Doctor Who and the War Games CD
In this exciting reading of a Doctor Who novelisation, first published by Target Books in 1979, the Doctor and his companions are faced by an evil…
3 14 Dec 2010Below are all the posts categorised under CD
In this exciting reading of a Doctor Who novelisation, first published by Target Books in 1979, the Doctor and his companions are faced by an evil…
3 14 Dec 2010Big finish 143 The Crimes of Thomas Brewster
2 1 Dec 2010Christmas is a time for family, they say – which is why the Doctor has invited his grand-daughter Susan, and great-grandson Alex for Christmas dinner…
10 25 Nov 2010In this exciting reading of a Doctor Who novelisation, first published by Target Books in 1988, the Doctor and his companions are trapped inside the Tardis…
12 15 Nov 2010Deimos, moon of Mars – where Lord Slaadek’s plans to revive the ancient Ice Warrior civilisation hang by a thread. Only the Doctor can stop him…
8 10 Nov 2010Thirty years on from the Daleks’ invasion of Earth, the scars still haven’t healed. The survivors inhabit a world thrown back two hundred years…
4 10 Nov 2010Big Finish – The Four Doctors – The four incarnations of the Doctor are faced with an army of Daleks. Available only to subscribers of the monthly Doctor Who range…
12 10 Nov 2010Big Finish 142 -Doctor Who: The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories A long, dark night in 17th century Suffolk for the TARDIS travellers…Released 31st Dec 2010
6 10 Nov 2010Hot on the trail of Mrs Wibbsey, the Doctor and Mike arrive at their final destination. Who has lured them there, and why? On Sepulchre, all will be revealed…
9 22 Oct 2010Silvascreen Doctor Who Series 5 original Soundtrack Tracklist with Murray Golds thoughts on the album. Due to be released on November 8th 2010..
98 21 Oct 2010Demon Quest 4 – Starfall. It’s New York, 1976, and a meteorite has landed in Central Park. Alice Trefusis touches it and is given the powers of a superheroine…
10 19 Oct 2010The Essential Companion CD. A thrilling audio guide to the 2010 series of Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as his companion Amy…
15 11 Oct 2010This is another exciting story written exclusively for audio and featuring Sarah Jane Smith alongside her friends Clyde, Luke, Rani and Mr. Smith…
10 28 Sep 2010This is another exciting story written exclusively for audio and featuring Sarah Jane Smith alongside her friends Clyde, Luke, Rani and Mr. Smith…
6 28 Sep 2010The Third of five exciting adventures – Reunited with Mike Yates, the Doctor heads further back in time, to an isolated European landscape of snow and ice…
5 8 Sep 2010Murray Gold’s powerful score for Doctor Who is widely regarded as a major element in the revival of the BBC’s classic Award winning series.r…
55 10 Aug 2010Coming of the Terraphiles – There are dark tides running through the universe – so strong they swallow light and threaten Captain Cornelius’s familiar existence…
0 6 Aug 20108th Doctor 4.06 The Resurrection of Mars…
0 1 Aug 2010