’s so, my only complaint is that they didn’t customise the mould of, say, 12’s instead of customising the mould of the classic boxes. (I actually hope I’m wrong and 13’s box in real life has reverted to a smaller scale, though, which makes this box as accurate as I’d be happy with.) Anyway, still looks very, very nice, just appears too small next to the others.

    • Steve

      March 7th, 2020 - 12:20pm

      I totally agree. I wish they had used the bigger modern TARDIS sculpt, which I get the impression is more of the right size, and has the correct squarer windows! Plus could have had the beautiful interior lighting too, maybe even given the light an orange tint.
      I’ve decided I can’t display this new TARDIS alongside the earlier 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors’ TARDISes because of the difference in size, particularly the incorrect smaller (rectangular) windows!!

  • Independently cross

    February 10th, 2020 - 9:48pm

    Any reason they’ve used the classic mould as the base for this rather than the modern TARDIS mould (other than that the classic has been the one most customised for B&M lately)? Is the actual 13th’s TARDIS (in real life) a smaller model than War/9/10/11/12 (ie.more to scale with classic models)? Perfectly happy with any other compromise just to get it, but it would seem a weird decision to scale it wrong when we all know we line up our collections. Not a particular moan and obviously won’t stop me getting it, but just wondered how inaccurate it is.

    • booboo

      February 11th, 2020 - 8:41am

      sadly there wasn’t enough demand to warrant an entirely new Tardis and the Classic one was the easier to adapt and get it somewhere near

    • Independently cross

      February 28th, 2020 - 6:21pm

      Ah. Mentioned a few times on here that my only issue with this was the scale.
      Completely understood that it wasn’t economically viable to give us a completely new mould (as was prototyped)- but I couldn’t understand why the existing mould they chose to customise for this was a classic TARDIS rather than a new series TARDIS (as Character obviously had both as a base available to alter). I thought 13’s TARDIS was actually ‘new series’ in size.
      Having done some research now, I see the prop’s actually neither ‘classic’ size or ‘modern’ size, but somewhere in between the two (not as thin as the classic, not as wide as the modern- but wide enough to make the window frame more squared than the classic- and, overall, roughly the height of the modern), which is a real complication, meaning neither existing model really fits 13. Awkward.
      As I’ve said before, I still really like this- almost everything else is brilliant- colour’s great, decal is great, new roof and lantern/light is great, texture is great (if maybe a tiny bit too ‘concrete’ for 13 as it’s a classic base; though the really, really wooden texture of the modern bases would maybe be a compromise for this model, too, so it’s no problem at all). Fine with the lack of grooves on the posts or the window texture, as much as we’d all love 100% accuracy. The interior lights were lovely on 9/10 and 12, but obviously quite an extra expense, so no complaint about the loss of them… So my only issue at all is the scale, then- especially that the windows sit a touch too low and seem so thin compared to the width of the current prop, which is especially noticable when the figure’s at the door-
      but, basically, I can now see why that was so difficult to resolve. Real shame the actual prop has changed to this size, I suppose.

      Anyway- Hopefully in future this model gives us a great ‘tvm’ 8 and the modern base can give us a great ‘night of’ 8/War via B&M, as both have existing figure moulds to accompany them, too. I suspect an 8th Tardis and a ‘TV movie’ 8th Doctor would be very popular with collectors- it’s often a fan suggestion- but maybe including the figures of both the ‘Night of’ 8th Doctor AND the War Doctor with the War Doctor TARDIS could allow them to charge an extra fiver or so for that one and make it more of a must for collectors, as the ‘Night of’ figure still seems quite sought after. In theory, they could bump up the price and collectorbility of the TV movie TARDIS if they included the ‘Dark Eyes’/Big Finish 8th Doctor, too, I suspect- so two slightly more niche B&M sets that have the collectorbility of the Dalek/Doctor sets that sold so quickly recently, with a sight bump in price for only the effort of paint apps on the TARDIS’.
      (I’d actually love an ’empty’ reissue of the 9/10 TARDIS so I can give 9 and 10 one each, too, rather than them share, if I’m wishing. And some empty/non sound/light reissues of the previous Forbidden Planet exclusives would be amazing, because I only ever got the Hartnell at that time. It’s great seeing specific variants like the Shada etc lately, but I personally think there’s still as much money to be made from reissuing the basics like those standard 4 and 7 etc cheaply before even worrying about minor alts, with no need to kit bash or repaint new figures when the basics can accompany these again happily.)
      By which time, we’d probably be ready for a ‘Ruth Doctor’ with a Hartnell reissue.
      Anyway, just future wishes that easily fit in with the way Character has to provide product at minimal cost/effort, while, I think, still satisfying the core base they have to attract at B&M.

      (I’ve also seen the suggestion on here, that I think is great, to include the TARDIS interiors to cut out and insert yourself in future- makes way more sense to me to print that on the interior card they sit the model into inside the packaging, rather than the ‘scene’ they print onto that card. Those are nice, but they’re too big to use as a display if you have a few out, anyway, so I just fold ’em away and never see them again. If the interior was printed on that it adds no extra cost or effort at the production level, so makes absolute sense to me.)

      Anyway- that’s my last little rant on this TARDIS- really lovely except for the scale, and I genuinely don’t know what the solution would be to that. I suspect, over time, sitting with it, some of us would have rathered a modern base, some the classic as chosen- but there’s no ideal solution. I think, as much as I’d have moaned to myself, I’d probably have rathered pay an extra tenner and had it the right size, but I doubt enough others would to even make that viable. (Of course, in an ideal world, I’d have loved enough to sell to warrant the new mould without a major price hike, too, particularly if this current prop size is used by the next Doctor, too; but absolutely not on the cards, of course).
      Anyway, I suspect I sounded more critical of the scale dilemma until I fully understood it. I can see now why it’s such a difficult one.

