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CD Category

Below are all the posts categorised under CD

BBV Faction Paradox Eternal Escape

Faction Paradox sees the Doctor Who universe embroiled in a devastating time war between the Great Houses and the Enemy, continuing the stories…

0 16 Jun 2021

Big Finish Doctor Who: Peladon

It’s 50 years since the Doctor first set foot on Peladon in Doctor Who, and the planet awaits adventure once more in January 2022.

8 10 Jun 2021

Big Finish Torchwood 53

In the far future of the Earth Empire, Torchwood is forgotten. So it’s a surprise when Zachary Cross Flane of the Torchwood Archive…

0 17 May 2021

Big Finish The Audio Novels 2 Watchers

We’re time-travelling back to 1981 for the second audiobook in the Doctor Who – The Audio Novels range, set for release in January 2022…

8 29 Apr 2021

