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CD Category

Below are all the posts categorised under CD

Doctor Who and the War Games CD

In this exciting reading of a Doctor Who novelisation, first published by Target Books in 1979, the Doctor and his companions are faced by an evil…

3 14 Dec 2010

Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction CD

In this exciting reading of a Doctor Who novelisation, first published by Target Books in 1988, the Doctor and his companions are trapped inside the Tardis…

12 15 Nov 2010

Big Finish – An Earthy Child

Thirty years on from the Daleks’ invasion of Earth, the scars still haven’t healed. The survivors inhabit a world thrown back two hundred years…

4 10 Nov 2010

Big Finish – The Four Doctors

Big Finish – The Four Doctors – The four incarnations of the Doctor are faced with an army of Daleks. Available only to subscribers of the monthly Doctor Who range…

12 10 Nov 2010

Big Finish 142 -The Demons of Red Lodge

Big Finish 142 -Doctor Who: The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories A long, dark night in 17th century Suffolk for the TARDIS travellers…Released 31st Dec 2010

6 10 Nov 2010

Doctor Who: Demon Quest 5 – Sepulchre

Hot on the trail of Mrs Wibbsey, the Doctor and Mike arrive at their final destination. Who has lured them there, and why? On Sepulchre, all will be revealed…

9 22 Oct 2010

Doctor Who Series 5 CD Soundtrack

Silvascreen Doctor Who Series 5 original Soundtrack Tracklist with Murray Golds thoughts on the album. Due to be released on November 8th 2010..

98 21 Oct 2010

Doctor Who: Demon Quest 4 – Starfall

Demon Quest 4 – Starfall. It’s New York, 1976, and a meteorite has landed in Central Park. Alice Trefusis touches it and is given the powers of a superheroine…

10 19 Oct 2010

Doctor Who: The Essential Companion CD

The Essential Companion CD. A thrilling audio guide to the 2010 series of Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as his companion Amy…

15 11 Oct 2010

S J Adventures: Deadly Download

This is another exciting story written exclusively for audio and featuring Sarah Jane Smith alongside her friends Clyde, Luke, Rani and Mr. Smith…

10 28 Sep 2010

S J Adventures: Wraith World

This is another exciting story written exclusively for audio and featuring Sarah Jane Smith alongside her friends Clyde, Luke, Rani and Mr. Smith…

6 28 Sep 2010

Doctor Who: Demon Quest 3 – Shard of Ice

The Third of five exciting adventures – Reunited with Mike Yates, the Doctor heads further back in time, to an isolated European landscape of snow and ice…

5 8 Sep 2010

Coming of the Terraphiles Audio CD

Coming of the Terraphiles – There are dark tides running through the universe – so strong they swallow light and threaten Captain Cornelius’s familiar existence…

0 6 Aug 2010

