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Big Finish Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Big Finish

Big Finish – Jago and Litefoot Series Six

After returning to Victorian London, Jago and Litefoot are approached by the enigmatic Colonel and offered a role they cannot refuse – investigators by Royal Appointment…

12 22 Sep 2013

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 4.01

Somewhere far back in the early days of the universe the TARDIS lands on a world lit by a dying sun. Missing from the Doctor’s star maps and dotted with strange…

2 22 Sep 2013

Big Finish 179 1963: The Space Race

November 1963, and the Soviet space programme reigns supreme. Having sent the first animals, then the first men beyond Earth’s atmosphere, now they’re sending…

5 22 Sep 2013

Big Finish 177 Daleks Among Us

Twenty years ago, the Daleks did not invade Azimuth. There was no war. There were no death camps. A man named ‘the Doctor’ did not help liberate Azimuth…

2 22 Sep 2013

The Light at the End (Standard Edition)

November 23rd 1963 proves to be a significant day in the lives of all eight Doctors… It’s the day that Bob Dovie’s life is ripped apart…

22 14 Sep 2013

The Companion Chronicles 8.03 Upstairs

When the TARDIS lands in a dilapidated attic, the Doctor, Vicki and Steven discover they are on Earth, in London… in Number 10 Downing Street…

0 13 Sep 2013

Big Finish 176 Starlight Robbery

Sick of the same-old slaughter-appliances? In need of a killer new killing-machine? Then look no further than Garundel Galactic’s secret arms auction. Blasters, tanks..

1 2 Sep 2013

Big Finish 175 Persuasion

The Umbrella Man is back. But when the Doctor recruits UNIT’s Scientific Adviser Elizabeth Klein for an off-the-books mission to the apocalyptic final days…

0 1 Sep 2013

Big Finish The Light at the End Vinyl LP

This is a four-disc limited Special Edition vinyl release, in deluxe premium packaging, which includes a stunning array of professional photos of the cast….

20 16 Aug 2013

The Companion Chronicles 8.02 The Alchemists

Some of the greatest scientific minds are gathering here: Einstein, Heisenberg, Planck, Schrödinger, Wigner. The people who will build the future of planet Earth…

0 13 Aug 2013

The Companion Chronicles 8.01 Mastermind

There’s also a prisoner in the Vault. An extraterrestrial known as the Master. He has been on Earth for some time, but now he’s under lock and key…

0 13 Jul 2013

Big Finish Gallifrey: Series 6 Box Set

Having infiltrated the Axis, the Daleks have secured access to a myriad alternative realities and, with them, countless Gallifreys… every one with…

32 12 Jul 2013

The Companion Chronicles 7.09

The Doctor, his companion Jo Grant and the Brigadier face their strangest case yet – a Saturday night TV show that has been invaded by aliens…

23 21 Feb 2013

Big Finish Gallifrey: Series 5 Box Set

With Romana and Narvin ruling New Gallifrey from the heart of the capitol, their former friend Leela now lives as an Outsider, existing in the wastelands

5 5 Feb 2013

