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Novelty Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Novelty

Christmas TARDIS Monitor Mate Bobble Head

Based on the Doctor Who sci-fi TV series.Santa brings a tiny TARDIS for your monitor! It’s pretty tough to top having a TARDIS sitting there on your monitor

6 24 Sep 2013

Doctor Who: Hidden Tardis Mug

Deep inside you mug the TARDIS is waiting to materialize! This cermaic mug has a TARDIS inside so whilst drinking the TARDIS will become visible. Make a drink…

19 17 Sep 2013

Second Doctor Ceramic 3D Mug – Picture

Enjoy a cup of tea with The Second Doctor. This Ceramic Mug is a 3D sculpt of the Second Doctor – Patrick Troughton – who played the role between 1966-1969….

17 4 Sep 2013

Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor Ceramic 3D Mug

Travel through time with the Eleventh Doctor every time you have a cup of coffee! This Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor Bust Figural Mug features Matt Smith’s…

63 25 Aug 2013

Doctor Who: Fourth Doctor Ceramic 3D Mug

The Fourth Doctor is the fourth incarnation of the protagonist of the long-running BBC television science fiction series Doctor Who. He was portrayed by Tom Baker…

15 25 Aug 2013

Sonic Screwdriver Talking Pizza Cutter

Now you can use Time Lord technology to slice your pizza! Based on the 11th Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, this is must have for any pizza loving Whovian out there!…

24 23 Aug 2013

Doctor Who Worlds in Time Merchandise

Doctor Who Worlds in Time Merchandise including A5 Notebook, Stationary Set, Aluminium Water Bottle and Worlds in Time Filled Pencil Case…

13 20 Aug 2013

Doctor Who: Ninth Doctor Ceramic 3D Mug

Enjoy a cup of tea with The Ninth Doctor. This Doctor Who Ceramic Mug is a 3D sculpt of the ninth Doctor – Christopher Eccleson – who played the role in 2005….

4 28 Jun 2013

