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Collectables Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Collectables

Big Chief 1:6 Scale The Sixth Doctor

Bursting into your Doctor Who collections, the Sixth Doctor arrives in his multi-coloured, multi-patterned and multi-layered outfit….

52 1 Oct 2020

Dr Who Figurine Collection #178 Davros

This Davros (Resurrection of the Daleks) Figurine captures the mad scientist as seen in the 1984 Fifth Doctor adventure “Resurrection of the Daleks”…

11 20 Aug 2020

Robert Harrop Ice Warrior Lord Izlyr

The Doctor and Jo make a test flight in the TARDIS and arrive on the planet Peladon. Materialising on the edge of a cliff below a castle…

75 31 Jul 2020

Hero Collector Blink Art Print

This Blink Art Print features artwork by Robert Hack, cover artist for the official Doctor Who comics, commemorating the classic…

0 22 May 2020

