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CD Category

Below are all the posts categorised under CD

Who Talk Revenge of The Cybermen

After an absence of seven years, the Cybermen returned to the nation’s screens to battle brand new Doctor Tom Baker…

1 7 Jun 2018

Who Talk The Massacre

Based around the events leading up to the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572, The Massacre is a dark and dramatic serial…

1 7 Jun 2018

Big Finish Class Volume 02

Three new adventures for the students of Coal Hill Academy, based on the television series created by Patrick Ness…

18 31 May 2018

Big Finish Class Volume 01

Three new adventures for the students of Coal Hill Academy, based on the television series created by Patrick Ness….

20 31 May 2018

Big Finish 239 Iron Bright

It’s London, 1828, and the father-and-son team of Marc and Isambard Kingdom Brunel are masterminding a dangerous project…

29 19 Apr 2018

