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CD Category

Below are all the posts categorised under CD

Big Finish 4th Doctor 4.08 Return to Telos

The Doctor reveals to Leela that they’re heading for the planet Telos. And K9 has new masters. On Telos, in the past, the Second Doctor and Jamie are exploring…

11 7 May 2015

Doctor Who The Two Doctors Audio CD

An unabridged reading of this classic novelisation of a Sixth Doctor TV adventure. Disturbed by the time travel experiments of the evil Dastari and Chessene…

5 28 Apr 2015

Doctor Who Short Trips 5.03 Time Tunnel

Reports are coming in to UNIT of trains emerging from a railway tunnel in Sussex, their passengers and drivers dead. The Doctor elects to drive a train…

1 6 Apr 2015

Big Finish 4th Doctor 4.05 Suburban Hell

Somewhere in a suburb of North London, there’s a crisis. More than a crisis, a positive disaster: Belinda and Ralph are expecting four for supper, and…

3 5 Apr 2015

Big Finish Eighth Doctor Doom Coalition 1

When one of Gallifrey’s most notorious criminals attempts to escape from prison, Cardinal Padrac turns for help to the Time Lord who put him there in the first place….

18 28 Mar 2015

