Torchwood: The Men Who Sold the World
Torchwood: The Men Who Sold the World: A Prequel to Torchwood: Miracle Day. Audio CD Guy Adams (Author), John Telfer (Narrator) Released 14 May 2013…
3 13 Nov 2012Below are all the posts categorised under CD
Torchwood: The Men Who Sold the World: A Prequel to Torchwood: Miracle Day. Audio CD Guy Adams (Author), John Telfer (Narrator) Released 14 May 2013…
3 13 Nov 2012The Great War – The Doctor is heading to ‘the edge’ and beyond. But the Time Lords have other ideas. On Earth, during the First World War, Molly O’Sullivan…
93 11 Nov 2012Governments and scientists are bewildered and silent. The world needs Torchwood, but there’s not much of Torchwood left. Captain Jack Harkness has tracked…
0 10 Nov 2012Welcome to Tantane Spaceport – where the tribes of Business and Economy have been at war for all of four hundred years…
5 4 Nov 2012With Evelyn gone, the Doctor sets course for his destiny… in the form of his first meeting with Miss Melanie Bush, a computer programmer…
0 30 Oct 2012Leela is dead but her soul lives on. She has been reborn as a young girl, Emily, whose ‘imaginary friend’ tells her amazing tales about a great Wizard…
0 28 Oct 2012Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago are accustomed to the murky fog of Victorian London and the palatable pints of half and half at the Red Tavern…
10 25 Oct 2012Once before the Doctor battled the sadistic Rocket Men and once before he won. But when the dreaded pirates of the skies raid a remote frontier planet…
0 21 Oct 2012The Doctor, Romana and newly elected President Sheridan Moorkurk take on the all-consuming powers of business tycoon Cuthbert and his vast Conglomerate….
0 21 Oct 2012In the perfumed palace of an omnipotent Sultan, a girl must tell stories to keep the man she cares about from a cruel and horrible death. She spins…
0 21 Oct 2012Whilst sightseeing in Paris, 1979, the Doctor and Romana notice a series of unexplained temporal disturbances – ‘like a crack in time,’ as the Doctor puts it….
7 19 Oct 2012After a lifetime spent working on her secret project, Doctor Elehri Mussurana and her husband, Ernst Wharner, watch in awe as their experiment reaches…
25 19 Oct 2012The Sleepers in the Dust – On an apparently lifeless world, the Doctor and his friends battle against plague. Will they find the cause – and the cure?…
15 5 Oct 2012Having returned to their home planet Skaro, the Daleks are excavating their former city – but for what? The Doctor and Romana soon find themselves caught in …
28 27 Sep 2012One empire has fallen and another has taken its place. The race known as The Wrath are expanding into new territory. Only the Earth Empire stands…
0 15 Sep 2012Tom Baker stars as the Fourth Doctor in this TV soundtrack adventure by Douglas Adams, with linking narration by John Leeson. The TARDIS…
4 14 Sep 2012The Doctor lands thirty years after the Succession of Blood brought Empress Cheni to the throne. For most of her reign there has been peace…
0 10 Sep 2012The Drashani Empire – a galaxy-spanning civilisation, the glory of Rome set among the stars. But for decades now, the Royal Houses of Gadarel and Sorsha
0 9 Sep 2012