  • Jordiwho

    February 10th, 2020 - 9:19pm

    Any idea where to get one in Australia?

    • Anonymous

      February 13th, 2020 - 1:33pm


  • Doctorbendisco

    February 10th, 2020 - 11:03am

    My tardis from forbidden planet has come today.

    • Gallifrey Falls No More

      February 10th, 2020 - 11:29am

      Same here!!!

  • Cook

    February 8th, 2020 - 3:27pm

    Forbidden Planet in Leicester has these on the shelf priced £27.99!! Sod that, I’ll wait for other shops to get them

    • Greg

      February 8th, 2020 - 10:47pm

      That’s got to be a mistake. The one I picked up from forbidden planet in London was £24.99

    • Cook

      February 8th, 2020 - 11:46pm

      I thought so too but the website says stores can set their own prices independently. Bit of a mick take if you ask me

    • Greg

      February 9th, 2020 - 11:17am

      That’s just ridiculous!

    • whovian

      February 9th, 2020 - 6:18pm

      Same in the Nottingham branch, only one TARDIS priced at £27.99.

      Even the action doll of the Doctor has gone up to £21.99, it’s £4.99 in some B&M stores though

    • Anonymous

      February 9th, 2020 - 7:59pm

      Hi just to let you know that argos will not be stocking these items

  • Mick

    February 8th, 2020 - 2:00pm

    Mine has arrived from forbidden planet today

  • The Living Shadow

    February 7th, 2020 - 7:52pm

    Got mine today! The blue colour is perfect and matches the show very well, and it’s nice to see lights and sounds again!

    The price does seem a little steep considering we’ve been spoilt by the glorious onslaught of beautiful B&M classic Tardis boxes which retail for £20 and come with a figure! Although for 13’s Tardis, the quality control seems to be better and, of course, lights and sounds are a great inclusion!

    Overall it looks fab on display on display next to the 13th Doctor figure, so I’m still happy I bought it, despite it being a teeny bit overpriced!

  • Demdike@CultLabs

    February 7th, 2020 - 4:58pm

    is there any news on these figures being sold in actual stores – Argos, Tesco etc as the original 5″ figures were or is it simply via online sellers?

    • booboo

      February 7th, 2020 - 5:07pm

      nothing, could change of course, but is suspect its lack of interest from the major chains as to why they had to compromise with the adapted classic Tardis rather than a brand new one.

    • When The Doctor Was Me

      February 7th, 2020 - 5:25pm

      I contacted Smyths. They said:-

      Unfortunately we don’t have any info on this range at the moment I’m afraid.
      Should the decision be made to stock these items then we’ll be sure to update our website accordingly so please do keep an eye out for any updates!

    • booboo

      February 7th, 2020 - 5:30pm

      In my experience CS very rarely know whats happening on the ground but Smyths have not done anything with Doctor Who really, Agros could add them still i suppose.

    • When The Doctor Was Me

      February 7th, 2020 - 5:40pm

      Maybe Sainsbury’s will stock if Argos do? Seeing as they are linked now?

    • booboo

      February 7th, 2020 - 5:43pm

      I’d hoped they might get to some big name stores, time will tell

    • Demdike@CultLabs

      February 7th, 2020 - 11:11pm

      Thank you for the replies.

  • whovian

    February 7th, 2020 - 12:56am

    I would really like to get this, but I just can’t justify spending £25 on what is essentially a plastic box with a sound chip of the TARDIS’ sound effect.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s really good that we have these new bits of merchandise coming out, I know times have changed and everything, but back in 2007-08, there was that set that contained the 10th Doctor, his flight control TARDIS, Martha Jones AND Captain Jack Harkness, and that was £25-£30, but that had 3 action figures and the electronic TARDIS.

    Plus with the backdrop that can be printed off, not all of us own a printer or can get to one. Hopefully it goes down in price over the next few months or so, because I think the most I would be willing to pay, (At a push), is around the £15 mark, and even then I’d be a bit reluctant, but I’m a collector, so guaranteed, when I actually find this in-store, my mind is just going to say “But I need it”.

    I guess this is just how it’s going to be from now on. Still want the companions though and yes, I know I’ve said negative things about Ryan & Yaz, but that’s the completionist in me.

    Hope everyone that wants these items can get them, but just don’t be tempted by the scalpers on selling sites like ebay, it’s just not worth paying more than the retail price

    • booboo

      February 7th, 2020 - 7:01pm

      ebay doesn’t come into this, plenty online, but much much lower protection from the “hay days” = higher prices, sorry but that’s the way it is

  • Anonymous

    February 6th, 2020 - 10:06pm

    Not at that price!

  • Darren

    February 6th, 2020 - 9:57pm

    Forbidden Planet Newcastle have stock 🙂

  • Doctor

    February 6th, 2020 - 7:55pm

    When do you think we will get official information on the b&m February wave

    • booboo

      February 6th, 2020 - 8:12pm

      no idea now, things have changed, just keep an eye on social media you are likely to hear about it first on there now.

    • Anonymous

      February 10th, 2020 - 7:36pm

      What figures will the new wave consist of? I’ve seen mentions of more Dalek sets, but will this be Big Finish again?

    • booboo

      February 10th, 2020 - 7:43pm

      i think so


